Mueller Files Sentencing Memo on Flynn
The day we have been waiting for is finally here and Rob Mueller has fired his first shot on his Russia Gate investigation.
Robert Mueller files sentencing memo on Trump ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn
WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Mueller filed a sentencing memo Tuesday night suggesting that Michael Flynn has given the government "substantial assistance," and it recommends that Flynn serve no time for making a false statement to the FBI. The sentencing guidelines for Flynn's offense suggest zero to six months of incarceration.
"Given the defendant's substantial assistance and other considerations set forth below, a sentence at the low end of the guideline range — including a sentence that does not impose a term of incarceration — is appropriate and warranted," the memo says.
Flynn met with the special counsel 19 times as part of his agreement to cooperate with the government in its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. According to the filing, Flynn has been cooperating in "several ongoing investigations."
His cooperation in one criminal investigation has been fully redacted. Other descriptions of his cooperation with Mueller's team are also redacted, but they acknowledge he assisted government investigators on a "range of issues, including interactions between individuals in the Presidential Transition Team and Russia."
The fact that the special counsel recommended that Flynn not be incarcerated doesn't suggest that his crime was unimportant. "The defendant's offense is serious," the memo reads. Flynn "made multiple false statements, to multiple Department of Justice ("DOJ") entities, on multiple occasions."
The filing details the series of false statements Flynn made to the FBI and the Justice Department. It points to a conversation Flynn had with the Russian envoy, Sergey Kislyak, after then-President Obama had announced sanctions against Russia for its interference in the U.S. elections. The government notes that Flynn "falsely stated that he did not ask the Russian ambassador to refrain from escalating the situation in response to the sanctions" and further, "falsely disclaimed any memory" of his subsequent conversation with Kislyak, in which Kislak told Flynn that Russia had complied with Flynn's request.
I see absolutely no mention of Flynn talking to the Russian envoy and asking him not to vote for sanctions against Israel for its illegal settlements which Bibi asked Kushner to ask him to do.
/2 In main section of memo, Mueller's office recommends probation -- a non-custodial sentence.
— ScottFreeHat (@Popehat) December 5, 2018
/4 The redacted addendum says that Flynn provided help in a criminal investigation about [completely blacked out, but not Russia.] Also says that Flynn helped illuminate Trump campaign coordination with Russia. Lots is blacked out -- really nothing revealed.
— ScottFreeHat (@Popehat) December 5, 2018
— ScottFreeHat (@Popehat) December 5, 2018
My thoughts exactly.
Crazy thoughts here: what if Flynn actually have them very little, but they are using this filing to put the fear into other targets including Trump?
— Scott 'I mute red Xs' Berfield (@sberfield) December 5, 2018
What's to stop Mueller from just making up any evidence he wants to prove that Vlad and Donald got together and colluded? Colluded? Colluded to do what exactly? Vlad didn't steal Hillary's emails and then give them to Wikileaks. This. Did. Not. Happen. Nope. Wikileaks posted the emails between Hillary and Podesta making up the allegations that Russia hacked into her email server and Podesta's account as well as the DNC computers. The only word we have for this is theirs and CrowdStrike's. Not the FBI's because they never bothered to look to see if CrowdStrike's investigation was correct. Why not? This country has been going through hell for almost two years based on something that wasn't confirmed by the FBI. Nope. I'm taking Julian's word on this when he said that the information did not come from Russia. And Trump never asked them to hack the DNC computers. Hillary deleted 30,000 emails that had been ordered by congress to turn in and Trump said, "that if Russia finds her emails to let us know."
Bottom line:
Trump can blow this up by releasing the unredacted and original FISA warrant that the FBI got to spy on Page and therefore Trump's campaign. The question is why hasn't he? Is it to protect the U.K. spy agencies that spied on him for our own intelligence agencies? This was what gave them the information to get the warrant IIRC. Then there's the Steele dossier that was given to David Corn and Michael Isacks who then published it before anyone knew about it. This is the MO of the fusion GPS group that they use to clean up reputations.... There has been so much information about this that I have forgotten, but many members here have documented it step by step.
The bottom line for me is that Russia Gate has been the biggest psyops since the run up to the Iraq war. Russia Gate is the new WMDs. Why have so many people fallen for it?

Mueller is nothing if not an aparatchik of the MIS complex
The heavy redactions make this essentially a Rorschach test. It allows gullible Hillary supporters (redundant language, I know) to see Russia behind every black redaction mark. Even if he doesn't have a thing on the Trump campaign, many will see this as evidence of collusion with Russia. Given Mueller's record of dishonesty and malfeasance, I imagine this is intentional. Remember when he dredged up the Internet Research Agency indictments, which were based on months old, published Russian investigative journalism, not FBI or other US investigations purely, and without hope of an actual prosecution.
How much of this is made up?
I don't remember reading most of the stuff here.
Sorry. This looks bigger on my iPad. I'll see if I can find one that is better.
-The Kremlin had underestimated the strength US media and liberal reactions to the DNC hack and Trump's links to Russia, Putin was satisfied with the progress of the anti Clinton operation to date and he had a drink with some dude who was head of the Russian presidential administration Ianoc assessed the impact and results of the Kremlin interference in the US presidential election to date. Although most commentators believed that Russia was behind the DNC/Clinton's emails this remained technically deniable.....
-Educated youth to be targeted to protest against Hillary and swing vote to turn them over to Trump.
Vlad celebrating perceived success ..
-Kremlin engaged with high profile players including Stein, Page, and former DIA Michael Flynn.
And other stuff that has been made up out of thin air. IMO of course.
Two years later Mueller finally gets around to charging Flynn, but then recommends no jail time? WTF are we paying him to do? Once upon a time I really thought that Russia Gate would fall flat on its face and people would be left with egg on their faces. But now I'm thinking that they will go to every length to keep it running and they will pull it out whenever they want to blame Russia for something.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's the sentencing memo?
It sounds like it was cut-n-pasted from Hillary's whiny excuse list of Top 10 Reasons why it wasn't her fault she lost the election.
What the hell?
I found this via qmap to twitter to nbc.
Emphasis, mine.
Winston Smith . . .
Your emphasis has been what people have said that Flynn did
and that he lied about not doing. This info is in the article I'm using so I'm not sure what you're saying here? Apparently if Flynn with Trump's knowledge did contact Russia before he took office then he could be charged with the Logan act. (This is an interesting read -sd)
But as I stated above, Flynn also spoke to the Russian envoy about not sanctioning Israel for their illegal settlements. This has been reported on too in the main stream media and yet he's not being charged for that. Why not?
The thing is with the sanctions on Russia, Trump has put more of them on Russia than Obama did. I think I posted a video that shows how Trump has been harder on them than Obama. But yet people are still saying that he has refused to do that.
Here's one of the latest Q posts.
People are supposedly quaking in their boots because of what's going to be happening with the real investigation meaning that the Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others are just a smoke screen. I'm not so sure.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Logan Act
However, John Kerry meeting with the Iranian government after Trump took office in a effort to thwart what Trump was doing with the Iran deal could possibly be in violation of the Logan Act.
As far as I know, Flynn was never charged under the Logan Act. Instead he was charged with lying to an FBI agent (I believe Peter Strzok) in an informal setting.
My memory and/or understanding of the Logan Act may be faulty, so if I am wrong, someone please correct me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I might have timeline mixed up
I can't remember when O ousted the Russians from the embassy and the country, and I don't remember the excuse used. Also don't recall when sanctions were issued by O, or the excuse used.
However, Dec 2016 seems early to have been connecting "sanctions" and "election meddling". Plus, weren't sanctions in place already? That's what I was getting at. Seems to me, they pulled a Winston Smith, and rewrote history. But again, my memory in all this is foggy.
If dates don't line up, he's either telling them what they want to hear, or they're telling the press to report it that way.
I don't fault you for not remembering the timeline
we have been given so much false information going back to the start of Russia Gate long before Mueller got appointed.
Obama sanctioned Russia for interfering on the same day Flynn spoke to the Russian envoy. And as others here have stated, it should be okay for the incoming elected government to you know, start governing. Hey. Remember when Reagan was talking to Iran about holding on to the hostages before the election was even resolved? Yeah, how about that breaking the Logan act? That was the reason it was written for gawd's sake. Oh well, moving on ....
apologizes for the tone, deja. I didn't mean to sound critical, i was just confused. Really, really bad hair day.
But if anyone can stand to hear the lies, here's rachel's spin on it. Apparently Flynn would have been compromised by a hostile government if he was able to serve. Or something.
BUt as gulfgal mentioned, Flynn was asked in passing by Strzok something and Flynn said no. He had no idea that his call had been recorded. By a FISA warrant that was given on false pretenses. Fruit of the poisonous tree, but who had millions laying around to fight the man?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
When I read the name of the fbi agent it made sense
When I read gulfgal's comment about it being effing Strzok, I just shook my head. That's what he and his, eh-hum, hoochy mama must've been texting about. And unless Flynn was being questioned in an official capacity, what should it matter what he told the crooked agent?
Side note that reminded me of Q posts: I read in the ticker tape under GMA this morning that over 50 mafia people were arrested in Europe and 4 people were charged somewhere by someone regarding the Panama Papers. Made me wonder if any of that had been mentioned by Q. Just thinking out loud, no need to answer.
as to two of your Qs:
while it's a rhetorical question, i'll offer: because amerika is a client state of israel.
of course they don't want to know that, but i think the reason herr T ha sanctioned russia more lies in: #TreasonSummit w/putin, and his state det., CIA, and military advisors telling him he must. aside from that, many f the sanctions are against individuals in russia, not russia heerself, as i remember it. and remember the massive calls of treason for his wanting to make some accords with nuclear north korea? yeah, he swerved around a lot about that on twitter, but from what i read, moon and kim are still trying to make mutual accords.
i've given up trying to bring anything coherent from miz-muller wheeler, but she does quote pdf's from jerome corsi and roger stone w/ regard to assange/wikileaks as believable, randy credico is often mentioned. i'll stick this on my 'plot thickens' for posterity, but i hopped onto credico's twitter and found this (although, dagnabbit, no transcript yet, out for me for now; i just gotta get this slut-hole a li'l bit cleaner, and i have a psa i want to put up):
Orrrrrr, . . .
. . . this is precisely what the investigation is about:
Do any other prosecution teams spend this long and this much to so little real prosecutorial outcome?
Exactly, dym
I've seen people saying this on Twitter too. What's that saying?
Something about dazzling and BS?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's Whitewater all over again, but with even less substance. Mueller should be charged with abusing his office.
EDIT: had "Watergate" at first. too late to think straight. sorry.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
@dance you monster totally nailed it
Ah Russiagate. The joke that never ends. I keep thinking maybe something real will come of this, but sadly I am always disappointed. I honestly have a hard time even reading any of these articles anymore. The saddest part is that so many believe there is actually something to this without any real evidence coming forward. Sigh.
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Obama vs Trump on Russia
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I just can't get past this part,
and what you've written is exactly what came to mind as I was reading:
Precisely!! What did they do that made one bit of difference in the election? After two years and many millions of $$$, shouldn't someone at least explain that? And why are these nitwits still trying to pin her loss on a third party? Not to mention a superpower that they apparently can't stop antagonizing.
Rhetorical questions, but this whole sideshow makes me wonder how gullible the PTB think we are.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
Oh I think they know just how gullible people are
Look at how many are believing everything about Russia Gate. I'm both sad and disgusted that they do.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Please forgive me, I can't help myself...LOL
Yep, all you have to do is to make a visit over to the other place where cognitive dissonance thrives.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Heh ... I do daily
I like reading Mark Summers who twists things so much out of context.
Yesterday his spiel was that Mueller isn't done yet because he still has to talk to the guy who helped Russia decide which emails to give to Wikileaks.
This would have been very difficult for the guy to do since Russia never had them to begin with. But he had the name of that person. No link to back it up or anything. This is why I think that kos has taken money from someone to let his site become the laughing stock it is.
But what's even funnier is after he posts something that is spelled out in black and white he turns it purple and then instead of someone telling him that wasn't what was stated, people just comment on his interpretation of it and then it becomes an echo chamber.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
At first, I figured he was just posting to a dumb audience that fell for his wall-o-word style, but then I quickly discerned that he is just as stupid, and that's why he stopped addressing me...he never stood a chance and I think he figured that out quite quickly.
Some others would chime in, especially the "genuine at heart," but clueless folks over there that actually still thought their beloved party and community were actually trying to "help."
Just for kicks, I just went and revisited my old comments and dredged one up from a Sumner diary. The first commenter is one of those "genuine at heart" types:
That bold I just added...because lo and behold, still at it! LOL
Another from the Sumner diaries, a different commenter is probably no longer a member, judging by their first thought after reading Sumner's "wisdom"
Sorry for my personal stroll down memory lane of that place, but I did find a nice gem I wrote in a similar, albeit non-Sumner, "ZOMG Russia!" diary penned by someone else. Surprised I still have a standing account over there, after my retort, LOL to full text of just my comment...
Russia ...
Ain't that a fact! And if it's not Russia in every diary no matter the subject it's Trump.
I was trolling Twitter last night and the subject shouldn't have been tied to Trump in any way and yet someone did. My reply was basically telling him to get a life. Sure got a lot of likes and RTs. But it's getting old isn't it? Russia Russia Russia Trump ....
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My recollections, Snoopydawg:
Your comment here is key:
This was leaked early in the investigation. Russia complied.
Releasing the documents unredacted, would indicate that the FISA warrants were illegally obtained. But, at this point, it might be meaningless with all the cacophony.
Certainly, the UK is exerting pressure on Trump via various US insiders. And Trump has acquiesced to similar requests in the past. However, this time he has stated his reason: He will use them in a legal setting (ie. an impeachment hearing) where they would come down like a hammar.
I agree, this is murky. My recollection is different. I thought they got them through McCain, who got them from Comey. But I did not focus on that issue, so I have no documentation.
I keep this in mind: There is only one person who knows for certain that Trump did not collude with Russia/Putin to win the election, and that is Donald Trump. No member of his campaign was ever involved in such a plan or had heard of such a thing. There is no evidence of a collusion between the two men. An impeachment based on this will fail. It won't even be attempted.
Something else to keep in mind:
Many Americans voted for Trump because he campaigned on a promise to improve relations with Russia. That is the pivotal fact behind all that has happened. IMO, of course.
Inside the walls of government, Trump has only paid allies. Inside those walls, Trump's opponents are deadly.
Yeppers to all of that
Well said, Pluto.
Yes McCain was instrumental at the beginning of this to get the Steele dossier into the spotlight and it could have been Comey who he gave it to. But I think that the first time Americans heard about it was when Corn wrote about it in Salon. (?) I think it was Salon that published it first and he did get it from someone in Fusion GPS. They don't care who they work for as long as they get paid. There job is to clean reputations that have gotten bad press. IIRC the Saudis have hired them. I might have an article on this somewhere in my bookmarks. If I had known that Russia Gate would go on this long I would have kept better track of the information I found.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is an update to our recollections re Russia Hoax:
That fuzzy detail on how the Steele Dossier was passed along is cleared up in this timeline excerpt:
And this:
That timeline, posted by Linda Wood, is a treasure, no?
given that i'd sorta remembered
marcy wheeler's fondess for quoting buzzfeed, and in this case, the steele dossier, i'd stuck those words plus john mccain (as i'd rembered was a big player in this) into a bing bar, and found: ‘Did John McCain Provide The Infamous 'Trump Dossier' To BuzzFeed?’, zerohedge, dec. 6, 2018
there's more, including this tweet at the bottom.
@realDonaldTrump "Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?
Oct 19, 2017
anyhoo, if i can manage it, i did go to emptywheel's house, and she has several posts on this news. not only do i experience vertigo when i'm there, but it's over several threads. the most vertiginous other thread was close to: 'trump flunkies trying to get assange outta the embassy'.
See my reply to Snoopydawg just above.
And then Linda Wood's link, below.
It's a real page turner. So, how do you suppose Miss Marcy will square all this into her Russia Russia Russia world view? Boy, was she bamboozled. I guess there's a reason no one leaked to her. She was too good at playing the useful idiot and keeping the hoax going no matter how preposterous it became. I predict great moments in cognitive dissonance coming soon to a blog near you.
Jeff Carlson
at The Epoch Times has produced a useful chronology, which he calls SPYGATE. He is the best researcher I have seen in keeping a record of events.
Thanks for the link, Linda.
It is very intricate and probably boring and confusing to read unless one has been seeped in the brew the greatest psy-op ever inflicted upon the American people. It may still start WWIII because Americans are so easily bamboozled.
It will make a great mini-series, although it will never have an end. These assholes are going to stonewall it until they die. If the American people ever hoped to get their country back, this would be the time to stand up for it. No?
Yes indeed.