Tulsi "Endorsements" and Nevada Upcoming
Tulsi got a couple of major endorsements (of sorts) this past week.
Joe Rogan
First, and probably most importantly, was Joe Rogan who commented in one of his shows that he is voting for Tulsi and not even thinking about anyone else. Rogan had interviewed Tulsi last September (well before she declared), which was a very good conversation.
The reason Rogan is so important is his reach. He is estimated to have about 200 million views per month via both his Video Podcasts and YouTube channel--for comparison, The Young Turks (TYT) has about 30 million views monthly. Rogan has a very strong core of followers, probably numbering in the 5-6 million range, a majority in the US.
Rogan States He Will Vote for Tulsi
The Tulsi campaign stated via Instagram a few weeks ago that they are trying to set up another show with Rogan, undoubtedly to attempt to get an official endorsement from him. Keep in mind that the above clip was like a 20 second statement that he will vote for Gabbard--not an urging for his viewers to vote for Gabbard (i.e., an official endorsement that the campaign can use). Still, it's a big deal. The full show is linked below--the Tulsi comment comes about 20-21 minutes into the show.
Ron Paul
The second "endorsement" was from Libertarian icon Ron Paul. Again this was just a one-off interview, but he had some very good things to say about Tulsi when being interviewed on RT:
Even if you don't like the guy that much, he does have quite a following and is watched closely by Libertarians throughout the country.
Niko House and Kyle Kulinski Discuss Tulsi
Another interesting discussion (about 20 minutes long) between Niko House and Kyle Kulinski. Kulinski is a Bernie supporter, although he likes Tulsi. Niko has already endorsed (officially) Tulsi, although he likes Bernie as well. Interesting conversation, with detail around legislation here:
Niko and Kyle discussing Tulsi
Campaign Continues
Tulsi will be campaigning for two days in Las Vegas on May 10 and 11. If you are in that area, you may want to check her out--details at Tulsi's Facebook page (which is public):

Thanks for updating us so faithfully!
Good news like this is most welcome.
Last night...
my better half went to a gathering here in NE AL. The few dims there were all supporting Tulsi. With war drums beating, Tulsi is on the rise. That was surprising news to me. I think the primary will be interesting. Plan on DNC shenanigans.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Is there a hidden anti-war vote?
Anti war vote?
Most people have not made the connection yet because many families are unaffected by these wars, unlike the Viet Nam era when we had a draft. Add to that, there is an effective ban on reporting about the costs of these wars, both in lives lost here and abroad as well as the fiscal costs of these wars. This is what Tulsi is trying to do with her stand against regime change wars.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
to what HenryAWallace said, and especially to your news about Ron Paul! Excellent! Here we go!
I know I may be overly enthusiastic, but I feel that what she says has the staying power of truth and that increment by increment her message will emerge as the only one with legs.
Re: Joe Rogan and Tulsi Gabbard
The car wreck known as Bari Weiss (NYT)...
from a reasonably stable genius.
Holy basil, Batman! (Where the name “Tulsi” comes from …)
Good omens? A whiff of the divine? In any case, go Tulsi!
Based on our country's and MSM's history
She will be suppressed, marginalized and ignored.
She has to be on stage with the top 10. How many intersectional and cross-party boxes does she need to check?
Otherwise...is Hillary still available for the Demorats?
This is why we can't have nice things.
Joe Biden will be 78 on inauguration day 2021. Bernie Sanders will be 79.
BIDEN: "I am so thankful that my campaign manager hired these 20 somethings to explain this whole internet thing so I don't keep gaffing my way to losing again. BTW Kerry overdid the Botox, not like me. A nip and tuck and suddenly I'm 60 again. Okay, maybe a little Botox...".
Stop the War!
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I am a Nikko House fan ever
since he was brave enough to call out the Hillary campaign for their sabotage of Bernie, but I can't agree with him about no one mentioning Muslim Brotherhood support for Omar because we are "sensitive" about "Islamophobia" whatever that might be. Sorry, Omar fans, but I can't share your enthusiasm. Anyway, bravo Nikko for endorsing Gabbard.
It is interesting that Paul has, or might be about to, turn against Trump and the present administration. This Venezuela adventure might yet bring T-rump down.
Mary Bennett
For some time I have been advocating bridging the gaps
between those who have been identified as being conservative versus those of us who identify as progressive. The majority of all of us want the same things in our lives. But we have allowed ourselves to become divided on some specific issues despite the fact we agree on the majority of things that affect us personally.
Like Bernie, Tulsi has the unique ability to bridge that gap because she is not beholding to the corporations or big donors and because she talks straight. So she can actually talk about the issues that affect the vast majority of us. I expect that her campaign will continue to grow as people get to know her and what she stands for.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Tulsi was very impressive
MM, of course, is all for 'bringing democracy' to Venezuela. Tulsi explained that all of our efforts in all other countries had failed and created huge disasters, and she listed all of the other countries. It was a cordial discussion. You could see the wheels turning in MM's head, thinking about what Tulsi said.
Tulsi has this unusual strength - she just seems to have this inner power.
I like the way she speaks better than Bernie, only because Bernie seems to go off on tangents sometimes like a professor might. Bernie is very on message, but she seems to stick to the point she wants to make better.