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Something to keep in mind… The world’s population is on track to hit 8 billion in 2023, and almost 10 billion by 2050.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report

The 2018 special IPCC report came out Monday of this week. It warns that we have only 12 years to reduce carbon emissions before the global temperature will reach 1.5 degrees C above pre-industrial levels. Below are a few articles on the IPCC report…

Climate change impacts worse than expected, global report warns
National Geographic October 7, 2018

The IPCC also reported that 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit could be reached in as little as 11 years—and almost certainly within 20 years without major cuts in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Even if such cuts were to begin immediately it would only delay, not prevent, 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit of global warming.

The scientific findings in the main report are summarized in a 34-page “Summary for Policy Makers,” which was approved by all representatives from 195 nations, including the U.S.

These solutions all require unprecedented efforts to cut fossil-fuel use in half in less than 15 years and eliminate their use almost entirely in 30 years.

IPCC Report Says 1.5C Climate Target Is Reachable, But Only With Rapid Fossil Fuel Phase Out
Desmog October 7,2018

There is no scenario to keep global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F) that allows coal to be burned for electricity by the middle of this century, a major United Nations (UN) climate report says.

Within these scenarios, by 2030 coal use would need to drop between 25 percent and 60 percent compared to 2010. By 2050, coal use drops between 73 and 97 percent.

by 2050, renewables would need to generate between 70 and 85 percent of global electricity to meet a 1.5°C target.

if fossil fuel industries were to survive in a world aiming for 1.5°C, then “we will have 10 years to massively scale up workable carbon capture and storage.”

Current policies put us on course for a super-risky 3°C of warming.

Planet has only until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change, experts warn
CNN October 8, 2018

The report issued Monday by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), says the planet will reach the crucial threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels by as early as 2030, precipitating the risk of extreme drought, wildfires, floods and food shortages for hundreds of millions of people.

Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040
New York Times October 7, 2018

For instance, the report says that heavy taxes or prices on carbon dioxide emissions — perhaps as high as $27,000 per ton by 2100 — would be required. But such a move would be almost politically impossible in the United States…

This report makes it clear: There is no way to mitigate climate change without getting rid of coal

the United States delegation joined more than 180 countries on Saturday in accepting the report’s summary

the United States intends to withdraw from the Paris agreement at the earliest opportunity

A price on carbon is central to prompt mitigation...

Reactions to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report

What's Not in the Latest Terrifying IPCC Report? The "Much, Much, Much More Terrifying" New Research on Climate Tipping Points
Common Dreams October 9, 2018

the "scariest thing about the IPCC Report" is the fact that "it's the watered down, consensus version. The latest science is much, much, much more terrifying."

it "fails to focus on the weakest link in the climate chain: the self-reinforcing feedbacks which, if allowed to continue, will accelerate warming and risk cascading climate tipping points and runaway warming."

The Difficulties of Averting Catastrophic Climate Change
Seemorerocks October 9, 2018

It does seem to come full circle in terms of acknowledging the seriousness of the lower temperature thresholds at causing more catastrophic impacts to human and natural systems on Earth.

[But,] The mitigation efforts of the IPCC continue to be based purely on human emissions and simply neglect too many things

These include:

• Carbon emissions from land and permafrost (potentially massive) 

• Carbon emissions from wetlands

[The IPCC] Climate study ‘pulls punches’ to keep polluters on board
The Guardian Septermber 23, 2018

...scientists working on the final draft of the summary are censoring their own warnings and “pulling their punches” to make policy recommendations seem more palatable to countries – such as the US, Saudi Arabia and Australia – that are reluctant to cut fossil-fuel emissions, a key cause of global warming. “Downplaying the worst impacts of climate change has led the scientific authors to omit crucial information from the summary for policymakers,”

There is so much good information in this following article… h/t mhagle

Response to the IPCC 1.5°C Special Report
Resilience October 9, 2018

To genuinely reduce emissions in line with 2°C of warming requires a transformation in the productive capacity of society, reminiscent of the Marshall Plan. The labour and resources used to furnish the high-carbon lifestyles of the top 20% will need to shift rapidly to deliver a fully decarbonised energy system.


General Climate Change News

This morning one of our fire marshals came by to check on the wildlife preserve behind our house. I asked him what he thought about global warming. Frowning, he said fires are not the same as they used to be--Hotter, longer, crazier. He signed up for my bi-weekly newsletter.
The story below is a shocking account of the recent Redding, CA wildfire...

Hellfire: This Is What Our Future Looks Like Under Climate Change
rsn October 10, 2018

Once restricted to weapons of mass destruction and exceptionally intense forest fires in remote settings, the tornado-sized firestorm is no longer as unlikely as it was in the 1970s. In 2014, another huge one was observed in dense forest, just 40 miles east of Redding. As the climate changes, fires no longer cool down at night as they once did; instead, they simply grow bigger and more powerful. Meanwhile, human settlement continues to push deeper into the forest where kilotons of unburned energy waits for any spark at all.

Not Just CO2: These Climate Pollutants Also Must Be Cut to Keep Global Warming to 1.5 Degrees
Inside Climate News October 7, 2018

That emphasis on reducing short-lived climate pollutants, which are many times more potent than CO2 but don't last as long in the atmosphere, is stronger than what has been written into past international agreements.

"One of the lowest-hanging fruits by far would be reducing methane from oil and gas operations,"

"If you reduce things like black carbon emissions from the tailpipes of vehicles, for example, you are providing these important air quality improvement benefits which is going to help local populations as well,"

Kochs' Americans for Prosperity Group Launches Campaign to Crush Fuel Economy Standards
Desmog October 9, 2018

Americans For Prosperity (AFP), a political advocacy network funded by the petrochemical billionaire Koch brothers, recently launched a campaign to support President Donald Trump’s efforts to roll back fuel efficiency and automobile emissions standards.

Through social media feeds of the many AFP state chapters, the group is promoting a petition to “Repeal Costly Obama-era Fuel Standards.”

Paul Beckwith has two excellent videos on a no-arctic-sea-ice event...

Part one:

Part two:

Climate Adaption

What southern Africa needs to do to manage rising temperatures
Pys Org October 10, 2018 by Robert Scholes,

Southern Africa can do to try and arrest the region's climate crisis in the areas of renewable energy and saving coral reefs but the outlook is not good…
It seems inevitable that the planet will overshoot the 1.5°C global mark, and probably also the 2°C mark. …mass tree-planting – is a non-starter in most of southern Africa, where the arable land and water resources are needed for food production, and the marginal land is too dry to grow forests.

Meeting the more stringent target would require spending an unprecedented amount of global financial resources on new energy, transport and urban systems over the next decade.

World Bank dumps Kosovo plant, ending support for coal worldwide
Climate Change News October 10, 2018

“We are required by our by-laws to go with the lowest cost option and renewables have now come below the cost of coal. So without question, we are not going to [support the plant].”

… But now another battle will probably begin, because we don’t know whether the government will continue searching for other investors to come and support the project.”

Maritime Industry Aims for Zero Emission Future
Green Optimistic October 9, 2018

A group of 34 maritime CEOs and industry leaders joined together to sign a call for action to lead the industry in support of a decarbonized future. The Non-Governmental Organization Global Maritime Forum bought the leaders together from various entities including, AP Moller-Maersk, Amsterdam Trade Bank, Caravel Group, University College London, Lloyd’s Register, Royal Artic Line, Rocky Mountain Institute, and Gaslog.

Nobel Prize in Economics 2018: Integrating innovation and climate with economic growth
Science Daily October 8, 2018

At its heart, economics deals with the management of scarce resources. Nature dictates the main constraints on economic growth and our knowledge determines how well we deal with these constraints.

[To create] a quantitative model that describes the global interplay between the economy and the climate. His model integrates theories and empirical results from physics, chemistry and economics. Nordhaus' model is now widely spread and is used to simulate how the economy and the climate co-evolve. It is used to examine the consequences of climate policy interventions, for example carbon taxes.

Wildlife & the Environment

Global warming is pushing alpine animals to mountain peaks — and extinction, B.C. study warns
The Star October 9, 2018

Alpine animals are being pushed higher up their mountain habitats at an alarming rate due to global warming, according to a new B.C. study.

The trend puts both plants and animals at greater risk for extinction because there is often less space at high altitudes, which can drastically reduce populations...

Long informative article that address wide-ranging but related issues…
A forestry boom is turning Ireland into an ecological dead zone
The Guardian October 10, 2018

Sitka spruce plantations, hectare upon hectare of them, now cover what was once nature-rich farmland. Dense blocks of these non-native coniferous trees smother the landscape, driving out wonderful and endangered wildlife such as hen harriers and curlews, birds that could be extinct in Ireland within the decade.

Recent Climate Change Studies

Climate change efforts should focus on ocean-based solutions
Science Daily October 4, 2018

The study looks at the feasibility of 13 ocean-based measures to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), counteract ocean warming and/or reduce impacts like ocean acidification and sea-level rise. It identifies ocean-based renewable energy as the most promising, and several local marine conservation and restoration options as 'no-regret measures', that should be scaled-up and implemented immediately, but concludes all other measures are still too uncertain to recommend without further research.

Here are two excellent collections of articles that were used to inform the 1.5C target…

Collection: Targeting 1.5 °C
Nature October 4, 2018

This collection draws together content from Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Nature Energy and Nature on the possibility of limiting climate warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

This is another collection of articles targeting carbon...

Collection: Carbon Accounting
Nature October 1, 2018

This collection brings together a selection of multi-disciplinary research and commentary from across the physical and social sciences that explores the major inputs and outputs that comprise the world’s carbon account.

Global Warnings
QMS: Time to disconnect greed from the welfare of earth, if survival means anything. I like trees.

Paul Beckwith: "I declare a global climate change emergency to claw back up the rock face to attempt to regain system stability, or face an untenable calamity of biblical proportions."

Kevin Hester: "There is no past analogue for the rapidity of what we are baring witness to. There has been a flood of articles ... 2C is no longer attainable and that we are heading for dangerous climate change"

Guy McPherson: "The recent and near-future rises in temperature are occurring and will occur at least an order of magnitude faster than the worst of all prior Mass Extinctions. Habitat for human animals is disappearing throughout the world, and abrupt climate change has barely begun."

me… We need to turn on a dime at mach nine!

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on a solution: Starve Kissinger's useless eaters. (Psst. Can you keep a secret? Step 2 is starving the beast, meaning federal, state and local government, but don't tell politicians until after they have completed Step 1.)

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magiamma's picture

The ptb know what is coming and they know that ppl will suffer and die. They have know this for years as the navy has been planning on moving there bases away from the ocean since the 90s iirc. There is a ted talk given by a navy guy that was working on plans for that very thing many years ago. But where are the plans to move the people?

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magiamma's picture

Start watching around 8 minutes. 23 minutes long. He said then that the IPCC was not taking glacier melt into consideration,

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WoodsDweller's picture

@magiamma @magiamma @magiamma
First, for the purposes of his talk, this guy is taking the "we see changes and we have to explain them, what could possibly be causing them" approach. We see deniers going this same route. "Scientists see changes and they pull CO2 out of their collective butts because they're long-haired hippy freaks who hate capitalism."
This isn't actually the real approach. We know the absorption spectrum of the relevant gasses -- CO2, CH4, NO2, etc. And we can see that they are transparent to visible light and opaque to infrared, so there WILL be a greenhouse effect. Then you predict changes and go look for them. Hey, look! The predicted changes, but always happening faster than anticipated.
This talk was in 2011. Notice how dated is sounds? Climate science is the fastest moving science right now, and even the best information from a few years ago is ancient.
The IPCC report he is referring to is the fourth assessment, released in 2007. It indeed contained no information on glacier melting and only referred to thermal expansion of the ocean. That wasn't because they didn't think it was happening, but because the IPCC review process is so conservative that there weren't enough papers that made it through the filter to contribute meaningfully to their results. The fifth assessment released 2013 did include a contribution from glacial melting as it was understood at the time.
The cutoff date for papers that were considered as part of the fifth assessment was 2008. The most recent data included in that report was published 10 years ago, and the research itself was of course done prior to that. It's ancient, and yet that is still the basis for policy making.
The first papers on positive feedbacks in the climate system were published in 2009. As the fourth assessment contained no mention of glacier melt, the fifth assessment contains no mention of positive feedbacks.
If the report from last week contains anything about positive feedbacks, I haven't heard about it.
The refereed journal literature has been documenting new climate feedback mechanisms at the rate of a new one nearly every month, some big, some small. This is the proposed mechanism by which abrupt climate change occurs. It sets in at the temperatures we are currently at. We've lost control of the situation.


The very polished people in the nicely tailored suits (or uniforms in this case) who say that we can rise to the challenge aren't talking about the challenge as we currently understand it. They are talking about the challenge we thought we had 20 years ago.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

magiamma's picture

and for your comments.

My interest in this guy was to figure out when the navy started paying attention to sea level rise. This is the person that was tasked with understanding that. In May of 2009 he was asked to look at climate change. He said in 2011 there will be ice free conditions by the mid 2030s.

So, why do I care? Because the repercussions of climate change were known by the navy 10 years ago.

But the public has been kept in the dark. We see major destruction from Michael. It grew to a cat 4 rapidly. Of course it did. That should not surprise any of us who understand the dynamics.

People need to understand that it is no longer safe to live along the coasts. Now. The government clearly has no interest or intention of educating people.

I want to know how many navy bases there are world wide and what they are doing about it now. And, also the Air Force bases which are often at sea level.

I want to make this information simple and clear and get it out. Now. We know what is happening but many people do not. And the consequences are more than dire.

Recent quote from Kevin Hester that made me smile: "Hit the subscribe button if the cold, hard, truth doesn’t make you want to put your head back in the sand with the other 7.6 billion naked apes. I have found that this knowledge has set me free."

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QMS's picture

California version --


Detroit version --


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question everything

magiamma's picture

Thanks for the belly laugh and thanks for dropping in. Riding the waves with the dolphins--wouldn't it be great if someone with some major moxie could think that far outside the box. Best to make that car run on solar though. Smile edit add word

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The IPCC decided early on that the message would be that we are in trouble but have some time to start doing something about it. It was decided that this was the best strategy to get reluctant countries on board. I have heard this from two scientists who worked on IPPC reports. They are required to toe the line. They have no choice.

What's Not in the Latest Terrifying IPCC Report? The "Much, Much, Much More Terrifying" New Research on Climate Tipping Points

The situation is dire at this point. Of all the energy used in the US, Solar amounts to 0.6%. We pump about 10 million barrels a day of crude, along with Saudi Arabia and Russia. Add in all of the other producers amount to just under 100 million bbls of oil per day, 365 days a year. That is what is required to sustain the fossil fuel era of human civilization, plus about 4 trillion cu m of natural gas per year, and you would not want to forget that resource "clean coal", an emerging growing market in Asia. In order to save the climate we have to replace all of this with non CO2 generating energy sources. Okay, are you depressed? I sure as hell am. The fossil fuel industry has enormous momentum, dollars, clout and global politics behind them. New gas burning cars are coming off the production lines today that will last 11 years. And they will continue to come off those production lines for another 15-20 years.

I just don't see how we save the planet. 'Much of the new sustainable technology is "proof of concept" but not the solution'. That last sentence is from one of those IPCC scientists that I talked to. Once we are at +2 degrees C and the ppm of CO2 is increasing even more rapidly it will sink in that the game is over. The realization will be staggering. Ideas?

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

lotlizard's picture

@The Wizard  
Immediately? With long-lived isotopes that they can never be used again?

That’s the only thing I can think of that would produce a “U-turn at mach nine” in energy sourcing.

Otherwise their Satanic Majesties, the “Low-Cost Producers” of fossil fuels, will continue to have the whip hand over the world’s wild ride to climate-driven destruction.

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WoodsDweller's picture

@lotlizard We've already done that in Iraq with depleted uranium munitions.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

magiamma's picture

Unless something stops 'them'. It is very very unlikely that that anything can be changed quickly via the political system. So how can we organize quickly outside of their hegemonic stranglehold?

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magiamma's picture

@The Wizard This is just absurd. Right?

• just under 100 million bbls of oil per day, 365 days a year
• plus about 4 trillion cu m of natural gas per year
• do not forget that resource "clean coal", an emerging growing market in Asia

Depressed? I guess. That is why I do this. Searching and collecting is distracting. The science part is interesting. The more people know the better. But getting billions of people to grok it. Meh. Not much hope for that, though, never say never because you never can tell.

Here is an odd piece of news about a strategy for reaching young folks...Climate scientists do video game to reach a large audience.

Fortnite is the world’s most popular video game, with hundreds of millions of players worldwide. ... Every Sunday for two hours, Drake jumps into Fortnite, bringing climate-themed guests — such as Dessler and Peter Griffith, the founding director of NASA’s Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Office — with him. ... That younger audience is ideal for the Climate Squad’s purposes since these players will be most affected by climate change, Dessler says. And Fortnite gives the scientists an opportunity to bond with their audience over a shared activity, making it easier to connect, Hayhoe says.

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mhagle's picture

Sigh. The IPCC report gets us closer, but is still so insufficient. The initial report on the conference that I read over a week ago said that they were going to recommend that we do a reversal so emissions peak in 2020 and then start going down. What we are reading now is far far away from that.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

magiamma's picture

Thanks for popping in. Yes, the report is insufficient and above and beyond that, there is the real work of reaching any goal whatsoever by any reasonable time.

The good news is that many more people are talking about it and many more people are becoming aware of the dire consequences of doing nothing.

We must stop the use of fossil fuels. But how?

As the wizard says above, "The fossil fuel industry has enormous momentum, dollars, clout and global politics behind them."

I seriously have no answers except to keep informing people.

Industry, governments, the mic must cease using petroleum and petrochemical products. How can that happen?

And, yes, I think the ptb know what is happening and that many people are going to suffer and die. I keep thinking maybe China can lead the way.

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Arrow's picture

I read that thing about the neo-liberals at the World Bank and thought....FINNALY!
I attended a climate change conference st the World Bank back about '97. The
rumblings back then were that WB internal studies showed that every energy aid/development project the bank was funding or planning was totally uneconomical when the climate costs were factored in.
Just like Big Oil that knew decades ago, the WB did nothing. So 20 years later and all that talk about 'the problem' they did something. Wow!

Nicely put together OT...and thanks.
Have a great day all.

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I want a Pony!

enhydra lutris's picture

Seems to me that "We are required by our by-laws to go with the lowest cost option"
is fundamentally incompatible with privatization. Just sayin'

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

Your welcome and thanks for stopping in. Good news, that world bank thing, right? It certainly is a step in the right direction. It made me really happy when I read it. Smile

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magiamma's picture

The needle is threaded...

Keep talkin' among yourselves. Will join you soon. I'm off the the gym. Smile

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Lookout's picture

by that I mean the various causes of warming are more than additive...the effect is exponential. For example, melting ice creates dark water that collects more heat, melts more permafrost which releases more methane, etc etc. in a positive feedback loop that the models do not capture. We have continually underestimated the extent and growth of the warming phenomena.

Even fairly conservative Micheal Mann says -
"In fact, even this report is overly conservative, as these IPCC reports often are."

The report's author claims to have hope. (sorry no transcript yet - 22 min video)

I spent much of my teaching career promoting renewable energy, recycling, environmental restoration, and so on. Seems there is less interest now than 30 years ago. I'm to the point where I think we can act as individuals (be the change you want to see), but as a society we don't have the will and powerful forces encourage our continuing race toward extinction.

I appreciate your weekly column reminding us of our dire situation. Thanks for the

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

yeah, feedback loops are bitch. To laugh or cry, not sure which. Thanks very much for the links. I will watch them soon. I agree with you about a sea change, but I keep hoping. Smile
Have a good one...

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mhagle's picture


I am not sure what to think of these claims. He claims that the military is using microwaves to manipulate the weather.

Although I absolutely am 99.9999% sure the airforce is shooting particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays back out. That is based on personal observation in Texas in June, July, and August. "They" were keeping it from getting too hot here in Texas last summer with fake cloud cover. When they stopped for a few days in July, it immediately shot up to 120 degrees. The fake clouds reappeared the next day. And then the pre-dawn observation of tick-tack-toe cloud design and the plane still visible creating the pattern.

The microwave thing sounds really wild to me. What is the purpose?

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

enhydra lutris's picture

"composite images" come from, or how it is that they purport to show microwaves. What I suspect is that they show atmospheric moisture, clouds, and the like and are simply weather radar displays.

Microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, like photons and radio waves. Radio waves are the best analogy, Microwaves, outside of everybody's kitchen nuker (originally a radar range, such as the Amana RadarRange) have two principle uses; communications and radar. That includes weather radar. What we might consider to be "low power" microwaves are ubiquitous, from those omnipresent microwave repeater towers used for communications to radars, military and civilian. Airports of all types and sizes, a huge percentage of airplanes in the air, ships and boats, and, of course, weather radar stations all transmit radar, all the time.

Skipping the issue of how the hell they are allegedly being detected and displayed, all that microwave background is absent from his graphics.

Lastly, the energy to accomplish the effects that he alleges to be happening at the efficiencies with which microwaves, at a distance could produce changes in storm systems is vast, and the alleged operations being conducted are pointless.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mhagle's picture

@enhydra lutris

Thanks for that great explanation, as I know nothing of the science behind these things. It just felt hokey. This guy claims the government is moving hurricanes around and it seems to me the jet stream with high and low pressure systems are more to blame.

I could be wrong, but I do suspect that someone is shooting stuff into the atmosphere and messing with the oceans as well. That's just from going out at 6 every morning and looking at the sky this summer. I have no evidence other than that.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

magiamma's picture

@The Aspie Corner
Thanks for the video! There has been a 20% increase in overdoses in Ohio since 2016.

Woah... This is unconscionable. Drugged people are not thinking enough to fight back. One way to control the masses.

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enhydra lutris's picture

have a great day.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Thanks for being here. Have a good one...

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WoodsDweller's picture

To summarize, the previous IPCC report said "we're screwed if we can't do the impossible by the end of the century". This report says "we're screwed if we can't do the impossible by 2030".

If the rate of change of the environment exceeds a species' maximum rate of adaptation, it goes extinct.

Even in the absence of entrenched, well-funded forces seeking to preserve the sources of their wealth and power, transforming society worldwide in a dozen years simply can't be done.

At this point all we can hope to do is buy time. The only issue for the 2020 election is "what's your plan to feed 350,000,000 Americans when agriculture fails?". If their plan is to let us die, make them say it out loud.

We are facing a crisis that can't be solved with tax cuts or bombs. Washington is out of ideas.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

mhagle's picture


"what's your plan to feed 350,000,000 Americans when agriculture fails?". If their plan is to let us die, make them say it out loud.

We are facing a crisis that can't be solved with tax cuts or bombs. Washington is out of ideas.

Rex Tillerson saying that the climate crisis is just an engineering problem. That's been their solution, but it isn't working. (IMO)

There were crop failures in this area this year, but not everywhere. 25 miles east of us all crops looked good. West southwest as well. However, the 25 miles due north - everything looked terrible. Weirdly, it looked like more than the lack of rain. It looked like the fields were poisoned somehow. Corn, cotton both. There is a far late planted cotton field that looks promising. IDK.

I'll get some stuff from my fall veggie garden, but I was counting on another halfway decent weather month. However, the jet stream is playing a trick on me so next week there is a day where the highs are in the 50s and lows in the 40s. Tomatoes don't like that much.

Agriculture is so much at risk, especially when you factor in the precariousness of Big Ag.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

magiamma's picture

Right, and the final IPCC report moved the date forward to 2030 from 2020 in the draft.

We must
• Stop all fossil fuel extraction, processing and consumption.
• Replace that with other sources of energy.
• Figure out how to feed 350m people with a crippled-by-climate-change agribusiness.

What else? Last weeks points by wizard seem about right... Carbon capture!

Here is what needs to be done:
• Development and deployment of CO2 capture and storage technology is the number one priority of the world.

• Stop every other expensive projects, especially military spending.

• Replacement of all CO2 emitting energy technologies with zero emissions technologies. That's solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal and, I hate to even say it, but nuclear. Yes it's too late to ignore the potential of nuclear. We need a huge amount of base power to run our civilization and to power CO2 capture machines.

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@magiamma thanks, here is an article from CalMatters last month about dirt farmers funded by a state program: Meet the newest recruits in California’s war on climate change: carbon farmers

Loren Poncia’s idling pickup shudders in a powerful gust of afternoon wind in western Marin County. Inside the warm cab, he scans the sun-browned hills through his binoculars, counting his grazing cows. Poncia raises beef cattle. As he sees it, though, what he is really doing is raising soil.

“I’m growing grass to feed to my cattle, but it all comes down to having high-quality soil,” said Poncia, who owns Stemple Creek Ranch with his wife, Lisa.

He is among more than 80 farmers now engaged in a state-funded program aimed at increasing carbon concentrations in California’s soil. Part of the state’s overarching goal of curbing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change, the California Healthy Soils Initiative took effect a year ago, when the state’s cap-and-trade program made $7.5 million available in small grants to farmers like Poncia. This year, the Healthy Soils Program, one component of the initiative, is receiving about $15 million.

How ironical, let us count the methane released since The Central Valley project and BigAg started pumping, or maybe just look at The Delta and San Francisco Bay. Where did all the fishes go? duh! Oh well this part made me LOL, because I think it's true:

“What I really think would be awesome is if the federal government went from subsidizing corn and soybeans and rice to subsidizing carbon, assuming we could find a really good measuring tool for soil carbon,” he said. “The thing is, farmers always overproduce everything, and if we subsidized carbon, they would overproduce carbon. That would be the quickest, simplest, easiest way to help reverse the effects of global warming.”

Thank gawdess for farmers and gardeners everywhere. Thank you. Also I kind of plotzed while reading "assuming we could find a really good measuring tool for soil carbon"? omg! California, people come here to work at facebook instead, or salesforce... wtf? keep flushing


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magiamma's picture

Here is another link to soil carbon-sequestration farming. No Regrets Inniative founded by Sallie Calhoun. I saw her speak at an event here. There is a film called The Dirt on Climate Change that she was involved with as well.

From her website:

We envision a world in which all agricultural ecosystems are managed for health, diversity and long-term sustainability. Our mission: to improve soil health and grow soil carbon in the agricultural soils of North America. To those ends, we demonstrate and advocate for a Regenerative Assets Strategy that deploys human, ecological and financial capital toward soil health and its effect on climate change.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

We're doing our part - have solar and wind, but are not yet 100%. We need more panels and a bigger wind generator, but, hey - we're contributing our small part. We also collect rainwater - about 5,000 gallons - and need more containers. We'd like to get up to 25,000 gallons, which we could accomplish with our out-buildings.

Have a beautiful day, everyone! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

mhagle's picture

@Raggedy Ann

That's great.

Your garlic growing too . . . have you planted for next year?

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Raggedy Ann's picture

@mhagle @mhagle
We lost our crop this year - too much drought. It's okay, though, we're going to plow up the spot and plant a cover crop. While that takes place next year, we are going to begin to grow our own fertilizer - comfrey, which has amazing properties - and try to keep away from commercial products. Part of becoming more sustainable...

Thanks, Marilyn!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

magiamma's picture

@Raggedy Ann
Thanks for stopping by. Sounds like you are well on the way to being carbon free and off the grid. Water capture is huge and will be more so.

My comfrey gets mold and someone told me this morning that they (biodynamic gardeners) spray camomile tea on plants to stop mold. I am going to try this asap. I also get the mold on my borrage. Not sure if you get mold there. I have used comfrey for bruises and to mend broken bones. It clears a bruise up in one day. Not to be taken internally. How do you use it for fertilizer?

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mhagle's picture


He was into reading Adelle Davis and Prevention Magazine. We had a comfrey plant in the yard and he would walk by and take a bite now and then. The plant is still there 40 years later.

Heard it's good for hemorrhoids. LOL

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Raggedy Ann's picture

My husband is reading about it. I broke my foot and found out it heals bones, so we are using it for that purpose, as well. Wish I had known about it when I broke in April - now, 6 months later, I'm still working on healing those bones, but the comfrey is helping!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

magiamma's picture

@Raggedy Ann
The army used it in the second ww for broken bones. It definitely works. Works better if you can use it within a couple of months of breaking but it works anytime in my experience.

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ggersh's picture

the amerikan military uses 90% of all fossil fuel
that amerika as a whole consumes, if true the only
stopping of the planet wreck we are expediting is
to stop all wars, w/out that I don't see an out, it's
pretty much sayonara.

Thanks magiamma for the essays.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

magiamma's picture

the MIC is an oil glutton. Not sure of the exact numbers but w/o them shutting down carbon emissions we are indeed DOA. You are welcome and thanks for stopping by. Have a good one...

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Azazello's picture

It's already too late. Deregulate! Party on!
[video: width:500 height:300]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

Yeppers, 7F. Thanks for the video. She talks about organizing power to get around politics. I want to think about that with regards to Climate Change. Have a good one...

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QMS's picture

“Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is a party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.”

Wendell Berry

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question everything

To everyone here who has read this thread or contributed to it. You are now in charge!

You're no longer a passive passenger on Spaceship Earth.

We now know that we have to take charge of human civilization and steer it in a different direction. I say this in a non-radical, non-confrontational way, but in a totally rational way. Holocene or bust! Focus and be rational. 250 ppm CO2. I want my climate back. I want a future for homo sapiens.

There was a good comment upstream about agriculture. The reason that civilization was possible at all was predictable agriculture and that was because of the Holocene Epoch. Open planting is fragile, and you have to be able to depend on climate, at least in the average. The Holocene was unique in that it provided more predictable weather than any previous epoch. Climate chaos in the current Anthropocene Epoch is going to significantly lower the carrying capacity of agriculture.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.