The Evening Blues - 3-4-19


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Tuba Skinny

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features New Orleans jazz band Tuba Skinny. Enjoy!

Tuba Skinny - Dusting the Frets

"Instead of politicians, let the monkey govern the country. At least they will only steal the bananas."

-- Mehmet Murat Ildan

News and Opinion

Meet Brazil’s new President: José de Abreu

On February 25, veteran Brazilian character actor José de Abreu announced on Twitter that he was thinking of taking Juan Guaidó’s lead and declaring himself President of Brazil. Minutes later, in the midst of an avalanche of support which transformed him into the most popular topic on Brazilian Twitter, the actor made the announcement. With a quickly photoshoped self portrait in a presidential sash, he said, “I hereby declare myself President of Brazil. Let’s give the same level of respect to my presidency as they are giving to the Venezuelan, why not?”

Within minutes, someone went onto the Wikipedia page for Brazil and changed the line for President from Jair Bolsonaro to “disputed”. ...

In an interview with Carta Capital, he called Bolsonaro an illiterate and said, “The fact that ex-Judge Sérgio Moro accepted the Minister of Justice position in exchange for removing Lula from the presidential race is unacceptable. There is no legitimacy for a government that removed a candidate without evidence. Lula can save the national economy with his political sensibility.” ...

Although it began as a social media joke, Abreu’s proclamation touched a nerve with the 61% of the Brazilian population who are not satisfied with the way that Jair Bolsonaro is doing his job – a recent poll shows him as having the least popular start of a Brazilian presidency in the 21st Century. As his coalition crumbles due to multiple corruption scandals and ideological differences between the generals in his cabinet and his mediocre, right-wing extremist ideologues, the government has gridlocked on key issues like support for Trump’s Venezuelan coup and pension reform. Dissatisfaction with Bolsonaro and a sense that he is taking orders from the Generals is growing both in the media and on the streets.

This interview is worth a full read. You won't agree with all of it, but the point of view is interesting. Here's the intro to get you started:

Trump and Brexit Proved This Book Prophetic — What Calamity Will Befall Us Next?

Across the world, he reputation of elites and their institutions is in free fall. A flood of online information has given the public unprecedented access to elite individuals in politics, media, academia, science, business, and an array of other fields. Thanks to tools like social media, the activist public has greater proximity to its supposed mandarin class than ever before. What this newfound intimacy has revealed has not always been flattering. Many of those who had been held up as elites in their fields have, upon closer examination by the public, been revealed as mediocre, incompetent, buffoonish, and, in some cases, possibly unhinged. At the same time, the public, for all its passion, has also revealed itself to be vulnerable to conspiracy theories, disinformation, and outbreaks of hysteria.

In 2014, a former CIA media analyst named Martin Gurri published “The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium.” Gurri had spent his career analyzing the global information environment and could see that something major was ahead. “The Revolt of the Public” predicted that the information revolution unleashed by the internet would end up destabilizing politics and institutions around the world, perhaps for decades to come. A flood of new online information — along with a series of failed wars and financial crises — would conspire to bleed the legitimacy of elite institutions and their representatives in the eyes of the public, likely beyond repair.

Events since the book was first released have made it appear prophetic. This past December, “The Revolt of the Public” was republished with a new chapter, reflecting on the election of Donald Trump in the United States and the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom.

Constructing Rebellion, The Overthrow of Corporate Tyrrany - Chris Hedges

Sanders, Warren, Ocasio-Cortez, and Other Lawmakers Sign Pledge to End America’s “Forever Wars”

Eight members of Congress have taken a pledge to work to bring ongoing U.S. global military conflicts to a “responsible and expedient” end, the result of a first-of-its kind lobbying effort by military veterans on Capitol Hill. The pledge was written and organized by a group called Common Defense, made up of veterans and military families, which advocates for scaling back U.S. military commitments overseas. Common Defense boasts of more than 20,000 veteran members in all 50 states, and it threw its endorsement behind almost 30 candidates in the last midterm election cycle. ...

All of the signatories so far are members of the Democratic caucus, and most of them are associated with the left wing of the party: Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren; Omar and other freshmen Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ro Khanna, and Rashida Tlaib; and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Mark Pocan. Common Defense is also courting more moderate lawmakers, particularly those in swing districts and Democrats. So far, the group has also gotten the support of Montana Sen. Jon Tester, who was first elected in the heavily Republican state in 2006 after bucking advice from Washington consultants and running a populist campaign that condemned the Iraq War. ...

The progressive insurgents in Congress have built name recognition around domestic policy ideas like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal. By lobbying members to sign the pledge, organizers for Common Defense are hoping to make U.S. military commitments a part of that conversation. The pledge by Sanders and Warren, who’ve previously been outspoken against endless U.S. military interventions, could have an impact on the 2020 Democratic primary. In an appearance on MSNBC in January, Warren broke with top Democrats by saying that President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan was “right,” and characterizing the Pentagon policy as “stay forever.” Sanders, meanwhile, has said that Trump is right to pull troops out of Syria, but added, “I don’t know that you can pull out tomorrow.”

Yemen peace process in 'last chance saloon', says Jeremy Hunt

The Yemen peace process is in the “last chance saloon” and could collapse within weeks unless both sides shift position and agree to implement the terms of a ceasefire agreed by the UN-backed government and Houthi rebels, Jeremy Hunt said on Sunday.

The foreign secretary said the key issue was over trusting the Saudi-backed Yemen government not to take over the strategic Red Sea port of Hodeida as soon as the Houthi rebels left the town and handed policing to a locally run force.

Speaking to the Guardian from Dubai after becoming the first western foreign minister to visit Yemen since the war started in 2015, Hunt said he hoped he had persuaded both sides to shift, but admitted he did not expect anything to happen in the next few days.

Referring to the ceasefire agreed in Sweden in December, he said: “There is a real issue of trust between the two sides, but it has now been 80 days since the Stockholm agreement, so there is a real sense of urgency. I have no idea if me being out here had any impact or not, but the reason to come here was to focus everyone’s minds. The status quo is not going to last for ever if the port of Hodeida is not cleared.

It Is Time to Indict Israel: Norman Finkelstein on Growing Push For ICC to File War Crimes Charges

Benny Gantz: can this Israeli general defeat Benjamin Netanyahu?

A few short months ago, it appeared to be a done deal. Benjamin Netanyahu was on track to take a fifth term in office at the Israeli general election . A win at the polls would virtually guarantee him the title of Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, snatching it from the country’s founding father, David Ben-Gurion.

But then an army general stepped in. “No Israeli leader is king,” Benny Gantz promised as he kicked off his campaign less than three months before Israelis go to the polls. “I thank prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his 10 years of service. We will continue from here.” Gantz, 59, running a centrist party called Blue and White after the Israeli flag, has since climbed rapidly in the polls to become the first serious contender to unseat Netanyahu, 69. The former army chief has no political experience and few concrete policies, but hopes to appeal to voters on one basis more than any other: that he is not Netanyahu. ...

To appease as many people as he can, Gantz has had to appear simultaneously rightwing and leftwing. On security issues, he has pushed the message of being both a dove and a hawk. Head of the army from 2011 to 2015, his campaign released a short clip showing a bomb-flattened neighbourhood in Gaza after the 2014 war he led. “Only the strong wins,” reads text on the video, which boasted that Israel killed more than 1,364 “terrorists”. (The claim contradicts a United Nations inquiry that found more than 2,200 Palestinians were killed, more than half of them civilians.) Yet Gantz said in another video that there is “no shame in yearning for peace” and has promised to strive towards a deal with the Palestinians.

The mixed messaging has worked, according to analysis by Alon Yakter, a lecturer at the school of political science at Tel Aviv University, and Mark Tessler at the University of Michigan. Gantz’s “success is because of, not despite, his vagueness,” they wrote in the Washington Post. He appeals to what they call a large number of “sceptical doves” – voters who support a peace deal in theory, but doubt it is possible. ... But the veteran also faces battles to uphold his virtuous image. Gantz is being sued by a family in Gaza in a Dutch court for war crimes and was accused last week of sexual misconduct as a senior in high school. It is unclear how those allegations, which he denies, will sway voters. On the campaign trail, Gantz has made sure attention is focused on Netanyahu and his vices. “Your time is up,” he said. “We are moving onwards.”

U.N. human rights investigator: Israeli forces killed 183 Palestinians in 9 months

Closing the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem is the “final nail” for a peace deal, Palestinians warn

Palestinian officials slammed the Trump administration's decision to shutter its consulate in Jerusalem Monday, calling it the “final nail in the coffin” of U.S. efforts to broker a peace deal. The White House announced Sunday night it had closed the consulate, which for decades acted as a de facto embassy for the Palestinians and their direct link with Washington. ...

State Department spokesperson Robert Palladino said the closure “does not signal a change of U.S. policy on Jerusalem, the West Bank, or the Gaza Strip.” Palestinians, however, decried the move as further evidence of White House bias in favor of Israel.

"The Trump administration is intent on leaving no room for doubt about its hostility toward the Palestinian people and their inalienable rights, as well as its abject disregard for international law and its obligations under the law," senior Palestinian official Hanan Ashrawi said in a statement. Palestinian official Saeb Erekat said it was the “final nail in the coffin” for U.S. chances to broker peace between the warring sides.

The move follows years of deteriorating relations between Palestine and Washington. In December 2017, Donald Trump announced the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate its embassy there, a move that led Palestine to cut off almost all diplomatic relations.

It Might Be Time for a “War Dogs” Sequel

A remarkable report from the Pentagon’s inspector general released this week reveals that TransDigm Group, a parts supplier, “earned excess profit” on nearly every parts contract it made with the Defense Department. Pentagon procurement officials responded to the report by vowing to seek $16.1 million in voluntary refunds from TransDigm, the approximate amount of excess profits on $26.3 million in contracts. TransDigm has yet to respond. ...

More of a private equity conglomerate than a defense contractor, TransDigm uses mergers and acquisitions to corner the market on sole-source aircraft parts sought by the military; thereafter, critics attest that the company jacks up the price. About a third of TransDigm’s sales in 2017 were in the defense sector, according to the inspector general report. Three Democrats — Reps. Ro Khanna of California, Tim Ryan of Ohio, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts — requested the audit to see whether TransDigm was reaping excess profits in procurement. Wednesday’s report shows that, well, yes, it was.

The inspector general reviewed 47 of the 113 contracts TransDigm made with the Defense Department between January 2015 and January 2017. “We determined that TransDigm earned excess profit on 46 of 47 parts,” the report states. One part yielded what the inspector general considered a “reasonable” profit of 11 percent. The other 46 ranged in margins from 17 to 4,451 percent. ...

TransDigm is a relatively small Pentagon supplier within the $144.6 billion procurement budget. Penny-ante price gouging in spare parts, where the costs are relatively small on an individual basis and can get obscured in the total budget, fly under the radar. But if the practices are standard across the contracting space, the military may be squandering tens of billions of dollars.

Huawei: Meng Wanzhou sues Canadian government over arrest

Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officers of Chinese tech giant Huawei, is suing the Canadian government, its border agency and the national police force over her high-profile detention, saying they detained, searched and interrogated her before telling her she was under arrest. Lawyers for Meng said on Sunday they had filed a notice of civil claim in the British Columbia supreme court. Canada arrested Meng, the daughter of Huawei’s founder, at the request of the US, on 1 December at Vancouver’s airport. She is wanted on fraud charges that allege she misled banks about the company’s business dealings in Iran.

The suit alleges that instead of immediately arresting her, authorities interrogated Meng “under the guise of a routine customs” examination and used the opportunity to “compel her to provide evidence and information”. The suit also claims Canada Border Service Agency agents seized her electronic devices, obtained passwords and unlawfully viewed the contents and intentionally failed to adviser her of the true reasons for her detention. The suit said only after three hours was she told she was under arrest and had right to counsel.

“This case concerns a deliberate and pre-meditated effort on the part of the defendant officers to obtain evidence and information from the plaintiff in a manner which they knew constituted serious violations of the plaintiff’s rights,” the claim says. Meng is out on bail and living in Vancouver awaiting extradition proceedings.

MSNBC Yet Again Broadcasts Blatant Lies, This Time About Bernie Sanders’ Opening Speech, and Refuses to Correct Them

MSNBC is a dishonest political operation, not a news outlet. It systematically and deliberately refuses to adopt a defining attribute of a news outlet: a willingness to acknowledge factual errors, correct them, and apologize. That they not only allow their lies to stand uncorrected but reward their employees who do it most frequently – especially when those lies are directed at adversaries of the Democratic Party – proves that they are, first and foremost, a political arm of the Democratic establishment.

The most recent example is as glaring as it is malicious. On Saturday in Brooklyn, Bernie Sanders delivered his first speech for his 2020 presidential campaign in front of thousands of people. MSNBC broadcast the speech live, and anyone can watch the full 2-hour event, or just Sanders’ full 35-minute speech, on YouTube. As a result, there’s no confusion possible about what was said. Everyone can see it with their own eyes. ...

After Sanders’ speech, MSNBC immediately asked its panel for its reaction. The first person they turned to was Zerlina Maxwell, who the host identified only as an “MSNBC analyst.” What the host omitted, but which Maxwell herself acknowledged, was that she was a paid official for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign against Sanders: that, revealingly, is the first person MSNBC had opine on Sanders’ speech. After the host noted that Maxwell was making gestures of disapproval throughout Sanders’ speech and asked her what the cause was, Maxwell proceeded to state demonstrable lies about that speech. She said:

To be very serious about it, I clocked it. He did not mention race or gender until 23 minutes into the speech. And just for point of comparison, I went back and looked at Elizabeth Warren’s opening speech, for example. She mentions race and discrimination in the first paragraph. So that’s a big difference.

That is a big difference. It’s also a total lie. Sanders mentioned race, gender and discrimination multiple times at the beginning of his speech and long before the 23-minute mark, as anyone who actually watched it – which presumably includes all the MSNBC personalities on that panel who sat silently as this lie was broadcast – obviously knew was a lie. For good measure, Maxwell repeated the same lie she told on MSNBC in a tweet that she posted. ...

Sanders did not just mention race and gender once in his speech before the 23-minute mark Maxwell claimed, but did so repeatedly. It was not only the major theme of the speakers who introduced him but a primary theme of his own speech from the start: both explicitly railing against the evils of “racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and religious bigotry” and vowing to usher in “social justice and racial justice,” but also launching full-scale, vehement attacks on the policies – inequities in the criminal justice system and immigration abuses – that have as their primary targets racial and religious minorities.

'Blood on his hands’: Survivors demand Elliott Abrams be removed from Holocaust museum board

Vatican to unseal archives on controversial WWII pope

Vatican archives on Pope Pius XII, the controversial wartime pontiff accused of failing to condemn the Holocaust, are to be opened next year after pressure from campaigners and historians. Pope Francis announced the archives would be unsealed in March 2020, eight years ahead of schedule, saying the Roman Catholic church was “not afraid of history”. ...

The role of Pius XII, a staunch anti-communist who became pope in March 1939, six months before war engulfed Europe, has long been questioned by historians. According to a display in Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial and museum, Pius “did not intervene” when Jews were rounded up and deported from Rome to Auschwitz.

His critics have also said he was enthusiastic about Adolf Hitler’s ascent to power and failed to stand up for priests who spoke out against the persecution of Jews and in many cases helped them and others escape being sent to Nazi concentration camps. Pius’s public reticence over condemning the Holocaust was despite efforts by many in the church, as well as diplomats from allied countries, to persuade him to speak out.

The Vatican has defended the wartime pope, who died in 1958, saying he used back-channels and quiet diplomacy to try to save lives. ...

Yad Vashem welcomed the Vatican’s decision to release the archives, saying it had been calling for years for the archives to be opened to “enable objective and open research as well as comprehensive discourse on issues relating to the conduct of the Vatican in particular, and the Catholic church in general, during the Holocaust”.

Iael Nidam-Orvieto, the director of Holocaust research at Yad Vashem, said it was known that Pius did not “publicly condemn the Nazis’ extermination of Jews in direct, clear and unambiguous terms”. The Vatican may have operated a strategy of “public silence, with behind-the-scenes activity”, but available historical evidence had not confirmed that, she told Haaretz newspaper.

Police union appeals against firing of officer who shot dead Tamir Rice

A police union says it has appealed against the firing of a white Cleveland officer who shot dead Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy who was playing with a pellet gun. ...

Rice family attorney Subodh Chandra said in a statement it was “unfortunate” the union “continues to embrace lawlessness in law enforcement”.

Senate set to reject Trump national emergency declaration – but not his veto

Opponents of Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the US-Mexico border appear to have enough Senate votes to reject his move, now the Kentucky Republican Rand Paul has said he can’t go along with the White House.

The House has already voted to derail the action, and if the Senate follows later this month the measure will go to Trump. He has promised to veto it. Congress is unlikely to have the votes to override that. ... Three other Republican senators have announced they’ll vote “no” – two moderates, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

Assuming all 47 Democrats and their independent allies go against Trump, that would give opponents of the emergency declaration 51 votes – and the majority needed.

The Infiltrators: How Undocumented Activists Snuck Into Immigration Jail to Fight Deportations

29 parents separated from children cross back into US hoping to reunite

A group of 29 parents who were wrested from their children and deported at the height of the family separation crisis last year have been allowed to cross back into the US and seek asylum, in an attempt to reunite with their loved ones.

The parents, who travelled across Central America to the Mexicali border crossing, were made to wait 10 hours on Saturday, before they were allowed to present themselves for asylum. During tense negotiations, prominent public figures including Hillary Clinton agitated on their behalf.

Religious leaders and a coalition of immigration advocacy groups including Al Otro Lado, Families Belong Together and Together Rising helped the parents make their way back to the border entry port. They said the struggle to reunite the 29 with their 27 children in the US, one of whom was as young as five, had only just begun.

“This is a huge victory for these families,” said Erika Pinheiro of Al Otro Lado. “But this fight isn’t over until they’re reunited with their kids. They are now going into the black hole of CBP [Customs and Border Protection] custody, and some could be separated again.” The plight of the parents and their missing children is an indication that the family separation crisis that erupted last summer is continuing to have ramifications for hundreds of people. Thousands of children were separated from their parents in 2018 as a result of a “zero tolerance” policy imposed by Donald Trump.

the horse race

Anti-Muslim poster linking Ilhan Omar to 9/11 sparks outrage in West Virginia

An anti-Muslim poster outside the chamber of the West Virginia House of Delegates that falsely connected the Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar to the 9/11 terrorist attacks has drawn strong rebukes from local and national lawmakers, while causing the resignation of a state capitol staffer and the reported injury of another.

The sign, which loomed over a table loaded with other Islamophobic flyers on a “WV GOP Day” at the legislature on Friday, bore an image of the burning World Trade Center in New York, juxtaposed with a picture of Omar, one of the first Muslim congresswomen ever elected. “‘Never forget’ – You said,” was written over the Twin Towers. On Omar’s picture, a caption read: “I am the proof you have forgotten.”

“No wonder why I am on the ‘hitlist’ of a domestic terrorist and ‘Assassinate Ilhan Omar’ is written on my local gas stations,” the Minnesota Democrat, wrote on Twitter as the images went viral. “Look no further, the GOP’s anti-Muslim display likening me to a terrorist rocks in state capitols and no one is condemning them!”

The reference to a “hitlist” was likely to the case of Christopher Hasson, a lieutenant in the US coast guard who was recently revealed to have plotted to kill Democratic members of Congress including Omar and New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other leading liberal figures.

the evening greens

Heatwaves sweeping oceans ‘like wildfires’, scientists reveal

The number of heatwaves affecting the planet’s oceans has increased sharply, scientists have revealed, killing swathes of sea-life like “wildfires that take out huge areas of forest”. The damage caused in these hotspots is also harmful for humanity, which relies on the oceans for oxygen, food, storm protection and the removal of climate-warming carbon dioxide the atmosphere, they say. Global warming is gradually increasing the average temperature of the oceans, but the new research is the first systematic global analysis of ocean heatwaves, when temperatures reach extremes for five days or more.

The research published in Nature Climate Change, found heatwaves are becoming more frequent, prolonged and severe, with the number of heatwave days tripling in the last couple of years studied. In the longer term, the number of heatwave days jumped by more than 50% in the 30 years to 2016, compared with the period of 1925 to 1954.

As heatwaves have increased, kelp forests, seagrass meadows and coral reefs have been lost. These foundation species are critical to life in the ocean. They provide shelter and food to many others, but have been hit on coasts from California to Australia to Spain. ...

Dr Éva Plagányi at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia also likened ocean heatwaves to wildfires. “Frequent big hits can have long-lasting effects,” she said. “This study shows that record-breaking events are becoming the new normal.” ... “In the space of one week, scientific publications have underscored that unless we take evasive action, our future oceans will have fewer fish, fewer whales and frequent dramatic shifts in ecological structure will occur, with concerning implications for humans who depend on the ocean,” said Plagányi.

This California town is struggling to survive flooding caused by “King Tides”

Most US coal plants are contaminating groundwater with toxins, analysis finds

Almost every coal-fired power plant in the US is contaminating groundwater with unsafe levels of toxic pollution, according to the first comprehensive analysis of the consequences of coal ash waste disposal. Of the 265 US power plants that monitor groundwater, 242 have reported unsafe levels of at least one pollutant derived from coal ash, which is the remnants of coal after it is burned for energy. More than half such facilities report unsafe levels of arsenic, a carcinogen linked to multiple types of cancer, with 60% finding elevated lithium, which is associated with neurological damage.

In all, nine out of every 10 coal plants with reportable data have tainted nearby groundwater with at least one coal ash pollutant, with a majority having unsafe levels of at least four different toxins. ...

The coal plants included in the analysis represent roughly three-quarters of all coal facilities in the US, with the remainder either having shut down their coal ash dumps or been exempted from reporting requirements. American coal plants produce about 100m tons of coal ash each year, with at least 2bn tons stored in pits of varying quality. Most coal ash pits are ageing and not lined with a protective substance that would prevent the ash seeping into streams and rivers.

Spurred by disasters such as that at the TVA Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee, where a containment dike ruptured in 2008 and spilled ash that smothered a huge area resulting in several hundred dead or sickened people, the Obama administration moved to tighten the regulations around the disposal of coal ash. ... These regulations were eased, however, by the Trump administration. In July, the Environmental Protection Agency extended by 18 months the time that industry can use unlined coal ash ponds for dumping. The move would “provide states and utilities much-needed flexibility in the management of coal ash” and save utility companies as much as $31m a year, according to Andrew Wheeler, confirmed as EPA administrator this week.

I found this twitter thread quoted in a Naked Cap reposting of a DownWithTyranny article which has some further material. (link goes to Naked Cap)

The Debate Over Tactics In the Modern Left: Radical Opposition or Strategic Inclusive Engagement?

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

It’s Still Open: Will the Guantánamo Bay Prison Become a 2020 Issue?

Neither Rain, Sleet, nor Snow Will Stop the Post Office From Spying on You

Google Employees Uncover Ongoing Work on Censored China Search

Facebook Wants You to Know if You’re Getting Your News From the Wrong Government

At Conservative Conference, Speakers Were Obsessed With the Socialist Bogeyman

The neo-Nazi plot against America is much bigger than we realize

Inside the Israeli Right’s Campaign to Silence an Anti-Occupation Group

How (And How Not) To Beat A Smear Campaign

The Making of the Fox News White House

The Killing Times: the massacres of Aboriginal people Australia must confront

In Step Toward Ending Dark-Money Elections, Court to Review Case That Created Super PACs

Justin Trudeau Is Finished

After 40 years in solitary, activist Albert Woodfox tells his story of survival

A Little Night Music

Tuba Skinny - Jubilee Stomp

Tuba Skinny - Gimme Some

Tuba Skinny - Salamanca Blues

Tuba Skinny - Postage Stomp

Tuba Skinny - Corrine Corrina

Tuba Skinny w/Caroline Scruggs - Hear Me Talkin' to You

Tuba Skinny - Them Things Got Me

Tuba Skinny - Frosty Morning Blues

Tuba Skinny - Eagle Ridin’ Papa

Tuba Skinny - Mess Around

Tuba Skinny - Châtel-Guyon, May 20th, 2018

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0 users have voted.
QMS's picture

In memory of what could still be a salvation

0 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Here's some comments so you don't have to go there.


0 users have voted.
JekyllnHyde's picture


0 users have voted.

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma


"What I'm saying is to promise everybody something," Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, founder of the liberal politics hub Daily Kos, told NBC News. "The Democratic Party is the party that should be delivering goodies for people, and it can do so."
0 users have voted.
QMS's picture

the rest are scared brainless

0 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

projecting all of their hostility. they hated "us" (actually, i left before things got really ugly, which didn't stop PhoenixWoman from going all judgy on my ass -- actually, i think she might have got herself timed out for it, maybe even banned, it was weird) for being there, and they hate us for having left. classic domestic abuser syndrome.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.


about C99P.

0 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


very powerful, indeed.

0 users have voted.

@joe shikspack
Sanders' is getting almost 10 times more votes than c99p has registered members. We're just the visible bugs that susans et al want to squash, while kidding themselves that there aren't way, way more lurking unseen under the baseboards.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

@joe shikspack
We have so much power even Putin is afraid

0 users have voted.

i wanted to take advantage of the enormous leverage that the c99p behemoth exerts over the body politic.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@UntimelyRippd the "Internet Research Agency" in St.Petersburg, Russia.

In most years, the IRA is your run of the mill, eyeball-hustling SEO group that chums the waters of the internet with clickbait images, topics, trends, and memes. Such is life in cyberspace, where the digital advertising agencies engage in clickbait capitalism by harvesting the clicks of desirable demographics.

But every four years, IRA is magically able to completely flip the US Presidential elections on a budget of .05 percent of US campaign spending, while using cartoon images of Yosemite Sam urging users to give it a “Like” if they believe in Jesus. Or dishing ads featuring Jesus consoling a dejected young man by telling him: “Struggling with the addiction to masturbation? Reach out to me and we will beat it together.”

Americans seem to think that cyberspace is located inside the United States, and the foreign presence there must be 'illegal aliens.'

0 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
joe shikspack's picture

@Pluto's Republic

if russia wasn't so conveniently located right behind every decent american's eyeballs, why we could have been the cause of hillary's horrible, no-good, very bad election performance.

0 users have voted.

that all this power might go to my head, and that I may install myself as an all-powerful global dictator.

It'll probably happen one day, and when it does I promise to find positions in my royal court for everyone at c99p (at least those who remain loyal).
But in the meantime I will remain humble and not start a genocidal killing spree of political opponents, even if it is necessary.

0 users have voted.

monetize it, make the big score, and then bug out.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Raggedy Ann's picture

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

GreyWolf's picture

@gjohnsit 58.jpeg

0 users have voted.
GreatLakeSailor's picture


organic phoenix
March 04 · 06:18:01 PM

Like, we’d only need 9% of our group on Reddit to vote on your guys’ precious poll and we’d have 25k real people. There’s 236k people there. Are you guys that unable to figure out how to organize your base?

[Reply] [Recommend] 2 [Flag]

0 users have voted.

Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

Mark from Queens's picture

(hope I'm not threadjacking, just wanted to put it up here as an update to gjohn's comment, and for posterity)

Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at 6.38.11 PM.png

Going over there to vote was like walking through a blaring, overlit shopping mall of Chucky Cheese's or something; it hurt my head. Vacuous people repeating whatever it is they heard from the propaganda mills. First bunch of comments was a monkey see/monkey do echo of pathetically trying to convince each other that the Dem ticket was "an embarrassment of riches." How fucking clueless are these zombies?

Also noticed the new & improved, latest hit on Bernie apparently is that he's "a narcissist." Which is what I saw the sadly disgraced and unhinged author Kurt Eichenwald yelling at Cenk on Twitter. Bernie a narcissist...Holy shit. Probably the one of the most selfless guys in the history of the Senate. And if he's one, what the fuck does that make the pompous, entitled, pampered, and phony Queen of The Neoliberals, $hills?

What a complete and utter farce that place has become. It's hard to overstate just how far it has fallen.

Hey joe, and folks. Good to see you all. Haven't been around much; need to step away once in a while. Thanks for plugging away, your excellent contributions and the overall feel of the place.

Thanks for the Tuba guy. Developed kind of a crush on that instrument, from my handful of visits to N'awlins. Nothing like a funky tuba player, playing all the bass lines in the band. Trombone too. Hope to have some time to check out later.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

joe shikspack's picture

@Mark from Queens

good to see you! hope you and the family are doing well.

i guess that after last week's poll, the other candidates didn't have the juice to get out the vote for their person in the sort of numbers that sanders did. wonder how kos will explain it to chuck todd this week. Smile

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@Mark from Queens

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

@Mark from Queens
likely median wealth of those who have declared, it might quite well be a literal embarrassment of "riches".

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

OzoneTom's picture

@Mark from Queens
The large field during the early primary states ends-up with Senator Sanders taking all of the California delegates when no other candidate reaches the 15% threshold to be awarded any at all.

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@Mark from Queens
any remotely leftish political leader will be denounced as a narcissist. Al Sharpton. Ralph Nader. Jesse Jackson. Jerry Brown (during his primary run in the 80s). Kucinich. etc.

The reasoning is simple: They can't possibly win, so it's all about their vanity. They pop up wherever the injustice has bubbled up into the media spotlight, not because they care about the victims of injustice, but because they want to be important. Blah blah blah.

That they might other, slightly nobler motivations is ... inconceivable.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

@QMS Tulsi is the only 2020 candidate I've donated to. I love Bernie, but I really want to see Tulsi on the debate stage. Nobody speaks as forcefully about our backwards foreign policy the way she does.

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dervish's picture

@gjohnsit I love it!

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

On second thought, I don't care all that much.

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mimi's picture

@gjohnsit @gjohnsit
sucks, but on second thought he would express himself much more elegantly to voice his discomfort...

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@gjohnsit I mean, you'd have to read Armando's thoughts. They are scary thoughts.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
ggersh's picture


The standoff between Venezuela and the AngloZionist Empire last week-end has clearly ended in what can only be called a total defeat for Elliott Abrams. While we will never know what was initially planned by the demented minds of the Neocons, what we do know is that nothing critical happened: no invasion, not even any major false flag operation. The most remarkable facet of the standoff is how little effect all the AngloZionist propaganda has had inside Venezuela. There were clashes, including some rather violent ones, across the border, but nothing much happened in the rest of the country. Furthermore, while a few senior officers and a few soldiers did commit treason and join forces with the enemy, the overwhelming majority of the Venezuelan military remained faithful to the Constitution. Finally, it appears that Maduro and his ministers were successful in devising a strategy combining roadblocks, a concert on the Venezuelan side, and the minimal but effective use of riot police to keep the border closed. Most remarkably, “unidentified snipers” did not appear to shoot at both sides (a favorite tactic of the Empire to justify its interventions). I give the credit for this to whatever Venezuelan (or allied) units were in charge of counter-sniper operations along the border.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

joe shikspack's picture


heh, i wonder if that means that kosworld is pissing off more than half of its potential market?

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Bollox Ref's picture


Self-selecting straw polls.................

Orange Dead State is a thorough joke.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

detroitmechworks's picture

Was immediately told I needed to register it with his name.

"For Security. In case he loses it."

"No thanks." I smiled, and handed the clerk 40 dollars in cash.

"Well, you really need to do it." He replied smiling, handing me back my 9 dollars in change.

"Can he use it without registering?" I asked, equally cheerful.

"Well, yes, but..." He began, about to launch into his speech.

"Then, we don't need it, thanks." I nodded, Waiting for the pass to be activated.

"Well, it protects the money you have on there..." He began again.

"Don't Care. Thanks." I responded. If I don't have to leave a trail, I don't.

"Well, what if you lose..." He trailed, off, realizing that I wasn't reacting according to the script. I picked up the orange Item and handed it to my son, who rather than putting it on a keychain or any other method of easy identification put it in his wallet.

"Don't Care." I repeated, and left the store.

It's amazing how flustered people get these days when you don't follow the script. When you say something like "I don't do Facebook." Or "I prefer to do business in Person." Or, "I only have ten key so please call me, I don't do text."

Taking time to enjoy a communication is as important as taking the time to enjoy a meal. At least that's how I'm thinking of it these days. If I'm going to COMMUNICATE, it deserves my full attention, not some little not jotted and passed along wires to clarify a minor point that should be obvious with a moment's thought.

So, sorry for having a small literary moment there. Here's a musical moment to compensate.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

QMS's picture

opening heads these days strikes some as a rude awakening. where they hiding I wonder

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

detroitmechworks's picture

@QMS They have to stick to a script, and it's a pain in the ass when the client says no. Flat refusal is of course, not possible, it must be the fault of ignorance of the benefits, so the customer needs to be educated... Some demon in a business suit thought that one up, and plenty of stupid humans nodded and said, SURE, that sounds good.

And hell with it I'm looking for an excuse to play some music that I overlooked a while back, but am loving the hell out of now.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

joe shikspack's picture


heh, keep it up, one day you will be ready for the old fogey club, just like me. Smile

good job!

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GreatLakeSailor's picture


...from one of the chains.
Employee: Welcome to......and your phone number?
GLS: No. (A kind but firm no.)
Employee: I can't have your phone number!?
GLS: No.
Employee: How about your name?
GLS: Cash.

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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

mimi's picture

to read it tomorrow morning. Too tired already, falling apaprt one bone and one joint at the time. Can't walk anymore properly. I miss a better world with good people.

Hope all is well on your side of the world.

Good Night.

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joe shikspack's picture


things are going well in my neighborhood. the snow and ice that we got yesterday and overnight melted off this morning, so i didn't have to shovel or scrape anything today. yay!!!!

have a good rest, hope all of your assorted bones and joints recover to a state of happiness overnight.

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snoopydawg's picture

The Gaetz article you posted is close to the one I read a while back and can't find yet. Here's some more blow back on Omar and more stuff about Israel.

House Dems will take floor action to confront Omar’s latest Israel comments

another one about Omar's first comment.

Someone Needs to Teach These As$#oles a Lesson

Fighting Israel's Wars

Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel

Hope people will take time and read these. I've wanted to essay them, but haven't felt up to it lately.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


here's a link to an article that i posted a while ago in the eb about gantz. perhaps it is what you are thinking of.

thanks for the articles, looks like omar's detractors have only begun to smear.

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dystopian's picture

TransDigm Group - war parts supplier - Love to see the list of Board and investors members... They were just following the established model. How else could we spend 10 times as much as all the next 5 biggest militaries in the world, for decades, and still constantly be in dire straights forever falling behind? It's their version of a buddy system.

Is someone suggesting a Pope, Pope Pius, was not pious?

The coal ash thing has been big in some enviro circles for some time. The lack of regulation for the holding ponds that repeatedly wash out in floods, full of a toxic chemical soup.

Saw that Kiriakou piece on the USPS spying a couple days ago, great piece. Once the gov got in the surveilance biz, every dang department wanted a piece of the fun.

That ocean heat increase has been out of sight and mind, and is a major major biggie. Fish feed a lot of people on the planet.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

joe shikspack's picture


heh, maybe it's here:

for a lot of years, pope pius has been accused of cooperation with the nazis, with some evidence.

not only do fish feed a lot of people on the planet, but they are a primary source of protein for a lot of very poor people on the planet.

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"Instead of politicians, let the monkey govern the country. At least they will only steal the bananas."

Mehmet Murat Ildan

They also learn much faster, work far more days out of the year, yet get paid peanuts. Well, bananas, but still incredibly less than Congresscritters and the President, with far fewer fringe benefits, if any. However, all the foregoing fling feces, whether their own or those of bulls. And all too often, the latter hits the fan. Eeeewwww.

Eliminating air travel would knock out 95% of the world, would it now, Donnie? Thor Heydahl, Jules Verne and many others would beg to differ. What happened a kayack to Quincy or Nyack? Cruise ships? Freighters? Submarines used during and after the U.S. Civil War? Hot air balloons? Hmmmm?

Since Obama, we've been bombing bringing democracy to what, six or seven Middle Eastern countries, like Yemen? But, we love us some Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and Israel? Can someone explain that to me? "Cause I got nothin'.

So, a single US government contractor gets caught intentionally defrauding US taxpayers of sixteen million bucks and the penalty is refunding the money? The lesson here, folks, is don't steal small amounts from the government by doing piddling stuff like padding your overtime. Go big or go penitentiary.

The most poignant, artistic condemnation of the Papacy in the 1930s and 40s of which I am aware? The film, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis.

No one knows if a Presidential veto will be overriden until after Congress votes on the override.

Texan Jim Hightower questioning why anyone would want to be a centrist:

There's nothing in the middle of the road but a yellow stripe and dead armadillos.

IMO, centrists are not centrists at all, but rightist neocons who pretend to be p.c. ,at least when in public and when they imagine they have plausible deniability for being "racially-tinged."

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smiley7's picture

forgetting 'right-center-left' and all that BS, and simply advocate for what the people want.

Henry, you drew me from the doldrums with tonight's wit; keep on sailing, my friend.

Good evening, Joe; stay warm the next few days as the freeze is upon us.

Sweet evening to you:

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joe shikspack's picture


it looks like this freeze won't be quite as bad as the earlier big sub-zero freeze we had a while ago. nonetheless, the extra blankets are at the ready.

take care and stay warm and toasty!

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King of Hearts is not a title the Prince of Monaco has power to bestow. But, not to worry: You were born and raised the King of Hearts. The title has always been yours.

I do wish that Monaco had a nifty old casino I could give you, though. (-;

I agree with you on terminology. And, because politicians and their propaganda arm, the msm, are dishonest and play word games--which have made Luntz and his ilk wealthy--the nomenclature is but another way the use to obfuscate truth. However, as long as almost every poster does throw around terms like "centrist," right along with politicians and the msm, I will try to be accurate about it. Hillary Clinton a leftist or even a centrist? It is to laugh (or to puke, if you have a delicate constitution). She's an altrightneoliberalcon who can't pass as even center right.

For some reason, Lou Reed always reminds me of Johnny Cash, who was teased about playing the same one sound on his guitar over and over. Cash responded, "Everybody else is looking for it. I found it."

Or words to that effect.

March of the Wooden Soldiers.


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joe shikspack's picture


i am the 2nd emperor of the united states as the position appears to have been vacated. Smile

Eliminating air travel would knock out 95% of the world, would it now, Donnie?

well, it would make it more difficult to get to scotland for tee time. it would also require a move up to larger scale payloads for the weapons that we bomb brown people all over the world with, making it likely that donnie might "knock out 95% of the world" by accident.

The lesson here, folks, is don't steal small amounts from the government

yep, the big crooks have already stolen most of the loot anyway.

have a good evening!

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@joe shikspack

that will get him from D.C. or Trump Tower to Scotland faster than he can tweet "fake news."

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Raggedy Ann's picture

You go David Adkins!!

Nice tunes this evening. The wind is blowing and it’s cold outside. Glad I’m home for the evening.

Have a warm evening, everyone! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture

@Raggedy Ann

glad you're home, warm and enjoying the music.

yep, i thought atkins' tacit admission that survival depends on wholesale upending of the system was kinda refreshing for somebody i took for a fairly mainstream democrat. if i remember correctly, he used to post at top as thereisnospoon.

have a great evening!

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Raggedy Ann's picture

@joe shikspack
there’s hope?

i thought atkins' tacit admission that survival depends on wholesale upending of the system was kinda refreshing for somebody i took for a fairly mainstream democrat.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture

@Raggedy Ann

it could be that rank and file democrats might discover that they prefer survival for themselves and future generations over the occasional democratic party electoral success followed by disappointingly inadequate action, leading to demise.

you just never know, some of them even value the opinion of the scientific community.

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enhydra lutris's picture

exposing the biggest lie of our time, the idea that the US has a center-right, center, center-left and left-center:

The center left has long depended on being the "responsible" party. The cogent ones, the level headed ones. The perpetual Real Mothers in the Justice of Solomon willing to sacrifice almost anything to salvage the system. /4

The simple fact is that the "right, center, left" dialogue, always somewhat loose and often meaningless, is fully dead. We call the reactionaries conservatives, and conservatives centrists, liberals, center-left and left-center. They are, all, in essence, identical and all seriously conservative. There is one hallmark of a conservative, one essential commitment, and that is the preservation of the status quo, and all of those groups are, to varying degrees, deeply committed to preserving all the essentials of the status quo, all but assorted details and nuances. That is how you identify a conservative, not by where they sit but by their support for the status quo, and pretty much all of the USA's political class does so except the reactionaries, who want to return to yesteryear's status quo.

Thanks for the tunes, and, of course, the news.

Have a good one, too.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

i have always thought that the political spectrum in the u.s. was so constrained as to make a mockery out of the use of terms like "left" and "right," for anyone who had jumped through the powers-that-be's hoops to serve in high elected office.

have a great evening!

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Lookout's picture

Ralph had Noam on his show this weekend. (1 hour) no transcript yet.

In only the third public conversation between these two progressive icons, Ralph talks to Professor Chomsky about – among other things – the media, the Green New Deal, nuclear war, Gaza, and Venezuela.

and another interesting conversation about Bernie and Venezuela...
At the CNN town hall, Sanders opposed U.S. intervention in Venezuela, refused to call Maduro a dictator, or recognize Guaido, but he didn’t call for an end to sanctions – with Jacqueline Luqman, Eugene Puryear, Norman Solomon and host Paul Jay (video or text)

Have a good evening everybody. It is cold here all week, but spring is near.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture


thanks for the links! the ralph and noam show sounds like it ought to be interesting. i guess it's nice of sanders to want to keep the military out of venezuela, but i'm still less than impressed if he won't get the empire's boot off of the venezuelan peoples' neck and stop making their economy scream.

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Long time, no see. The climate news is so distressing. Why aren't Democrats as aggressive on climate change as they are on Russia, Russia, Russia? How much evidence do people need that Democratic politicians care more about accruing power than they do make people's lives better?

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joe shikspack's picture


good to see you! hope that all is well in coldasfuckistan.

heh, apparently there is a lot more money to be made peddling petty hatreds of putin than there is in averting an existential crisis. as her pelosiness says of the democrats, "we're capitalists."

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@joe shikspack But don't tell Her Pelosiness. More reason for her to blow off the Green New Deal.

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smiley7's picture


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burnt out's picture

A few years back we staged a pretty substantial protest over a proposal for a new coal ash holding facility but we're unsuccessful. The one already in existence was not only in a Missouri River floodplain but was found to be leaking. Not to worry, they were "monitoring the situation". Anyway after a long drawn out battle the solution was to build a bigger and better containment the same flood plain. Our county commissioners all agreed, the new one is perfectly safe.....

Hope all is well with you and yours. We made it through a week of frigid weather two weeks ago and are in the middle of another right now. Had exactly zero degrees F this morning. Supposed to start warming up about Thursday. I'm ready.

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

joe shikspack's picture

@burnt out

well, see being in the flood plain isn't a problem since the concern is from substances leaching into the ground below the containment facility. floods cause substances to get into water from above. Dash 1

have a great evening and stay warm!

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