IVN Poll you never heard of had Tulsi at 35%
Submitted by Battle of Blair... on Sat, 04/27/2019 - 2:54am
Make of it what you will, but you'll never be allowed to see these kinds of polls on mainstream media, where they often don't even put her on the polls.
Remember heading into 2016 there were polls showing Jill Stein surging late at 22%. Most polls had her at 8%, but hadn't budged since DemExit, when other polls said she was surging. Then the election and Jill gets 1%.
This time, the only polls you're allowed to see are the ones where their handpicked respondents put Tulsi at 1%.

Independents and Democratic Socialists predominate in this poll
Full Results
A mere 26% or respondents self identify as Republican or Democrat, while 48% self identify as Independent or Democratic Socialist.
IVN (Independent Voter Network) disclaimer states:
While I find the “results” of this informal poll heartening, it’s clear that the respondents do not fairly represent the demographics of those likely to vote in 2020 and in no way should be considered newsworthy.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
If you can glean anything from it
it might be that people would prefer even Trump from a corrptocrat, but even that's a stretch.
On to Biden since 1973
Corruptocrat: a difference without a distinction
All polls are equal
but some polls are more equal than others.