Reasons to Suspect that Seth Rich Participated in the Leaking of the DNC Emails to Wikileaks

The evidence that Russian intelligence hacked the DNC to provide the DNC emails which Wikileaks published is wholly unconvincing. In particular, the Guccifer 2.0 persona identified by the ICA and the Mueller report as the hacker, is clearly no Russian, and Mueller’s tale of how he allegedly transferred the emails to Wikileaks is overtly absurd.

Julian Assange has strongly hinted that Seth Rich could be the leaker, and offered a reward for info leading to the apprehension of his killer. He further asserts, quite definitively, that Russian government hackers were not the source.

Wikileaks has repeatedly retweeted essays implying that Seth was the leaker. It hasn't been my impression that Wikileaks is in the business of misleading people; their raison d'etre is to bring hidden truths to light.

Craig Murray, Julian’s close associate, assures us that the Wikileaks DNC and Podesta releases were the result of leaks by individuals with legal access to the material, not hacks.

The notion that the DNC emails were exfiltrated by a hacker is extremely hard to reconcile with the fact that Crowdstrike had installed its anti-hacking software Falcon on the DNC system in early May 2016, and yet the DNC emails published by Wikileaks were written as late as May 25th, and were exfiltrated in two batches on May 23rd and May 25th. Which implies that either Crowdstrike is grossly incompetent (in which case, why should we trust any of their conclusions?), or those emails were exfiltrated via leak.

Sy Hersh stated that he has a trusted source inside the FBI who told him that he had seen a secret FBI report regarding an analysis of Seth’s laptop, on which they found evidence that Seth had offered samples of DNC emails to WIkileaks and offered a much larger batch in return for payment; and that Seth subsequently had provided the DNC emails to Wikileaks via a drop box.

Larry Johnson, former CIA agent, claims that he has two inside sources that confirm this.

Kim Dotcom claims that Seth was the leaker, and that he assisted him in this effort.

Ed Bukowsky claims that a source close to Julian told him confidentially that Seth Rich was the source of the released DNC emails, and asked him to contact Seth's parents about this. Bukowsky claims that, when he informed Seth’s father about this, he said “I already know that”. It was only after the DNC "helpfully" provided the Rich family with "crisis consultant" Brad Bauman that the Rich family publicly denounced any suspicion that Seth had been the leaker. Reportedly, the Riches have become persuaded that the Wikileaks releases were responsible for the election of Trump, and they don't want to admit that Seth could have had anything to do with that.

In a new lawsuit filing, Ed Butowsky has revealed that the source close to Assange who informed him that Seth was the leaker, is Ellen Ratner, sister of Assange's deceased lawyer Michael Ratner. Allegedly, she had a long meeting with Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in which Julian requested that she inform Seth's parents about this. Ratner then passed along this mission to Butowsky, as she wanted to stay out of the matter.

The NSA has admitted, in a response to a FOIA request filed by attorney Ty Clevenger, that it has 32 pages of secret or top secret documents pertinent to communications between Seth Rich and other individuals – which of course it refuses to release. If the concern that Seth might have leaked the DNC emails is a wholly meritless “conspiracy theory”, as we are ceaselessly encouraged to believe by MSM, how to explain this?

Seth Rich was murdered, for no clear reason – no valuable belongings taken - several weeks after the DNC emails were exfiltrated from the DNC. The creator of the Guccifer 2.0 hoax would have had strong motivation to eliminate (or otherwise silence) the actual leaker, to prevent his hoax from being unmasked. Unmasking the hoax could have had a devastating impact on Hillary’s campaign.

Although Seth was reticent about expressing his political opinions –in line with the DNC’s stated policy – Jared Beck indicates that both Seth and Shawn Lucas were slated to testify in a class-action lawsuit against the DNC, organized by Beck, charging them with cheating on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Hence, Seth may have had the motivation to “blow the whistle” on the DNC’s conduct. Lucas, who served the papers for the lawsuit on the DNC, died mysteriously a month after Seth from a strange drug cocktail. Although his death was ruled "accidental", the possibility that he had been administered the cocktail surreptitiously was not ruled out; Lucas had not been known to use drugs. It is curious that, according to Hersh’s source, Seth had indicated that he had friends who knew about the drop box provided to Wikileaks. It is also curious that, the days after the deaths of both Seth and Shawn, Crowdstrike received payments of approximately $100K from the DNC. Sheer coincidence? – Maybe.

If Seth’s death was indeed a result of random street crime, the behavior of the DNC has been rather bizarre. Although – unlike Wikileaks – the DNC did not offer a reward for info leading to the apprehension of his murderer, they chose to send “crisis consultant” Brad Bauman to the Rich family to guide their interactions with the media. When private investigator Rod Wheeler, hired by the Rich family, began to question members of the DC police department about their investigation of the murder, someone at the department contacted the DNC’s Donna Brazile, who then called the Rich family to ask why Wheeler was “snooping around”. When a source for Matt Couch claimed that both Brazile and DC Mayor Bowser had been at the hospital at about 5 AM Sunday when the wounded Seth was brought in, Brazile lied about her whereabouts at the time, claiming she had been in Seattle. Aaron Rich was quite antagonistic to Wheeler, telling him to confine his efforts to investigating the “botched robbery” theory, and refusing to provide access to Seth’s computer.

Reporters have been stonewalled by the DC police when attempting to gain basic information about the murder, such as the autopsy and ballistics reports, and the hospital to which Seth was taken. Although the wounded Seth was reportedly conscious and talkative when found by the police, there has been no reporting as to whether he mentioned his assailants, and the body cam footage of the police at the scene has gone mysteriously gone missing. Wheeler was so unnerved by his experiences in his investigation that he provided this statement for Malia Zimmerman of Fox News: “I sincerely believe that there is an underground culture of corruption that exist within the confines of the nations capital that includes quite possibly the crime of murder. It’s time that the FBI immediately conduct a full and thorough investigation to not only the death and who caused the death of Seth Rich but those that he was involved with and others regarding the Democratic national committee.”

As to the source of the Podesta emails published by Wikileaks, Craig Murray assures us that the well known spearphishing of Podesta's computer is a red herring. Rather, he states that Podesta was being monitored by the NSA owing to his business ties to Ukraine. Someone in the NSA who had access to these emails - presumably someone upset with Hillary's campaign - leaked them to Wikileaks. Murray states that he had a meeting in Washington DC in September 2016 with someone involved in this leak - hence he may have privileged insight on this issue.

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snoopydawg's picture

Mueller’s tale of how he allegedly transferred the emails to Wikileaks is overtly absurd

was explained in the report by saying that someone from Trump's campaign gave Julian the information when they went to London. Did Robert get that information from the guardian article written by Luke Harding? If so, lol! Wikileaks debunked this article the minute it came out and no one from the Ecuadorian embassy or from London's many CCTV cameras showed any video evidence of it happening.

There are so many holes in this whole Russia Gate saga that I'm surprised anyone is believing it. Guess you cross posted this on ToP right?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg What is ToP?

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Mark F. McCarty

snoopydawg's picture


ToP...the other place. Or the great orange Satan..GoS.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Great idea. I'm sure I would garner endless plaudits there!

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Mark F. McCarty

Anja Geitz's picture

Have denied Seth's involvement with WikiLeaks, its a shame they lack the courage and moral conviction their son had.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

TheOtherMaven's picture

@Anja Geitz

A reminder from an old-time Illuminati game player: "Government" and "Criminal" are not opposites. They are sometimes co-attributes.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@TheOtherMaven Yes, allegedly the Riches are concerned that, if Aaron's role in the leak was discovered, he might be murdered too.

But I don't think that Seth was murdered in revenge. I think he was murdered to silence him and prevent him from unmasking the Guccifer2.0/Russiagate hoax which Hillary and minions were betting their campaign on. (Whether Hillary herself knew about this, I have no idea.) If the hoax were unmasked, murdering Aaron would only put the perpetrators in greater legal jeopardy.

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Mark F. McCarty

@Anja Geitz It's sad that they can't view Seth as a patriot who unmasked political treachery. I imagine that Brad Bauman's role was to insure that they looked at the matter from the DNC's point of view.

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Mark F. McCarty

Deja's picture

Was the info in the G2.0 leaks proven to be legitimate? I can't remember the difference between the 3 email sources (not leakers, but DNC vs Podesta vs G2.0 -- except that G2.0 is also a source, ugh). Can someone lay it out for me?

The creator of the Guccifer 2.0 hoax would have had strong motivation to eliminate (or otherwise silence) the actual leaker, to prevent his hoax from being unmasked. Unmasking the hoax could have had a devastating impact on Hillary’s campaign.

The G2.0 leaks were fake?

There was a heads up warning on a Sunday msm pol show, before the general election in 2016, about "fake emails" that the Russians were going to release. Thing is, I'm terribly confused about which dump they were referring to; and yes, the minute I heard it, I knew they were covering their asses ahead of time. I just didn't know it was the beginning of RussiaRussiaRussia and "fake news" but it was.

So, who's on first? Second? Third? And were they all legit emails/info, or were the G2.0 ones fake?

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@Deja The documents which G2.0 himself posted were, to the best of my knowledge, genuine. What distinguished them were the fact that none of them were harmful to Hillary. Rather odd behavior for a Russian hacker supposedly tasked with destroying Hillary!

However, the first documents which G2.0 posted - including Trump Oppo Research - which he claimed were from the DNC, were in fact discovered to be attachments to Podesta emails. This screw up demonstrates that Crowdstrike and G2.0 were collaborating in a hoax. Crowdstrike first announces - the DNC has been hacked, probably by Russians, and they took Trump Oppo Research. Then G2.0 makes his first public appearance THE NEXT DAY, claiming to have hacked the DNC, posting the Trump Oppo Research document (not from the DNC!), and intentionally putting "Russian fingerprints" on the meta-data of his posted documents. A very clumsily executed scam. Oh what a tangled web they wove!

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Mark F. McCarty