All roads lead to Ukraine/Clinton collusion
While Democrats continue to wait for Godot and the Mueller report, Ukraine's top prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko has opened a criminal investigation of a 2016 "illegal intrusion into the American election campaign".
Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Andrei Derkach, an independent MP, also called for an investigation into 'illegal interference in the election of President of the United States organized by a criminal organization.' He wasn't talking about Russia.
Allow me to get out of the way of the stampede of journalists rushing to cover this important story.
What? No stampede?
It must be because of the lack of evidence that Ukraine colluded with the Clinton campaign.
Nope, that isn't the case either.
The Head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) Artem Sytnyk stated that he helped the headquarters of the U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016, as is stated on the audio-recording provided by the Ukrainian MP Boryslav Rosenblat. A person with a voice which sounds a lot like Sytnyk’s says that Clinton was favorable for America and the world, and it would be better for Ukraine if she won.“I helped him as well. Not him, but Hillary… Internal issues are more important than external ones for Trump. Hillary is one of those politicians favorable for America and the world. It would be better for us, but what Trump does is better for Americans,” Sytnyk admits.
Ukraine's involvement in trying to throw the election to Hillary has been known for a long time. At least some of the facts have been known.
A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.
Up until this point, the conviction of Paul Manafort has been the biggest coup of the Mueller/Russiagate investigation.
There's just one little thing: Manafort never colluded with Russia. Manafort colluded with Ukraine.
According to the indictment Robert Mueller filed against him, Manafort was an unregistered “agent of the Government of Ukraine.” He also functioned as an agent of Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s president from 2010 to 2014, and of two political parties, the Party of Regions and its successor, the Opposition Bloc.Manafort was not an unregistered agent of Russia. Mueller never alleged that Manafort was a clandestine operative of the Kremlin. He worked for Ukraine, not Putin. Indeed, for much of his time in Ukraine, he pushed his clients against Putin’s interests.
When you look at the actual evidence, it's as clear and obvious as one can imagine.
The collusion was on Hillary's side with Ukraine. Not Russia.
But you will never hear this because that isn't the narrative that the political establishment wants to push. Thus, logic, evidence, and common sense takes a back-seat in this scandal.

Obama may have colluded too
Who was the Ukrainian-American operative . . . .
. . . who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee (who) met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington?
More info
Yes, Manafort was an advisor for Yanukovich, the elected president of Ukraine before the CIA-backed coup in 2014. But who was Manafort actually working for? He allegedly advised Yanukovich to shoot at the crowds in Maiden Square, but forensics indicate that the shooting, or the initial shooting, was done by the fascists to create the incident that would spark the coup. Having targeted governments be blamed for shooting on demonstrators is an oft-repeated CIA tactic, and the CIA certainly had its fingers in this coup. Dave Emory has suggested that Manafort, or "Lee Harvey Manafort", was always a CIA operative, who was targeted as the fall guy for Russiagate. Foreknowledge of the shooting at Maiden certainly suggests he was part of the coup plan. And after Yanukovich fled Ukraine Manafort stayed behind. Wonder why?
A little history might more clearly define who Manafort is. From Wiki: "Manafort has served as an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bob Dole. In 1980, he co-founded the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying firm Black, Manafort & Stone, along with principals Charles R. Black Jr., and Roger J. Stone, joined by Peter G. Kelly in 1984."
For those familiar with history, Gerald Ford, as a member of the Warren Commission, actually moved the bullethole in JFK's autopsy diagrams from the back between the shoulder blades up to the back of the neck to fit the conclusions of the Warren Report. Ford was also mentioned in THE CONTROL OF CANDY JONES, a book published decades ago about a victim of the CIA's MK-ULTRA program, suggesting that Ford early on was working for the Agency and also suggesting that they may have been behind the success of his political career.
Ronald Reagan, who sat in the White House during Iran-contra, worked as a point man for the FBI during the Red Scare days in Hollywood. From there he was the public spokesman for the Crusade For Freedom, an early CIA scam along with Radio Free Europe. RFE was a propaganda arm broadcasting into Eastern Europe and featuring fascists allied with Hitler during the war. CFF was a program for the CIA to import fascists and Nazis, dubbed "freedom fighters", into the US. (Allen Dulles blamed the Republican loss in 1948 on "the Jews" and wanted to import fascists to help swing ethnic communities to the right). Reagan, upon reaching the presidency, used the same "freedom fighter" meme for the contras.
I'll leave readers to seek out any connections between the Bushes and the CIA.
My essay about Russiagate back in early 2017 has several references to the Ukraine. You may recall that the mysterious website PropOrNot, which the Washington Post used to kick off the internet censorship campaign, left clues as to its ideological ancestry prior to its emergence on the world stage: World War II Ukrainian fascism. That essay is here:
Why do you think Chalupa hasn't been investigated?
Maybe Trump has been waiting for the Mueller Report to flame out which it has done.
Now the Dems will go after his bizness dealings which I'm all for unlike the Russia hysteria.
If Trump isn't able to shift the focus now onto Dem misdoings with the Steele dossier etc, methinks he's a goner.
2017 essay
Thanks for reminding us of your prior essay, Bob. It was good to re-read it.
Good evening, gj, and thanks. Let us not forget the HRC/
DNC computer experts who detected, investigated and assigned blame for the alleged hack, Clown Farce or somesuch name, wee heavy into PR for Ukraine and rabid anti-Russia propagandists as their principal occupation.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hillary loves the Rove playbook. In this case, pre-emptively
accusing Trump of colluding with Russia to attempt to innoculate herself against allegations of collusion.
Why hasn't the Justice Department questioned Chalupa?
It would seem to serve Trump's interests. Are they just so freaking stupid?
She also has a sister who also seems to be a Democratic Party operative.
US media on this story
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
George Webb covered Chalupa months ago,
but I did not pay attention to how she fit into things. Often George is way ahead of the public story and often he sidetracks so if you do not pay close attention you can get lost like I did. Now I see where he was going. Thanks for being on top of this, gj.
I still believe Clinton was selling state secrets to whomever would cough up the money. I also strongly believe there is a whole lot more to the Clinton Mafia than just this incident. We may never know how deep this runs because it is a very tangled web that extends around the world among globalists who have no allegiance to any country.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
You describe
the situation so well.
Clinton got away with quite a
Clinton got away with quite a lot simply because if she went down, she would drag Obama down with her.
Obama protected her because of his own involvement, which is why she never got charged with anything.
Power will always protect power.
I agree. The person everyone really wants
to protect is the Empty Suit.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa