Welcoming the New Year

New year's messages from Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel


Feel free to add other nation's leaders comments as they come in.

I really appreciate the honesty, integrity and intelligence every one of you bring to this site. In my two plus decades on the intertubes, I have never conversed with a finer group of people.

I would like to wish all of you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

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it's so good to see your name and to hear your voice. You have been a source of so much insight and information here. Peace and Happiness to you. You have moved us in such a good direction.

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Big Al's picture

I echo your sentiments to include you, always a fountain of information.
Wish you and everyone here a good and healthy new year.

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polkageist's picture

And to all C99ers. May the new year bring us at least some of the sanity we all desire so much. I feel fortunate to be a small part of such a fine group of people.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

dance you monster's picture

And I mean happy new year. May this one bestow some good times to help you through the rough ones.

It is a good crew here, shepherded ever so gently by an even better crew of site admins. I'm grateful to you all.

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QMS's picture

then there's this...

'You're out partying and I'm working': Trump posts self-pitying 'Happy New Year' video as he spends final hours of 2018 tweeting and defending his '100% foolproof' border wall instead of enjoying lavish Mar-a-Lago ball with Melania

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Raggedy Ann's picture

fulfilling 2019 to you, CB. Thanks for being part of this awesome community! What a find this place is ~ I feel privileged to be here, myself!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

for making c99 insightful and rewarding. Let's hope the new year brings new understanding and paves a path toward peace and prosperity for all.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mhagle's picture

Thanks to you all for your wisdom and insight. I treasure it and our dear admins for their kindness and hard work. Smile

It is light and life.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Either we get serious about dealing with the climate crisis or we will be so far behind the curve that there will be nothing that we can do to prevent the eventual collapse of civilization. I look forward to discussing this here with so many intelligent, open minded folks.
It is amazing to hear the messages from the best of the world leaders. I'm hoping that this is the last year in which the climate imperative is not the centerpiece of their message to their people.
I have a suggestion for Trump to Make America Great Again. Only three steps.
1. Ask Pence to resign.
2. Find a world class statesperson to appoint as a replacement VP.
3. Resign.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

lotlizard's picture

@The Wizard  
With Nelson Rockefeller as his VP.

That leads me to think that any figures the system would come up with to replace Trump and Pence would be similarly lackluster, devoid of genuine popular support, and in terms of actual outcomes ultimately no better than Trump.

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I have just watched the videos of the New Year's messages from Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel. Thank you for posting them. They're very revealing, if the translations are accurate, of the differences in style between China's leader and the leaders of Russia and Germany in addressing their countrymen. I was kind of amazed at how rigid the Chinese leader appeared to be, even when speaking of raising people from poverty or in praising soldiers and workers. I was also reassured by Merkel's down to earth humanity, such as it was. But once again, as has happened virtually every time I've read or listened to Putin, I am impressed with his particular kind of intelligence connected to strength and straight talk, also revealing a belief in humanity and well-being.

I know it may be wishful thinking, and I know how I see this when people I love respond to President Obama in the same way, or when people I actually respect respond to Trump with the same kind of belief that he is doing the right thing. I see them pouring all their hopes into the empty vessel of these politicians, who can become anything you want them to be. Putin definitely has me doing that. But so far, I find his actions actually correspond to his statements in support of peace.

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