Conspiracy Theory and the Bounding of Debate
Anytime a government person tells me something, I do not automatically believe everything they say and take them at face value. Have you ever listen to Josh Earnest do a Q & A after a press release? It's festival of pretzel logic and linguistic gymnastics. Cringe worthy even. History has proven over and over our government lies to us. 935 times the GWB administration went on TV, and to the UN, and LIED to everybody, the entire world about Iraq's WMD's. That is fact, is it not?
It's seems popular now days, if not intellectually lazy, to label people as conspiracy theorists when we do not agree with them. That bastion of universally accepted truth, you know the one most college professors won't let you cite in your home work, Wikipedia say's the first recorded use of the term appeared in 1909,
“The Oxford English Dictionary defines conspiracy theory as "the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties; spec. a belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event", and cites a 1909 article in The American Historical Review as the earliest usage example.[19][20] Currently, conspiracy theories are widely present on the Web, in the forms of blogs and YouTube videos. “
Stop and think for a moment, our founding fathers CONSPIRED against the British government, to over throw their rule of the American colonies, by violent revolution. The Declaration of Independence was a document that published what the conspirators had discussed in private, as the reasons for their revolt against British rule, which were CRIMES of injustice committed against the colonists by British, and the East India Trading company, a quasi extension of the British empire (one of the first, truly, multinational corporations).
That's not a conspiracy theory, historians and historical documents prove they CONSPIRED against the British crown. I reckon that would be consider a conspiracy fact, not theory, correct? But it's never presented that way, is it?
I won't engage in making the claim that 9/11 was an inside job, but I will question the PHYSICS that have been ruled by the 9/11 commission, as the main culprit, reason for 3 buildings turning into dust, by fire, and the “pancake theory” in the 9/11 report is completely debunked by simple physics. Gravity doesn't work that way.
For example, a large chunk of concrete and steal, that weighs tons, does not travel horizontally more than 600 yards, at a speed over over 60 miles an hour, and get lodged into the side of another building, half way up, because of gravity, without some external FORCE. It completely violates the LAWS of gravity. ( This is basic kids stuff physics here, my goodness.
Now, stop and think for a moment, it used to be conspiracy theory that the CIA engaged in experiments with giving people LSD. Gee, go figure, the MKULTRA conspiracy theory turned out to be conspiracy fact.
If I'm not mistaken, the CIA back in 1967 coined the term “Conspiracy Theorist”, which was documented by the dispatch published by the CIA as a result of the New York Times FOIA request in 1976, regarding the Warren Commission investigation in the JFK assassination. (I won't go there)
Specifically it read:
“2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization.
The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments.
3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the [conspiracy] question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active addresses are requested:
a. To discuss the publicity problem with and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) , pointing out that the [official investigation of the relevant event] made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by … propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.
b. To employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.
4. In private to media discussions not directed at any particular writer, or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming, the following arguments should be useful:
a. No significant new evidence has emerged which the Commission did not consider.
b. Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others. They tend to place more emphasis on the recollections of individual witnesses (which are less reliable and more divergent–and hence offer more hand-holds for criticism) …
c. Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States, esp. since informants could expect to receive large royalties, etc.
d. Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it; they also scoff at the Commission because it did not always answer every question with a flat decision one way or the other.
f. As to charges that the Commission’s report was a rush job, it emerged three months after the deadline originally set. But to the degree that the Commission tried to speed up its reporting, this was largely due to the pressure of irresponsible speculation already appearing, in some cases coming from the same critics who, refusing to admit their errors, are now putting out new criticisms.
g. Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” can always be explained in some natural way ….
5. Where possible, counter speculation by encouraging reference to the Commission’s Report itself. Open-minded foreign readers should still be impressed by the care, thoroughness, objectivity and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that, checking back with the report itself, they found it far superior to the work of its critics.“
The purpose of labeling critics of the administration's official narrative conspiracy theorists, is simply to stop the discussion and limit debate, period. To re-direct public inquiry, especially with “elite contacts", (politicians and editors). At least according to this CIA dispatch.
Have you ever read William Blum's book, “Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II“? ( )
A former state department employee, he documents quite a number of “interventions” by our government, most, if not all, of which were illegal. That's not conspiracy theory, it's historical fact.
From his web site about the book.
“If you flip over the rock of American foreign policy of the past century, this is what crawls out… invasions … bombings … overthrowing governments … occupations … suppressing movements for social change … assassinating political leaders … perverting elections … manipulating labor unions … manufacturing “news” … death squads … torture … biological warfare … depleted uranium … drug trafficking … mercenaries …
It’s not a pretty picture. It’s enough to give imperialism a bad name.
Read the full details in: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II.
“Far and away the best book on the topic.” – Noam Chomsky
“I enjoyed it immensely.” – Gore Vidal
“I bought several more copies to circulate to friends with the hope of shedding new light and understanding on their political outlooks.” – Oliver Stone
“A very valuable book. The research and organization are extremely impressive.” – A. J. Langguth, author, former New York Times Bureau Chief
“A very useful piece of work, daunting in scope, important.” –Thomas Powers, author, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
“Each chapter I read made me more and more angry.” – Dr. Helen Caldicott, international leader of the anti-nuclear and environmental movements
I've got a digital copy and wow, it's pretty intense. Did you know the US invaded the Soviet Union in 1918? The NYT was a propaganda machine that supported it. Hmm, what does that tell you? What do you know about the interventions listed in the table of contents? What did our “papers of record” and MSM tell the American public about these interventions? Why does the US government usually wind up either directly, or indirectly, supporting right wing, Fascist military dictatorships, especially in Latin America? Chile anyone?
These interventions have all been crimes committed by our government. I wasn't around for many of the early interventions but those in the 70's and onward, I have memories of being told one thing by my government and MSM, and have learned since, the truth is quite different.
What do you know about the Honduran coup of 2009? Or about Mrs. Clinton's subversion of a democratically elected president, that was illegally removed from office and the US didn't do anything to correct the illegal coup. Matter of fact, the US, and Mrs. Clinton especially, help cement the coup into place, which indirectly resulted in Honduras becoming the murder capital of the world.
I wrote about it at the great orange waste land. ( Mrs. Clinton's SOS e-mails reveal quite a bit of damaging information, not only about Honduras, but Libya as well. Bring it up and what happens, immediately you are attacked for lying or some other bullshit excuse to re-direct debate or shut it down all together. Fucking Conspiracy Theorist!
Wall Street bankers conspired to rig the LIBOR interest rate, and were found guilty. Even that bastion of truth, the New York Times agrees (
“As the jury foreman began reading out the verdicts on the 19 counts of fraud and conspiracy against Mr. Allen and the nine for Mr. Conti, Mr. Allen slumped low in his chair, his chin resting on his left fist. As the guilty verdicts slowly tallied all 28 counts, he stared off to his right, away from the jury seated to his left. “ (Bold emphasis mine)
Now, since we probably both agree that climate change is real, man made or at least heavily influenced at a bare minimum, would it be conspiracy to say that the Koch brothers are conspiring to disprove climate change science? Since I'm assuming we basically agree about climate change, would you label me a conspiracy theorist about the Koch brothers secretly funding climate change denial groups?
If I provide links, such as this one from GreenPeace, would my credibility increase or decrease in your view, in terms of whether or not I'm a conspiracy theorist about the Koch Bothers? (
From the Article:
“Billionaire oilman David Koch used to joke that Koch Industries was “the biggest company you’ve never heard of.” Now the shroud of secrecy has thankfully been lifted, revealing the $79 million that he and his brother Charles have quietly funneled to climate-denial front groups that are working to delay policies and regulations aimed at stopping global warming, most of which are part of the State Policy Network.
Today, the Kochs are being watched as a prime example of the corporate takeover of government. Their funding and co-opting of the Tea Party movement is now well documented.
Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch have a vested interest in delaying climate action: they’ve made billions from their ownership and control of Koch Industries, an oil corporation that is the second largest privately-held company in America (which also happens to have an especially poor environmental record). It’s timely that more people are now aware of Charles and David Koch and just what they’re up to. A growing awareness of these oil billionaires’ destructive agenda has led to increased scrutiny and resistance from people and organizations all over the United States.”
Since we basically agree about climate change, I'm assuming we might agree that the Koch bothers have engaged in a conspiracy, to purposely miss-inform the American public against our own best interest, and purely for their own private interests. They could care less about the “general welfare of the people” of this country. Would you label me a conspiracy theorist, when we agree?
Obviously Greenpeace is a biased organization regarding climate science. They believe it 110%, no questions asked. Believers, zealots, if you will. (I don't really believe they are actually zealots, but it could be construed that way.)
It would be a conspiracy theory to “speculate” that organizations such a Greenpeace, and other climate science advocate groups have engaged in some type of conspiracy to enlist 90% of climate scientist around the world, to defraud the world population into believing that climate change is man made, so it will benefit their science industries and “green” industries, in direct competition with fossil fuels industries, all motivated by profit. Is that crazy or what?
That would be a big fat conspiracy theory, in my view, because I have ZERO evidence, only wild ass “speculation”. Only dots and crazy ass links with ZERO evidence / reporting, to support any claim what so ever. Right?
In terms of 9/11, there is evidence that specifically refutes the “PHYSICS” claimed in the 9/11 commission report. The laws of physic's it's self disproves the physics laid out in the 9/11 commission report. That is not a conspiracy theory, it is fact. Who and why the report says what it says, I won't speculate on that topic, I do not have enough information to make a reasoned claim, for anything, yet. I won't rule out possible wrong doing by government officials. It's certainly happened before, and would be, well, not very intellectually rigorous to believe it won't happen again.
Was it an inside job? I can only SPECULATE, I do not have a valid theory nor any evidence to support such a claim. There are in fact, a large number of questions still unanswered questions regard 9/11, which I won't go into here. I don't have solid answers for you, but I will question the PHYSICS, which is testable, and provable, and does not rely only on theory. (until we can test it that is)
If one is to consider oneself as opened minded, does that mean I should just shut down debate because someone has a “theory", that hasn't been proven? Should we not investigate, any crazy ass theory to it's logical, factual conclusion (well not every crazy ass theory, that was snark), if not for the simple reason to disprove the theory, so more effort can be spent further investigating and discovering the truth? Do we not seek the truth? Even if it means something ugly? Are we to just roll over and let them stick it to us, with out any lubricant?
The fairness doctrine has been eliminated from our public airwaves. A high concentration of media companies has taken place. The rise of “infotainment” presented as new has dramatically increased. Our government routinely lies to us. Media lie to us. Trump is an "elite consensus" media fueled phenomenon. Even a CBS executive said about Trump, to paraphrase, he might be bad for the country but he is good for business. Where this executive's loyalty to their country? Why has he not exposed Trump or this FACT that the media are making a killing financially by the rise of Trump?
As the YTY reports:
Is that conspiracy theory? Are we being told the truth, how do we know if we don't investigate? Our media has lied, and allowed our administration / government to lie straight through their teeth, and they don't speak up? Now days anyone who does speak up is a conspiracy theorist or a Putin apologist. Look at how many journalist have been sidelined because the generated too much “Flak” against the elite consensus, official narrative. Just look at how many news anchors have either been let go or have left MSNBC and other news channels for speaking out against the “official narrative".
In this new beautiful, Bluegrass ocean (I'm assuming) of unbounded, unregulated though in which I now find myself, I would hope that theories could be discussed, dissected, investigated, proven or dis proven, without “the bounding of debate”, constraining our speech and writings, that comes with intellectually lazy labels such as conspiracy theorist.
Gee, some scientist theorized that certain neutrinos could travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity” says that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Did the scientific community shut down the debate about the speed of neutrinos? Hell no, not only did they call bullshit, they TESTED the theory and disproved it, but discovered that some neutrinos shape shift into new neutrinos.
As The New Scientist reports in 2012:
"The faster-than-light neutrino saga is officially over. Today, at the Neutrino 2012 conference in Kyoto, Japan, the OPERA collaboration announced that according to their latest measurements, neutrinos travel at almost exactly the speed of light."
“With the dust settling, OPERA is getting back to its real job: finding tau neutrinos. This week the team also announced that they have found the second-ever instance of a muon neutrino morphing into a tau neutrino, strengthening the case that neutrinos have mass.”
Which, helps supports another “theory”, that neutrinos actually have mass. That's pretty fucking cool if you ask me! I dig that kind of shit.
Anyway, my point, is labeling one a conspiracy theorist is just engaging in the bounding of debate, which I hope doesn't happen in this beautiful Blue Green place, like it did in the great orange waste land.
Einstein was crazy, at least some thought, until he proved he wasn't. At least give people a chance to prove their theories before we shut down all debate, discussion, because we don't agree or think their crazy. Sometimes, crazy is not so crazy. The earth has for the most part, always been round, (not a perfect circle, fuck!) but not everyone believed that. My goodness this is the 21st century
Maybe the our new, and wonderful Blue caretakers might consider a section, I don't know, called Crazy Corner, specifically set up where writers / investigators / theorist can theorize, and then prove or disprove their crazy theories, what ever they may be. And then maybe, one of the many great writers that have moved beyond the great orange waste land of bounded debate, thought, discussion, can write about theories from the Crazy Corner that have been proven or dis proven, and that story can make the main content section or rec list or what ever.
Over time one would develop a library of both, proven and dis proven conspiracy theories, readily available for reading? (Clicks and eye balls) Maybe dis proven could be regulated to the Wall of Shame or Hookie Hoaxes or simply Debunked Theories, so we don't “shame” people. Do we shame scientist for dis proven their theories? As noted above, sometimes we make new discoveries disproving other theories, which, has value for society.
If a writer publishes something crazy, instead of banning them, re-purpose the published article to the Crazy Corner, until they prove their theory. The community can weight in an be the final arbitrator (jury if you will) of facts, that prove or dis prove someone's theory, no? I think it could be a popular place with lively discussions, if we remain rooted in the scientific method.
To make a long story, a little longer, proving or dis proving theories, whether a conspiracy is involved or not, has real value for our society. How we go about it, speaks to how open-minded, and most importantly in my view, how committed to the truth we truly are. Can you handle the truth?
We can physically test the “pancake” theory, that the top floors of the towers had enough mass, weight and force to crush the bottom floors into dust. There are plenty of building around the world targeted for demolition, which could be utilized as “test” case scenarios. So it's possible to test the theory, just rather expensive for me to do so. However, less scientific, but none the less valid, are the many of building demolition fail videos on you tube, that one can see, generally, dis prove the “general relativity” of the pancake theory postulated in the 9/11 commission report. It's not irrefutable, not by a long shot, but there is enough visual evidence to peak ones interest and question what we've been told, which has more holes in it than a screen door left wide open, on a windy day. I'm just saying.....
The Crazy Corner, kind of catchy don't ya think?
PS: I have no intention of writing about 9/11 or any conspiracy theories surrounding it. We have bigger fish to fry, and get Bernie in the White house, no? Maybe some day we, as a country, will come together and have truth and reconciliation commission and know the truth of what really happen, who, what, why, blah blah blah. Until then, I don't want to engage in conspiracy theories, unless were sitting around, hanging out, legally smoking a bowl together. (LOL)

I agree.
Every time I see the phrase "Conspiracy Theory" or "CT" what they're really saying is "This argument is not to be pursued".
I say ask the questions, and make your opponents give the condescending, everybody knows that answers. It's amazing how sometimes saying the official story OUT LOUD can do wonders to make your point.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Holy crap . . . that's good
Yes! And thank you!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The Truth is out there
I have never understood why anyone fears a valid scientific investigation into anything - well actually I do understand that those who have something to hide fear the Truth; I guess I don't understand why reasonable people automatically scorn ideas that have been labeled as CT without asking why...
...CT has indeed become a banhammer used by those who want to limit thought.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
I'm just going to say Well Done
and leave it at that. There's nothing I can add to such a well thought out and concise essay. I'm forwarding it to my husband and I'm going back to read it again. Brilliant and beautiful, RR.
Very enjoyable read. Thanks for posting it.
The topic brought to mind any number of slogans used to dismiss "complex" ideas and cui bono analysis.
According to Otto Von Bismarck, one should never believe theories of political intrigue to explain shocking events — until they have been officially denied.
Is Occam's Razor over-rated? Probably. Or, to paraphrase HL Menken: "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." I notice the national narrative is getting simpler and simpler now. It has sunk to the level of "They hate us for our freedoms."
The simpler the narrative, the more likely the people won't survive a failed-state situation.
Yes, it is over-rated...
but he doesn't make a depilatory cream. I don't believe the vast majority of people want to know what's going on beyond a very limited scope. It gives them thinky-pain.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
love your Bismarck quote!
OvB is well-known but still way under-rated. Churchill had nothing on him, if you ask me.
I once did a project on him in high school (this was a very cool history teacher) - OvB's diplomacy in the War of 1864/5, which you've never heard of.
It was first Prussia, BEFORE OvB, annexing a small, juicy, neighboring State (Schleswig-Holstein). With their military prowess, it was over in days.
But then they had broken some international treaties, all the powers that be joined up and told the upstart Prussia to cut it out and back off. Which they did (treaty of London) - they just could not take on all superpowers at once.
Enter OvB. He tiptoed right up to the line this treaty had set. One Prussian general put a foot across the line - occupied something he was not supposed to - and was furious at being called back. Then the rival state of Denmark had ambitions and snapped up this juicy little state, breaking the treaty for their side (the Danish government was not stupid, did not want to go to war - but the Danish people rose up, danced in the streets, and forced the peacenik government to resign).
Prussia (now under OvB) was kind enough to step up and enforce international law, and as part of an international coalition, throw out the Danish and occupy said juicy little state. OvB was careful to stay true to the letter of the treaty.
Only they never established a truly independent state there - this was a loophole in the treaty. They left it under international administration, and soon the other partners in the coalition realized they had no business being there, and they agreed to be bought out by Prussia. This way Prussia increased its territory and economic power by some significant amount, became a superpower itself, all without barely any military action, and stayed on good terms with the other superpowers of the time (France, Austria, Britain).
Still to me the best example how diplomacy can succeed where military might alone fails.
Some oblique parallels, e.g. Denmark / Argentina in the Falklands war, or the USA vs Iraq in the Kuwait conflict are interesting to pursue (I mean oblique because of course, none of these is exactly like the other! but there are shared features).
Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!
BTW at TOP they are just saying this site is full of Crazy
CT theorists and meanies. Lead by a known CT and zombie who was banned before...LOL Assume this refers to you RR.
Down in the comments in rexymeteorite's essay calling out Kos's banning's. Link to diary in question below for those that care. I don't care to go wading in the swamp ooze again to find them, I believe they were in response to one of the first two or three comments though way down the thread.
(Also interesting to see Mike S crawl out of the woodwork further down and team up with Armando to crush resistance. He hardly ever appears. (Kos's hatchet man from the beginning.))
Evidently some rabid Hillbots are monitoring this site and the Reddit for Sander's site.
So we have been given that badge of honor too.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Can they forward the following to the NSA?
Large Combination, Extra Cheese, add Jalepenos.
My terrorist contact is at the Portland Domino's, just give him the message and slip him thirty bucks and he'll take you right to my house.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"Assume this refers to you RR".
I can see the headline now, Dumb Ass Redneck from Texas causes stir at DailyKos, news at 10, stay tuned!
Me? I'm like nobody, and ignorant, ranting fool mostly. I am working on my writing, desperately trying to find that ultimate polemic voice, (and things like spelling and basic grammar) that lacerates the mind like a linguistic foil in the hands of a master (Chomsky), but sadly that hasn't happened yet. So, I appreciate your tolerance of my rantings in the mean time. For that I am truly grateful, and humbly appreciate the welcoming atmosphere, especially here in the great blue ocean of intellectual thought, snarky wit and political insight!
I do feel some selfish satisfaction that my last diary in the great orange waste land, is still on the rec list, with over 380 rec's, and I've gained 6 more followers since I was banned. It would be hard for me to believe, maybe even engaging in conspiracy theory, to be so presumptuous that I, was some how important or could affect anything at DailyKos. Nah... I'm sure it was one or more of the more important writers that either left or were banned. Not me!
I see the mass banning's / exodus of writers, as just a continuation / extension of the bounding of debate. Kos serves his purpose as liberal media and shuts down unthinkable thought. Bernie might actually win, the administration lies, droning people without due process is murder. Ya know, things like that. Unthinkable right? Yeah I know.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Hah. A conspiracy theory is how we describe a belief in impossible so-called conspiracies. I don't advocate censorship, but I know all the 9/11 CT talking points already. None of them explain the known facts, it's all selective reasoning and willful ignorance of the evidence. For example, if the Twin Towers collapsed at "free fall speed" why is there video that clearly shows debris falling faster? But go ahead, investigate. Who knows, maybe after 15 years one of the thousands of supposed conspirators will finally be ready to talk!
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Interesting how you would describe...
A questioning of the original official story as "Talking Points".
Are you saying that individuals questioning the official story have a script they're sticking to?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Ok, now you're changing your comment
We know the game, we've seen it before, and you're not improving your argument, just making it more condescending.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That’s one of the 9/11 talking points
"Just asking questions" is one of the most popular talking points. The idea is to imply a massive conspiracy and cover-up without having to prove anything. Claiming there is an "official story" when there isn't is another talking point. Citing PHYSICS in all caps I assume is an allusion to the "free fall speed" talking point, which is easily debunked.
Yep I edited because I thought I could make myself more clear. I maybe should have known somebody would jump on this right away. Conspiracy theories never die.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Focusing on one of two aspects of 9/11 without
considering the entire spectrum of evidence is foolish and one way those who want to inhibit debate use to do just that. Frankly, those that believe Bush and Cheney and Wolfowitz's story about 9/11 are naïve at best.
What story?
Got a source for Bush and Cheney and Wolfowitz's story?
I've read all the evidence that has been made public. I doubt you can come up with anything I don't know. I have several online friends who are dedicated 9/11 CTs, and we've gone over every theory for years.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
9/11 conspiracy theories come in 3 flavors
MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose), LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose), and HUA-FUBAR (Heads Up Asses - Fscked Up Beyond All Recognition).
Given the well-documented abysmal incompetence of the Bush II regime, I tend to think it was HUA-FUBAR.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
..... isn't a conspiracy theory. It's an explanation as to how 9/11 could easily happen without a conspiracy, which makes it the most likely of all available explanations.
For one thing, it isn't just Bush and Co. who qualify as HUA-FUBAR. That list begins with the engineers and architects who signed off on building WTC Towers 1 and 2 out of the architectural equivalents of string, bubble gum, and baling wire. (BIG sledgehammer clue: reliance on the facade to contribute to the building's strength -- big no-no!)
You can probably tell which 9/11 theory I'm a partisan of!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The official story.
Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and all the neocons agree with the official story, it's their story. It's always amazed me how so many democrats and progressives didn't believe Bush and his war in Iraq but believed him and his war in Afghanistan and the War OF Terror, and his story about 9/11.
Believe what you want to believe man.
I bet I could come up with one you don't know.
Or at least a perspective you may not see.
9/11 is not of particular interest to me. Never was. It's just one of those consequences of the US invading foreign nations where they have no business. It happens all the time; like today in the Belgium Vassal State of America.
I mention my indifference to these expected consequences only for context. My interest is in geopolitics and that's what I read. Over the years of monitoring geopolitical buzz, you start to pick up a different narrative; the global buzz of what people "know" and "assume". It sits in the background, just the way the global money flows do. Nobody wants to break a story in the Geopolitical realm. It's not about news or journalism. It's about intelligence, and to a lesser extent, investments. Dirty laundry is shelved. Once in a while it's sold if you get a consulting gig. Mostly it sits on the shelf and becomes part of "global knowing", which floats above all national propaganda bubbles. There is global knowing about 9/11, which mostly comes from watching the massive money flow trends immediately afterward, the ones that became permanent. Cui bono and all that.
The day it happened, I posted a comment here. That was back in November 2015.
That day, I was watching a big cultural confab in the EU attended by many heads of states, along with up-and-coming young Europeans. These young people could question the leaders, and one did. This is what I posted:
I thought about it. There was no real surprise in what the King said. Who better than the Saudis to set the record straight? The surprise was that he was defensive.
The cone of silence in the US held firm.
As for the rest of the world, it wasn't really considered news, even when it made the paper. I never bothered to discuss it, mostly because it's pointless to do so in the US.
The neocon Zionists wanted a New Pearl Harbor
so they went out and got it. It's pretty simple. Americans still can't get themselves to talk about JFK let alone 9/11 which certainly says something about this country, the land of the free, home of the too chickenshit to talk about it.
There's an enormous difference between a discussion
about who was ultimately responsible -- after all, no trial was ever held -- versus an insistence that the physical events were other than they were.
Regardless of whether Mossad or the Saudis or Al Qaeda or Paul Wolfowitz planned the attack, the physical reality is that:
A. Yes, a jetliner (as opposed to some sort of missile) really DID crash into the Pentagon.
B. Yes, jetliners really DID crash into the WTC towers, and those two impacts really DO explain, completely, all of the subsequent destruction.
This is what separates "reasonable" conspiracy theory from what can only be described, hurtful as this may be to the essayist and some of the commenters, as "crank" conspiracy theory. There certainly was a conspiracy to attack the towers and the pentagon, and we certainly do not know the full truth about that conspiracy. Ultimately, a relatively small number of people could have orchestrated those attacks, and insulated themselves almost completely from any chain of investigation, which means that a priori almost anyone with motive could be considered suspect. Mossad, Cheney, Bin Laden: Sure, any of them, why not?
The "crank" conspiracy, however, requires an unmanageably enormous network of conspirators and an unmanageably intricate operation -- especially when it gets to the level of denying that a jetliner hit the Pentagon.
Like you, I was entirely unsurprised by the attacks. Notwithstanding the Bushco slogan, "Nobody could have predicted," anybody with any sophistication (admittedly a small fraction of the human populace) could and did predict that something on that scale would happen, and of course some people predicted almost exactly that event. Nor was I surprised that the event did not stimulate any significant self-examination by the American people of the nature of their imperial enterprise. Ward Churchill stated the obvious and was treated like a psychopath. History marches on.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Ward Churchill was an asshole about it,
blaming the victims for their destruction. ("Little Eichmanns", remember that prime bit of assholery?)
That got him a review of his professorial career with a fine-tooth comb, which turned up more clumps of cat litter, including well-documented evidence of plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication in his "research". (He had, apparently, even misrepresented himself as being of Native American ancestry, when he had about as much Native American DNA as "Iron Eyes Cody" (born Espera di Corti, first-generation Sicilian-American).)
Universities can't afford that kind of misconduct, so out he went.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
As soon as you use the phrase "blaming the victims"
you have made it impossible to have an accurate analysis of any situation that involves blowback.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
We're getting into Ayn Rand territory here
Specifically, the train tunnel crash/gas chamber scene in Atlas Shrugged. She insisted that everyone on board was complicit with the Evil System (what, even the little children?) and so they all "deserved" to die.
I find that sort of attitude disgusting.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Rand. Not only a foul person, but a hypocrite.
The woman lived off the government for years, all the while idolizing a serial killer as the ideal man.
And I could never finish one of her books. They always felt FAR too condescending and smug.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"deserved" to die?
It's not a question of whether anybody in particular deserved to die.
It's a question of whether the intelligent and ethical response to blowback from imperialism is:
A. Double down and slaughter innocent civilians abroad in a fit of vengeful rage while purging the political discourse of any suggestion that the even was, in fact, blowback.
B. End the imperialism.
If you can't admit that the imperial adventuring caused the blowback, because you make the fallacious inference that this constitutes "blaming the victims", then you can't even discuss the possibility of choosing option B. Churchill's "little Eichmanns" metaphor (which he did not originate, by the way, it predates his essay by decades) was aimed at the financialists who go to work every day and push their papers and meet their quotas and move the money without ever consciously considering the very real human beings who are on the very real receiving end of the downside of all that financializing. There is almost nothing he said about them that, had they not been killed in the attack on the towers, would have been considered beyond the pale by the average thoughtful member of the American left. Here is the paragraph in question, right up to but omitting the fateful sentence in which he utters the verboten phrase. (BTW, his principal rhetorical crime, in my opinion, is that he waves a rhetorical wand and simply vanishes the many hundreds of civilians in that building who were janitors and waiters and clerical staff and security guards and tourists, rather than privileged members of a relatively well-educated and well-compensated elite whose business was imperial exploitation.)
Having just re-read the first half of Churchill's essay (up to when he switches gears to take on the FBI et al), I claim that it expresses a cogent, passionate critique of the American Imperial Enterprise. Mainly, it attempts to hold America to account for the terrible crime that was our Iraq policy from 1991 onwards, and it argues that the 9/11 attacks can be understood as most immediately blowback for that policy. The "little Eichmanns" line gave the media firing squad a convenient supply of ammo, but even had Churchill left that entire paragraph out, I believe he would have been crucified for daring to suggest that 9/11 was, per the title of his essay, a case of imperial chickens coming home to roost. Which it was.
The reality of it is this: If civilians of any other nation ever attempted to inflict on US civilians what US civilians inflict on their counterparts in developing nations all across the globe, 90% of the US population would be calling, quite literally, for the very real blood of every human responsible, with complete disregard for the "collateral damage" of ordinary people going about the ordinary business of feeding and raising their children. In fact, it's happening now. Quite possible right now, some child somewhere either just was, or is soon to be, mistified for the crime of being related to somebody who is pissed off at us for the evil things that somebody has done in our name, and under the protection of our military hegemony.
"We" don't get to be morally outraged when other people do to "us" what "we" would so very fervently do to them were circumstances reversed.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Your views of 9/11 make sense
…in response to my statement of events from this past November. We are in compete accord regarding the absolute predictability of the attack. I certainly expect many more severe attacks against Americans in the US for the murder and mayhem — the holocaust — they continue to run in the Middle East. I predicted in 2003 that the US would eventually be locked down for security reasons, like a larger North Korea, and that's essentially what the American people are voting for in 2016.
The "crank" theories, as you call them, focus almost entirely on the mechanism of the disaster and the subsequent investigation. And they are very, very persistent. Like you, I have little interest in these anomalies. But I am profoundly interested in the fact that so many are obsessed with this. It's a symptom of a shocking social/cultural disconnect that is clearly part of the general disfunction of the body politic in the US.
You wrote:
Here, you begin to blur and compensate, by casting doubt on all known-knowns. You don't need to do that. US intelligence was acutely aware that an attack on the US was weeks away, at most. They were also aware that the World Trade Center was the likely target. The US had embedded informants with al Qaeda, a group that the US trained, armed, and enabled during the preceding decade. US Intelligence told the government what their al Qaeda embeds had told them. The tone was urgent. The moment the World Trade Center was hit, US intelligence was fully aware who was most involved, and before 24 hours had passed, they rounded up the entire bin Laden clan from various parts of the US and flew all of them back to Saudi Arabia. There were important geopolitical reasons for this.
An unmanageably enormous network of "conspirators" (among the military and civilian first-responders and the army of government workers that support them) were, in fact, deeply involved. And they are still deeply involved, in the events surrounding 9/11 — including all the parts we don't talk about. These kinds of secrets are safe in the US. The people are programmed to ignore them, and are incapable of intellectual curiosity. For example, not one American has yet asked, "Why did they attack us? What did we do to make them so mad?"
But on some level, the people know something is wrong, something is missing.
So, are the crank conspiracy theorists really cranks at all? Or, are they the most astute and aware among us? It puts me in mind of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Something is driving them.
The kind of unmanageable conspiracy I'm talking about
is the one in which, for example, an aircraft "known" to exist, and "known" to have been flying at low altitude right through the heart of DC, and full of human beings "known" to various other living human beings (including the wife of the former Solicitor General), an aircraft miscellaneous bits and pieces of which were photographed lying around both inside and outside the Pentagon, must somehow be reinvented as a con job and cover story in which the photographs were photoshopped, the low-altitude was flight an enormous lie (the witnesses all bought off), the dead passengers never really existed, or were people who had already died, etc. Anybody who thinks the Pentagon was hit by a missile, rather than a commercial Boeing jetliner with about 100 living and breathing people on board, is ploughing the same field of madness as the guys who think Sandy Hook was a hoax and the dead children never existed.
You're not quite right when you say, "not one American has asked ...". Most obviously, lots of Americans asked that -- and then accepted at face value what the government and the media told them: They hate us for our freedoms. Sadly, beyond that point, anybody who asked any deeper questions was told what I've now been told by TheOtherMaven: That this constitutes "blaming the victims", as if the citizens of an Imperial power experiencing blowback are somehow comparable to women who are raped "because" of their "slutty" demeanor. (edited to add ironic quotes)
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
BTW, i did not intend to cast doubt on
"all the known-knowns". I was just demonstrating my open-mindedness.
For example, is it conceivable that Cheney was a prime mover in the attacks? Yes. Most people who think otherwise just can't accept the idea of an American official being that evil, but they're being chauvinist idiots. Personally, I don't think Cheney had the guts for such an endeavor. However, I suspect that the full and complete extent of his emotional response was some combination of:
A. Rage that somebody did something like that on his watch, in defiance of his authority and power
B. Delight at the opportunity it presented.
The balance between A and B would depend mainly on how much he really did know/believe prior to the attack. He's arrogant enough that he might not have believed anyone would really dare. He's evil enough that he might have believed, but thought it was worth the price. We are unlikely to ever know the truth of it.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thanks for the conversation.
We are both pretty analytical across several tracks. I'm mostly nodding along with your words because they are true in my universe, too.
No. Enough people qualified to know say this simply isn’t true:
Nope. Flat assertion we’ve been having blared at us for 15 years, but not true.
-- King Salman of Saudi Arabia
-- Alphonse "Al" Capone on the St. Valentine's Day Massacre
-- George "Bugs" Moran on the St. Valentine's Day Massacre
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
No anchovies please.
Sorry - just discovered the cool video link have to play!
On Edit - this was supposed to be posted as a reply to detroitmechworks comment a bit above this one - still getting used to this posting system. My apologies:
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
It is my experience that supporters of the official 9/11 story
in public fora pull out all the stops and engage in every psychological (fear of “looking silly”) and rhetorical trick in the book — all to discourage people from looking at abundant contrary evidence and coming to an independent judgment.
It is pointless and a complete waste of energy to discuss the subject further with them. Unfortunately, to the extent that discussion flow does not end up simply politely ignoring them, success of their tactics is pretty much guaranteed.
My one repramind
at TOP was for commenting that I believe in the LIHOP (let it happen on purpose) theory of 9/11. I could write a book about how 9/11 happened and no one would touch it with a ten foot pole. One thing I know is that the 9/11 disaster will be just like all the other conspiracies that happened throughout the last century, lost as new disasters take over.