The Weekly Watch
Turning the Corner
It's Halloween, Day of the Dead, and All Saints Day rolled into one this week. After all we are midway into fall, halfway between the equinox and the of the four corners of the year. The US election looms, and Brazil's election is today...both seem rigged to me. Central American refugees migrate north toward probable conflict and violence. Stronger and more frequent storms have become the norm. The market is falling and the dollar's international supremacy slips more every day. I jokingly suggested several months ago TPTB planned to reduce global warming with a nuclear winter...I hope I wasn't the US withdraws from nuclear treaties and continues to increase our stockpile of destruction.
Are you scared yet? We might already be...

There are plenty of scary stories to go with the holiday...
Climate chaos proceeds at an ever greater pace...the speed of which is consistently underestimated. Check out the Thursday column "Hot Air" for the latest studies and reports. My friends in Florida got the power back last weekend. They are still cleaning up from Hurricane Micheal. It has been the most powerful hurricane season on record. There was all sorts of loss, personal and financial, that you don't realize. They lost several jets on the Gulf Coast bases...about 6 billion USD worth...more expensive that the base itself. (video or text)
So our approach is to double down on extraction opening federal lands in the Arctic to off shore drilling
Hilcorp, the company that is proposing to build this Liberty Project, has a horrendous track record of pipeline spills in the southeast of Alaska, in the Cook Inlet, as well as in Gulf of Mexico. And right now—this was not reported in The Washington Post—they are asking for a waiver of the corrosion protection on that pipeline (video or text)
Meanwhile we've had a massive leak in the Gulf of Mexico spewing out barrels for over a decade.
5 min audio interview with the author of the article
It’s as if many people who are supposed to represent our interests either lack the imagination, foresight and long-term thinking needed to deal with a crisis as massive as human-caused climate disruption, or they’ve given up and decided short-term economic gain and positive election prospects are more important than ensuring that we and our children and grandchildren will have a viable future.

There are some signs of steps, but in the right direction. The EU is banning single use plastic. (video or text)
So are we at the day of the dead, doomsday, or the eve of destruction?
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces agreement is one of the most important international treaties and its cancellation will mean a full return to the nuclear arms race and closer to nuclear disaster, says Peter Kuznick of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University (video or text)
More from Daryl Kimball, director of the Arms Control Association. He previously led the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers. He has been advocating for the U.S. and Russia to preserve the INF Treaty. (video or text)
There are many reasons we can't seem to escape from the war machine. William J. Astore discusses several.
Peace is breaking out in Korea..will US war hawks prevent it? (video or text)
Foreign wars and violence at home woven in a web of confusion by corporate media.
The murder of 11 people and wounding of six, allegedly by Robert Bowers, 46, came a day after the arrest of Cesar Sayoc, 56, for a mail bombing campaign that targeted liberals including George Soros. A prominent Jewish billionaire, Soros has in recent weeks been the target of heightened conspiracy-minded rhetoric from prominent Republicans including Donald Trump.

I don't know about you, but I'm not sensing a blue wave in my neck of the woods. I keep hearing the talking heads speak as though a dim take over of the house is a certainty. I think they are counting their turkeys before Thanksgiving. We'll see...
I live on the Georgia line, and their governors race is pretty interesting. Greg Palast is bringing suit against candidate Kemp (who is regulating the election as Sec. of State). It's not how the people vote, but how their votes are counted.
Georgia “is one of five U.S. states whose voting machines have no paper trail, making them the most vulnerable to hacking, according to cybersecurity experts.”
Brazil's election is today...
Brazilians face a momentous decision between ‘neo-fascist’ frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro and the Workers Party’s Fernando Haddad. How did Brazil get to this point? We discuss the situation with Alex Hochuli (video or text)
According to opinion polls, far right candidate Jair Bolsonaro is poised for victory in Brazil’s presidential elections this Sunday. But with his candidacy and rising support has come a wave a political violence rarely seen in Brazil’s presidential elections. (2 min video)

Smedley Bulter reminds us of our legacy in Central America...
I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903.’s important to understand what has been happening in Honduras, and the role of the U.S. in the crisis that Honduras has been facing for a very long time. There are two particular moments in history in the past 10 years, like the coup d’état that took place in 2009 and, of course, the unconstitutional re-election of Juan Orlando Hernández. These two moments in history increased the political and economic instability in Honduras, and now we’re seeing the results.
U.S. foreign aid is not what most Americans like to think it is. Very often, U.S. foreign aid is sort of like a boomerang. I mean, you put money nominally abroad, but what they have to do with the money is essentially purchase either merchandise or services from the U.S. And in the case of Central America, in specific, the last four or five years, which indeed show an increase in the nominal amount of U.S. foreign aid, has been primarily earmarked for essentially security and defense purposes
This doesn't look good to me...
The Trump administration is planning to dispatch at least 800 active-duty troops to the southern border at the direction of a president who has sought to transform fears about immigration into electoral gains in the midterms as a caravan of thousands of migrants makes its way through Mexico.

The Economy
Richard Wolff discusses the weeks economic news and in the last 15 minutes interviews Chris Hedges (30 min total)
The weakened estate tax is strengthening the aristocratic class (duh). (video or text)
The Swiss bank UBS’s fifth annual billionaires report published on Friday, billionaires across the globe increased their wealth by $1.4 trillion last year—an astonishing 20 percent—bringing their combined wealth to an astonishing $8.9 trillion.
Chris Hedges explains the psyche of the uber-rich
Max and Stacy explain Sear's bankruptcy and how the CEOs profited from it. The last half is a general analysis of the economic cycle. (26 min)
Interesting conversation with Luke Rudkowski and Ron Paul about an anarchist town in Mexico. Can the small Mexican town of Cheran serve as a model? They banned politicians and found nearly everything improved. (23 min)
There exists in the US not just one economy, but many, as well as many kinds of economic actors. From platform cooperatives to cryptocurrency, people are continuously building economic alternatives. So says Nathan Schneider, crusader for collective ownership and author of “Everything for Everyone: the Radical Tradition That Is Shaping The Next Economy.” (video only - 20 min followed by Virgina Eubanks -10 min - on the automation of inequality)
Our foreign policy isn't helping our economy. As the US tries to keep countries such as India from dealing with Iran and Russia, it is driving more and more countries to seek alternatives to the US dollar, threatening the dollar’s hegemony, says Vijay Prashad. (video or text)

Abby Martin discusses the fate of her show "Empire Files" and her documentary on Israel / Palestine to illustrate the difficulty of independent journalism. (19 min)
Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal and Jeb Sprague discuss how scaremongering over Russia and China is being exploited to silence dissents on social media. (two parts video and text)
Max is back with RJ Eskow discussing the situation in Saudi and the ME in a fascinating conversation. "The Saudis got away with their 911 involvement. Chances are they will get away with this murder too." (35 min)
Bob Scheer discusses the way corporations are using you and your data for marketing, manipulation, and censorship. (video or text)
We can thank Julian Assange for much of our understanding of the surveillance state.
gjohn's piece this week describes his current situation
Jimmy discusses Julian's TED talk interview from 2010 when attitudes about Wikileaks were much different (22.5 min)
This picture should scare (or is it disgust) you if nothing else in this column did...

Another week that has flown by. Winter and the end of the year are in sight. We're turning a corner of the calendar year, but can we turn the corner toward a more productive future? There are glimmers...plastics bans, anarchist Mexican villages, cooperative economics...we have to be the change. I look forward to your stories and comments below and I wish you all....

Thanks for the thematic digest
Lookout. Appreciate your good works. Some skeery stuff fo sho.
Seems so many of the structures created to save humanity from itself are being rapidly dismantled.
Trying to put a good face on that, might one say that room is being created for new more effective actions to take place? Or are we left with only depression and despair?
Have a great day.
Heh. I had MOHS [surgical procedure] on my face yesterday and I look like Frankenstein after his Master did some cosmetic touch up and put big bandages on his face.. But the surgeon got the cancers so....
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I reject depression and despair
for they are counter productive. I'm going to use my trip through life in a more joyful manner celebrating what I have rather than focusing on the horrors. Now I'm gonna speak out about the horrors and do my best to be aware of them. But ultimately we just have to be resigned to our fate...subjects of our human nature...which often seems based on greed.
Keiser had the story of Sears whose value rested on the properties upon which they rested. So it was purposely neglected in order to die in bankruptcy leaving the CEO with all the property. That is a slice of the capitalist nature of our society.
Learning to look on the bright side is polyannish, but it is in my nature. So as to your already have your costume!
All the best. Thanks for reading.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I went to watch the video on cooperatives
Have been wanting to look deeper into alternatives to vulture capitalism. Interesting history in US discussed and a cameo segment including Corbyn. Thanks.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I found that interview interesting
...and also the one about the mexican town. Both outside the box thinking.
Sorry neither has text. I really like to quickly scan a piece to see if I want to spend the time listening. Well can't have everything, and I found both those discussions worthwhile.
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I had read on Twitter last week about the Mexican Town
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Glad your surgery achieved its goal.
Wishing you a rapid recovery.
Many thanks
Were you a surgeon in your prior life or am I confused. What a wonderful skill.
My wife jakkalbessie has been having to remind me all day not bend over and lift, etc. Meh. Told me two days of no activity.
It is a beautiful sunny fall day here and I want to ride my bicycle. But I also want these gouges in my face to heal properly so I'll be goid.
Hope you are having an enjoyable fall.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I was never a surgeon or a doctor of any kind.
As a patient, however, I've had my share of surgery and then some, though.
Maybe you were thinking of Alligator Ed? He is a doctor, I think.
Thank you. I am having an enjoyable fall so far. Hallowe'en will soon be behind us. Thanksgiving is next. I like Thanksgiving because you can wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, regardless of religion (or lack thereof). Also, it's a four-day weekend. What's not to like?
I hope you have an enjoyable fall, too, despite your surgery.
We've had non-stop election in Michigan for months.
Obama is visiting the minority cities, e.g. Detroit and Flint. Pence is all over white conservative and out-state Michigan, e.g. Macomb County, Traverse City, and Grand Rapids. Non-stop back to back commercials with Dem ads far outnumbering GOP ads. I heard the same thing is going on in WI. So the lesson they learned from their Pied Piper strategy is to double down and just spend more money in the places they ripped off and neglected in 2016. Will it work?
The MDP is using TPP Obama to replace NAFTA Clinton's old, sorry ass to jin up the vote in Michigan. Outside of the minority-dominated communities, there is no love for Obama. He was a nasty piece of work all the while he
bulliedhelped the autos. If his Wall Street pals hadn't of destroyed the economy, the autos wouldn't have needed help. They were struggling, but they were slowly managing. They crashed when the economy crashed - duh!CBS Sunday Morning just aired a piece on the 2008 banking crash and nailed it. People will not forgive or forget anytime soon that Bush/Obama and pals failed to hold any of the bankers accountable.
I don't think I'm scared, but I definitely am pissed.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
fear is their tool
The dim strategy is "We're not Trump!" If they were saying medicare for all, $15/hour, college debt forgiveness and free tuition, all funded by the bloated military budget...there might be a blue wave. But we're not Trump isn't a message nor a sane electoral strategy. Perhaps a blue trickle...but certainly not a blue wave this midterm least that is my prediction.
Good to "see" you, and you are so right - bailing out the banksters and sticking it to homeowners was not a winning strategy...just a profitable one.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
a bit of good news....
After a three-year probe and amid mounting demands that the fossil fuel industry be held accountable for driving the climate crisis, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood on Wednesday filed suit against ExxonMobil, the world's largest oil and gas company, for defrauding investors by downplaying the financial threat of regulations crafted to mitigate human-caused global warming.
and another interesting conversation with Glen Ford and Chris Hedges -
Glen Ford, executive editor, Black Agenda Report, talks to Chris Hedges about the history of affirmative action, reparations, and the con of diversity in America. (26 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Every NY politician that goes after the crooks
seems to have their careers destroyed.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Been looking at the polls on
Most of the so-called battleground elections are statistically tied which means the GOP will win because of voter suppression, unless Trump supporters have a sudden cartharsis, but that's not going to happen until the consequences of Trump (climate chaos, a bitterly divided populace, indocrinated by the echo machine and paralyzed by hate and violence, much worse income inequality even though its pretty bad now, the complete corruption of whatever constitutional protections we have, overwhelming debt and a depression caused by trade wars, isolation, and the rich taking the money out of the economy to stash in their banks) becomes so in our faces that it's impossible to deny, even for the most indoctrinated.
Beware the bullshit factories.
that sounds about right
I keep hearing about record early voting turn out as being a bellwether. We'll see here in a couple of weeks. I plan to throw my vote away...knowing it won't affect the outcome...but I guess it makes me feel better than not voting. We have a couple of horrible amendments I'll vote against.
It's midterm season and they're lining up at the gate...and they're their rocker. At least the media circus is with their hyperbolic coverage. Glad you dropped in.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
good morning lo...
Thanks for all the news. Here's some more scary news from Beckwith on the state of arctic ice. He says it's slushy up there.
Yes, I agree that it is important to stay positive in the midst of all this madness. Equally important to not ignore it. I am taking frequent breaks now - doing work outside, listening to music, doing yoga - to jolt my brain into a calmer and more aware state. Science says it's a good thing. lol. Have a great one...
Freakishly Slow Ice Regrowth
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
He posted a part 2 today
The arctic is the canary in the mine. Thanks for coming by and dropping the link. I just got in from a walk. It is a lovely day here...sunny and heading toward 70 degrees. Have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mad Dog Mattis on nuke treaty
Reminds me of how Climate Criminal former SOS Rex Tillerson always trying to walk Mr. Trumps shit back.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Good afternoon ...
Here are a couple more vids that are definitely worth a look.
Jimmy Dore and company have the ultimate takedown of Russiagate.
Aggressive Progressive - YouTube, 30 min.
Glen Ford discusses the "con of diversity" with Chris Hedges.
On Contact - YouTube, 25 min.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Jimmy kicks @ss and names names, but also
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
caught the Chris hedges piece but missed Jimmy - thanks...
thanks for the links. It's been a beautiful day and I've been outside but look forward to catching up with the Dore link now. Thanks.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks, lookout for another great round up of news
Just got done reading some of the links. Appreciate your work.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My pleasure
Always enjoy your insights and excellent links as well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”