Folks, I Have Some Great News

Just a few minutes ago I received this email from c99's Ambassador of Glad Tidings, janis b:

Hi Johnny,

I have some good news about hecate. I spoke with his sister just now, and he, his animals and home survived. Somehow, being hecate, he convinced the firemen to let him stay at home, and miraculously the fire left them undisturbed. He of course has no power, and little way to communicate.

Thank you so much Janis, that's a huge relief!

Our thoughts go out to all of you folks that live in California, please be safe, please.

PS: We have another member, Knucklehead, who lives in the evacuation zone caused by the wildfire north of L.A. I have sent him an email and await a reply. Please send out good vibes to him and his loved ones also.

Thanks folks.

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I always thought he was rather magical-mystical-non corporeal.

Thank you for the good news.

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Deja's picture

So glad, and keeping the good vibes headed out West!

Thanks for the update.

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smiley7's picture

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janis b's picture


My appreciation to whatever invisible forces are at work, and may they be there for all of us.

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@janis b
the invisible forces at work flow through you too Janis, thank you so much for bringing a huge sigh of relief to the c99 community.

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janis b's picture


even though I do believe in that kind of magic ; ).

Because hecate and I sometimes communicate by email I knew his name and address, and in searching the news from Paradise I found #CampFireJamesWoods. On there was a post from his sister looking for him with her telephone number, so I rang her this morning and got the good news. You can imagine how thankful she was to learn of his safety.

Life is a beautiful, mysterious thing. Thank you all for your concern and appreciation.

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divineorder's picture

@janis b one human family on this planet.

I marvel at the serendipity you experienced today girfrin!

Love is the answer.


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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

janis b's picture


"love is the answer". Thank you do.

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@janis b thanks a lot for being the communicator. It figures, makes perfect sense to me that you would be the one. Aren't you on a different continent? lol

D3 o'clock! It's time for me to take my daily dose. Cheers!

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janis b's picture


You always touch me in ways that are either profoundly poignant or seriously funny! Thank you.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@janis b

Bless you for tracking him down. It's an immense relief.

The thing is: I have pondered the streets of Paradise in the past. It's a very interesting and intricate forest village. I don't see how a fire could miss him there in the thick of it all. The news pouring out suggests that Paradise was destroyed; the photos were horrible to see. This is simply amazing to me Perhaps some of the town remains intact, after all. They are going to need a lot of help. It was declared a national disaster last night, without any nonsense or delay, which opens the door to funding a recovery.

A miracle.

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janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Somewhere I read that there were almost 7,000 building destroyed in the fire. With a population of 26,000 that's a huge portion of Paradise gone. His sister said that the fire came as close as a half block from him, and the fire department is supplying him and his animals with water.

I hope the devastation and the shock it must be to those thousands of people, including hecate, will be healed over time.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@janis b

The Red Cross has descended and will have their hands full. I made a hasty donation last night when I saw they were asking for help. They are amazing when caring for people after fires. They arrive in great trucks filled with things that people will immediately need. The volunteers are both very kind and competent.

Lesson learned. When moving to a forest village, it pays to live around the corner from the firehouse. Going to add that to my user's manual.

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janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

You and hecate are smart that way! Take the risks, but keep your survival manual updated.

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

CS in AZ's picture

I’m so relieved that hecate, pets, and home are all safe. Now I know he’s actually a wizard, just as I suspected.

Thank you so much JtC and Janis, for the good news.

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Ha ha! I am glad hecate is not at the Chico Mall, even though it would have made a good story. I never knew he was a he, or I forgot. Right on.

Hecate's ability to see into the Underworld, the "otherworld" of the sleeping and the dead, made her comfortable and tolerant in the company of those most would shun out of fear or misunderstanding.

In her role as 'Queen of the Night', sometimes traveling with a following of "ghosts" and other social outcasts, she was both honored and feared as the protectress of the oppressed and of those who lived "on the edge". In Rome many of the priests in her sacred groves were former slaves who had been released to work in her service.

The goddess Hecate was often accompanied on her travels by an owl, a symbol of wisdom. Not really known as a goddess of wisdom, per se, Hecate is nevertheless recognized for a special type of knowledge and is considered to be the goddess of trivia.

Yay! It is a great way to end the day, with good news. Thank you Johnny.


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Lookout's picture

With hecate's gift of words I bet he talked away the fire.

Good news indeed. Hope the knuck is okay too.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

janis b's picture


It seems so fitting. Thank lookout.

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@Lookout @Lookout
By some mere fire.
Get back to us when you've got something that'll give hecate a challenge

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janis b's picture


too yielding.

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snoopydawg's picture

He's not only safe, but his home is okay. Great news!

Good time to remind folks that there is a way for you to give your contact information to QMS who is taking on this project.

Member Contact Essay 1

Contact essay 2

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

janis b's picture

from the tragedy unfolding.

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Hawkfish's picture

And thanks for posting this on the front page.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

gulfgal98's picture

Like everyone else here, I am ecstatic that hecate is alive and well, but also his beloved pets are safe and his home survived. This is truly a miracle! I cannot help but think all the positive energy of this wonderful community might have helped to bring about this miracle.

Bless you, janis b, for knowing how to contact hecate and his sister. You are an angel.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Pluto's Republic's picture


I cannot help but think all the positive energy of this wonderful community might have helped to bring about this miracle.

It may be cognitive dissonance, but it got everyone pretty high. And deeply grateful, too.

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janis b's picture

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98

Thank you gulfgal.

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Anja Geitz's picture

And thank you Janis!

Mighty relieved to hear this.

Smiles and Hugs all around!

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

janis b's picture

@Anja Geitz

Glad you're here to always give thanks and support for all that's life-enhancing.

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Anja Geitz's picture

@janis b

To offer appreciation and gratitude for the things in our lives we are thankful for. Which includes you, Hecate, and all the wonderful people here at c99p. Smile

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

WaterLily's picture

@Anja Geitz I missed this as it was unfolding, but am so grateful to learn that hecate, and his pets, are safe. Grateful, too, for this community of caring souls. Be well, everyone.

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janis b's picture

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Check out the SF Chronicle for more pictures like these:


Within hours on Thursday, the Camp Fire wiped out much of the Butte County community of Paradise and burned 90,000 acres by Friday evening, becoming the most destructive wildfire in California history.

Left in the blaze’s path were remnants of more than 6,000 homes and more than 200 businesses, and hundreds if not thousands of charred cars abandoned as some 50,000 residents fled for their lives from the quiet town in the Sierra foothills. A school burned down, as did a Mormon church, several restaurants, a grocery store, retirement facilities, a mobile home park and the town’s wooden welcome sign.

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travelerxxx's picture

So glad to hear of our dear hecate's survival. Yesterday, I made the mistake of looking at pictures and video of the Paradise area. It was hard to sleep last night knowing of the destruction shown. That our friends were threatened, and very likely affected, didn't help. It wasn't easy to read the Twitter thread of families desperate for word of loved ones.

Thankfully, hecate is alive. I am sure he has friends and neighbors who have lost everything ... perhaps even their lives or the lives of loved ones. That community has taken a mortal blow and it will take a lot of work to bring it back.

As the Malibu and Ventura County fires are still not contained (not to mention others in the state), our member Knucklehead remains at risk. Another worry-filled night for many, and as I have friends in the southern fire areas, me too.

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janis b's picture


comes easier, and the fury of fire dissipates. Thanks traveler.

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I do not post or comment much but am relieved to here this good news I so much enjoy reading and learning from hecate and am glad he and the animals are safe. Hoping that all in danger are safe from the fire.

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There is so much to contemplate about this tragedy.

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janis b's picture

@Linda Wood

"There is so much to contemplate about this tragedy."

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moneysmith's picture

Thanks JtC and Janis for letting us know. Looking at those devastating pictures of Paradise -- I wasn't feeling hopeful. But this is outstanding -- Thanks again!

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Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

magiamma's picture

thank you janis and thank you jtc

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

Mark from Queens's picture

Heh. Incredible that the fire came within half a block of him - and he stayed put, and survived!

Bet he's got some other stories like that...

Wonder what that bizarrely surreal scene must be like after the fire's over. Somehow I feel like hecate's already been there.

Good to see the community coming together for him.

...and Knucklehead. Was thinking of him recently. Another great spirit, artist and master builder/wood craftsman if I remember correctly. Hope he's ok too.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

mimi's picture

I remember him from old times quite well. I loved him very much. Save him as well.

I am so glad, that you all seem to know each other personally. The power of love and caring from you, janis b, is just overwhelming. Big hugs.

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janis b's picture


Please don’t delete this spontaneous and heartfelt post (referring to your essay). It stimulates thoughts that are worthy of consideration, and I’m sure familiar to many of us. I have no answers for you or myself. I’ve basically just learned to accept the ethereal for the value it has to offer, and the limit of its scope. Finding the balance between reality and fantasy is part of the challenge that this form of communication presents. Es lohnt sich, nein?

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mimi's picture

@janis b
sorry. It's gone.

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janis b's picture


when it's easier to handle?

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mhagle's picture

For the good news!

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Raggedy Ann's picture

Thank you janis and JtC. This is a relief to all of us.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

lotlizard's picture

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QMS's picture

Good luck hecate!

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

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