Organ Harvesting in Syria
18,000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years
"Moderate Rebels" #OrganTrafficking— Ian56 (@Ian56789) December 29, 2018
18, 000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years
Turkish refugee camps on the border with Syria are identified as prime locations where organ harvesting has been, and is, occurring. Director-General Hossein Noufel recently made the disclosure though United Nation officials have not officially confirmed the findings.
“We have accurate information that over 25,000 surgical operations have been conducted in the refugee camps of the neighboring countries and in the terrorist-controlled areas in Syria since 2011 to take out the body organs of 18,000 Syrians and sell them in the international black markets.” - Dr. Noufel
Previously, refugees have recounted horror stories about the dire situation inside some of the refugee camps, however the morbid practice is not limited to camps as there are claims organ harvesting is occurring in Urban centers as well.
Speaking to ARA News, Nadia Kamal, mother of an 8-year-old girl in the al-Qadam neighborhood of Damascus, said: “My daughter, Raghad, had disappeared from a park in the neighborhood. After failed attempts to find her in any hospital, I’ve posted an notification online about her disappearance, but yet nobody responded.”
“However, ten days later, an unidentified person contacted me on the phone, saying my daughter is in a good condition and I can receive her,” she said, adding that the girl was handed over by a masked man.
“Indeed, I received my daughter. However, impacts of a surgery were apparent on her body. After investigation by a doctor we discovered that her kidney was removed,” she said.
Muhammad Ali, from Rukn al-Din neighborhood of Damascus, told ARA News that more than four children were abducted in their area recently.
The UN hosted an hour long presentation to journalists and detailed how the White Helmets were harvesting organs as well as staging chemical attacks and what did we hear? Yawns. Nothing but yawns and silence.
A head of nursing in Aleppo is cited as seeing the body of his neighbour who had been taken by the White Helmets to Turkey for “treatment”. “I lifted the sheet and saw a large wound cut from the throat to the stomach… I touched him with my hand and understood there were clearly no organs left.”
Another interviewee said: “A person receives a minor injury, is rescued… and then brought back with their stomach cut open and with their internal organs missing.”
The interviews with civilians, White Helmets and terrorist members themselves put to rest NATO’s and their lapdog media’s explanations that in the White Helmets there are a few bad apples but in general these are humanitarian rescuers.
For example, a Syrian civilian, Omar al-Mustafa, is cited as stating:
“Almost all people who worked in nearby White Helmets centers were al-Nusra fighter or were linked to them. I tried to join the White Helmets myself, but I was told that if I was not from al-Nusra, they could not employ me.”
Still more testimonies detail staged fake rescues and staged chemical attacks. Omar al-Mustafa was cited as stating:
“I saw them (White Helmets) bring children who were alive, put them on the floor as if they had died in a chemical attack.”
A number of Western countries, such as the UK and Canada, have proudly announced they would be accepting White Helmets as refugees, after several hundred members of the group were evacuated from a jihadist-held enclave in southern Syria ahead of the advancing government troops.
Wendy's excellent essay has more information on this heinous activity.
When will the world quit yawning over the human rights violations that are happening in Syria? In Yemen? In Brazil? In countless countries where our military is engaged in and the countries that our tax money is going to through the NGOs? Is there anything that we as individuals can do to put a stop to it? And just what type of person is it who is in a position to do something about it and yet joins the others who are yawning?

Here's how to stop it.
Continue on the current inevitable course and there will be none who need the organs.
I hang my head not in sorrow but in shame.
Thanks for the downer snoop.
Everybody needs to wake up.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I'd be more impressed with the stories if some were about
who got the organs, where they were transplanted and who did the transplanting. That's a hell of a lot of transplants. Stats show in 2017 in the US only 10K plus people actually donated organs for transplant.
Also it's confusing whether the 18K figure is for children or not. This sounds sensationalist, but I'm not doubting it happens just that the scale indicated sounds extreme.
As for your questions at the end, I see people on this blog praising Donald Trump for a fake pullout from Syria and Afghanistan when he was a war criminal from day one. Until enough people take a hard line on this shit, I don't know what can stop it.
Those were just the legal ones.
I have to ask if you think only those who donate through the registry program are counted.
If you've got the money honey, anything is possible.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I admit to being ignorant about the complexities of organ
But, I'm an old fart, maybe it's like going getting some botox or dental implants at this point.
We're good
This is a damn good question.
I'm guessing that they went to someone who could afford to pay any price to live a few more years. Where did the Dick Cheney get his? Did you hear about how some guy was selling rich people young people's plasma for $8,000 per infusion? Yup. It's supposed to make them younger and live longer.
oops. put this in the wrong spot
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The White Helmets are doing this, Big Al
and who knows who else is involved with it? Where would they have gotten the equipment and training to do that? And who is coordinating the transfer of the organs? I'm thinking that this is a big operation with many countries involved with it.
Another scenario. Your kid goes off to school one day and comes home without their kidneys or any other body parts because someone stole them. This really is more hideous than I can wrap my brain around.
I want this story going viral and for someone to stop it and then trials!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My apologies sd,
Your number is low.
Number of men, women and children on the national transplant waiting list as of August 2017: 114,000+
Number of transplants that were performed in the US in 2017: 34,770
Number of donors in 2017: 16,473 [Note: One person can donate up to 8 organs.]
Source: Organ Donation Statistics at
what the actual fuck
Further arguments for human extinction.
This shit is bananas.
I agree.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I agree too
These numbers are just in Syria. How many other places is this happening in? I don't even want to know what they are in Libya where people are being sold as slaves and I'm sure that isn't just happening there. But would it be happening if Libya wasn't a failed country? Can any of us imagine that happening to your city? One day you're living in a modern city with every comfort you can afford and the next day .. boom! The infrastructure is destroyed, gas, electricity and all the comforts you've had your whole life is just gone. And no one is ever going to be held accountable for it.
your city, usa
I'd say that this human experiment has failed. Put the worm back in the apple and turn out the lights.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We're almost there.
This shit is bananas.
Persistent rumors that organ harvesting is a thing in the region
It's more than rumors. Israel has been the center of organ
transplant rings. 2014 NYT article is a source cited in the Haaretz story you linked:
But, that doesn't confirm the 18K figure in Turkish refugee camps or even the allegations against the White Helmets. And, of course, the NYT is no longer a trusted source.
But, that doesn't disprove anything, either. If nothing else, it's an apt metaphor for the attempted dismemberment of Syria.
That's true.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
thanks a lot for expanding
on all of this, and to a new audience as well. mass grave of black ethiopian christians found in libya, bodies 'possibly' being burned as US troops pull out:
ah, i added to the end of the 'syria matters' thread.
..and this interesting piece by gareth porter, kinda sorta going to big al's 'blame the deep state' thoughts (how many deep states are in concert, how many in competition?
Back around 1970, Larry Niven wrote stories about black-market "organleggers". Plus death sentences being handed out for most crimes so the organs could be harvested. No matter how depraved, if someone can imagine it, someone will do it. There have long been urban legends about people waking up in bathtubs with a kidney missing.
I can't let myself think or feel too deeply about this.
You cite 18k organs being harvested. That does not mean that 18k are actually being used. Spoilage could be a cost of doing business, like the price of dry ice.
long live capitalism...
On an enterprise of this scale,
I doubt if the organs are going directly from victim to recipient. It might vary for the specific organ. Kidneys are in high demand, I think. In any case, I doubt if each single atrocity is a custom order. This means that there will be one or more central storage areas, equipped with sufficient refrigeration.
I would imagine someone like Interpol would have the resources to focus on the distribution and storage network.
I also imagine that people in powerful positions are quietly discouraging looking too deeply into the organ supply. Not to mention the outright black market of the rich.
The best I can think of is for some aggressive journalist to start bugging Interpol about it. You're right, this needs exposure.
I feel sick and dirty for even having to think rationally about this, in a problem-solving mode.