
Open Thread - Thurs 14 Sep 2023: A Couple of Thoughts about 9/11

A Couple of Thoughts about 9/11

Enhydra Lutris' Post on Monday, 9/11, covered so much of history that happened on that day through the ages. I found the post very informative and learned a lot. It was great! And really showed how our own 9/11 isn't that important in the long run of history, even if it's important, in varying ways, to many of us who see it as a horrid attack, the loss of more of our freedom, a government manipulated spectacle and excuse, and more.

Yep - From: https://xenianwallpaper.blogspot.com/2020/12/9-11-political-cartoon-he-identified.html

Dark Overlord hacks 9-11

Dark Overlord, the extortionist hackers who leaked an entire season of Orange is the New Black when their ransom demands weren't met, who also tried to extort West Park Capital and ultimately released their NDA's, reports and contracts, are now trying to extort the "Deep State" for 10GB of files relating to 9-11 they stole from insurance agencies and legal firms.

Conspiracy Theory and the Bounding of Debate

Anytime a government person tells me something, I do not automatically believe everything they say and take them at face value. Have you ever listen to Josh Earnest do a Q & A after a press release? It's festival of pretzel logic and linguistic gymnastics. Cringe worthy even. History has proven over and over our government lies to us. 935 times the GWB administration went on TV, and to the UN, and LIED to everybody, the entire world about Iraq's WMD's. That is fact, is it not?