Amy Goodman Shames CNN: Media 'Manufactures Consent' By Giving Trump 23 Times More Coverage
This is an issue I think is too significant to be buried in an open thread. Via Crooks & Liars:
DemocracyNow! host Amy Goodman told CNN's Brian Stelter that his network and most other mainstream media were "manufacturing consent" for Donald Trump by giving him more airtime than other candidates.On Sunday's edition of CNN's Reliable Sources, Goodman called out CNN for broadcasting an empty stage in anticipation of Donald Trump's press conference on election night last Tuesday without ever mentioning that Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was giving a speech to his supporters at the same time.
"Let's look at Super Tuesday 3, you had major coverage here at CNN, at MSNBC, at Fox -- all the networks across all through he night as the polls are closing," she recalled. "You see the concession speeches and the great victory speeches, you see Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Kasich, you see Donald Trump. You're waiting here at CNN, at MSNBC. They said he's going to hold a news conference... and that's it."
"Where was Bernie Sanders?" she wondered. "Well, in fact, Bernie Sanders was in Phoenix, Arizona before thousands of people and as the networks were waiting for Donald Trump and waiting and all the pundits are weighing in, they don't even say that Bernie Sanders is about to speak."
I think it was noted here on caucus99percent that Bernie's election-night speech last Tuesday was only shown on "The Young Turks" online coverage.
Media Matters for America has a petition to cut off Trump's phone-in privileges:
The news media coverage of Donald Trump has been abominable. Media outlets have treated him with kid gloves, obsessed over him, and given him free run of the airwaves for the entire news cycle.
It’s even worse than that: The news media has given Donald Trump a special phone privilege, allowing him to call in to shows instead of forcing him to appear via satellite or in studio. As a result of this privilege, Trump can appear on more shows, and he can avoid being confronted by images and demonstrations showing his lies for what they are.
It’s time for it to stop. CBS refused to let Donald Trump call into its morning show. This is a start, but other networks and other shows are still letting Trump call in. Sign our petition, and tell news networks that it’s time to take away Trump’s special privilege.

Yup. MSM is trying to put the last nails in Bernie's
coffin while he's still alive and more than half the primary contests have yet to happen. The DNC/DLC/CNN/MSNBC/MIC/PHARMA/WS/TPP cabal will not stand for any democracy happening in this country while oligarchy is serving THEM, and only THEM, so very well.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Media blackout
Yea Amy! I explored these ideas yesterday in my diary "Want to understand this crazy election? Follow the money" In that essay I explored commercial media. I'm working on a follow up about public media.
I also finally did my homework on twitter removing undesirable hashtags like Whichhillary. I'm not sure how reliable the Huff. post is but here's a link. Evidently Twitter isn't fair and open either.
So how do we educate the public? Seems like an important topic.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sorry, but I think they are not capable of being shamed
If they were there would be more of a response to Bernie's many attempts to call them out. He has clearly been talking about the MSM bias from day one of his campaign.