OT ~ Welcome to Saturday!

open thread.jpg

on swinging porch
where tin-dippers and
sweet water
in cool touches
meet lips
from hand dug wells.

The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling. ~ Lucretius

Good morning good people,

Can we pass up an opportunity to purchase a c99 get-away-retreat in Italy for a couple of bucks?

"Italian town puts dozens of homes on market for as little as €1."

Officials in Sambuca, in Sicily, seek to revive depopulated town – but there’s a catch ...

Dozens of properties have been put up for sale in Sambuca, a hilltop town with stunning views across the Mediterranean island, for less than the price of a takeaway coffee.

The deal is a bid to revive an area that has undergone depopulation in recent years, with residents moving to bigger cities.

Sambuca, hum, love Sambuca, especially after dinner or did back in the city days. Smile

"There is a catch, though – new owners must commit to refurbishing their property within three years, at a cost starting from €15,000 (£13,200), and will need a €5,000 security deposit. This will be returned once the refurbishment is complete.

“Sambuca is known as the ‘city of splendor’,” he added. “This fertile patch of land is dubbed the ‘earthly paradise’. We’re located inside a nature reserve, packed with history. Gorgeous beaches, woods and mountains surround us. It’s silent and peaceful, an idyllic retreat for a detox stay.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/17/italian-town-sambuca-sicil...

Heartfelt thank you for all the love and smiles, rest-in-peace, Carol.

"Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward."

Is anybody out there?

"Scientists have spotted repeated blasts of radio signals coming from deep in space.

"The breakthrough is only the second time scientists have seen such a repeating radio burst. It both deepens the mystery and offers a potential opportunity to finally understand what might be throwing out the burst from a galaxy billions of light years away.

"Fast radio bursts have been speculated to be the result of everything from exploding stars to transmissions from aliens. But they have remained entirely mysterious, with little evidence at all of where they might be coming from.

"The flashes only last for a milisecond but they are flung out with the same amount of energy the sun takes 12 months to produce. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/radio-sig...

"Nature" is what we see—
The Hill—the Afternoon—
Squirrel—Eclipse— the Bumble bee—
Nay—Nature is Heaven—
Nature is what we hear—
The Bobolink—the Sea—
Thunder—the Cricket—
Nay—Nature is Harmony—
Nature is what we know—
Yet have no art to say—
So impotent Our Wisdom is
To her Simplicity.

~ Emily Dickinson

Wherever you are, hoping you've a marvelous day.

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smiley7's picture

tomorrow; so, it's a good time for resting the sciatica and enjoying music.

Since last writing, found a good home for the Nissan, a young mountain couple whose old truck is running on a few cylinders.

Being a Capricorn, had a birthday this week; strange in a way to have had so many, yet remember only the long ago ones. Matters little in the great scheme of things. Having desires to go fishing, into the wilderness, lately. Wonder why?

Anyways, pardon me for being late to final editing this morning; turned over and fell back asleep after the alarm.

Have a good one.

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for the Italian village.
But for the coin.


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

smiley7's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly
could qualify for a mortgage equal to each word of value?

Cheers for a good day.

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@smiley7 back at ya!
The de-population is deliberate policy; force people to the city, make them desperate, dangle a carrot(okay, half a carrot), exert control.
Just don't be around when it hits critical mass.

Glad the 200 found a home, I Hated working on rusty cars back east, major suckfest!
Thanks for the ot.
Be well, be loved.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

smiley7's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Loved Carol Channing. Ever seen the movie Thoroughly Modern Millie? I love that film and Carol is brilliant in it!

Would love to move to Sambuca, sigh, unfortunately it’s not in my cards.

Messages from space. Can’t wait to meet them!

Have a beautiful day, everyone! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

smiley7's picture

@Raggedy Ann
the cards, someday. No, haven't seen movie, have to catch it one evening.

Speaking of diamonds:

Have a splendid desert day and weekend.

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QMS's picture

Love the music. Wanted to share something from the Friday photo session I found ... these fantastic giant clams. Nature amazes!


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question everything

smiley7's picture

those, QMS. Glad you enjoyed today's music. More Agnes Obel ...

Hoping you've a pearl filled holiday weekend.

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Thanks for the fantastic music and the emily dickinson...brings tears but so perfect.
I love the idea of a c99 retreat.... but closer to home would suit me better.
A soup day on a cold winter day sounds wonderful. A day to stay warm and rest.
We have a warming meal in the makings here as well as a slew of chores on the agenda.
Best to you and take good care of yourself.

This coming up on Monday? Hope we have clear skies.

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@randtntx hey you stole both my comments. lol that's funny. cheers

So informally speaking, the upcoming lunar eclipse will be a super blood wolf — or great spirit — moon.

Mama Luna is her bigliest 'cause she's only 222k miles away. Super right on, but it is still raining here so it will just get darker, I guess.
--- dohs
YesSoup4U. Breakfast was a bowl of soup made with Bobs Red Mill mix. Employee owned in Oregon, they make good stuff to keep in the cupboard. Red Bean Chicken Curry Soup
I used veggies instead of chicken, modified it to what's on hand. Yummy, it is warm and delicious. And you?


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@eyo curry soup sounds wonderful. I do love a good curry dish. Sorry about stealing your comments right out from under you...great minds and all Smile
I'm looking forward to the moon show tomorrow night. It will be cold here but not bitter cold as some people have. Tonight is crystal clear, so I'm hoping for the same tomorrow.
I didn't know about the 'wolf' part of the 'super blood wolf moon'. I'll have to read about it and see what that means.
Cheers to you, (now I'm wanting to try your soup in the not too distant future).

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smiley7's picture

Ran out to Harris Teeter and purchased the makings of chili, a big pot, will freeze some.

Cheers for the heads-up, cool video, can't embed, says not supported, but your link to it:

Having a toke and chilling with good music; happy you enjoyed today's music ... ran into Larkin Poe, just now, and heard her describing her blog site as she could have been expressing what many often share here; i thought for a second, she was a member of c99.

A change of pace, but i think you may enjoy her music, as i have. The following isn't the song with the opening that's Preaching Blues, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqh1IOXx2QY

I liked this one:

A loving holiday to you and family and i promise not to forget to look at the moon as it makes my hair grow.

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@smiley7 makes me want to cook pots of soup next week. The power of suggestion and soup.... one of my favorite things to make.
Thanks for the Larkin Poe. Good stuff, I really enjoy watching these young talented people do their thing...it's so great.
Don't get too cold trying to catch a glimpse of that moon show. Here's a timetable so you can pick and choose your moments. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2019-january-21
Cheers back at you smiley and thanks for your lovely OT.

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Deja's picture

You never know what you're gonna get with new music and artists, but that was badass! Thanks for sharing it.

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smiley7's picture

good to see you; happy you enjoyed the music and hoping you've a wonderful holiday.

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Anja Geitz's picture

along with the video that followed really set a mood. As I'm sure fog up in the mountains does. Don't like skiing or driving in it but love the atmospheric feel to it.

Count me in for the Italian retreat. Maybe we can recruit local help for the refurbishment. Young shirtless Italian men might even sweeten the deal for a few of the ladies Smile

Hope you enjoyed the stolen moments of extra sleep! Thanks for a wonderful open thread.

Happy Saturday!

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

smiley7's picture

@Anja Geitz
now that we are all in; what fun to have a chat with folks in Sambuca.

Write on flatmate and have a splendid Holiday, hope you have it off. Smile

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A retreat in a gorgeous Sicily town, renovated to your specs, for about $30,000 and up is still a hell of a deal. Use it for vacations, rent it out, whatever. I'm guessing all the homes have been sold by now.

Carol Channing: 97 is a great age, unless she was ill in her later years. "Healthy, healthy, dead," as one doctor put it, is ideal.

She: Not a fan of the song. Sorry! Poor Hedy Lamarr, though. Had she been paid for genius in today's dollars, she would have been a billionaire.

What a face, what a mind, what a wit.

The show is not the show,
But they that go.
Menagerie to me
My neighbor be.
Fair play —
Both went to see.

A sharp-witted misanthrope wrote that. It's almost more zinger than poem.

Emily Dickinson: I decided to name my daughter after her. I loved her poetry and, independently of that, I just liked the name "Emily." I didn't have a daughter, though.

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smiley7's picture

one of those old, large special painted ones of Mother around 22, and wow, image like Lamarr's

"American men, as a group, seem to be interested in only two things, money and breasts. It seems a very narrow outlook."

Menagerie reminds me of a delicate Tennessee ~ “In memory, everything seems to happen to music.”

Very partial to Wilder's Emily; directed my ex and wow, was she Emily; great cast and all.

So many of us lived in the city, a retreat there is necessary, too. We can dream, can't we.

Have something fantastic for the holidays, a favorite, on me, cheers.

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RIP Granny Frump

1. as a young girl in san francisco, channing fell in love with the theater.
2. her first big starring broadway role was in gentlemen prefer blondes.
3. she performed hello, dolly! more than 5000 times.
4. channing was incredibly bitter when barbra streisand was cast as dolly in the film version.
5. her success in hello, dolly! allowed her to befriend presidential families.
6. she partnered with desi arnaz for her own tv show.
7. channing appeared on tv shows ranging from the love boat to sesame street to the addams family.
8. she thought she was part african-american for most of her life.
9. she released a gospel album in memory of her father.
10. at 82 years old, channing married her childhood sweetheart.
11. she founded a non-profit to support arts education.
12. johnny depp’s dream role is to play channing.

Sorry if that gave anyone the same ear worm it gave me. I need to go floss with some smiley7 videos now. Thanks one and all, for making Saturday such a welcome place.


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smiley7's picture

make it so, thank you and all who lend special hands, words, music and magic to endeavors and pleasures.

So much you've brought up in memory in posting, not sure what to select ...

Adam's Family--had a great pleasure of working with John Astin in San Fran and Ann, Patty Duke, though estranged at the time (in the public's mind, anyways); enjoyed the city together.

You think Depp will outdo Hoffman if he gets an opportunity?

Cheers for the background notes on Channing, she was a liberal firebrand.

More Adam's Family, Raul Julia was my evening drinking buddy. Don't get started smiley, you'll be here all day "booring" people with memories.

Music for moon starring:

PS: Love Bob's, pricey here, though. Have a fantastic day and holiday.

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@smiley7 thanks, and I would think about drinking again to be buddies with Raul Julia, that is so not boring. good memories

I am on and off, caught a bug or something making me very sleepy. After the site went away yesterday, I took a nap... and slept for almost twelve hours. Not normal, I decided to stay inside while it's still raining and think about sleep being restorative, and not just lazy.

Thanks for the lovely music and art, and everything. ta

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magiamma's picture

and everyone...

thanks for emily and the music. and dolly. nature is the depth of our beings. nature is our mother, the womb of time. nature is the healer of the heart. nature is what makes us whole again.

hoping for clear skies to see the super blood wolf moon tomorrow. from RT:

In a nutshell, this is a rare enough occurrence to be worth you standing outside on a blisteringly cold January night, staring up at the sky. While Earthlings can catch scores of supermoons and blood moons in their lifetime, a combination of the two taking place together in January only happens three times this century.

Also, this will be the last total lunar eclipse until May 2021, so miss this and you’ll be waiting over two years for the next one.


green peace deal... peace love and trees... Lol have a super moon day

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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smiley7's picture

you. Nature heals, given time; as i wrote fist thing this morning, compelling desire to go sleep with her; lately, feel the power, escape winter, a little, go fishing.

My Mother is a Queen
Like the Finest Song
My Mother is a Flower
She is a Living Tree
My mother is My Home
My Safe Place
She is the Brightest Light
Lights my Dark Path
She is strong and leads me home safely
I stand by her and keep her in my heart

~ Eivør

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magiamma's picture

forgot to say that.... Smile


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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

smiley7's picture

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magiamma's picture

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

janis b's picture


I've enjoyed all the music you post that I've listened to. Thank you.

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magiamma's picture

@janis b aim to please. Peace love and trees.

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

janis b's picture


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janis b's picture

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smiley7's picture

with all our special gardeners, image the space? Sure all would spend most time there in conversation and quiet amazement.

Love you and cheers!

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janis b's picture


The image of spending time together in conversation and quiet amazement is very appealing.

Imagine all that we could grow, from sun-ripened tomatoes to wonderful thoughts and feelings.

Love you too smiley.

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smiley7's picture

@janis b


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Anja Geitz's picture

@janis b

I also wouldn't mind venturing into growing grape vines either. A bottle wine, some bread and cheese, shared with friends in the cool shade of an Italian summer day?


I think we all deserve that, eh?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

janis b's picture

@Anja Geitz


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mimi's picture

just saw a documentary in German TV about the post wwII negotiations of the Allied Forces of how to cut up Germany in pieces. At one point they showed how the Germans, especially the Berlin folks got seduced by American musicians playing their tunes.

Couldn't help thinking ... some things never change ... Smile

Imagine all those C99p music lovers who play themselves coming together in Sambuca and playing for Sicilian people in the town center.

I almost could walk down there ... hmm, let's say drive, it's 5171.90 miles from where I am right now and less than Washington DC to Honolulu. Easy peasy, no airflight involved. Ha.

I saved 98 cents already ... Seriously, I read that today earlier and couldn't help dreaming.

I love the pieces of music you choose.

May be Sambuca is the Sound of Silence to the Stairways to Heaven ?
I just like seeing the facial expressions of people on the street to react to the music.
Goodnight and thanks, a smile is a smile and you make me smile, Smiley7.

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janis b's picture



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smiley7's picture

thrill; travelogues in the comfort of home.

And think of the excursions we will make, taking trains to have dinner in different countries.

Cheers for the music and for being here. Love you, too. Smile

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mhagle's picture

Happy Birthday! Lovely thread. Moon was already beautiful last night shining in our west window. Will continue to pay attention. Smile

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo