The Dreaded Meta - Election Silly Season Edition
As 'murica's great electoral pageant seems to have started quite early and with intensity this time, it seemed a good time to restate some things about C99 in order to preserve our state of calm and comity.
We expect as with previous electoral pageants interest will increase, new people will show up, old friends will drift by and occasionally folks will need to be reminded that this site supports a great diversity of opinion and likes it that way.
So, onward with the nth recapitulation of the C99 non-anthem...
C99 is a non-partisan site. We don't support any party, candidate, electoral strategy (voting or non-voting) or particular ideology beyond a general lean to the left.
Individuals are welcome to support, espouse, question, compare, contrast, challenge, satirize, parody or utterly ignore at their whim any party, candidate or electoral strategy their little heart desires within the bounds of general civility and community standards.
During the silly season pageantry, it is anticipated that as in the past folks will try to persuade each other that candidate x or y is a good fit for the issues that the C99 community supports - and other folks will try to persuade that nobody is the best candidate or, that not voting at all is the best step towards achieving the desires of the C99 community.
All of the above ideas are welcome.
In order to accommodate the broad range of opinion and interest, it is required that folks treat each other with respect and eschew certain (unfortunately) common internet behaviors like flaming, threadjacking, etc.
So there you go. Thanks for being here and enjoy the coming electoral pageant that the 1% are spending billions to bring you.

Don't mind me, I plan on not taking anything seriously.
I'm having too much fun with my life to consider a Kabuki theater really that interesting. First off, they don't even use good costumes anymore, and they need to hire a new playwright.
Other than that, I plan to mock, jeer, and poke fun at any and all people who take this seriously. But I intend to stay mostly to the Open threads... unless you give me a great opportunity for a snarky joke.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
cool beans!
i plan to watch, point and laugh. it's the best free entertainment around.
I add a plea
for participants to tell us is happening in your own states, counties and towns. All politics being local, please tell us about your locality.
Mary Bennett
an excellent suggestion...
everyone can be a local correspondent.
May i be a foreign corrrespondent ...
with a large expense account?
lemme know if you figure out how to make that happen. i'd love to correspond from a chalet in switzerland.
We could be neighbors,
i'll be in Northern Italy and we can meet up down south for a good Barolo on ocassion.
No chalet here—more like prefab-concrete-slab socialist housing
There are some beautifully restored villas on the north bank of the Elbe though.
A good reminder
...boy it starts earlier every year.
I think I'll campaign for XR's citizen councils and Greta as world tsar this year, but they won't put it on my ballot.
Alabama is so backwards!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Alabama Senate Race in 2020
leads the Republican pack for the senate race in 2020, but Sessions was not mentioned. Establishment Republicans still do not want Moore, so it will be interesting.
I wonder if Jeff Sessions will try to get his old seat back. Judge Roy MooreIronically
or maybe with no surprise, Doug Jones has voted with the rethugs most of the time...against wall street regs, for more military funding, against the yemen war resolution, ... Does it matter D or R? Both seem pro-war, banks, and big money corps.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hi, Karl--no, Sessions isn't going to run. Sorta puzzled
by the Newsweek piece you posted--the poll doesn't include but one person who's announced a run (that I can tell). And, that's US Rep Byrne.
The other Republican candidate is former Auburn (Head) Coach, Tommy Tuberville.
When I'm there, Rep Bradley Byrne is my US Rep. I could be wrong, but, my 'guess' is that he'll be a serious contender for that seat.
Here's a Wikipedia blurb on the Senate Race. It's my source that only two Republican candidates have announced for the seat in question.
Have a good one!
Postscript: I'll volunteer to help out with the political reporting for TN and AL.
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening lookout...
heh, sometimes i'm surprised that alabama participates in federal elections.
Alabama is against fed taxes
but we get like 8 or 9 dollars for every dollar we pay in. Alabama being against taxes is against our states interest, but we can't figure it out.
Alabama where waists are wide and minds are narrow...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism will be moving to Alabama soon,
leaving New York City, to be better able to take care of her aged mother.
It’s too damn soon to be fighting the 2020
Election War. As of today we still have...
564 days
80 weeks 4 days
18 months 14 days
1 year 198 days
1 year 6 months 14 days
... to November 3, 2020
All those ‘candidates’ who have day jobs taking paychecks from the tax payers need to get their asses back to work. For those not taking a taxpayer paycheck, we can use this time to weed out our surfeit of presidential wanna bes as we EACH see fit.
It’s way too early to start with the LOTEisms, the guilt trips, the propaganda, and the hype.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
evening amanda...
yeah, it feels like the 2016 election isn't quite over yet. but the democrats are nothing if not eager to get to it.
heh, when they're running for something and garnering public attention is the only time these twerps are likely to do anything like work.
Hi, Joe! Thanks for the meta essay--
and reminder that we need to be cool during so-called 'Silly Season!'
The weather in the Mid-South has turned decidedly nippy--in the 30's last night. (Not that I mind, of course.
Good to see you on a weekend!
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
meanwhile there is lot of time to get emotional
about people getting killed all over the world in churches.
50+ killed, 280 injured in 6 blasts at Sri Lankan hotels and churches on Easter Sunday (WATCH LIVE)
Something wrong with the link? It’s not working on my end… n/t
Anyway, here’s a DDG search for this topic
(Curse the commercial internet for disrespectfully sneaking hotel ads onto the top of the page when I’m trying to inform myself about a serious and somber topic.)
Up till today I had thought talk of a “war on Christianity” was right-wing baloney. But now, even if Notre Dame does turn out to be an accident rather than arson, it appears that attacks on Christian churches in France and elsewhere indeed constitute an emerging phenomenon.
The daily comments on c99;
so fresh, alive, substantive, wedding souls as soil grips seedlings ready to grow.
No jests during silly season and winds won’t matter during the gathering storms.
Agree 100%, Sir shikspack.
Absolutely lights-out gorgeous day down here in central Floriduh. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.