The Evening Blues - 5-30-19 (again!?!)
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features r&b singer and guitarist Tarheel Slim. Enjoy!
Tarheel Slim - No 9 Train
"I believe that all the people who stand to profit by a war and who help provoke it should be shot on the first day it starts by accredited representatives of the loyal citizens of their country who will fight it."
-- Ernest Hemingway
News and Opinion
U.S. Military, including oxymoron agency, apparently full of lying sacks of shit.
Russia 'probably' violating nuclear test ban treaty, top US official says
The head of the US defence intelligence agency has claimed that Russia has “probably” been violating the nuclear test ban treaty by carrying out low-yield tests in a remote Arctic facility.
The claim by Lt Gen Robert Ashley drew widespread scepticism from nuclear weapons experts who said it appeared to revive earlier allegations made by US hawks that have not been substantiated.
There was no mention of Russian low-yield testing in the annual state department report on arms control compliance, which was issued last month. Furthermore, the nuclear test watchdog, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO), said its international monitoring system (IMS) was operating normally and had detected nothing unusual.
In prepared remarks at the Hudson Institute thinktank in Washington, Ashley said the US expected Russia’s nuclear arsenal to grow “significantly” over the next decade, particularly “non-strategic”, shorter range and lower yield warheads. In order to design new warheads, Ashley said, Russia was breaking the rules of the CTBT, which the country has signed and ratified.
The US has signed but not ratified the treaty, which has yet to enter into force. The nuclear weapons powers have meanwhile been observing a moratorium on testing.
Fifty shades of likely: Washington accuses Russia of ‘probably’ violating nuke testing moratorium
Speaking of lying sacks of shit... John Brennan. An excellent
article by Matt Taibbi worth a click and a full read.
The intelligence community needs a house-cleaning
Former CIA director John Brennan has an elaborate history of lying to the public, most infamously about the CIA monitoring computers Senate staff were using to prepare a report on torture. When asked if it were true the CIA spied on congress as it was doing oversight of that agency, Brennan all but covered his heart. “Nothing could be further from the truth,” he told Andrea Mitchell in a panel discussion, shaking his head. “We wouldn’t do that!”
Brennan does have stones. He didn’t limit himself to making these representations verbally. His CIA later produced a report clearing itself of said “potential unauthorized access” to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Brennan also once said there had not been a “single collateral death” in the drone assassination program; claimed (inaccurately, it seems) that Osama bin Laden used his wife as a human shield in his encounter with Navy Seals; and provided inaccurate information to congress about the efficacy of CIA enhanced interrogation programs.
[Numerous other examples of Brennan's mendacity in Taibbi's article. -js] ...Brennan went on MSNBC last Friday to tell Chris Hayes that any effort to declassify information about the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation would place valuable sources at risk and imperil our precious bodily fluids:
The concern is that very, very precious source and methods of the United States intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroad — those who share this sensitive information with us.
Brennan’s warning echoed other current and former intel officials. Former acting CIA chief Michael Morell said the plan was “potentially dangerous,” saying only the Director of National Intelligence was qualified to judge damage to “sources and methods.” Politico added this on-script warning (emphasis mine):
“There’s nothing CIA or NSA, for example, guards more jealously than sources and methods,” said Larry Pfeiffer, a 32-year intelligence veteran who served as the chief of staff to CIA Director Michael Hayden. “It is not hyperbole to say that lives are at stake.”
Back on MSNBC, Hayes [...] described the move by Trump to declassify investigatory materials as “anti deep-state propaganda efforts.” Trying to declassify this information was, Hayes said, a “a huge deal in the world of intelligence agencies.” He insisted the only reason Trump is giving Bill Barr permission to rummage around in the CIA’s treasure trove of secrets was “basically to give Sean Hannity material for his television show.” This may sound counter-intuitive to blue-state audiences, but the fact that an inquiry might end up being politically beneficial to Donald Trump doesn’t automatically make it illegitimate, particularly when the investigatory targets include the intelligence agencies. In the same way, handing over “underlying evidence” from the Mueller probe to congress wouldn’t be illegitimate just because Democrats would immediately put it on AC360 or Last Word. Cui bono isn’t part of the newsworthiness equation.
I’m in favor of any Russiagate-related information coming out, or at least being disclosed to congress. That includes any redacted parts of the Mueller probe, along with underlying investigative materials. But transparency has to cut all ways for this three-year national fiasco to be resolved in any way that makes sense. We need all the information about the origins of the investigation as well, and it’s simply not true that opening that vault would mean a “plot to dirty up the intelligence community” that must “compromise agents.”
Trump Sells Weapons To Saudi's Against Congress's Will
John Bolton to present his evidence that Iran was behind Gulf attacks
The US national security adviser, John Bolton, has said he is to present evidence to the UN security council as early as next week that he claims will show Iran was behind recent attacks on oil tankers and pipelines in the Gulf.
Bolton has previously said Iran was almost certainly responsible for the attacks, but without presenting evidence.In what is likely to be a showdown over the US’s aggressive Iran strategy, in which Bolton has taken a leading role, much will depend on how credibly the US intelligence agencies can show the Iranian government is directing attacks by proxies.
“I don’t think anybody who is familiar with the situation in the region, whether they have examined the evidence or not, thinks anything other than that these attacks were carried out by Iran or their surrogates,” Bolton told reporters at a briefing ahead of Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK next week. ...
Bolton also extended Iranian responsibility for the war in Yemen by saying Iran should be held accountable for the drone attacks on civilian and military airports, oil installations and shipping in the Red Sea being undertaken by Yemen’s Houthi rebels. He said the Houthis did not make the drones, but must have got then from somewhere. “I think it is fair to hold Iran accountable without even further information because of the foreseeable consequences of giving such weapons,” he said.
Venezuela Talks in Oslo End without a Deal
Though Norway claimed some unspecified “progress” may have been made, negotiations between Venezuela’s government and opposition ended in Oslo on Wednesday, with no deals reached. It is uncertain if there will be further talks. ...
Juan Guaido’s office issued a statement claiming that he had “ratified” a roadmap for ousting President Maduro, and that the plan included a transition government and free elections. He did not mention that Maduro’s side did not agree to this deal.
Julian Assange too ill to appear in court via video link, lawyers say
Julian Assange was too ill to appear by video link for the latest hearing in relation to his possible extradition to the US, lawyers for the WikiLeaks founder told a court. The hearing was the first since 2 May, when lawyers for the US government began pressing its case to extradite him to face trial for what they described as one the largest compromises of classified information in history.
However, his solicitor Gareth Peirce told a judge at Westminster magistrates court in London on Thursday that Assange was too ill to appear by video link from prison. The date for the next hearing was confirmed as 12 June. The senior district judge Emma Arbuthnot said the next hearing may take place in Belmarsh prison in south London, where Assange is being held, if convenient for all parties.
‘Assange was treated in a sadistic manner’: Wikileaks ambassador comments on activist’s condition
WikiLeaks Expresses ‘Grave Concerns’ for Assange’s Health
WikiLeaks on Wednesday said it was gravely concerned for the health of its publisher, Julian Assange, and questioned Britain’s “standing as a human-rights abiding nation.” WikiLeaks has condemned Britain for its treatment of Julian Assange, expressing “grave concerns” for the health of its publisher who has been transferred to the health ward of Belmarsh prison in London.
In a statement released on Twitter on Wednesday, the publication also condemned Ecuador for having created conditions “incompatible with basic human rights” for Assange, who had been granted asylum in its London embassy and remained there for seven years. He was cutoff the last year from the internet with only minimal visits permitted. ...
Britain had twice ignored rulings by the United Nations working group on arbitrary detention that the UK should let Assange free and pay him compensation. “The UK’s refusal to abide by UN rulings, and its subsequent treatment of Mr. Assange since his arrest, presents serious questions about the UK’s standing as a human rights-abiding nation,” WikiLeaks said in its statement.
Assange has been kept in isolation for 23 hours a day at Belmarsh, and has been allowed only a handful of visits from his lawyers. The UN’s special rapporteur for torture visited him with a doctor, who examined Assange, earlier this month. The rapporteur’s report has not yet been released. “During the seven weeks in Belmarsh his health has continued to deteriorate and he has dramatically lost weight,” WikiLeaks said.
Palestinian Diplomat Hanan Ashrawi on the U.S. “Peace Plan” & Israeli Political Crisis
Israel to hold new elections after Netanyahu coalition talks fail
Israel’s parliament has voted to dissolve itself after Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a government, in a move that will lead to a second round of elections just one month after the country held a national poll. At a suspenseful gathering that ended weeks of unsuccessful bartering and brinkmanship, the Knesset voted to disperse and call new elections, set for 17 September.
Coalition talks stalled after far-right former defence minister Avigdor Lieberman, a Netanyahu ally-turned-rival, refused to back the prime minister. Netanyahu needed support from Lieberman’s ultranationalist party, Yisrael Beiteinu, for a majority in Israel’s parliament. ...
Israel has never held two elections in a year, and Netanyahu will remain as interim leader until a new government is formed. If he remains in office through July, he will become Israel’s longest-serving leader.
Boris Johnson could go on trial for 'lying and misleading' in Brexit campaign, judge orders
Boris Johnson faces trial for allegedly “lying and misleading the British public” about the consequences of Brexit. A judge summonsed the Conservative MP to appear in court after a member of the public launched a private prosecution over claims EU membership was costing the UK £350m a week.
District Judge Margot Coleman threw out arguments by Mr Johnson’s lawyers that the case was a “vexatious” attempt to undermine the result of the 2016 referendum.
A written judgment handed down on Wednesday said: “Having considered all the relevant factors, I am satisfied that this is a proper case to issue the summons as requested for the three offences [of misconduct in a public office].
“The charges are indictable only. This means the proposed defendant will be required to attend this court for a preliminary hearing, and the case will then be sent to the crown court for trial.”
Mr Johnson denies misconduct in a public office, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Marcus Ball, 29, raised more than £200,000 through crowdfunding campaigns in order to lodge a private prosecution against Mr Johnson.
Keiser Report: ‘Tenant-farming’ our minds
An excellent, short piece on universal basic income, worth a click.
UBI Without Quality Public Services Is a Neoliberal’s Paradise
From tech-billionaires to Socialist leaders, Universal Basic Income has caught the imagination of many across the political spectrum. This mechanism, which would give everyone regular cash payments that are enough to live on, regardless of income or work status, is increasingly promoted as a key policy to maintain social stability and ensure a decent standard of living. Yet many in the labour movement have been unsure how to approach the topic. This is why our trade union federation, Public Services International (PSI), has been working with the New Economic Foundation to produce a detailed labour analysis on the issue. Examining 14 trials from India to Alaska, the report found that although UBI trials provided valuable insights into the nature of work and welfare there is little evidence to suggest that UBI is the best tool to address the core challenges of our time: inequality, wealth redistribution, precarious work, and digitisation.
What the studies do demonstrate is that giving cash payments to the poorest helps improve their lives and does not increase wasteful spending or laziness as many right wing politicians would have us believe. This gives strong weight to the argument that our social welfare system needs an overhaul: we must do away with punitive activity testing and demonization of the poor. But government spending is inevitably about choices –and compared to funding better universal quality public services, UBI doesn’t stack up. Providing a single mother with a cash payment to fend for herself in an inflated housing market is not as effective as providing quality public housing. Giving people more money to fill up their cars is not as progressive as offering free public transport. ...
Until we manage to dramatically increase public revenue – something which the mega-rich have been fighting tooth and nail – then it is clear any UBI program would necessitate huge cuts to key public services including education, healthcare and infrastructure. Whilst many in the UBI movement point to administrative savings and preventative measures generated from UBI, there is little evidence these will be enough to fund the UBI considering the large amounts of funding that will still be required to finance public health, education and infrastructure. ...
Many advocates of UBI are raising extremely important points which should not be ignored: We need to do away with punitive systems of welfare delivery. We need to stop tech-billionaires and the mega rich from swindling money away to tax havens. We need to redistribute power, wealth and resources. But a UBI without public services is a neoliberal’s paradise.
Banks TERRIFIED! Chinese Payment App Cuts Out Banks!
Disney CEO: abortion law would make it difficult to keep filming in Georgia
The chief executive of the Walt Disney Company said Georgia’s new strict abortion law would make it “very difficult” for the media company to keep filming in the state. Walt Disney Co chief executive Bob Iger told Reuters on Wednesday that the law would cause many people to not want to work in the state if it were to go in effect. ...
Disney has filmed blockbuster movies such as Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame in the state. It is one of many film and TV production companies lured to the state by tax credits. The industry is now responsible for more than 92,000 jobs in Georgia, according to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and some 455 productions were shot in Georgia in 2018, according to the state.
Asked if Disney would keep filming in Georgia, Iger said it would be “very difficult to do so” if the abortion law is implemented. “I rather doubt we will,” Iger said in an interview ahead of the dedication for a new Star Wars section at Disneyland. “I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. Right now we are watching it very carefully.”
Supreme Court Signals More Openness to State Abortion Rules
The Supreme Court signaled Tuesday it is more open to state restrictions on abortion, upholding an Indiana law supported by abortion opponents that regulates the disposal of fetal remains. At the same time, the justices declined to take on an issue closer to the core of abortion rights, rejecting the state’s appeal of a lower court ruling that blocked a ban on abortion based on gender, race or disability. Both provisions were contained in a law signed by Vice President Mike Pence in 2016 when he was Indiana’s governor.
The court’s action keeps it out of an election-year review of the Indiana law amid a flurry of new state laws that go the very heart of abortion rights. ...
The high court is expected to hear at least one abortion-related case in its term that begins in October and ends in June 2020. In February, the justices blocked a Louisiana law that regulates abortion clinics, pending a full review.
On Tuesday, with two liberal justices dissenting, the court allowed Indiana to enforce a requirement that abortion clinics either bury or cremate fetal remains following an abortion, reversing a ruling by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals court that had blocked it. The justices said in an unsigned opinion that the case does not involve limits on abortion rights.
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented. Ginsburg said in a short solo opinion that she believes the issue does implicate a woman’s right to have an abortion “without undue interference from the state.”
Missouri’s Last Abortion Clinic Faces Imminent Closure. Meet One of the OB-GYNs Fighting Back
Louisiana Just Passed a Near-total Abortion Ban. The Democrat Governor Plans to Sign It.
Louisiana state lawmakers just passed a law barring abortions as early as six weeks, without exceptions for rape or incest. That’s before most women know they’re pregnant. The so-called “heartbeat” bill, named for the detection of a fetal heartbeat, easily passed through Louisiana’s House of Representatives 79-23 Wednesday night. The state Senate already passed the bill earlier this month. ...
But Louisiana’s bill was introduced by Democratic state Sen. John Milkovich — and Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards said he’s prepared to sign it. ...
The bill the legislators passed Wednesday still allows for exemptions if a pregnancy is considered "medically futile." Just hours before the final version passed, however, they struck down a proposed amendment that would’ve allowed exemptions for pregnancies that are the result of rape or incest.
"I'm very hopeful for passage of this landmark anti-abortion, pro-life bill. I think it's going to be an occasion of great excitement for the people of Louisiana," Milkovich said last week. Last month, the Democratic state senator also suggested autism didn’t exist when he was growing up and “is a result of vaccination.”
The near-total abortion ban has received support from other Louisiana Democrats, too, including state Rep. Katrina Jackson.
A mainstream media outlet notices that climate change is driving migration to the U.S. Worth a full read.
‘He Went Seeking Life But Found Death.’ How a Guatemalan Teen Fleeing Climate Change Ended Up Dying in a U.S. Detention Center
Tránsito Gutiérrez remembers her 16-year-old son telling her in April that there was no sign of rain. He had good reason to think so: the family, which lives in a small, remote subsistence farming community only accessible by a winding dirt road, had lost all of its maize and beans in 2017 and 2018 after an unusual drought. This year, experts predict similar conditions. Worried about another bad year, Juan de León Gutierrez decided his family could no longer rely on agriculture.
“What I want to do is leave,” he told his mom, who recalled the conversation with him in an interview with TIME at the family’s home. ... Juan said he wanted to migrate to the U.S. to reunite with his 25-year-old brother in Miami, who has lived and worked there since 2011. She tried to convince him to stay, but eventually gave in, aware she could offer him little more. On April 4, with no clouds in sight, he left home with another friend and a coyote (a smuggler) who would guide them.
Fifteen days later, the teenager was apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol near El Paso after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a statement from Guatemala’s Foreign Ministry. He was transferred to a local hospital after a doctor at a government shelter noticed he was sick. AP reported that he was released and hospitalized again a day later. Doctors detected an infection in his brain known as Pott’s puffy tumor that could have been caused by an untreated sinus infection or head trauma. What caused Juan’s infection is still unknown. Doctors operated to try to save his life. On April 30, de León Gutiérrez died. “He went seeking life, but found death,” says his father, Tanerjo de León.
De León Gutiérrez is the third Guatemalan minor to die in U.S. custody in six months. ...
The deaths have also highlighted the reasons Guatemalans are leaving — and what could be done to help them stay. ... In the Dry Corridor, in particular, climate change is a major driving force of migration. By 2050, climate change could displace as many as 140 million people in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, according to the World Bank.
In the past, farmers in the Dry Corridor waited for the first rain of the season, usually in early May, to plant their maize and beans. From May to October, rain usually came every few days. At the end of the season, they would have a full harvest. But for the past five years, dry spells during the rainy season have lasted up to 60 days, causing crops to wither without constant watering. Scientists attribute this change in rainfall to El Niño, a weather phenomenon that disrupts normal rain patterns and is becoming more common because of climate change. The unpredictable weather has led 2.2 million people in the Dry Corridor to lose their crops. As of 2017, nearly 50 percent of families did not have enough food to support their families, the most ever reported, according to a study conducted by World Food Program. The study reported loss of crops and food insecurity as the main reasons Guatemalans from the Dry Corridor migrated to the United States.
Leon Redbone dies aged 69
Singer-songwriter Leon Redbone has died at the age of 69.
Redbone, known for Vaudeville and Tin Pan Alley music, had retired in 2015 after health problems. Over his career, he released 16 full-length albums. ...
Born in Cyprus and once allegedly known as Dickran Gobalian, Redbone moved to Canada in the 60s and by the 70s he was touring Toronto-based venues. At the Mariposa folk festival, Bob Dylan was so impressed with Redbone’s performance that he later mentioned it in a Rolling Stone interview, leading them to profile Redbone before he had a record contract.
Notoriously secretive, Redbone rarely spoke out but when asked in a rare interview why he chose to focus on music from the 20s and 30s, he said: “It was a more interesting time, a more interesting period in the history of the music development of certain styles of music. Something about it seems to speak to me more than what came after.”

Politico Reminds Us Jews Are Cheap & So Is Bernie!
'Democrats Against Medicare for All Make Me Sick': Steny Hoyer First Target of National Emergency Ambulance Tour
"Are you for Medicare for All or are you on the side of Big Pharma and the insurance industry?"
That is the fundamental question advocacy group Our Revolution intends to pose to Democratic lawmakers across the country with its nationwide "Medicare for All Emergency Ambulance Tour," which launched Thursday with the goal of pressuring members of the House majority to support Rep. Pramila Jayapal's single-payer legislation.
To underscore the life-or-death urgency of passing Medicare for All, Our Revolution members plan to drive an ambulance to the home offices of House Democrats who have yet to sign on to Jayapal's Medicare for All Act of 2019. The nationwide tour kicked off Thursday in the Maryland district of House Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a long-time opponent of single-payer.
We're live in College Park, Maryland asking @LeaderHoyer to sign on to the Medicare for All Act for 2019. We cannot continue to allow corporations to profit off of our health care system.
— Our Revolution (@OurRevolution) May 30, 2019
"Each day House Democrats fail to lead, lives are lost," Joseph Geevarghese, national director of Our Revolution, said in a statement. "It is morally unacceptable for the Democratic House majority to stand by and do nothing as Americans needlessly die and families fall into despair."
"The truth is Medicare for All is a progressive litmus test—either you're on the side of the sick and the suffering or you're with corporate healthcare CEOs," said Geevarghese. ...
"It is important to remember that we did not arrive at our current healthcare payment system for moral, ethical, or inevitable economic reasons," Kaplan said while standing in front of a sign that read "Democrats Against Medicare for All Make Me Sick."
"As a medical doctor," Kaplan said, "my prescription for our nation is universal healthcare."
Would you like some freedom fries with your platter of death, sir?
US energy department rebrands fossil fuels as 'molecules of freedom'
America is the land of freedom, as any politician will be happy to tell you. What you don’t hear quite so often is that the stuff under the land is also apparently made of freedom as well. That is, at least according to a news release this week from the Department of Energy (DoE).
Mark W Menezes, the US undersecretary of energy, bestowed a peculiar honorific on our continent’s natural resources, dubbing it “freedom gas” in a release touting the DoE’s approval of increased exports of natural gas produced by a Freeport LNG terminal off the coast of Texas.
“Increasing export capacity from the Freeport LNG project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving America’s allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy,” he said. “With the US in another year of record-setting natural gas production, I am pleased that the Department of Energy is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of US freedom to be exported to the world,” said Steven Winberg.
There's a climate crisis – but Trump's cabinet continues to backtrack on science
In an effort to suppress federal climate research, the Trump administration will direct state agencies to no longer consider worst-case scenarios of global warming. ... William Happer – most recently famous for complaining that the “demonization” of carbon dioxide “really differs little from the Nazi persecution of the Jews” – will lead a team charged with reviewing the science produced by government researchers, no doubt hunting for references to the disastrous sea-level rise, crop failures and health impacts continued warming stands to create.
The irony in all of this is that Trump, Happer and company may have a firmer grasp on the epic scope of these climate projections than many Democrats. As Naomi Klein argues, even the right’s fervent conspiracy theorists tend to understand at some level how profound the implications of this crisis are for business as usual, which has distributed its profits among elites of both parties. ... For all their bluster and junk science, Republican decision-makers have a clear sense for their own self-interest – and just how much is at stake for them and the rest of the 1%. ...
Any clear-eyed assessment of what the science is telling us spells out who the winners and losers of rapid decarbonization would be. To cap warming at around 2C – a threshold many already dealing with climate impacts argue is too high – about three-quarters of known fossil fuel reserves will need to be kept underground, a reality that if realized as public policy would crater the stock price of energy companies.
Climate scientist Kevin Anderson has estimated that if the top 10% of greenhouse gas emitters were to live like the average European – an improvement even for many of us in the United States – global emissions could decline by a third. It is “possible with the laws of chemistry and physics”, according to IPCC scientists, to limit warming to the boldly ambitious target of 1.5C. The problem is our politics, and how much of a stranglehold the fossil fuel executives with the most to lose from decarbonization have over them.
Establishment Democrats, meanwhile, are asleep at the wheel.
Trump's EPA Decided to Slash Funds Used to Protect Children From Toxic Poisoning
Exactly what led President Donald Trump's EPA to stop funding research centers tasked with probing environmental health threats to children? One advocacy organization, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), wants answers.
EWG said in a press statement Wednesday that it filed a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain documents, including electronic records and minutes of meetings, about the decision.
The Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers have existed thanks to a two-decade partnership between the EPA and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Currently, the network includes 13 centers at institutions, including Johns Hopkins University and the University of Southern California, which are conducting long-term studies on issues including the links between pollutants and allergens with asthma-related illnesses in minority children, and potential near-roadway air pollution impacts on the risk of childhood obesity and inflammatory issues. ...
That research, however, is apparently no longer welcome—the agency quietly announced this month it would no longer fund the centers.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Meltdown Showed Extent of NSA Surveillance — and Other Tales From Hundreds of Intelligence Documents
Judge in war crimes case against Navy SEAL weighs dismissal motion
The Israeli Government Is Collapsing Before Our Eyes
US-China trade: what are rare-earth metals and what's the dispute?
What Does It Mean to Live in a Multipolar World? We May Be About to Find Out
Stop Hoping That The Swamp Will Drain The Swamp
Britain is in the grip of an existential crisis that reaches far beyond Brexit
Two Key Execs at New York Fed Head for the Exits – Two Business Days After Sharp Cut in GDP Estimate
A Little Night Music
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - Can't Stay Away
Tarheel Slim and Little Ann - Two Time Loser
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - Security
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - It's Too Late
Tarheel Slim - Wildcat tamer
Tarheel Slim - You're A Little Too Slow
Allen Bunn (Tarheel Slim) - Too Much Competition
Allen Bunn & Group - My Kinda Woman
Tarheel Slim & Ann - You Make Me Feel So Good
Tarheel Slim & Little Ann - Lock Me In your Heart

evening folks...
heh, sometime earlier this week i got a day ahead of myself, so, it's may 30th again.
tommorows news yesterday? yesterday's news tomorrow?
have a great evening you all, see you soon!
Perhaps tomorrow's news today?
Good afternoon. Came in to take a break from the heat - just 90 today...had 100's in Fla for the festival...but still had fun (the evenings were cooler). After 30 years it's like family. Got in lots of good music.
The world spins at a dizzying rate. People are easily distracted and end up chasing squirrels instead of dealing with real problems. I appreciate your efforts to educate us joe.
Caught the Stephen Cohen interview with Hedges (On Contact) last night. You probably already featured it, but it echoed the Taibbi story on russiagate and Brennen you featured tonight.
all the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's the new Groundhog Day.
it feels like a joe-style twofer ... /nt
Please, no
Happy Birthday!
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is busy arrogantly
destroying movie making by forcing his will on the majority. He is gambling that greed will win out over principles, while stubbornly sticking to his principles.
Thanks, joe! I like a do-over now and then.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Hey all ...
That was a good video in yesterday's EB, about Brexit bein' a Neoliberal Trojan horse.
Gee, Russia testing nukes, Iran bombing Saudi ships, seems like there's threats everywhere you look.
I think this may explain it: Arms Manufacturers Tell Investors That Iran Tension Fuels Business, which, in turn, explains this: How the War Party Broke Trump.
Here's a local take on the Scott Warren trial: Smuggling trial for border aid worker comes down to 'intent,' lawyer says.
Have a nice night.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
This is the second try
I like having two shots at a day. If the first one didn't pan out so well, give it another go. Would three be asking for too many?
Thanks Joe
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
as for me, i'd prefer having two shots a day.
single-malt, if you're pouring.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
They intentionally engaged in slow motion psychological
and physical torture, and they will not stop doing so until he is dead. Assange that is.
Nothing that should ever be forgiven. Some bastards should pay for this, but as history has shown, seldom have the sadists among the politically power grabbind inclined folks have paid for the roles they played in accepting the violations of human rights.
A lot of fist bombs in the stomach today in the news collection. Thank you for always teaching us lessons with your EBs.
@mimi mimi, I agree there are
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Oh those molecules of freedom, do you know what
happens when they react with those molecules of wisdom ? Full blown combustion.
Who wants to be a chemical millionaire?
Fire it Up - Combustion
Seems that the chemicalists are not too wise, but then ... sometimes it's so much fun to burn, baby burn. (Sorry, it's beyond my bed time, so only silly things make sense)
07:53, pm, Est: according to Greenwich. How bout some blues?
Best quote about war EVER
Thx Joe! I'm at work will have to return later but had to stop by to rec and comment.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The news part just keeps getting crazier
Great tunes to go with the shitshow. Those '58 cuts were especially awesome. He was a dang good guitar player. Little Ann had a great voice too. Her crying was freakin' awesome on the outro of It's Too Late.
Bolton is gonna go full Colin Powell now? This should be good.
Great to see Bibi couldn't round up enough
believerssuckers.Love the anti-choice Dems you get with bluenomatterwho. Dem doesn't mean what it used to.
Amazing how panties-in-a-bind some are about BDS, but Politico can publish bigoted dog-whistle propaganda all they want. Kinda like how the anti-choice people never say anything about the free on-demand abortions we fund in Israel.
thanks for the tunes!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
This is not good
When your only weapon is bullying, everything looks
like a weakling.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Yes, we have no tomatoes,
we have no tomatoes today.
People are gonna' get pissed when avocados are eight bucks apiece.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Worst Pig Candidate So Far: Seth Moulton
More proof that there's no reason to hope for anything any more.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
They need a house-burning.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
RIP Leon Redbone
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Satanic Temple to the Rescue!
Satanic Temple Claims Exemption From Supreme Court Ruling On Fetal Remains
in part:
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Merkel spoke at Harvard and the German press is happy
she got lots of applause ... stating she didn't mention Trump with one word. Curious minds want to know what to "the Americans REALLY think" ... She came to the points at the end of her speech. As a chemist she knows that a good chemical reaction needs some time to come to fruition.
Tried to find the English transcript, but the only thing I found was a transcripting site charging $1/minute.
Angie Baby ... aint't a baby, but her thinking is kinda cute and that little smile is too.