Tulsi Post-Debate Rise (Updated)
Update: Tulsi Now at 89,051 donors as of 10:46 PM Pacific Time according to the front page of Tulsi2020.com. That's a gain of about 2,000 in the past day--the pace continues.
One hour before her debate appearance, Tulsi had 81,880 unique donors to her campaign. As of yesterday, she had 87,071, a rise of 5,191 donors in less than 3 days. A definite spike in her rate of gain.
She has about 2 months to reach the 130,000 unique donor goal, so again, if you know people who might have watched the debate, had a favorable impression of Tulsi, but who have not yet donated, please give them encouragement, even if it is only $1.
Tulsi2020.com is the easiest way to get to a donation page.
We have not had any post-debate polling yet--probably on Monday we'll start to see that. I find it very interesting that Tulsi polled at 3% recently in Texas, and at 3% in a The Economist/YouGov national poll before the debates. Considering she had been polling in the 0%-2% range before, she has been making some headway.
I think the debates did have an effect on people. My personal take is that Biden and Bernie lost some momentum there (Harris destroyed Biden, and Bernie just did not come across very effectively), and where will people on the fence about those two move?
Tulsi's campaign will next be spending time in New Hampshire from July 4-6.
Out of the first 4 states, I think New Hampshire might be Tulsi's toughest. Perhaps it is because Bernie and Warren are from around that neck of the woods--not sure really. But I hope she spends much more time in Iowa, Nevada, and South Carolina, not to mention SuperTuesday states like California, Colorado, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Maine, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Utah, etc., where Biden might have held a lock, but debate performances might have loosened his grip a lot and where a being soldier might resonate.

It may be late in the week or early the following week before we see polls published that were talking to people after the debates.
As pathetic as this "debate" format is, it does give people an actual look at the candidates, in many cases for the first time. It does change some minds and move the numbers.
I think what we're going to see is an increase in "undecided". People who were responding to pollsters with votes for Biden will be reconsidering, most of them won't jump to a new candidate so soon.
More exposure for Gabbard can only help her. She did a fine job in her debate, I'm sure her numbers will climb a bit.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I'm looking forward to the new polls, as if it's sports
rah team, and all that.
It's pretty clear that the Drudge polls were freeped, as a giggle, by wingers. A good argument can be made that polls are harmful.
Fun fact
I got polled by PPP this afternoon (not about the debates). I wonder if Colorado is in play again. A few years back (2004 cycle??) I was getting polled constantly, PPP twice a week or more, several other outfits as well. Maybe a half dozen polls a week. They only talk to a few hundred people and for whatever reason, every pollster in the damned country decided I had my finger on the pulse of the nation. Half a percent of every poll was me.
If that doesn't make you doubt polls, nothing will.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I just got polled by CNN
They asked to survey the youngest female in my home over the age of 18.
A wild guess, but I think they are trying to see if young women voters are impressed with Warren.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Cell phone or land line?
Just curious.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
I guess it was worth the money to hear me tell them to fuck off.
Just this once, I thought this lady was in earnest. I heard her out, and we had a great time.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Land line
There's no cell reception here.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
apenultimate, thank you for keeping us updated. :-D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
man, 130k donors 14 months out from the national
election is a mighty high bar. she needs about 750 new donors a day, every day, if indeed the cutoff date is 60ish days from now.
i wonder how many will make it? for that matter, i wonder how many already have? Biden, O'Rourke, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg for sure. Booker, Castro, Gillibrand probably. Klobuchar maybe?
most of the rest are just taking up space, as far as I can tell -- they're contributing nothing to the debate at all, and they have no hope of winning substantial support.
meanwhile, i wouldn't be surprised if both Biden and O'Rourke are done and out before the next debate, destroyed by their own negatives. on the other hand, ego is a powerful thing, and even the ones whose stars are declining may insist on sticking it out through New Hampshire at least, in which case there could be a dozen or more still in the race come September, hopefully including TG.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Got an email
Bernie is already over 200k
As per an email the other day.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Trump should trade Bolton for Tulsi
Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi
Did any candidate even get asked about what they would do on foreign policy? The media sure hasn't been discussing anything to do with the numerous wars we have going on. Shocking I know.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Tulsi is being
excluded from certain polls and her name is not showing up in some media displays polling averages. Interesting but not surprising.
Also interesting and not surprising: both Andrew Yang and Marianne Williamson have complained that several times during the Thursday debate when they wanted to interject a comment their mics were cut off by NBC.
Mikes being cut off
We have a private corporation (the DNC) contracting with another private corporation (NBC) to put on a debate in which not all candidates had an equal opportunity to answer the same questions. But instead, some candidates were singled out with "gotcha" questions, while at least two candidates have complained that their mikes were cut off. During the Wed. debate, some Tulsi supporters said that the sound on her mike was lowered. It is odd that these glitches did not happen to the front runners, although I think Joe Biden would have preferred that.
These are the same people (the DNC and the MSM) who have charged that our "democracy" was compromised by Russian interference via Facebook memes and the publishing of DNC documents that no one has disputed the validity thereof.
The American people deserve to hear from ALL of the candidates, including those with whom we may not agree.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
And in Germany the mainstream media, including tax-supported TV,
just repeat whatever the DNC, the U.S. MSM, and the military-industrial complex say, taking it at face value.
Because NATO.
So they are ostentatiously anti-Trump, except that they’re right behind the Donald in lockstep when it comes to boosting Saudi Arabia and Israel, or starting new wars.
comparing US msm to German (public) msm is
like comparing Goliath to David .... but I never read the bible, so may be I am wrong.
David bravely challenged Goliath with a slingshot and a rock
Where are people in mainstream German media standing up to challenge bogus U.S. mainstream narratives?
Everyone seems to be afraid of saying something deemed politically incorrect and then being fired for allegedly harboring right-wing sympathies.
timid talk in your ears, but that's because it is
expected from them to have a tone-downed, non-rhetorical way of expressing themselves. Concerning German public TV news anchors, that's just how they have to work as professionals per their job contracts. Has nothing to do with "taking the US msm narrative at face value'. If they would do otherwise, they would engage in propaganda, pro US, pro NATO, pro EU or pro Russian or whatever, irrelevant. They have to report fact based and non-sensationalistically and non-emotionally inciting to the listeners and viewers.
And to say, especially in these last couple of weeks and months, that people writing or producing news pieces are afraid of getting fired for allegedly having right wing sympathies when talking politically correct, is beyond my understanding. What do you consider politically correct then? I think some might start to fear to getting fired, because they have neglected or covered up their knowledge about a right-wing violence potential in Germany. And I would say those forces in our police and security and military forces should definitely being held accountable for not taking xenophobe, racist and neo-nationalism seriously enough to recognize their potential to divide peoples and nations in the EU and Germany.
Who won? David, not with words, mind you.
I don't know, may be I don't understand you or I don't understand our public TV news producers and printed news writers. Or may be we read different news papers.
Here are a couple of items in the “Taz” that I agreed with
I agree with the first one about opinion leaders in Berlin and the MSM living in a bubble, preoccupied with the horse race for party posts and possible coalitions — out of touch with the experience of ordinary people in the provinces, for whom the world as they knew it is falling apart and making ends meet is getting harder and harder.
I agree with the second that part of the problem is immediately casting everything in absolute moral terms, making discussion impossible in that as soon as someone expresses an opinion to the right of one’s own position, their motives and character become suspect and one’s own emotional instinctive reaction is to see them as already being the moral equivalent of Nazis.
Tulsi's support of Narendra Modi has to be considered
I have been personally charmed and enamored by Tulsi's anti-war positions. And, after all, she was the person who introduced Bernie at the DNC convention in 2016. She's the person who left the DNC because she saw what scumbags they were. I have previously donated and "have the t-shirt."
But I am equally alarmed by her support of Narendra Modi, the leader of a Hindu nationalist movement in India that is even more insidious than MAGA. He's much smarter and even more powerful than Trump is here. Modi is personally responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Muslims in Gujarat (a state in India where I have temporarily resided, where I first-hand observed the suppression of the Muslim population and the proto-Fascist tactics of the Modi campaign).
Modi has been part of the international rightward movement to assert religious fundamentalism and, in this case, has moved India from being a secular state to a Hindutva nationalist nightmare.
I'm as troubled by Tulsi's support for Modi, as I am excited by her clarity on opposing endless wars. And, of course, I was delighted to see her take apart that windbag and charlatan Tim Ryan.
PS I also think that the candidates have to be held to strict accountability for support for Israel's genocidal policies and for their failures to critique Netanyahu or Bolsonaro of Brazil. It's all part of the whole. As far as I know, only Bernie has had the courage to critique Israel's state-sponsored genocide.
Agree Ms.Didi,
how do we the people stop the endless wars? If, in your opinion, electoral politics in general and all of the Democratic Party candidates specifically wont affect the change, and the "revolution" obviously isn't going to happen by 2020, how will the forever wars end?
Enlighten me please, because I agree that the endless wars need to end but I fail to see how we get there.
There is one candidate speaking out about the endless wars but the MSM and associates are performing their marginalization magic. Dinging any candidate that speaks out against war is helping to further that marginalization, IMHO.
Last election there was a candidate that spoke out about income inequality and now that has become the platform du jour for this primary. Hopefully getting the anti-war message in the MSM narrative and having it catch on could lead to the same result. At least it's something..
Are you saying no criticism of Gabbard on your blog?
I'm asking you...
what are the options?
Perhaps I can write something up later.
I'd like that
You both have valid points, and for whatever reasons, I'm connecting dots today that I hadn't been able to in the past.
JtC's point of maybe with Tulsi speaking up about regime change it can result in the policy actually getting airtime, the way Bernie's income equality did. It's a long, slow row to hoe, though. (Hey look! I'm rapping!)
Flipside: I had not made the connection between Tulsi's support for the islamophobic Modi, and the war OF terror, until now. You and Ms Didi helped with that, so thanks.
I almost wish I had never learned about election meddling by Americans (though some likely have dual citizenship), against Americans. I'd still think we could vote our way out of this mess. Unfortunately, I now know better, so I sit back and watch, feeling helpless. I'm also working poor, so throwing money at any of it is not an option.
Enjoy your family time. I'll check back in to see if your post is up tomorrow, if work allows.
Damn, I am just banging my head against a wall over and over
And honestly, I am about ready to quit posting again because I cannot for the life of me understand why one thing can be a disqualifier for something that is far larger. Feel free to criticize me as being a pollyanna. It won't be the first time that has happened in my life and won't be the last.
So here goes with my other comment for a second time.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@gulfgal98 I don't often reply
In life, as in dance, grace glides on blistered feet. ~Alice Abrams
There will always be people who disagree with you,
however reasonable your arguments seem.
Among other things, there will always be people who do not share your objectives, whatever those might be, and at whatever levels of abstraction.
Why let such folk annoy you? Shake your head and move on.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Please think twice
GG, your voice here is an important one to me and I most certainly do not want to lose the ability to hear it. I read everything you write, with the exception of days when I get too busy to read anything here by anyone at all.
Your experiences with the Peace Vigil, and the people you met and conversed with, remind me of my 35 years of working with and living alongside some very, very conservative Southern folks. I found that we have much in common, as you did. Often it surprised me.
For example, when Bernie started his first presidential campaign, I was quite literally shocked at how many diehard Republicans, Fox News addicts all, came to me with very sincere questions about Sanders. To say they were interested would be putting it mildly. A large percentage of these people probably would have voted for Sanders in the general, had they been given the opportunity. Remember, just recently when Bernie ventured into the Fox News studios to do a Town Hall thing, how he got rousing cheers from the crowd when he pushed Medicare for All -- and this was with a hand-picked hostile audience.
Maybe you could start an antiwar brainstorming thread
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl
Bernie or Bust. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.