In this Dec 2016 Podcast with Scott Horton, Craig Murray confirms that both the DNC and Podesta email releases were LEAKS from Americans with legal access to the emails
Originally posted Apr 17, 2019
Here is the podcast:
Here a recent tweet in which Murray confirms the accuracy of a comment by Steven Athearn:
Having listened to the podcast myself, I can verify that Murray confirms that the DNC and Podesta emails were LEAKED by Americans who had legal access to them — and that there were two separate sources. Murray indicates that Podesta was being monitored by American intelligence owing to his consultancy for Saudi Arabia, and hints that the source had legal access to this surveillance (and hence works for US intelligence); in particular, he denies that a phishing email sent to Podesta had anything to do with the leak. Murray implies that he has direct personal knowledge about this source, owing to his visit to Washington DC during Sept 2016, where he met with the leaker or an affiliate of the leaker for reasons Craig chooses not to divulge. (Elsewhere, Murray has stated that the Daily Mail got it wrong when they claimed that he had been given a thumbdrive with the Podesta emails to carry back to Wikileaks — that Wikileaks already had those emails at the time.)
One can also infer from Murray that the DNC emails came from a DNC source, but he neither confirms nor denies that this was Seth Rich. However, he hints that Seth may have been murdered because someone thought Seth was the source. (I presume that this latter point is supposition on his part.)
I hadn’t previously heard this podcast. It adds important detail to Murray’s contention in print that the Wikileaks releases resulted from leaks, not hacks.
Bear in mind that Murray lost his position as British Ambassador to Uzbekistan (i.e. Herman Cain’s Bekibekibekistan) because he blew the whistle on political torture in that country, contrary to the UK’s wishes. Like his friend Assange, he is a truth teller, not a fabulist. I would believe him a thousands times before I would believe the documented perjurors responsible for concocting the Jan 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) fingering Russian intelligence as the source of the Wikileaks releases.
This ad hoc document was assembled by hand-picked minions of Brennan and Clapper — not “the Intelligence Community”, which would have required a formal National Intelligence Assessment — and its unclassified version contained not a shred of evidence documenting its claims, but did contain a disclaimer noting that its assessment should not necessarily be confused with confirmed facts. The credibility of the classified version of this report is not enhanced by the fact that Brennan chose to include the inherently risible Steele Dossier as an appendix.
Here is a recent essay by Ray McGovern in which he comments mordantly on this ICA:
RAY McGOVERN: Unaccountable Media Faced with Dilemma in Next Phase of Deep State-gate
In particular:
In fact, that “Intelligence Community Assessment” stands out as the most irresponsible, evidence-free and at the same time consequential crock of intelligence analysis since the National Intelligence Estimate of Oct. 2002 claimed there was WMD in Iraq. Recall that that one was shaped by out-and-out fraudulent intelligence to “justify” an attack on Iraq six months later.
In regard to Seth Rich, it is illuminating to listen to Sy Hersh’s secretly taped phone call with Ed Butowsky in which he indicates that, according to a source inside the FBI whom he trusts, the FBI examined Seth’s laptop and learned that Seth had transferred the DNC emails to Wikileaks via drop box, after negotiating a deal for Seth to be paid.
Seymour Hersh discussing Wikileaks DNC leaks Seth Rich & FBI report
And in a recent video, NSA veteran Bill Binney notes that he has two inside sources that confirm the essence of Sy’s claim regarding Seth’ contacts with Wikileaks:
Can Timing and Technology Shatter Russian Hack Fake News?
(Go to the 8:30 mark — Binney inadvertantly refers to “Seth” when he means “Sy”.)
It is also notable that the NSA has 32 pages of secret/top secret documents on Rich, as confirmed by a response to a FOIA request — a fact which is rather difficult to square with the MSM’s unremitting efforts to portray the contention that Seth was involved in the DNC leak as a ridiculous and cruel conspiracy theory.
So Why Does the NSA Have 32 Pages of Secret/Top Secret Documents on Seth Rich?
As I’ve noted previously, there is excellent reason to suspect that our intelligence agencies had been monitoring communications to Wikileaks, and had learned that someone was planning to release DNC emails to Wikileaks. If Sy’s informant was right in asserting that Rich had contacted Wikileaks with some teaser emails and had asked for payment for an upcoming major leak, it is reasonable to suspect that NSA would have intercepted this and warned the DNC about it. After this tip was conveyed to the DNC, the DNC and/or its hire Crowdstrike may have decided to blame the Russian government for any subsequent release of damaging info. Crowdstrike then entered the DNC servers and concocted evidence that the GRU had hacked the DNC servers. (We can reasonably suspect this evidence was concocted because the compilation date of two of the pieces of malware implanted on the server post-dated the time that Crowdstrike entered the server, as cyberanalysts have established; yet the DNC claims that Crowdstrike was brought in to investigate a recent hack.) Another strong reason to suspect that Crowdstrike’s hacking claim is bogus is that Crowdstrike had installed their anti-hacking software Falcon on the DNC servers in early May — yet the latest-written DNC email published by Wikileaks was dated May 25th; anti-hacking software protects against hacks, but not leaks! (Naturally, our MSM have never bothered to report this small detail. Perhaps they just assume that the DNC-hired computer security firm whose uncorroborated assertions form the sole basis of the hacking charges against Russia — assertions which our MSM regard as unassailable fact — is utterly incompetent.)
Then on June 12, 2016, Assange announced that Wikileaks was about to release ‘upcoming links in regard to Hillary Clinton”. Soon thereafter, Crowdstrike announced publicly that the DNC had been hacked — likely by “the Russians” — and Guccifer 2.0 made his first appearance, proclaiming himself to be the hacker and releasing a Trump oppo research document that Crowdstrike claimed had been stolen — while intentionally planting “Russian fingerprints” on his releases. (We can deduce that our intelligence community had tipped off the DNC to the leak, because otherwise how would Crowdstrike and G2.0 have known that the “upcoming links in regard to Hillary” referred to DNC emails?)
How Did Crowdstrike/Guccifer 2.0 Know that Wikileaks was Planning to Release DNC Emails?
We can reasonably surmise that the DNC subsequently learned, or thought they had learned, that Seth was the leaker — whether owing to US intelligence unmasking Seth to them, or through their own devices — and Seth was soon thereafter murdered. Not just to punish Seth — they could after all have just fired him and sued him — but to prevent him from unmasking the Russian hacker hoax that was now key to Hillary’s campaign strategy. Those who find it hard to believe that Hillary’s acolytes would perpetrate such an atrocity should contemplate the fact that Hillary may well be the most blood-drenched woman in history, playing key roles in the utter destruction of Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and the current carnage in Honduras — with millions of innocents slaughtered, maimed, or exiled. (No wonder she was considered “highly qualified” for the U.S. Presidency!)
Then there is the curious but readily testable assertion by Matt Couch that both Donna Brazile and Mayor Muriel Bowser were at the hospital at 5 in the morning Sunday when the critically wounded Seth Rich was brought it. The Washington DC authorities have refused to investigate this, no doubt because Couch’s informant is anonymous and the MSM wouldn’t pick up the story. This claim might be wholly without merit — but why then did Donna tell a demonstrable lie about her whereabouts to deny the claim? Are we to believe that she didn’t recall where she was when she learned her “son” Seth had died?
Why Did Donna Lie (Again)?
With respect to Mueller, it is evident that his so-called investigation of “Russian interference” in the 2016 election is an overt farce and cover-up, as he has never attempted to interview Assange, Murray, or Kim Dotcom, all of whom know or claim to know the sources of the Wikileaks DNC and Podesta releases. Moreover, his press release indictments of “Russian agents” for hacking these emails can readily be shown to be bogus. By engaging in chicanery to sustain slanders against Russia, Mueller effectively is reprising his war criminal role in the lead up to the Iraq invasion, when he helped sell to the nation the Saddam’s WMDs hoax.
Mueller’s New Indictment — Do the Feds Take Us for Idiots?!
Will the broader American public ever be apprised of these inconvenient facts? That’s doubtful — but stay tuned.