More War Provocations against Russia and Venezuela
In his Dec. 18 column at, Nino Pagliccia asks: ‘Have the Russian Military Aircrafts in Venezuela Breached the Door to “America’s Backyard”?’
He first notes that on Dec. 12 at an international media conference Nicolas Maduro had announced that his security and intel services had learned of plans to further destabilize Venezuela.
“That in itself is major news but it is noticeable that his denunciation only two days after the well-publicized landing of Russian military aircrafts at Venezuela’s international Simon Bolivar airport of Maiquetía as part of Russia-Venezuela joint military exercises and training. This is not the first occurrence of military cooperation between Russia and Venezuela but this seems to be the first time such news has had enough impact on Washington to prompt a strong and undiplomatic reaction from the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo who referred to the two countries as “two corrupt governments squandering public funds” in a tweet.”
Answering his title’s question he writes:
“It appears to be so, and certainly Venezuela is quite a wide door in geopolitical terms capable of countering the political reversals of some countries in the region surrendering to neoliberal ideology.”
The second reason, he writes, is that both VZ and Russia have been slapped with sanctions (I’d add ‘endlessly, and illegally by way of international law’), but that military threats against VZ are even more menacing, therefore Russia’s ‘balancing’ military help is welcome, as would be the Islamic Republic of Iran having announced that will soon send warships to Venezuela as a sign of strategic partnership.
Pagliccia adds that the timing of the arrival of the assistance is important, as Maduro is to be sworn in for another six-year term as President again on Jan. 10, and given the rumors of ‘disruption’, Russia is signaling its support for Maduro. He chronicles the threats against Maduro:
“However, the official position is that these are not just rumors and the disruptions may include violent and terrorist tactics. To that effect president Maduro stated at the media conference: “Today I come again to denounce the plot that from the White House is being prepared to violate Venezuelan democracy, to assassinate me and to impose a dictatorial government in Venezuela.” Then he added more pointedly, “Mr. John Bolton has been appointed again, as head of the plot to turn Venezuela to violence and to seek a foreign military intervention, a coup, to assassinate President Maduro and impose what they call a ‘transitional government council’. I’m saying this to you to unveil their plans. ”
John Bolton is the National Security Advisor of the United States with the reputation of coining the term “troika of tyranny” in reference to the democratically elected, progressive governments of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Maduro’s statements are perfectly credible mainly based on specific details he provided.”
He then names the paramilitary groups and commando groups, their numbers and locations in Colombia, with one based in Florida, which specificity convinces Pagliccia is actual intel. The deployment of the Russian war planes to VZ came just one week after Maduro’s recent visit to Moscow, and he names ‘…the deployment consists of two TU-160 long-range bombers with nuclear capability, an An-124 heavy military transport plane and an II-62 long-haul plane of the Russian aerospace forces’, but a hundred pilot trainers had also come with them, but yes, still ‘modest in comparison to the 22 US military bases in Latin America’.
“However, the message that the action sends must be seen as a strong deterrent to any military intervention in Venezuela especially coming from Colombia.
Venezuela Minister of defense, Vladimir Padrino explained, “We must tell the people of Venezuela and the entire world that … we are also preparing to defend Venezuela to the last extent when necessary.” [snip]
“Russia practices a remarkable two-prong approach in its foreign policy that combines a responsible non-hegemonic military strength with careful maintenance of balance of forces in particularly conflictive areas. This is precisely what is needed in Latin America in order to preserve peace, as opposed to the divide-and-rule approach used by U.S. foreign policy.
More broadly, Russia and Venezuela share a common view of a multipolar world cooperating in social, military and economic areas of interest that replaces the hegemonic unipolar strangling financial world dominated by the U.S.”
Also from venezuelanalysis: ‘WaPo: Trump Needs to Destroy Venezuela to Save It; “Propaganda works primarily through repetition” analyses Joe Emersberger of It’s a long, but illuminating in exposing the constant agitprop against VZ, especially by the compromised NGO Human Rights Watch; a few paragraphs:
“Tamara Taraciuk Broner of Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Johns Hopkins professor Kathleen Page took to the pages of the Washington Post (11/26/18) to whitewash Donald Trump’s successful efforts to make Venezuela’s economic crisis much worse. Appropriately enough, at the end of the piece, the Post recommended four other articles (11/23/18, 9/11/18, 6/20/18,8/21/18) that either attacked Venezuela’s government or stayed conspicuously silent about the impact of US economic sanctions.
Propaganda works primarily through repetition. The vilification of Venezuela’s government in the Western media has been relentless for the past 17 years, as Alan MacLeod pointed out in his book Bad News From Venezuela.” [snip]
“The idea that “most sanctions” have “no impact on the Venezuelan economy” is appalling nonsense (, 3/22/18). Trump has extended Obama’s cynically declared “national emergency” over Venezuela, and escalated by directly threatening holders of Venezuelan government bonds, making it it impossible for Venezuela to “roll over” any bonds governed under US law (i.e., borrow to pay off principal when a bond comes due, as governments usually do). In January, a Torino Capital report on Venezuela’s economy stated that “all foreign-currency bonds are denominated in dollars, and all are governed by New York law.” Trump also prohibited the Venezuelan government–owned CITGO corporation, based in Texas, from sending any profits or dividends back to Venezuela.
The US allies Taraciuk and Page mentioned mainly provide propaganda cover for a US-led assault. Bear in mind that the United States, Canada and other countries within the European Union are supplying weapons and other essential military support to Saudi Arabia, even as it inflicts famine on Yemen. Why do you suppose governments barbaric enough to arm Saudi Arabia also target Venezuela with economic sanctions? Does concern over human rights and corruption, which Taraciuk and Page uncritically cited as a rationale, pass the laugh test?”
Let’s jump now to the other hot spot trying to provoke the Russian Bear into war: the Kerch Strait between the Azov Sea and the Black Sea.
Finian Cunningham writing at RT on Dec. 21 posits ‘Why Trump’s peace signal in Syria could see US clash with Russia in Ukraine’
Now others such as Patrick Lawrence make a case that there won’t actually be a draw down of troops for various reasons, as does Vladamir Putin. But never mind; Bibi says Israel will ‘fill in the void’.
“Nevertheless, President Vladimir Putin noted in his annual press conference this week that it remains to be seen if the planned US withdrawal actually materializes. Only a couple of months ago, national security advisor John Bolton declared US forces would be in Syria for as long as Iranian forces were present.” [snip]
“Earlier this week, Kurt Volker, the Trump administration’s envoy to Ukraine, told a forum in Brussels that $250 million worth of military equipment was on its way to the US-backed regime in Kiev.
That latest installment is in addition to the $1 billion of military assistance Washington has provided the Kiev regime since it seized power in February 2014 with the US-backed coup. It was the Trump administration that broke new ground from former president Obama when it signed off on $47 million in “lethal military supply” to the Kiev regime this year in the form of anti-tank javelin missiles.
Also this week, some 41 US senators signed a resolution calling for “freedom of navigation” exercises in the Black Sea and for more lethal military assistance “to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression”. Among those senators is Tom Cotton (R-AR), one of the most hawkish anti-Russia lawmakers. Ominously for US-Russia relations, Cotton is tipped in media reports as taking over from Mattis as the next Secretary of Defense.” [snip]
“There are serious portents that the Kiev regime is planning to launch more provocations against Russia in the same vein as the Kerch Strait incident on November 25. A senior Kiev official, Alexander Turchinov, almost bragged to the BBC this week that more naval incursions were imminent. He also indicated that NATO vessels could be joining future Ukrainian attempted forays through the Kerch Strait.”
READ MORE: Ukraine plans another incursion into Kerch Strait, hopes NATO ships will join in – top official [It also comes several days after the UN General Assembly passed a Ukrainian resolution, condemning the presence of the Russian military in the Crimean Peninsula and the surrounding waters of the Black Sea and the Azov Sea. 66 countries supported the non-binding resolution but 72 abstained from voting altogether.] Back to F. Cunningham:
“It has to be borne in mind that the politically unstable Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev is itching for a confrontation with Russia. The regime, which honors Nazi figures like Stepan Bandera who collaborated with the German Third Reich’s exterminatory policy against Russia, is motivated by rabid Russophobia; and, secondly, by a desperate desire to save its decrepit state by inciting a war with Russia and getting NATO to ride to its rescue.
American and European Atlanticist politicians are so inebriated with anti-Russian propaganda and ideology that they have bought into the Kiev narrative of “Russian aggression.” Reports of increasing NATO trainers present among the Kiev regime’s forces building up against ethnic Russian people in the breakaway Donbas eastern region of Ukraine, as well as suspicions of Western coaching of provocations against Russia – all indicate a grave risk of war breaking out.”
And holy crow from the Kyiv Post Dec. 22, via Reuters
“BELBEK, Crimea (Reuters) – More than a dozen SU-27 and SU-30 fighter jets which Russia is deploying to boost its air force, amid heightened tensions with Ukraine, arrived in Crimea on Saturday.
A Reuters witness saw the jets land at Belbek air base in Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014 after Moscow-leaning Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich fled Kiev following street clashes and violent protests.”
Tensions between Moscow and Kiev have risen in the past weeks after Russia seized three Ukrainian navy ships and their crews on Nov. 25 in an incident which Moscow and Kiev have blamed on each other.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has alleged Ukraine was preparing “a provocation” near Crimea before the end of the year.”
From Interfax confirms it, although I’d wondered if it might have been Reuters + bellingcat agitprop again.:
“The announcement came after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview that Ukraine was preparing an “armed provocation with Russia on the border with Crimea during the last ten days of December.”
The state-run TASS news agency quoted Lavrov as saying that Moscow would not allow the Ukrainian government to act on those plans and “they will regret it.”
The top Russian diplomat also said that his country “will not wage war against Ukraine,” and accused Kiev of having “Nazi characteristics.”
“We are not fighting the Ukrainian regime,” Lavrov said. “It is Ukrainian citizens living in Donbass who are fighting against the Ukrainian regime, which has full Nazi and neo-Nazi characteristics.“
‘Russia’s latest naval attack continues years of aggression in Black Sea’, Veronika Melkozerova, Kyiv Post, De. 22
“The forces are far from equal. Ukraine lost 80 percent of its navy and coast guard fleet when Russia occupied Crimea. Now Ukraine protects itself in the sea with some 70 small motor boats of the coast guard, eight armored motor boats, three warships and 20 non-combatant navy vessels.
By comparison, Russia has more than 10 navy warships and several dozens of motorboats in the Black Sea and some 120 armored boats in the Azov Sea in addition to several dozens of Federal Security Service Coast Guard boats.
To compensate for that inequality, the U.S. and the U.K. deployed their navy vessels to the Black Sea in order to monitor the situation. On Dec. 19, the U.K. warship HMS Echo docked in Odesa.
Russia intends to dominate the Black Sea and in effect is already doing so, according to Glen Grant, a security and defense expert at the Kyiv-based think tank Ukrainian Institute.
“Russia is at war with everyone. But other countries are still too frightened or blind to show this openly,” Grant said.”
‘Pentagon Planet’, anthony freda
Coming soon: Great Power Conflicts with: China.
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

“two corrupt governments squandering public funds”
Dammit, that's OUR job!
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
ain't it great havin' a
mafia don extortionist for chief 'diplomat' of the realm, kokopelli w/ a banjo?
The Russians intend
to dominate the Black Sea, in fact, they are already doing so.
Any of those assWholes look at a MAP lately?
And if Argentina could smoke a British warship forty years ago with a shitty Exocet surface to surface missile- just What do those same expect to happen when a flight of pantsirs come calling? In their equivalent of the Gulf of Mexico?
stupid fucks
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
oh, my;
could you spell out your comment for me, TB&U? as far as i can tell, the russians want to be advised if any military ships come into their territorial waters; the rub is, the Empire and lackeys believe they *have no territorial waters* as russia stole crimea, etc.
Ass Wholes and stupid fucks would be(obviously) those pushing for War, pantsir missiles doing there thing in the Russian Gulf of Mexico I would Think would be self explanatory in case Of war.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
not at all,
i should have put 2 and 2 together, fuck yeah, tall bald and dapper dude. ; ) but this: 'the Argintine reference was to the Malvinas war and Britain losing a warship to One shitty missile.' had buffaloed me.
guess we'll see soon how this all plays out. end of dec. ain't that far away.
Better known
Projecting power with carrier groups has been Bullshit ever since.
Have whatEver kind of season you Wish!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
good gawd all-friday!
but that was maggie's war that turned her into saint maggie! my stars, though, i'd finally read what claimed to be be revisionist history of her war, and wasn't the whole thing a 'wag the dog' story distraction that got her cast in bronze? well, okay, she's prolly not inside, but it sure looks like it.
ach, this day...not much holiday spirit around here, but i'm putting a not-just-lentils dinner together for a neighbor. ; ) you?
thierry meyssan fleshed out
(and widened) maduro's intelligence claims a bit in his 'The United States Is Preparing a War between Latin-American States , John Bolton is working overtime to foment war on Venezuela by newly the minted far-right government of Colombia and Brazil, published at mint press news dec. 19
i'd incorrectly remembered it was a bomb, but maybe the drone dropped a bomb or two? but msm portrayed it as a false flag by maduro loyalists to earn sympathy. (?)
found in the twitterverse:
Gavin Williamson: UK ship in Ukraine 'sends message to Russia', 22 December 2018, bbc news
Echo: the Maine.
Man. I'd want nothing to do with being on that ship.
I'd put money on the Echo being sunk by the Ukranians if I had any. Think about it while you "Remember the Maine".
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
lord luv a duck;
i'd had to bingle. there are plenty of wm. randolph hearsts around to fan the flames of war by false flags. seriously, a few 'news' pieces at the kyiv post are actually bellingcat productions.
not long now until the 'end of december', brrrrrr.
from the kyiv post this morning:
Russia's War Against Ukraine
‘Ukrainian navy chief: If Russia attacks again, we are ready’,, dec. 24
my stars; more from the kyiv post:
'Ukraine braces for further attacks as Russian forces mobilize', Toma Istomina, Dec. 24. (a few McNuggets):
Shortly after, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko claimed that Russia was mobilizing its military forces near Ukraine’s eastern border. According to the president and Ukraine’s security services, Russia has over 80,000 troops both in Russia near the Ukrainian border and on Russian-occupied, Ukrainian territories. Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also reported that Russia recently brought Iskander missile systems to its borders with Ukraine and relocated around 100 warplanes in Crimea."
"According to the Institute for the Study of War, or ISW, Ukraine is correct in bolstering its defenses: the think tank also reports that Russia continues to build up and prepare its military forces for possible offensive operations against Ukraine, from both the Crimean peninsula and the east."
[isw: Catherine Harris, Frederick W. Kagan, Kimberly Kagan, and the ISW Russia Team; fred's brother seems to be nuland's hubbie robert kagan.] the pnac family

“It remains impossible to assess whether Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to launch an offensive or will do so, or whether the visible military preparations are intended to pressure Ukraine and its partners without escalating to additional open conflict,” their recent report reads.
The ISW says that all the evidence suggests that Putin is preparing to attack.
The fact that Russia maintains a blockade of Ukrainian ports in the Azov Sea and mobilizes forces on the Ukrainian borders point to possible military actions, ISW experts have concluded.
The report claims that another sign of an impending attack is that Russia has increased its propaganda activities, using false information to fuel dissent and create confusion, while other experts warn that Russian intelligence has seriously stepped up its activities throughout Ukraine.
“The Kremlin is flooding the information space with false warnings that indicate its intentions to spread fear about an upcoming attack. The Russian Foreign Ministry claimed that Ukraine and the West are planning imminent attacks in Donbas,” the ISW report reads.
The ISW says that the attack might come from the northern Crimean peninsula toward the Dnipro River, near Kherson, a city of 290,000 people some 550 kilometers south of Kyiv. The report suggests that the move could be intended to seize the North Crimean Canal supplying fresh water to Crimea, which Ukraine has blocked since 2014.
“Putin would likely unjustifiably claim the right to invade to stop a humanitarian crisis resulting from the blockage of the canal. Such a claim has no legal validity since Crimea remains legally part of Ukraine over which Russia has no rights, and thus the status of the canal is, in law, an entirely internal Ukrainian matter,” the report reads."
I don't think Kyiv has a case that will stand up in court
at least, not a fair and honest court of international law. They can scream all they want to about how Crimea is "rightfully theirs", but it wasn't, until Khruschchev misguidedly made them a present of it - without asking the Crimean residents what they wanted. (When they were asked, a few years ago, their overwhelming response was that they wanted to return to being part of Russia. Funny how "national self-determination" is only recognized as "valid" when it works in favor of the Western Powers and especially the Evil Empire.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
an unbiased international court?
well, there's the rub.
"Dec. 18: WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United Nations General Assembly passed by a 2/3 majority vote Ukraine's draft resolution calling on Russia to stop restricting international navigation in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
"The result of the vote is as follows: in favor — 66, against — 19, abstention — 72. Draft resolution [titled Militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine), as well as parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov] is adopted," a UN official presiding over the plenary meeting announced on Monday.
The draft resolution A/73/L.43 expresses "its grave concern over the progressive militarization of Crimea by the Russian Federation as the occupying Power" as well as "over reports of the continuing destabilization of Crimea owing to transfers by the Russian Federation of weapon systems, including nuclear-capable aircraft and missiles, weapons, ammunition and military personnel to the territory of Ukraine," the text of the document says.
The document also expresses its concern over "multiple military exercises of Russian armed forces held in Crimea, which can undermine regional security and entail considerable long-term negative environmental consequences in the region." The resolution condemns the building of the Kerch Strait bridge between Russia and the Crimean peninsula, the growing military presence of Russia in the region, and the country’s alleged harassment of commercial vessels and restriction of international shipping.
Moreover, the document states that it is alarmed by the militarization of parts of the Black Sea surrounding the Crimea and the Sea of Azov by Russia adding that these actions "pose further threats to Ukraine and undermine the stability of the broader region."
The list of the co-sponsors of the draft resolution includes France, Georgia, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Moldova, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States, among others.”
the new cold war: nato v. russia it'd be interesting to know which nations had abstained, but digging into the UNGA database is even harder than the UN SC. i'd made an attempt to find out, but had backed out due to lack of time. ; ) and ukraine is already 'under nato's umbrella' or one of those: 'nato has your back, as well as georgia's, and others' designations. the fix is in.