Why is Tulsi defending Biden's racist past?
I haven't posted here in a couple of months but my last three essays here, here and here were very supportive of Tulsi Gabbard. But yesterday I had a wtf Tulsi? moment. She made the following post on Twitter:
If any of you are wondering what this is all about, here's a list of Biden's racist remarks that have been going on around lately that Tulsi felt she had to defend him for.
“I think the two-party system, although my Democratic colleagues won’t like my saying this, is good for the South and good for the Negro, good for the black in the South. Other than the fact that [southern Senators] still call me boy, I think they’ve changed their mind a little bit.”
I do not buy the concept, popular in the ’60s, which said ‘We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race.’ I don’t buy that. I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation. And I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.
As these and more links to Biden's support for racism surfaced, he felt the need to defend himself and did so in the worst way imaginable:
Mr. Biden noted that he served with the late Senators James O. Eastland of Mississippi and Herman Talmadge of Georgia, both Democrats who were staunch opponents of desegregation. Mr. Eastland was the powerful chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee when Mr. Biden entered the chamber in 1973.
He called Mr. Talmadge “one of the meanest guys I ever knew, you go down the list of all these guys.”
“Well guess what?” Mr. Biden continued. “At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.”
Eastland often spoke of blacks as "an inferior race".
It was to be expected that his political opponents said he was wrong to use segregationists as examples of bringing the two parties together. What wasn't expected was Tulsi, of all people, coming to his defense and making his plea for "civility". Afterall, it wasn't just Biden's recent rebuttal that was the issue here, it was his history of working with segregationists to ban busing. He wasn't just "civil" towards them, he actively pursued their help in carrying out their racist agenda.
In July of 1977 he wrote to Eastman:
"Dear Mr. Chairman,I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week's committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote."
He later thanked the man:
thank you again for your efforts in support of my bill to limit court ordered busing.
In the 90's he pushed for the "predator" laws that saw blacks jailed in record numbers. He said,
"It's a shame, but we don't know how to rehabilitate them....we have an obligation to cordon them off from the rest of society."
Thus began the mass incarcerations and the prison for profit system.
This comes at a time when the racists are cordoning off others from our society:
I was heartbroken to see Tulsi defending a racist creep. Heartbroken because it makes her either too naive to serve as president or just another politician giving us the old "bipartasanship" BS.
Wtf Tulsi?

Not sure why you're so shocked.
From Nixon's "I am not a crook" to Reagan's "Welfare Queens and Personal Responsibility" to Clinton's "The era of big gubmint is over" to Obama's refusal to prosecute the assholes who deliberately crashed the world economy to Sanders' capitulation to Billary and the Empire on Russia Russia Russia to Dipshit magically 'stopping' his attack on Iran, it's all theater.
That's how the Capitalist Party has operated since it was officially founded under Washington and his merry band of robber-barons. No worries, it won't be long before we hit this yet again:
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
From a 2007 article: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." (Watch Biden's comments and Obama's reaction Video)"
The link in the article to the video described in the quote is https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2007/01/31/snow.biden.blunder.affl However, the page says only
It could be you, or it could be us, but there's no page here.
Funny how that happens.
Biden also praised Strom Thurmond effusively when he gave one of Thurmond's eulogies. After Lott did that at Thurmond's 100th birthday party, Lott had to resign as Minority Leader.
Ever listen and watch Orrin Hatch give one of the eulogies at Ted Kennedy's funeral? The "jokes?" The anecdotes Hatch selected?
Kennedy had worked with him on SCHIP. They were supposedly friends. Kennedy had requested that he give a eulogy. But, boy, oh, boy, if you listened carefully and watched Hatch's expressions, you knew the subtext was "I'm here because I was asked and didn't want to say no, but I sure don't think a whole lot of Ted Kennedy."
I marvel at those who claim Biden cannot possibly be a racist because he was Obama's Vice President for eight years. I would not want to be POTUS, but I can't even imagine what would make me turn down the VP slot.
The Vice President doesn't live quite as high on the hog as does the President, but it certainly is eight years of luxury, prestige and being waited on hand and foot, plus a very nice salary and benefits. And, as Cheney noted, the duties of the VP consist only of presiding over the Senate and voting in the event of a tie and inquiring daily after the health of the President.
The Bidens didn't even have to move his life very far. He's long lived a commute from D.C. Had she wanted to, his wife could probably even have kept her teaching job in Delaware. That being VP would give him extra cred if and when he wanted to run for President (yet again) also had to have been an incentive to accept the position.
Maybe a member of the Klan would turn down the position of VP because the POTUS was black, but I'm not even sure of that. In any event, no one has accused Biden of being that extreme.
Were his "flattering" comments about Obama the archetype of a bigot condescendingly complimenting a black man, though? Damn skippy, they were. Was Strom Thurmond's legacy really "a gift to us all," including black people. Nope.
Still more comments from Biden that were questionable, at best: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/06/bidens-anachronisti...
As to why Gabbard defended him. I don't know. Yes, Senators have to be able to work with other Senators, even if they hate what their "colleagues" stand for. For example, Bernie and warmonger McCain jointly wrote and sponsored a veterans' health bill that the Brookings Institute used as a lesson in how to work across the aisle. But, a politician, whose words are his stock in trade, can moderate praise for a racist, even at the guy's birthday party or during his funeral service.
Found the video
Try this:
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Thanks, hawkfish!
It seems to me that TG is not addressing all of Biden's
racist past, she's only defending his remarks about maintaining some level of civility with people whose opinions may be deplorable, so that you can get important work done.
You can disagree with that opinion, but I think it's true that folks jumped on Biden's remarks as if they amounted to an endorsement of the people, rather than of the civility.
I also think it's true that the subsequent materials that have been put in front of us sure make it seem as if, at least back then, Biden's civility wasn't just a pragmatic construct -- but that's a different issue from the specific content of what he said a few weeks ago that got so many people so very angry.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
In the end I guess
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Civility matters
Tulsi is the best thing we have on the political horizon. She's making principled ends during her career, not simply starting with her presidential run, but with all her courageous moves--such as meeting Assad AND Trump.
Go, Tulsi!
Agree, AE, that TG's words appeared to defend
Plus, after reading John Lewis' Bio (in Wikipedia), I've had to ask myself--if he can be so forgiving of people--including the KKK--why shouldn't 'I' be able to muster a bit more understanding. After all, some of those statements aren't even dated. The lack of context 'might' make some difference in evaluating them.
Heck, I knew that Lewis had experienced a couple of serious trials and tribulations during this period, but, I had no idea that he suffered the number of violent, physical attacks that he endured.
I can't even imagine, or fathom it, frankly.
Maybe that's how Gabbard sees it, too.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
is what her Twitter posts were. IMHO, if she had only posted her #2 and #3, it would not have been so bad. But what she did was specifically defend Joe Biden and that is something I cannot condone. Is it a deal breaker for me personally? Not yet, because I am supporting her due to her anti regime change policies. IMO, until we address that one issue, we cannot address any problems we have here at home.
Regardless, it was still a major disappointment for me, especially when it was an unforced error on her part.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well, she supports the war on terror
If I bother to vote in the primaries, I will try to pick a candidate that most reflects my personal views, knowing none of them match up all that well.
She just doesn't inspire me, but no politician does anymore.
She might have capitalized on Biden's racism and gaffes.
She took it off the table.
You are correct. An unforced error.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I was reluctant to send her a donation to get her on stage.
Saw a post here the other day that said Tulsi was at 3%. 3% plus Warren's 12? is another 15% tacked onto Bernie. Why "real" progressives wouldn't join forces and unite to make damn sure they beat the corporate enemy is beyond me. Makes me question if their commitment is to principle or their careers. Tulsi and Warren, imo, should have endorsed Bernie and stood behind him to make sure the only one of them with the name recognition, track record, and ability to draw substantial crossover votes - enough to beat Trump - had the best shot at fighting Republicans and Democrats. Instead they compete against him setting him up for this, that, and another making the Party as happy as can be. Hmm...
Nope, don't trust Tulsi, Warren, or AOC. Somehow virtue always turns into money & power in their pockets. While I don't always like what Bernie does or doesn't do, I trust his motives. This is more than I can say about anyone else running for office.
Before it is pointed out, yes, I have heard that this is America and anyone can run for and become President. I don't believe the propaganda.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Apparently, Gabbard is a 'No Labels' Problem Solver--
or was.
That's about as 'bipartisan' as one can get.
Still, if she runs third party, I'll likely consider voting for her.
(If she'll disavow her association with NL.)
I wonder if 'aloha' has something to do with cooperation. I've heard Gabbard use that greeting, in that context, on more than one occasion.
LL will know.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
From Wikipedia and from what Tulsi herself had said
Tulsi is very spiritual. That is not necessarily religious in the sense of a specific religion like many of us understand. Spiritual is beyond religion and that is what I believe that "aloha" embodies.
As far as "No Labels," I am not sure how anyone can conclude that Tulsi is a member of that political group. Tulsi has often worked across party lines to try to effect legislation that is beneficial to the American public.
This is something I personally believe in. It is not about giving up my own ideals, but trying to find common ground with those who may self identify differently from me. As human beings, we have far more in common than our differences. This is something I learned from doing that weekly Peace vigil.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well, she's in a No Labels video at a "Rally To Make
Government Work!"
Here it is,
[No Labels, Published on Jul 23, 2013]
So, appears that she was either a member, or, strongly associated with the organization.
Again, I'm interested in her, too. That was in 2013.
If she's moved on, I have no problem with it. (No pun intended!
) IOW, it's not a deal killer. (for me)
Have a good one!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I was unaware
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hey, no probs. Accidentally ran across it last year. EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Moved on............what utter nonsense.
Warren moved on from being a Republican. Now Tulsi has moved on from No Labels. Obama has made me bitter, cynical and unwilling to trust anyone that hasn't "moved on" for at least the last 50 years.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I hear ya, DK. But, Bernie signed their 'Problem Solvers'
Pledge--as did most of the other final candidates, both Republican and Democrats, when he ran for President in 2016. (I posted a link to their class photo, at the time.)
Apparently, he and FSC lagged behind six other candidates, in doing so. IOW, they waited until the spotlight was off the big No Labels New Hampshire Forum, that got so much publicity. Even today, when you Google, the articles that come up are about the 'initial' six candidates, which didn't include them. I just happened to stumble across their photos when I was poking around the NL website, one day, or, I would never have known. And, I was following it!
BTW, Bernie participated in the NL Forum; FSC, skipped it, completely. Not that she fooled anyone, of course!
Here's the Pledge,
It's pretty well known that No Labels backs the Catfood Commission's (or, Bowles-Simpson) recommendations for 'reforming' so-called entitlements. So, don't 'trust' their language about 'securing' Social Security and Medicare.
But, more than that, I'm worried about what Bernie wants to do with Medicare. I won't expound on the deleterious effect that the ACA had on our health care coverage, right now, because I'm a bit pushed for time. Of course, thankfully, we aged into Medicare. Hey, we thank our lucky stars every day that Mr M collapsed two months after he enrolled in our current health care, meaning Medicare. If he hadn't, we'd have been out well over $100,000--at the very minimum. (at this time) Because of our current coverage, we've not spent one red cent on any medical services, surgeries, etc.
(Been taken to cleaners on RX, though. So, would luv to see an amendment to add that coverage to Traditional/Original Medicare.)
Then, there was the beginning of privatization of the VA that resulted from the 2014 VA Choice Act--Bernie led the negotiations, working with John McCain, and super right-winger Jeff Miller (former FL US Rep)--which doesn't help Mr M, at all. And, he is a Category 3 vet, having earned the benefit. The effect of that legislation has greatly diminished the medical services at our Regional VA Hospital (according to the RN's that I've spoken to, and, our friend we've visited there, when he had two surgeries). Currently, Mr M doesn't use the VA. But, he rather not see the benefit destroyed, in case he needs to do so, one day.
So, now, we're very leery of Bernie's aim to 'fix' Medicare--converting it into UMFA, and managed care.
Hey, imagine he means well. But, it doesn't change the fact that the results of his endeavors have not been at all helpful (to us).
Remember, Bernie, and many other lawmakers, get almost free healthcare from the OAP. (They pay a flat annual fee of $600 and some change, last time I saw the figure. That's it--no deductibles, co-pays, other OOP. Period.)
So, none of them even have to worry about Medicare, and/or other private insurance, at least, not while they're serving in Congress.
And, I know Bernie uses it, because, his OAP physician says so. Here's the link to a piece from the 2016 election cycle. (The actual letter from the physician, Dr/Admiral Brian Monahan, has been removed from his 2016 website.)
Anyhoo, we're just gonna try to get outta here (US), before there are any more 'reforms.' Fingers crossed!
Have a good one.
[Edited: Added "former US Rep"]
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
If I sounded terse or was rude, I'm sorry Mollie.
I am undergoing some things in my life that are stressing me out. When I compare my problems to others, I'm one lucky duck. Still, the stress is there and the crappy state off the world doesn't help any. So if I get or sound snippy, please forgive me. Sometimes it just spills out.
I don't disagree with any of the concerns you expressed. If they start screwing around with Medicare, who know what will be left. However, I also have 3 uninsured grandsons. One lives in Sweden and has health care, but he doesn't seem to want to use it. He uses his coverage under mom and dad just like the other two do. One is 26 in January and running out of rope. The middle is looking at the end of his rope, but I think he has a year. The idea of my grandkids being left uninsured doesn't make me happy. They do have Italian and EU citizenship so they can always leave. It was the best I could do to assure them of something.
I know that Bernie will piss me off sooner or later, probably both. Someone is going to be President, and I still would rather it was him. At his age, let's hope he's got nothing left to lose and swings for the rafters. I don't think a 77 year old man gives a FF about party loyalty over duty or his pinky swear. Where he'll sell us out is when it comes to pragmatism. Half a loaf and all that stuff.
The older I get, the more surprised at it I am. I'm getting ready to custom order my ice floe.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
DK--took no offense, at all; but, thanks
for the kind concern.
Hey, think I know where you're coming from. Pretty much feel the same way.
Also, I agree that Bernie has good intentions, and, as you put it, it'll be 'pragmatism,' nothing nefarious or bad, if he goes a more moderate course (than, perhaps, I would desire). I truly don't doubt that. And, saying I'd wish he'd leave Medicare alone, wasn't meant to take a hateful swipe at him. It's just that I'm pretty certain that he's not a medical policy expert. For that matter, to my knowledge, none or few of our lawmakers are; they mostly depend upon their staffs to write the legislation, advise them, etc.
I won't deny that I'm very guarded/cautious about giving an opportunity to lawmakers, and their staffs to change the basic structure of our very excellent FFS Traditional/Original Medicare system. And, the current proposed MFA Bills do just that. They dismantle it, and, replace it.
Personally, I'm quite happy with TM, coupled with Medigap insurance. They're virtually no PA's (Prior Authorizations/hoops to jump through), except, for motorized wheelchairs, and, no restrictions on medical services and procedures--if they're "medically necessary." IOW, a TM beneficiary pretty much enjoys complete medical autonomy.
Hey, what's not to like?
Anyhoo, won't rehash our 'medical woes.' As it is, today, Mr M and I are beyond grateful for the excellent, 100 percent medical coverage that we have. And, we'd luv to see it extended to Everyone. We'd advocate for that in a heart beat.
IMO, attaining this, is a matter of political will on the part of all of our lawmakers. I fully understand that Bernie can't do it all. Nor, can anyone expect that of him.
My main point has basically been--don't reinvent the wheel, just 'amend' the 1965 Medicare program. (Not sure I always make that clear.) I am totally in support of all Americans having excellent, and equal, health care. And, funding it should rest mostly with so-called big business, IMO. (a surtax)
Hope there will be a decent system to carry all of your Grandsons, through, as they age out of parental coverage eligibility. From everything I've heard and read, Pelosi's true intent is not to allow a vote for UMFA (or, MFA)--it's to bolster the ACA. So, maybe it'll be less expensive, if your Grandsons have to use the Exchange, one day.
When I get more info, I'll try to post what I'm finding out about healthcare in 2-3 South American countries. (Just in case anyone else is interested.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I have Medicare plus supplemental insurance from BC/BS
paid for by my employer. Retirement benefit. I don't know why Medicare can't just be expanded, and the insurance company supplemental policies left alone unless or until they get piggy and have to be cut out. I bought my mom her supplemental policies when she was 90. Cost her $103.00/mo. Very reasonable I thought. So wy did they kill Conyers bill and start over? I don't trust any of them as far as I can throw them.
I lost my patience with the idea of Tulsi "moving on", not your appreciation for the existing Medicare.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I remember having read that people on Big Island
were pissed off with Tulsi and said she shouldn't come back to HI and better get lost.
I really would have liked to understand who those people on Big Island were and why they are so much against Tulsi Gabbard? If theses people were Native Hawaiians, I wouldn't understand the whole uproar against her. They would be the ones to understand the spirit of 'Aloha' the most. Otherwise, who is living on Big Island, who could be so pissed off with Tulsi?. Most of the rich white (and black) celebrities or IT millionaires live on the other islands. Well, may be that's wrong. I have no fact-based proof for that. It was just my assumption based on my visits to the islands. Sorry.
Call me confused.
So now are we having a Tulsi pile on?
And the number one thing I do know is, that other than Mike Gravel, Tulsi is the only candidate who has openly challenged regime change wars. That is why I support her. It is very obvious that I am in a minority here and I will cease to comment any more on this issue.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It made no sense to me at all and I was pretty shocked
... but then there is a very diverse crowd of people populating the islands and I learn slowly to not exspect anything and have little trust in words and talks. I think the criticism of Tulsi by some is not justified and based on emotions the person, who does the criticizing, is not aware of.
Hope you reconsider,
dropping out of the convo about Tulsi, that is. Looking at the bulk of comments, it appears that many posters believe that TG was defending civility, not Joe Biden.
Looking forward to watching her in the debate; just hope she gets allotted a decent amount of time. Frankly, I think she'll give ol' Liz a run for her money.
Sorry that Gravel won't be able to join in--bet he'd be really good, too.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
No, I was simply shocked by it, that's all.
Warren won't ever bow out. She's in it to screw Bernie.
Biden's a sinking ship.
But you were right, it was most definitely an unforced error.
Because Gabbard is Hawaiian, I would not read very much
into her using "aloha." It's their equivalent of our "hello" and "goodbye."
Because she wants to be president some day.
For the democratic party. That's why.
To me, she's like a frigging robot, some kind of created politician of the future. A chameleon. I don't trust her one bit.
Is there anyone out there, who you do trust? /nt
Trusting any politician has never paid off for me.
To the contrary, I've thrown many a dollar and many an hour down the drain for the opposite of what I thought I was supporting.
There's an old saying mimi, and I didn't make it up.
As for Gabbard, I see someone worse than Obama. Like I said, I see a robot, a chameleon, a shapeshifter in her eyes, the way she talks, the things she says. I remember people telling me early on in Obama's regime that we were warned about him. I didn't see those warnings at the time, wasn't in the same place as I am now or for the last ten years. But take it for what it's worth, some of us are warning about Gabbard and the democratic party now. Obviously that won't sway many, just as it didn't (and amazingly still doesn't) with Obama.
I think it is for other reasons ...
Some (white) people feel a bit more hesitant to criticize a politician who is black or of other ethnicity, and therefore wouldn't do it so openly in publc. Some are more under the control of their words and rarely react spontaneously in an 'out of your guts and into the face' style. They smoothtalk and whitewash the color and ethnicity out of a candidate with color or with a specific ethniciy this way.
Some (white) people get mad, if they are expected to disregard their guts feelngs of an ethnic politician, and expected to tone down their 'in your face' criticism. They know that the accusation to have racial or ethnic prejuidices always is a convenient way to silence the person who dares to voice their criticism, even if the criticism is well based on facts or past voting records and quote records of the criticized person. So, they get mad over that sort of 'silencing' trickery.
It feels - however one formulates ones reactions - one does it wrongly. Eventually it leads to an end of meaningful communication.
Who wants that to happen?
I liked lookouts suggestion best, ie to react simply with the most kindness possible. And if the facts are not kind, mentioning them in a kind fashion, is still an act of kindness.
Just to be clear here mimi,
accepted, for me it was very difficult to understand
the political concerns people might have had about Obama or now Gabbard. I didn't have the legal insights of what of their politics or their party was so unacceptable. So I wondered why there were so many, who were more emotionally disgusted by Obamas political views compared to the level of disgust they expressed for other candidates or politicians of the Democratic Party.
I think only people, who can follow each of the legislative moves a candidate has made in his past, could do a political based criticism, or anyone, who can make fact-based assumption about the economomic and social consequences the candidate's past activities or announced plans could reveal, would be able to criticize without any other emotions involved. Us non-insider-foreigners especially could not draw from such knowledge.
That's why I read here, to get the facts and understanding for the legislations that is introduced in House and Senate and passed. l can honestly tell you that this is quite difficult for someone, who is not an US legal and political science and US history expert and who is not an economist.
I do remember well, how our whole German team of journalists and TV news producer (produced in the US for the German audience) was discussing endlessly and sometimes helplessly WHAT a legislation meant and how it was moved through the bureaucries of the US institutions. To get used to some archaic meanings of words, wasn't my favorite activity either, while I was working for them. 'Tabling' something is irritating me still and causes me to have an itching mental rash.
Nothing for Ungood. I observe similar signs and symptoms in the German political party landscape as well. "What kind of trust?" the banners of their demonstrators from inside the base of their parties and from the green party or die Linke party's demonstrators ask. Not that different from what happens in the US, imho.
I was one of those that saw through Obama instantly
We are all racists...
The more you deny it, the more you are one. I'm from Alabama and the smell of racism is strong in this part of the world. You learn to recognize it, even in yourself.
We are visual creatures and skin color is a way to create "others". Our tribal nature drives us to see others as bad. I think Tulsi is sincere in her efforts to address these issues. Perhaps I'm wrong but my intuition is to trust her until i'm proven incorrect (recognizing everyone is imperfect).
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's just one of the more obvious and visceral
varieties of tribalism. We all suffer from tribalism. Most of us never even stop to think about it, much less fight it in ourselves.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I can understand if you're surrounded and immersed
'our tribal nature drives us to see others as bad'
this might be true, but our tribal nature drives us to feel safe among our own as well. And apparently what we long most for is to feel safe in our small neighborhood community of friends and family.
I wonder what is the stronger driving factor, the one you mentioned or the one I added?
Servus mimi
I’m totally jet-lagged and wide-awake at this hour. So what do I do while everyone else is asleep, check out what the word is on c99. And there you are mimi, responding to lookout about one of life’s impossible questions. The perspectives you both present would probably keep me up for hours yet if I didn’t already believe both were true. We humans are naturally, in many ways, very paradoxical.
voodoo spirits always make me ask life's impossible questions
they infected me with the evil bugs. ...
Lovely response. Get some rest. These jet lags are killers.
A college classmate once said we were all racists. And,
instead of trying to prove we were not, we should just admit it and then spend the rest of our lives trying to make up for it.
She was a WASP, but probably sans the P, because I don't think she was a member of any formal religion.
ByeDone just can't stop doing this
I think he knows damn well what he's doing and he just doesn't care because he knows that either the fix is in for him or that Warren is going to get the nod.
Fritz was very vocal about blacks boycotting buses back in the day.
He got called out for what he said about Eastland and then here he is saying something nice about another racist. There is no way he doesn't know what effect saying that would have when everyone is already bitching about what he said just the other day. And he says that he will never apologize for anything he has said or done in the past. But he will say that Booker owes him an apology.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is getting weird
somebody explain this John Lewis quote to me
His defense of Biden seems weird. Is he saying he managed to work with the Klan on civil rights?
I listened to Lewis saying that
He wasn't as clear when he was talking as he is in the quote. It came across as word salad. Dkmich nailed him when she called him a fat sellout. As with many members of congress he has forgotten the strife he used to have to fight against before he got into congress. Think anyone of them know how to pump their own gas? Buy groceries at a self checkout? Or any of the other myriad things that we lesser folks do daily?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Shah--pretty certain that is what Lewis
was saying.
Here's a link to his Civil Rights Activism section of his Wikipedia bio.
Apparently, he's a graduate of a Baptist Seminary--maybe a minister, today. Pretty certain that he's a very religious man; likely, believes in redemption.
What I didn't know (until I read Wiki), was where he was born, and grew up. I know every town in Alabama where he's lived and/or been beaten. In fairness, without the context of the time (he was born in 1940--activism over many years, including in the 60's) and location, it may not be easy to judge him very fairly.
Here's the last sentence of the 'Civil Rights Activism' section of his entry. BTW, it's one of the longest Wiki bios that I've ever seen.
Yeah, sounds like Lewis definitely believes in second chances. Dunno, but, compared to what Lewis has lived through, I suppose that Biden's gaffe may seem like 'much ado about nothing.'
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Vice President Gabbard?
Maybe Tulsi Gabbard is auditioning for the VP slot? She has to know she has little chance of becoming the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, but the VP is always possible. Perhaps she figures Biden has the best chance of winning the top of the ticket and his staff will notice her defense. I'm not saying Biden has this thing sewed up because I don't think he does. He's already made so many errors and it's still very early.
I've had bug splats on my windshield
that make more sense than biden does on his most articulate days.
I foresee him as doing a face plant early in the primaries chosen or not.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Totally, agree--believe Biden will implode. But,
probably not on account of this incident, since so many in the Black Misleadership are giving him cover.
Also, since several of the Biden quotes aren't dated, it's impossible to know if he was saying something 40 or 50 years ago (when some of the terms would have been acceptable), or, just a decade ago.
Now that I've gotten back inside, and had a chance to read everything, not at all certain why folks think that Gabbard has endorsed racism. A stretch, IMO.
And, after reading the John Lewis' biography (even if it's just the Wiki version), I have to figure that, at least to some extent, the context--meaning the location, and, especially, the era--should be heavily weighed/considered when judging the various remarks (by Gabbard, Lewis, etc.) about Biden's recent verbal gaffe(s).
Having said all that, something Biden says, or does, will probably be the final straw. (IMO) Frankly, wouldn't be surprised if he completely blows the first debate.
Time will tell.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
bug splats
Or he won't faceplant in the primaries, in which case get ready for "Four More Years".
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Let's make sure Biden shines in the light
of most voter's minds rather quickly. Not a difficult task if journalists may print what he says without edit.
A Vice President Gabbard? Only to a President Sanders.
Biden will never become President, I hope. Sanders might be the only one who could. And Tulsi is the one I would like to see as President, if Sanders gets 'in trouble'.
Gosh, all these discussions are really hard to stomach.
Franz von Papen
Thought that Hitler could be controlled. Didn't work out, and we're living in a world of resulting detritus.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Warren's Kissinger moment?
Albright: "Yes I do think that 500,000 Iraqi children's death was worth it."
Sure, Liz you are just the same as Bernie.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Maybe Tulsi was defending herself.
The establishment press and the democratic party establishment have attacked her over and over for her visit to Syria and meeting thee evil Assad. There is a politics of guilt by association and that is being used to attack Tulsi. By defending Biden she is also defending herself.
She was defending the idea of civility-not ByeDone himself.
Tulsi is very consistent. She called out both side when Trump & the Dems shut down the government. She opposes impeachment because it will tear the country apart. She resists IDPol as divisive. She is not a calculating politician who guards her every comment, she speaks from the heart. I love her.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
one always can find a 'saying' that is unkind
for example, if I would mention now, that (in the German language) "Liebe macht blind" (= in french: "L'amour est aveugle" or according to google translate in English "Love is blind").
I don't believe in that saying, because I believe in the 'The heart knows first' theory and the guts feelings one has to lead you to know that love has not to be blind.
No such thing that love isn't ok or makes you blind.
Cheers for love! And for Aloha, which is more than just a 'hello' and 'good bye' at least for people who have some love in their hearts.

L'amour est
But what about KKKate Smith
She sang 2 songs in 2 movies that were acceptable then (1930's), but not now. She has been dead since 1986 btw.
Kate Smith's 'God Bless America' Dropped By Two Major Sports Teams
So, an American entertainer icon from the last century is purged.
Anyone ever heard of Disney's "Song of the South"? Uncle Remus? Tar Babies? Why isn't multi-extraterestial Disney on the chopping block? Dumbo was kinda cool, except for those black crows that were forced to sing his praises. No one ever saw a Marx Brothers movie? No one ever saw the Jack Benny TeeVee show, "Oh Rochester".? Crap.
And Joe!, nope. Hmmm, interesting.
Tulsi has a point. Erasing people and history is not acceptable. Joe! was only sucking up to his superiors. Crucify Him! or not...
For those old enuf, I'm sure there is something in our personal decades past that don't fit today's sensibilities. (if only there were smartphones and social media in the 60's and 70's we would have fixed this crap -- Heh!)
Yeah, its whataboutism, so what about it?
The purge and detention line starts where?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Once, we had a different view on this sort of thing.
Some people who went through this examination long ago have evidently been "grandfathered in". Thus, we still listen to Wagner's extraordinary music, though we loathe his politics.
As far as I know, nobody is planning to surrender their transistor-based tech, on the grounds that Shockley was an odious puke.
I rather imagine that every major composer in western history was a bigot of one sort or another. You can be certain that almost all of them treated women with a very refined contempt.
John Lennon, as we know, abused his first wife. Yoko seems to have straightened him out on that, which is the only good thing I have to say about that pretentious, no-talent little freak.
And consider this rather wonderful song, a paean to Hank Williams:
It includes an explicit rejection of judging the art according to the moral failings of the artist:
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
The Marx Brothers were equal opportunity offenders
They went after everybody and made fun of everybody - especially the rich and powerful. Sure, a lot of their humor is dated and some of it is tasteless, but some of it is timeless.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I'm a big Tulsi
backer (including financial support) and so, fwiw, her seeming to come to the defense of Biden, or defending the notion of civility, whichever you prefer, is not entirely surprising for someone who usually starts her speeches with a warm Aloha greeting including additional comments that it means far more than a mere Hello, but has a deeper meaning of love and respect for others, regardless of who they are.
Yes, she's got a strong streak of Kumbaya in her. But she's also courageous and has a fighting spirit when necessary. Which is more than I can say about many mealymouthed, snowflake Dems currently in leadership positions.
If it comes to it and we do have to tear up the cobblestone streets and go to the barricades, I would want someone like Tulsi next to me in support (ditto AOC), as Nancy and Chuck and Stony are cowering in their congressional offices.
Additionally, someone like John Lewis has far more credibility in the race relations area than I do, and so will defer to his views as well.
I think the combination of JL and TG have helped put this matter to rest. We'll see what the folks in SC say in upcoming polls.
I look forward to the debates where Biden can be asked about the dozen or so major substantive issues he needs to answer for, where opponents could score major points at his expense.