E*Scape Dreams

16 OCT 18 Tuesday Open Thread

Howdy folks. Back attic. Morning word salad with a side of humor, over easy, crispy bacon. Will start with a theme as other folks here do. Offering an antidote to the hard news lines. Suggesting a platform for describing dream states. Have you memories of that place your mind went while the body slept?


Be they clear projections on a confused background or that spark from the previous awakening when the head hit the pillow, clues abound. The current staff of C99 dream experts await your scary psychic scenarios. The web that cares.

The stage is yours

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QMS's picture

To the listening post. Thanks to Philly Blue for sharing the spiritually themed threads since January. Hope to enjoy more of those insights going forward. Cheers!

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interesting and talented writers. Hope you and yours are well.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

QMS's picture

@dkmich Yes, the plethora of thoughts, music, poetry, pictures and issue analysis shared here makes it a special place indeed. And your efforts with the other social mediums getting us more exposure helps!

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The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

QMS's picture

@The Aspie Corner To pay for the clean up? I wish. Agreed Aspie,the profit motive needs to be eliminated before the major polluters will respond.

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magiamma's picture

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enhydra lutris's picture

would've gone wonderfully with some Satie-va, but I don't have any laying around at the moment. Don't recall my dreams, so I lack anything to report or analyze on that score.

Humor sounds wonderful. I've been somewhat seriously focused, since May, on health issues, a totally humorless pastime and mindset, which leaves me more than ready to appreciate but not all that likely to inject humor, (nor any of the humours, which aren't particularly funny anyway).

Zo, welcome and good morning. After playing, your you-tube dissolved into 4 subscreens, rainy jazz, night jazz times 2, and autumn jazz. Is this where you live, jazzland, or an artifact of some youtube algorithm of similar sounds? Since it is daytime, and not-rainy, I think I'll go visit autumn jazz and see what fall sounds like.

Have a great one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris like cracking the funny bone. Ain't nothing funny about it. Although the Satie-va melded into a jazz quartet, the hows and whys escape me. Could be the Al Goth Rythms, as you suggest. Hoping your waking dream includes a healthy factoring ahead.

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Lookout's picture

hecate has a story up about the american dream (among other things). Sometimes dreams are equated with goals and sometimes with illusions. They can be both. When we were building our place a fellow told me, "there's alot of work in a dream", and that is often true.

A slippery word "dream" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream

Hope all yours are good ones!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

@Lookout Thanks for that. I feel dreams mostly as an awareness just below the conscious, waking mind. The veil between is sometimes thin, with brief glimpses of the dreamed state sparking thru. Similar to the deja vu feeling. Have watched the dogs running (paws only) while sleeping. Makes me wonder.

Enjoy your day!

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Most often, I don't remember dreaming, much less remembering what I dreamt. I would claim that I rarely dream, except that experts say we all dream nightly. A psychiatrist told me that it's probably with good reason that I don't remember my dreams. I don't know why he said that.

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QMS's picture

@HenryAWallace Sometimes I wish I could forget my dreams. But they can be useful. I used to have a recurring nightmare about being in a bad car wreck. I sold my car after about the fifth instance. Biked and walked until the dreams went away, about a year later.

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janis b's picture


"I read once here at least some dreams are suspected of being practice/rehearsal - "how would you deal with/handle/respond to this?" type scenarios, and repeating dreams are so you can improve, correct, or refine that response."

That psychiatrist could be right or wrong.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Raggedy Ann's picture

Thank you for the dreamy OT. I don't usually remember my dreams. The best way to recall them is to keep a notebook by your bed and write them down before you lift your head! Mail 1

This morning, I had a hard time waking up, so I think I was deep in the dream world. Unknw

Sorry to hear about your recurring dream. I had recurring dreams when I was younger. My life has been such a challenge, I wish I could remember blissful dreams. Scratch one-s head

Have a beautiful, dreamy, day, everyone! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

enhydra lutris's picture

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream) but I read once here at least some dreams are suspected of being practice/rehearsal - "how would you deal with/handle/respond to this?" type scenarios, and repeating dreams are so you can improve, correct, or refine that response. Dunno.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris component. Anticipating future events. A preview ahead in time. Past / future is flexible in dreamscapes.

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magiamma's picture

Thank you for dreaming of dreams...

My favorite artist ever worked from dreams...

Remedios Varo

Escaped to Mexico via Marseilles with a group of surrealists at the last minute. Went to the same school as Dali but graduated. Jewish. Died young. Best friends with Leonora Carrington.
remidios varo sm.jpg

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@magiamma in their portraits. A surreal business fringed with phantasms. Thanks!

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smiley7's picture

saying "Living the Dream" on my ski jacket. Smile

Forget most dreams. Absolutely love the dreams which come in scenes, after you wake a little, you want to go back to sleep for act two and sometimes, it happens.

Dreaming in color has a significance i don't recall.

The other day, NPR did a piece on the importance of sleep. Learned it's important to get a good night's sleep after you take a flu shot which, according to them, improves the body's immunization by a great percentage.

Cheers for this OT and have a good one.

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QMS's picture

@smiley7 There are so many songs attached to dreams...California dreaming, All I have to do is dream, Dream a little dream of me, Running down a dream, You make my dreams come true, Dream police, Dreams (Fleetwood Mac), Wildest dreams, Lucid dreams, Boulevard of broken dreams, Snow dream, Just a dream, Dreams and nightmares. enon Wink

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Mark from Queens's picture

about her oldest grandson.

My mother didn't tell me this until fairly recently and after she passed. She told me that she was either looking at a picture of me or watching me stand for a picture and said, "he's a dreamer."

My first inclination was fleeting but it was to be slightly offended. Now I wish I could tell her thanks.

Not only have I always been a dreamer but I have this weird propensity to dream every single night, vividly, and not only wake up remembering almost all of it, but still be able to at least recollect the gist of the previous night's dreams once I lay my head down again in the dark.

Have loads of dreams written down from over the past two decades. Sometimes it's overwhelming to keep up. But there mostly fun/interesting to look back at.

I tend to think of dreaming as the place where your subconscious goes to work out stuff in your life, commune with people/places in the past both living and dead and to get some clarity on things you might be struggling with. Many times for me it's just really playful stuff. But I'm sure even that can be analyzed in some way. I heard a person who works on dreams say something about the part of the brain that stores experience just sort of goes through everything at the end of the day and sorts, reviews and processes it.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

QMS's picture

@Mark from Queens You really are a dreamer Mark! Used to keep a log for posterity by the bed. Now some of the more vivid ones tickle my memory banks. Floating just beneath the surface. Cheers!

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mhagle's picture


Caitlin has a 3 part story posted that is sort of like a dream.

It seems I don't remember dreams unless I have watched television. Then there is a mixed-up version of the show with me in it.

My favorite dreams are when my deceased parents are in them and they feel real. I wake up and remember they are gone, but it is like I got to have them one more time.

Or if I lay awake and a cooking plan for the next day appears. Sometimes a solution for something else. Those are usually keepers.

Thanks for the OT. Fun reading the comments!

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

QMS's picture

@mhagle You're on candid camera. The last conversation I had with my Mom after she died was so real, it shocked me. Felt like she was reaching back to see how I took her passing. Peaceful.

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mhagle's picture


Of course, there is no evidence of life after death . . . but I feel like the life force continues somehow. The energy force of life - energy - never goes away, scientifically speaking, it just takes a different form. Yes?

The life force of the universe, coursing and throbbing through all of us and all living things, and the sun and the moon and the earth and the stars.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

janis b's picture

I do most of my dreaming during waking hours ; ).

It was quite mesmerising to listen to the dreamy Satie music while watching surrealistic images pass by. The images brought Magritte directly to mind, so I went to look at some of his images. I came across this portrait of him which then immediately transported me to Alfred Hitchcock. Do you know they were born in the same year, 1898. They were both probably instrumental in creating the Zeitgeist of that time. Speaking of ghosts/geist, its almost Halloween.

Thanks for the OT QMS.

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QMS's picture

@janis b or vice versa! Thanks for the Magritte...


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enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --