Marianne hits a home run . . .

Email from her campaign:

Dear Marilyn,

Mike Gravel served as a United States Senator from Alaska from 1969 to 1981 and is a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.

You may not have heard of him because he hasn't yet qualified for any debates. But his voice is important.

During his time in Senate, he garnered wide respect for his unabashed opposition to the Vietnam War and for reading the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record, risking expulsion from the Senate.

Democracy is, by definition, for the people and by the people. Democracy thrives when brave men like Mike Gravel risk their careers to do what's just and right.

That's why diverse and provocative voices like Gravel's are so important to move the debates and conversation about our nation's peace and prosperity forward.

Thanks to you, I'm on the debate stage. And that's why today I'm using this platform, granted to me by you, to ask for your help.

Gravel is only 10,000 donations short of qualifying for the July debates.

Please send him to the July debate stage by donating $1 to the Mike Gravel campaign here.

Thank you for your commitment to articulating and amplifying the ideas that matter most.

All my best,


This is all for the greater good.

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smiley7's picture

Need a link, a dollar i can afford and will happily contribute. Cheers.

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snoopydawg's picture


Mike Gravel

He ran in 2008 and at one of the debates he took ByeDone, Herheinous and Obomber to task over their warmongering ways. At first all 3 of them laughed, but not by the time he got finished.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

smiley7's picture


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polkageist's picture

I remember him and the Pentagon Papers. We couldn't do better. How can you not like an 80-some-year-old who has a high school senior as his campaign manager? We need people who can think outside the neocon box. Please send him a donation.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

skod's picture

@polkageist A bona-fide peace candidate.

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karl pearson's picture

@polkageist Mike Gravel's campaign website shows the $$ spent on "regime change" war since 2001. It's close to $5.5 trillion. It's not a stationery number, either.

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snoopydawg's picture

@karl pearson

He's asking for ideas and he said some of it will go to Flint. Swell guy.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

stage in the first place. Gravel should be in her place for sure.

I recognized her name from my new age phase days. She is tied to the Institute of Noetic Sciences and master con artist Deepak Chopra. I'll leave it to others to do their homework on the Institute and Mr. Chopra. Bottom line, she comes from a place of deep religious woo, as evidenced here in this interview about A Course in Miracles, written by a woman who said she was channeling Jesus.

There is a strong cult like following to Williamson's candidacy. On the surface there is much to admire in her actions (like this Gravel endorsment) and some of her thinking, but the underneath of all that is scary to me... probably because I bought into all that stuff for a long time.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

mhagle's picture

@Fishtroller 02

Marianne is a Jew. The Course in Miracles is simply about love and forgiveness. That's all. No need to fear it.

I just like her voice being out there. A love and forgiveness voice. Something to counter the religious right hate voice.

I will vote Bernie, but really appreciate Tulsi, Mike, Andrew, and Marianne.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

wendy davis's picture

@Fishtroller 02

approach, and a related group maps pings of changing consciousness, not just 'good or bad', and records them in brain paint images. i've downloade a number of them, and often have one that my psych/spirit on my desktop to reflect upon.

i'd thought that this group was the originator of 'the noosphere' which i'd taken to mean: global collective consciousness'. that metaphor to me was akin to whales thousands of miles apart physically were able to learn new whale songs...psychically, i guess would be the term. but as it turns out, that term was coined by

'a postulated sphere or stage of evolutionary development dominated by consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal relationships (frequently with reference to the writings of Teilhard de Chardin)'.

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@wendy davis

The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) is an American non-profit parapsychological[1] research institute. It was co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell,[2][3][4] along with Wernher von Braun,[1] investor Paul N. Temple,[5] and others interested in purported paranormal phenomena,[1] in order to encourage and conduct research on noetic theory and human potentials.[6][7]
The institute conducts research on such topics such as spontaneous remission,[8][9] meditation,[8] consciousness, alternative healing practices, consciousness-based healthcare, spirituality, human potential, psychic abilities, psychokenesis[9] and survival of consciousness after bodily death.[10][11] . . .

Paul Temple helped fund The Fellowship Foundation, a secretive U.S.-based religious and political organization founded in 1935 by Methodist minister Abraham Vereide.[4][5] Paul N. Temple was an insider “core member” of the Fellowship Foundation and/or Institute for Christian Leadership since the 1940s. . . . Now if you have not read The Family by Jeff Sharlet, then I highly suggest that you do. The Family is one of the most insidious religious groups in the country and has quite a hold on our government and military institutions. Jeff's exposure of this was a best seller.

I was a member of NSI for several years (saw Edgar Mitchell speak and got my book autographed) until I started working for a major particle physics facility and found that the physicists LOATHE Deepak Chopra and that Institute for their total distortion of particle physics science in order to promote their theories on consciousness. It is NOT science and it has no basis in evidence. It's pseudoscience. That kind of thinking is dangerous to a world starved for rationality and reason. When I finally realized what I was following, I wrote some challenging letters to the editor of the IONS magazine and walked out the door.

Here is a good essay on the Dean Radin "global consciousness" theory and how his "science" isn't science.

Believe what you want, but at least know what is behind your beliefs and who is hawking those ideas.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

wendy davis's picture

@Fishtroller 02

it's thought i'd linked to the institute of noetic sciences website, but i hadn't. the site may be better that the wiki on the organization.

wish i could say i care to make the time to read your link, but given that i'm jammed for time, and not wedded to the group... but deep-pockets chopra does slay me; i'd either never known or had forgotten he's in that group. but thanks for bringing it, amigo.

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mhagle's picture

@Fishtroller 02

I have never been all in with him.

This seems flakey to me (from your link):

Their theory is that somehow, the collective consciousness of all the emotional or psychological energy of people focused on the chosen event, somehow affects the random number generators.

The love, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, peace, etc. I'm all in with that part.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

@mhagle @mhagle and Marianne I view as mostly about peace and love and spiritual wellbeing, overall positive voices in the public sphere. I don't subscribe to MW's Course on Miracles nor am I a God-believer, nor do I care much about the IONS. But I do credit astronaut Edgar Mitchell for his open-mindedness and curiosity. And as for Marianne, when you scrape away some of the New Age veneer she occasionally flashes, you see an intelligent woman of substance.

I do find many of the professional skeptics to be so closed-minded as to be unable to objectively analyze evidence that contradicts their rather narrow world view. The same could be said for a number of scientists too, in various fields, some fields worse in considering new ideas and evidence than others. Other fields, like environmental science, seem far more honest and credible.

Btw, am I the only one who is a bit surprised that Mike Gravel, who didn't qualify for the June debates requiring 65k donors, is only 10k donors away from making the July debates? He has 120k unique donors already??? Has Marianne qualified yet for July?

[Edit: never mind -- apparently the higher threshold doesn't kick in until the Sept debates. July (2d round) has the same criteria as for June.]

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was Edgar Mitchell's book Way of the Explorer. I saw it in a bookstore and read the jacket. I was floored because the experience he described in space (the strong sense of interconnectedness of the whole universe, etc) was something I had experienced in a time of deep fear. It was a weird experience and it only lasted a couple of minutes. So yes, his sense of asking questions and exploring the possibilities was great. I later came to the conclusion that what I experienced was a brain phenomenon caused by a surge of emotion created chemicals. It certainly had nothing to do with the supernatural or some kind of "interconnectedness" with anything outside my brain. Fast forward to the growth of the Institute. If you look on their website at the speakers for this year's convention, you will see Deepak Chopra (the bio is ridiculous) and some Baptist youth pastor. They still claim that they are all scientists, which is not only a laugh, but insulting to the legacy of Mitchell. Even though he got kind of spiritual about his experience, I don't think he would go so far as to say photons are conscious... at least not without a good deal of peer reviewed science. And that is the bottom line about all of this. These people make fantastic claims about the nature of the universe and do not hold themselves, their claims or each other to scientific standards of scrutiny. When I left, I wrote to Mitchell and told him how sad I was to see everything go into the guru woo stuff.
My concern about Marianne is not so much what she talks about (and no doubt she is intelligent), it is the money behind her and what it represents.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

wendy davis's picture

and a past tenner sent too mike gravel, he IS the peace candidate. from his website's Issues page:

Full Re-Engagement with Multilateral Institutions
Ending the Nuclear Threat
Non-Aggression Abroad
Departments of Peace and War
Bring Every Troop Home
Big Cuts in Military Spending
Committing to International Justice
Opposing Israeli Apartheid
Ending Support for Saudi Arabia
Banning Foreign Arms Sales
Making War Constitutional Again
A Peaceful Solution in the Korean Peninsula

(all the above interactive) then other bolded headings:

Attacking Poverty and Inequality
Justice for All
Fundamental Political Reform

thanks for bringing this, mhagle.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@wendy davis Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies have published a thoughtful piece on the subject:

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