Syria withdrawal has begun
Submitted by gjohnsit on Fri, 01/11/2019 - 12:51pm
It was touch-and-go for a while there, but the pullout is going to happen.
Scores of ground troops are headed toward Syria to help move troops out, and a group of naval vessels headed by the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge is headed to the region to back up troops at the vulnerable moment they are leaving the country, the officials said. The Kearsarge carries hundreds of Marines, helicopters and other aircraft.
"Nothing has changed," one defense official said. "We don’t take orders from Bolton."
It's nice to see that Bolton doesn't command the same respect in military circles that the media gives him.
After days of conflicting statements about a timeline for President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw American forces from Syria, a U.S. defense official said Friday the process has begun with the removal of some military cargo.
However, the pullout is expected to take 90 days. Turkey is trying to speed up the process with threats.
A military operation against the Kurdish YPG militia, which Turkey has pledged to carry out in northern Syria, is not dependent on a U.S. pull-out from the region, Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Thursday.“If the [pullout] is put off with ridiculous excuses like Turks are massacring Kurds, which do not reflect the reality, we will implement this decision,” Çavuşoğlu said, referring to Turkey's threat to launch an incursion into Kurdish controlled Syria.

This is good news.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
time to bug out
Syria withdrawal exception? Al-Tanf
Report: US to keep troops in southern Syria as bulwark against Iran
Does al-tanf even exist?
90 days? That's absurd.
The US doesn't have to stick around. They are not welcome in that country. Their presence is a war crime. They serve evil forces in this world. I could have them out of there in a week. They're leaving all their crap behind for al Qaeda du jour, anyway.
Ninety days might as well be 90 months. Wait for it: Assad will launch a "chemical attack" on innocent civilians. Then there will be US bombing raids on Syrian targets, inbetween the bombing raids that Israel will execute with our cover — to go after the big bad Iranians that are allegedly in Syria fighting ISIS. OMG, OMG! Yarmulkes will burst into flame across the Holy Land. One thing is for sure, the Iranians don't give two shits about Israel. Israel flatters itself.
Ninety days is plenty of time for the US to start bombing Iran for Israel. Presidents don't have any authority when it comes to the Deep State. Trump can no more leave Syria than Obama could close Guantanamo. Not without special permission.
The Neocons are running this show from top to bottom. And they have no intention of leaving when they're this close to to the Rapture, and war with Iran/Russia.
Honestly. People. We've been here dozens of times under three presidents.
90 days is absurd.
When I was in the Army in the 70s, my Signal Corp unit could pack up and leave in 24 hours or less.
True, and yet
how many years did i take for us to leave Vietnam?
The important thing here is that we are actually leaving (except maybe for al-Tanf).
Everything else is secondary.
There's a difference between a military unit's ability to leave and a warmonger's desire to leave. The former can happen much faster than the latter.
But as you say, this is a good thing that there's any movement at all.
Who is calling the shots? Barfhead Bolton vs.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
According to Pompous Pompeo the US presence in Syria
is not a war crime. Nor are we there to wreak havoc and mayhem. Nope. How anyone this delusional could be considered qualified for any government position is beyond belief.
Pompeo's delusional Cairo speech
This is about all I could stomach of this 'Christian's' gum flapping. I am flabbergasted at why he wasn't laughed out of the room.
I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and His Word, and The Truth.
You sure have a funny way of following Gawd's Word and telling the truth, dude.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Don't forget...
"Thou shalt not lie" is NOT one of the 10 commandments.
Well certainly not for the C street Christians
Their Jesus is also okay with people making ungawdly amounts of money. But I thought evangelicals were at least down with what Jesus said.
Speaking of evangelical Christians. The group that helped Kim Davis are upset with the law that makes lynching a hate crime because they say that it gives LGBT people more rights and that's just too slippery a slope for them to tolerate. You remember Kim don't you? She was the clerk that refused to give two gay men a marriage license.
I don't like Christians that choose ala carte which laws that they think they should follow. But then ... never mind.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I like bibles
Dissecting Pompeo's Christian authoritarian sermon would take more time and effort than it's worth to this group--but, whoa, the unmindful majority plunges straight ahead on their carefully crafted leashes. But it is true that most Trump supporters, greater than 50% perhaps, are anti-war. What cancer has infested the Dismalcrats to make them the pre-eminent war mongers?
Well, wait a minute. Woodrow W. got us into war, after promising to keep us out, as "Col." House pushed the right buttons. FDR was President who, despite being the target of an AmeriNazi coup, established and promoted the Japanese Oil embargo (on the other hand the Japs needed oil to continue their wars of aggression in China, Korea, Viet Nam, Malaysia and the Philippines).
Nixon, a Repugnant, actually got us out of war following a prayer session on the Oval Office carpet with Henry Kissinger. (But lets not forget the bonus wars in Laos, Cambodia etc. HK cooked up for us secretly).
A few more Democratic warmongering presidents...
Truman got us into Korea. Kennedy got us more deeply involved in Vietnam's civil war. Johnson initiated full-scale war on North Vietnam. Clinton gave us constant low-level war against Iraq and also the Kosovo War. And Obama gave us Libya and Syria as well as continuation of the Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen wars.
I read it carefully, too.
I also jotted down some local reactions and journalist incredulity?
Never saw that in my lifetime. America leaves when Congress pulls the funding on America's latest clusterfuck.
Waiting for the shell game
The empire will have new clothes.
In another poll
In this poll (per Greenwald): "Of people who voted for Clinton in 2016, only 26 percent support withdrawing troops from Syria, while 59 percent oppose it. Trump voters overwhelmingly support withdraw by 76 percent to 14 percent."
"How viciously has the psyche of American liberals been brutalized with mass media psyops to drive them into this psychotic, twisted reality tunnel?" Caitlin Johnstone
This is very disturbing
It's one thing for the political party to be bad.
It's another thing when the party's base goes bad.
Tulsi Gabbard announced her run for President today.
She already gets shit for attracting right-wingers. She'll get the anti-war vote and, at least according to this poll, that appears to be Republicans.
Democrats that support wars now started after Obama
started doing them. In my opinion of course. Now I'm wondering if it's who declared them that makes a difference? No matter how good my information was about Hillary's actions regarding military interventions and especially during her tenure as SOS people refused to admit that she was a warmonger. We had to protect people in Libya even if that meant killing a bunch of civilians. Same thing with Syria and Ukraine. Right to protect for me is that you actually do protect people. Not ending up killing over a million between the two countries.
And the hit jobs on Tulsi have already started on ToP. She is an Assad loving nut job according to some over there.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.