What's wrong with this headline?
Why does Israel's demands make a significant difference with our foreign policy?
The American base at Al-Tanf, originally established as a southern foothold against Islamic State and a training ground for Syrian rebels, has become one of the main obstacles to the president’s plan to leave. Israeli and some U.S. officials argue that a continued American presence there is critical to interrupting Iran’s supply lines into Lebanon, where Hezbollah -- Iran’s proxy and Israel’s enemy -- has been building up its arsenal.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been doing his best, and he has the president’s ear, according to one senior U.S. diplomat, who asked not to be named citing confidential discussions. Netanyahu has repeatedly urged the U.S. to keep troops at Al-Tanf, according to several senior Israeli officials, who also asked not to be identified discussing private talks. Even if they don’t do much, the mere presence of American troops will act as a deterrent to Iran, the Israelis say.
What other nation, other than Saudi Arabia, has this much influence on our political system?
"Our troops are coming out," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said earlier this month. But, he stressed that "the counter-Iran campaign continues." Apparently, that could mean maintaining a US military presence at the strategic al-Tanf garrison, a position that has blocked Iranian ambitions.
"Al-Tanf is a critical element in the effort to prevent Iran from establishing a ground line of communications from Iran through Iraq through Syria to southern Lebanon in support of Lebanese Hezbollah," a former senior US military commander told Foreign Policy.
Where did this idea come from? Netanyahu. How did it arrive, two weeks ago, in the Trump Administration?
Satan's little helper.
A draft paper outlining US plans for withdrawing from Syria includes leaving troops in place at a position near the Iraqi and Jordanian border seen as a key stopgap against Iranian entrenchment in the country.The document, described as a proposal, was presented to Turkish officials as US National Security Adviser John Bolton visited Ankara earlier this week to discuss the planned pullout, according to London-based news website Middle East Eye, citing an unnamed Turkish official.
Jerusalem has reportedly lobbied for the Donald Trump administration to reconsider pulling troops out of al-Tanf, and according to the Middle East Eye, the US withdrawal plan would leave soldiers there.“The US is not withdrawing from the base at al-Tanf at this time,” the Turkish official was quoted saying.
Can you imagine what the media would do if we invaded/occupied a foreign nation at Russia's demands?
They would freak, and rightly so.
Israel must be dumping immense amounts of money on our political system.
The interesting spin here is the "legal problem" of staying in Syria.
But staying at al-Tanf could raise legal issues for the administration, said one U.S. government official. Experts have argued that the administration would be on shaky ground in using the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force—which authorizes the fight against nonstate militant groups such as the Islamic State or al Qaeda in Afghanistan—to justify maintaining a presence in Syria for any reason other than to fight the Islamic State.The only “logical purpose” al-Tanf serves is to allow the United States to “monitor and disrupt the flow of Iranian-backed militias,” the first source said.
“Honestly, you could not contrive a different military mission,” the source said.
Those "legal issues" is called an illegal invasion.
Illegal wars are war crimes. People should be thrown in jail, including Obama.
But instead, liberals have become defenders of an illegal war.

Why should US troops risk their lives for Israel?
I have never seen any explanation for why Israel's troops can't be the ones who fight their battles instead of making ours do it for them. Hasn't some of the billions that we have given them over the decades gone for them to buy military equipment for their troops? If no one has asked congress this question I think it's time that some one does.
The other reason Bolton stated that we were going to stay in Syria was because Iran was there. Iran was invited into Syria after we invaded and started arming ISIS and other terrorist groups. We leave, Iran leaves. Russia will probably leave too. Syrians can start rebuilding their country after we did this to it.
Good Lord!
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Israeli cowards
The US should turn the base over to Israel. Let them get some skin in the game. Maybe they could move in some settlers.
Or why don't the Jews
I am sick of the US blowing so much money and blood for Israel.
Someone had a diary up blasting the Catholic Church, citing its influence in the US. At least we don't spend billions and blood on the Vatican City.
Most don't
I've been thinking abut doing an essay about how most US Jews don't agree with our Israel policy.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I don't know the proportion.
Their power in overriding our Constitutional rights is nothing more than astounding, especially when you consider that Jews are less than 10% of the US population.
But I suppose it could be a tiny, tiny % of the US population that believes the US should pay for and die for Israel.
Then the
This list is 2012 but we have a lot dual-citizens in control
This is a list of just Israel/US dual-citizens in positions of power in the United States in 2012.
They would seem to wield much more power than the general population of American Jews:
Interestingly, in Israel those in such positions are required to renounce other citizenship.
Some have, Rahm Emmanuel for one.
Mary Bennett
I think that the disrespect
coming from Israels colony in the new world is bordering on treason. We should just shut up and do what we're told. Our job is to supply guns and money, and go to war . Israels troops are held in reserve, and used if needed, after Israel expends it's nukes.
Realize that
A short while back, some woman, in some sort of elective process (at a college, I believe), questioned a Jewish person if s/he would not make decisions based on his/her religion.
Well, there was an uproar, and she was forced to apologize. Some prominent Jewish guy said that she should never be allowed to work, nor should any of her progeny be allowed to work.
So, this guy thought this woman and her future generations should be forced into poverty forever. I can't believe we have people in the US who believe in this kind of punishment. Our constitution prohibits corruption of the blood. This incident just tells us how little some of the Jews think of our constitution.
Paranoia knows no limits
and is apparently inheritable from one generation to the next (and the next, and the next....)
If it isn't inheritable, then the parents are making their kids crazy.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I don't think
Look at the way the children are indoctrinated by the church. They are raised to be loyal to Israel. A trip to Israel is a regular part of the upbringing of the children.
This slice of the Jewish population is born and raised here in the US, yet its loyalties lie with another country.
I'd call that comment straight up anti-Semitic. n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
How so? n/t
Let's hold up on this please
Israel Jews and US Jews are NOT on the same page.
I see a need to do that essay about this. Let's hold off on this thread until I post it, OK?
No sense in anyone saying something inflammatory.
This isn't aimed at you. Just a general comment
And that is part of the problem.
Hopefully, gjohnsit's upcoming diary will instruct us about the numbers.
As to what Jewish children are taught in the US, just look up some of the websites for Jewish schools and camps. Geez, even Jews like Zuckerberg and Bezos have done their trips to Israel.
"No one wants to talk about the elephant in the room."
The room is getting too small for the elephant.
OK. It's posted
Hopefully it might give some context for this discussion
Maybe some see anti semitism
America in WW2 was the recipient of countless refugees, many of them Jews and many some of the finest minds Europe produced, and we were better for it. It's not the people, it's the government, and I worry that Israels government is willing to use the US to further their own ends.
Documentary "Into the Arms of Strangers: Kindertransport"
Says we didn't exactly welcome Jewish refugees, as you say, but the UK did -- especially kinder, or children. At least, that's my memory of the movie.
Wikipedia says 10,000.
We did have OTC (One Thousand Children)
Emphasis mine.
You're right
" It's not the people, it's the government"
It appears that the governments are in an unbreakable choke hold.
I wish I were a better writer
Sorry, my comment
I understood what you meant.
I'm very disgusted and unhappy about how unaccountable TPTB are. They are people and they've completely hi-jacked our governments.
After all, the Jews elected the yahoo, and we simply don't elect people who oppose our support for Israel (or not many of them).
More enlightened and compassionate
after what happened in Germany. But as the saying goes, history repeats itself.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Mary Bennett
Israel had their own
It might help if professional Zionists would
stop claiming that any criticism of the government and policies of Israel is tantamount to criticism of, and therefore prejudice against, Judaism, the religion.
If I criticize the government and policies of Saudi Arabia, does that make me anti-Muslim?
Mary Bennett