Monday OT: July 1 is International Tartan Day

July 1 is the 182nd day of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Boomtime, Confusion 36, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count

So today, The Church burned some wrong thinkers. Esch and Voes' burnings were actually at the hands of Church authorities. This was not the case for Francois Jean de-la Barre, who bought it at the hands of the so-called secular authorities.
So what does it mean that de-la Barre's torture murder was, as any good apologist will tell you, done by the secular authorities. This was a principal guilt shifting dodging scam perpetrated by the Church of Rome throughout its early history both during and outside of formal Inquisitions. They would accuse somebody of blasphemy, heresy or other thought crime, and then leave it to the secular authorities whose job it was to enforce and carry out Church law to do exactly that, which was normally done by torturing suspects until they confessed, then killing or exiling them and taking their assets which were then turned over to the church. There are many versions of de-la Barre's tale, but they all include that he was guilty of at lest one blasphemous act, for which, possibly in addition to others, he was tortured, beheaded and burned with a copy of Voltaire's Dictionnaire philosophique nailed to his body, that of failing to remove his hat when a procession of the Corpus Christi went by. (This is some sort of cracker carried through town in an ornate sedan chair, some of which are valuable and guady beyong belief.)
The creation of the Congo Free State, and its eventual annexation by the Belgian government in 1908 set the stage for a whole host of later wars and horrors, but the horrors perpetrated under Leopold himself were truly incredible. Conrad's Heart of Darkness is loosely based on, and not remotely evocative or descriptive of the enormities perpetrated therein. The Horror, The Horror indeed.
The Phoenix program was your basis quintessential CIA bag of criminality and horrors. Infiltration, spying, lying, armed raids on peaceful civilian villages, kidnapping, torture, assassination, more torture, and, generally, terrorism. The perps claim over 80,000 VC "neutralized" which probably means at least 2,000 bona fide VC murdered without any trial or any evidence beyond somebody identifying them under torture and over 80,000 probable civilians murdered. The admitted, formal start and end dates were 65 to 72, but we were doing that before 65 and after 72. We eventually left, so, unlike cointelpro, we can be sure that it did, at some point, actually end and not simply get renamed or continued without a formal name and budget. And, to this day nobody has yet been able to come up with a remotely credible answer to one simple question about Nam, what the hell were we over there killing people for?
The CIA cut its teeth on war crimes and crimes against humanity in Iraq overhtrowing Mossadegh, and feeding anybody suspected of insufficient idolatry toward the US and the Shah to the SAVAK. It is mankind's history of shit like that that led to the creation of the International Criminal Court in 2002, and the fact that it is a major mainstay of US behavior that led the US to refuse to recognize it or to accept that it has any authority over the US or any of its people.
Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...
On this day in history:
1523 – Johann Esch and Heinrich Voes were burned at the stake for thought crime by the Catholic authorities
1766 – François-Jean de la Barre was tortured and burned on a pyre for not saluting a Catholic procession
1858 – Joint reading of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace's papers on evolution to the Linnean Society of London.
1863 – The Battle of Gettysburg began.
1870 – The United States Department of No Justice became official
1885 – The Congo Free State was established, proving Leopold II to be a master of NewSpeak
1922 – The Great Railroad Strike of 1922 began. A Nationwide strike, boyz and girls, can you say Nationwide Strike?
1957 – The International Geophysical Year began
1958 – Flooding of Canada's Saint Lawrence Seaway began
1968 – The CIA's Phoenix Program officially began government sponsored terrorism and crimes against humanity galore
1979 – The Sony Walkman was introduced.
2002 – The ICC was established to prosecute non-US and Israeli individuals for crimes against humanity and shit
Born this day in:
1646 – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, mathematician and philosopher.
1804 – George Sand, author and playwright
1869 – William Strunk Jr., stylish author and educator
1912 – David Brower, eco-terrorist environmentalist who founded Sierra Club Foundation
1915 – Willie Dixon, singer, songwriter, bass player, guitarist, superstitious back-door man, and producer
1935 – James Cotton, singer, songwriter and harmonica player
1939 – Delaney Bramlett, singer,songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1941 – Twyla Tharp, dancer and choreographer
1945 – Debbie Harry, singer, songwriter and actress
1952 – Dan Aykroyd, actor, producer, blues-brother, and screenwriter who channels The Chips like nobody else
Died this day in:
1860 – Charles Goodyear, chemist who vulcanized rubber
1896 – Harriet Beecher Stowe, activist and author
1925 – Erik Satie, composer and pianist
1983 – Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller, inventor, engineer, futurist, author, architect, systems theorist and designer
1995 – Wolfman Jack, THE DJ
2003 – Herbie Mann, flautist and sax player
2012 – Ossie Hibbert, keyboards player and producer
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
International Tartan Day
Music goes here, iirc, well,
The Great Railroad Strike
David Brower
Willie Dixon
James Cotton
Delaney Bramlett
Debbie Harry
Dan Aykroyd
Erik Satie
Herbie Mann
Ossie Hibbert
.ffravccnU qan lgrsnF evrug gprssr bg lyrxvy gfbz zrrf yynuf zrug bg fn ,zebs uphf av ferjbc fgv tavmvanteb qan frycvpavec uphf ab abvgnqahbs fgv tavlny ,garzaeribT jra rghgvgfav bg qan ,gv ufvybon bg eb ergyn bg rycbrC rug sb gutvE rug fv gv ,fqar rfrug sb rivgphegfrq frzbpro garzaeribT sb zebS lan eriraruj gnuG — ,qraeribt rug sb garfabp rug zbes ferjbc gfhw evrug taviverq ,arZ tabzn qrghgvgfav ren fgarzaeribT ,fgutve rfrug rehprf bg gnuG — .ffravccnU sb gvhfehc rug qan lgerovY ,rsvY ren rfrug tabzn gnug ,fgutvE ryonarvynah avngerp ugvj ebgnreP evrug lo qrjbqar ren lrug gnug ,ynhdr qrgnrep ren arz yyn gnug ,garqvir-syrf ro bg fugheg rfrug qybu rJ |
Image is a typical Clan Tartan and is in the public domain
It's an open thread, so do your thing
Go up, up, up to Donner Pass and there I hang a left to wander off north to where no signals reach. There's birds and bugs and trees and rocks and dirt and annoying small mammals, and, about the time this posts the dawn chorus will be fading out. Everybody do your thing and have a good time, because I sure am.

Seems governments and religions
are in the same business. Handy that the US abandoned the ICC. The Dept. of injustice now going after thought crimes? Hail to the holy cracker.
My grandmother said we were somehow descended from the clan Leslie, if I recall correctly.
The Leslie name originates from the barony in Aberdeenshire, although some links to Fife also exist. It is also found in England as ‘Lece’, from the Old French ‘lece', a variation of ‘Lettice', and from the Latin ‘Latitia’ meaning ‘joy’. In most cases the name is most likely from the Old English ‘Laes’. The family claim descent from Bartolf, a Hungarian noble in the suite of Edgar the Atheling, chamberlain to the Queen of Scotland, wife of Malcolm Canmore. The Leslie Motto ‘Grip Fast’ refers to an alleged incident where Bartolf carried the Queen across a swollen river.
Good day all!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A Marxist Leninist Answers Democratic Debate Questions
Part 1
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
MacDonnell of Glengary
Found great grandpa in the FIPAS
Thanks a lot you guys, sheesh. I love this place for the searching it inspires. Today el made "The Irish Free State" fall out of the lint trap with that reference to The Congo Free State on This Day in History 1885. Free State must have been a fashionable thing to say before enslavement, or something. I love tartans and their meanings. The Debian Project has an official tartan, some where their kilts to the annual conference.
Back off topic to The California Free State I did math surgery on this bio about my grandpa, and came up with age 26. Then I searched and found Martin Griffin, age 26 in the
Famine Irish Passenger Record Data File (FIPAS), 1/12/1846 - 12/31/1851
Wow I feel really lucky to have found that, you guys rock. I am currently 'under an absentee landlord' too. huh
imperialism goes around comes around
Take Me Back to Galway
[video: width:450]
As a child I woreTartan scottish kilts,
I had no idea that would make me a member of a clan. What kind of clans were those? Mafioso or religious extremists ? Or both? Or simply the clan of nice people?
I liked my scottish kilts. They were very convenient to open and close, gave you lots of freedom to jump and run around and usually you didn't see dirty spots on them easily.
What more could you ask for as a child?
PS and thanks for the history lessons included here today. I love this place for it.
and I adore the music videos. Sigh.
My father's family
emigrated from Scotland in the late 1800's. My great grandfather was a boiler maker by trade and came to the United States to work for a large company in the coal industry. My grandfather, who was the youngest child, was the only member of his family born in the United States. Their last name was Craig but there is no Craig clan to my knowledge. If all the Craigs were like my grandfather, they were probably too bull headed to belong to a clan.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Clan Craig...
Clan Craig
I'm watching Outlander right now
Where plaid, clans, and the Scottish rebellion weave a pretty compelling story. Never knew much about Scottish history, or the tyranny of English occupation, but I sure am enjoying the scenery of the Scottish highlands, and one fine looking man in a kilt.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
an old saying
I like the tilt of your kilt.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Outlander is entertaining, but needless to say is
greatly romanticized. Which is not to say that Garabaldon has not done her homework. She appears to be one of those maniac writers who can produce simply unfathomable volumes of text.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
That's the best part!
The romance *swoon*
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
as you probably realize, that's not the romanticizing
i was talking about.
i was talking about the presentation of mid-18th century highland scotland as something other than a poverty-stricken, pestilential, louse- and flea-ridden hell hole of violence, illiteracy, hunger, and injustice.
i also assume that everybody knows that the whole nonsense of clan tartans was invented out of whole cloth (*cough*) by walter scott in the early 1800s, in return for which they built him a very nice monument in edinburgh.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I think the idea was already in the air
and Scott simply grabbed it as it went by him. (He did a lot of that.)
The idea of "everybody in the same group wears the same tartan" seems to have developed out of the 18th century Highland regiments, who were, at the time, the only people allowed to wear tartan at all. Each regiment quickly developed their own sett, and when, in 1782, the ban on tartan was repealed, Scottish civilians started wanting "their own tartan" too.
Most of what we "know" about tartans comes from a couple of 19th century fraudsters who wrote a supposedly "authoritative" book on the subject.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I had an urban history teacher once tell me
That the "romantic" notion of living in another time interested her not at all. The two reasons she gave were that your neighbors would most likely be terrible busybodies, spying and gossiping about what ever you did, and that the smells of any 18th/19th century city would curl your hair.
People think dog excrement on city streets is a nuisance? Image the amount of excrement 100,000 to 200,000 horses left on the streets everyday?
So, yeah, I get the idea that bye-gone memories of the Scottish Highlands as depicted in Outlander is a "cleaner" version of realty, but I still can't help swooning over the, er, other Scottish attributes the show presents.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good morning, e.l.!
Or actually, afternoon where I am.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
for what it's worth, dKos having a Biden dispute...fascinating!
the owner has declared that Biden's candidacy is over, others are mad at Harris and defending states rights about busing. That's what I call an internecine fight among Republicans!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Here is one of my favorite tartans.
In 1970, as part of the celebrations of Manitoba's centennial, we were issued cub scout neckerchiefs in this tartan.
To my dismay I lost mine, which I was using as a bandanna, while hitchhiking in Scotland in 1983.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.