The Weekly Watch
Seeking Clarity
As I was washing windows this week, I reflected on this column and it's origins. I started compiling these pieces a couple of years ago trying to consolidate, summarize, and make sense of the week's news. I'm just back onto the news cycle after a month away...only Kavanaugh's genitals and T-rump's trade sanctions got coverage in the main EU news. Yet somehow it all seems the same...the same old aggression, distraction, and manipulation...some things never seem to change: Many are suggesting we prepare for a coming economic crash, we are warned of the exponential growth of our climate crisis, we see ongoing war and threats of more and more. So I'm washing windows, seeking a little literal clarity while listening to some pretty interesting interviews. I hope you'll chime in with your stories and insights as well.

An interesting conversation with Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Scahill in audio or text
Chris Hedges has been talking about his new book " America, The Farewell Tour" here he is in two parts on his own show... (26 min) (26 min)
John Pilger in a great wide ranging conversation... Syria and it’s ally Iran and the Trump administration’s policies towards the two countries, the Venezuela crisis, Julian Assange, austerity and the concept of approved news and unapproved opinions. (27 min)
Jimmy explains how it's business as usual targeting Julian Assange with guest Abby Martin. (10.5 min)
Nice review of Julian's successes
Are we a fascists state? Jason Stanley and Bob Scheer discuss the likelihood in this interview. (audio or text)
As bad as conditions are in the US, they're worse in Brazil. Glenn Greenwald discusses the dire electoral situation in Brazil (video or text)
Part 2 is wider ranging...
Some Brazilian women are challenging the system (video or text)
The election is today...I wish the women good luck.

Endless war
Chris is back with an interview with West Point Graduate, Spenser Rapone, about the culture of war in America. (27 min)
Jimmy's back with a great explanation how the media drives our endless wars. Fun analysis of Reuter's article. (10 min)
Another nice article explaining the role of media in ginning up a war with Iran.
Medea Benjamin discusses US aggression against Iran (1st 14 min)
Why do our elected reps continue to support our immoral actions in Yemen? Simple, they've been bought and paid for their support.
For the first time in over a decade, the U.S. Army misses its recruitment goals, activist Brian Becker and journalist Max Blumenthal discuss the situation. (1st 15 min)
US - China Trade War. The dollar vs the Yuan with Richard Wolff (10.5 min)

And now a short break to give you a message from Betsy DeVos...
brought to you by "Get to Know your Oligarchs" (3.3 min)
And least we forget our oligarch in chief, There was a expose in the NYT about T-rump inheritance (also republished today)...Surprise!!! he was indeed born with a silver spoon in his orifice. Here's an interview of the lead author of the piece. (video or text)
James Henry suggest the NYT piece dots some i's and crosses some t's, but is in fact old (and unsurprising) news. (video or text)

Schools shape our future...that might be why things don't look so good.
1st a round table discussion about racial and economic justice in schools (video or text)
Michigan may be the canary in the coalmine warning that not only does unrestrained choice and competition fail to improve academic results, it also may risk the financial feasibility of having functioning public schools in every community.
Teachers are finding support rather than blame...a welcome change
There's even talk of increasing taxes to support schools...
One way to help schools is to help low income families

The Kavanaugh (dis)appointment...
very little says white, elitist, and sexist louder.
Joe Manchin of West Virginia, confronting a tough re-election race next month in a state that Trump won in 2016 by a landslide, was the sole Democrat to vote for Kavanaugh. Every voting Republican backed the 53-year-old conservative judge.

I thought this was a comedy sketch until I saw the real hearing. I think Matt interpreted his role dramatically. Wish Kate would learn to speak a more convincing southern dialect.
SNL cold open last week with Matt Damon as Kavanaugh... may as well laugh. (13 min)

And so we've reached the end of another edition. Some of my windows cleaned up nicely and provide a better view. I still have to put up a ladder and finish up the outside of the last three. So what is my view this week? For one thing it seems pretty clear to me the US is no longer a functioning democracy. Wars are promoted without public support, judges rammed through a disingenuous process, policies continually pass to promote the 1% and take advantage of the 99%, and on and on. All that remains is an illusion promoted by corporate media. Given that the American Experiment has failed, what can we do? I think we have to prepare for wilder climate, economic insecurity, and political theater. Until the dollar or the Empire collapses, politics seems a waste of time to me. Pursue things of real long term value - solar panels, battery systems, electric cars, a garden plot, a orchard... Paul Beckwith had some pieces up this week about the melting of the Arctic that are pretty convincing. We're getting close to a climate tipping point. From my view, we refuse to deal with the coming disaster because the banks are over leveraged in the US fracked fields. The coming war with Iran is in part to drive up oil prices. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but folks we are rushing head long into a crisis we can't really envision. As I push toward 70, I wonder how much longer I can set up my ladder, and climb up to wash my windows. As a scientist I wonder how much longer our species can persist. As a human I wonder how we created a corporate system that promotes these actions. Perhaps time will tell.

Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
I agree - we need to be pursuing sustainability issues to benefit our lives. We are working on it in my household. However, I fear not paying attention to politics due to the highly negative impact it is beginning to have on my life and our collective lives. I am reading and listening and trying to ready myself for revolution, silly as it sounds. But, I truly believe we are doomed without revolution. So, as disruptive as it might be, it is ultimately necessary. I do not have confidence we can change our Congress/form of government without one. Maybe I’m wrong. Time will tell. I just want to be ready.
A great collection above will keep me busy today. Thank you for continuing to educate me. I value your effort, tremendously.
Heavy fog this morning. Lovely.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
good morning RA
Yes a revolution is needed for real change. I heard Richard Wolff say the other day his campus speeches are going well...young folks are eager for a new approach. I'm trying to stay awake - without holding any real hope for our existing scheme.
Thanks for reading and your support in this effort.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Glad you had all that time off.
The affairs of the state are depressing and upsetting as hell.
Jimmy Dore has an interview with Chris Hedges up on Youtube. It was a different Hedges than normal but very enjoyable.
Why doesn't Manchin just change parties? Why do the Dems continue to support him? Because he suits their goals to a tee.
Welcome home. Glad you had a good trip. I still don't know why I came home from Stockholm.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You wonder why...
we don't have the social net of the EU here in the richest country on Earth. Thanks for dropping by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
do you have a link to the Dore/Hedges video?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Manchin, Sanders and anyone else caucusing with Democrats improve the chances of Democrats being the majority Party. And, while all politician jobs have become more lucrative than ever, the majority party in Congress at any given time and its members have better economic opportunities than the minority Party in Congress.
I'm about half your age, yet I feel elderly at times.
It's mostly the back and foot pain. Drop foot sucks.
If there's one thing I've learned going to college it's that it is a place where ideas go to die because they don't impress the capitalist pigs who insist we all have to invent the next great idea that they can make money off of.
I guess I've come to accept that no matter what I do, I'll never make the pigs or their middle management lackeys happy.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Mission accomplished...
outside windows washed again. Spiderwebs banned till tonight anyway.
I think the system is design to ensnare people with debt and enslave them with a lifetime of payments and work. School is about conditioning rather than growth and development.
Don't worry about making them happy. Do the things that make you happy.
Hope you have a good Sunday. It is supposed to cool and rain here next week. I hope so.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is an article about this climate conference that's been occuring in South Korea this week. According to the report they are supposed to be drafting a plan for world wide immediate and drastic action, the goal being that carbon levels start receding by 2020.
I still have to go back and read your last Switzerland post. Really enjoyed the first one. Was busy housecleaning last week.
The last couple of weekends we have done a bit of garage & estate sale perusing. We did it when the kids were little, but not for about 10 years. Had forgotten about how much fun it is. Makes you feel rich as a king. I initially went along, not thinking I would buy anything. But . . . found some useful kitchen items, sheets, pillow cases. Probably my most outstanding find was two rolls of lovely upholstery fabric for $15. About 5 years ago I recovered the furniture in 2 campers. They have since been sold, but maybe it's time to do that again. My husband loves repairing stuff. Hmmm. . .
No time for camping these days, but sort of feel like we should have a "guest house." Originally thought of using a shipping container, but a used camper could do the job too. Could be that we might ultimately need lots of guest houses.
This was a bunch of rambling. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Thanks for the link!
Urgent action is past due.
We have a camp house we lived in the summer we built our house (30 years ago). We use it as a guesthouse and outside party site. I've been playing with a camper design. We have an Aluminum one on the truck but it isn't camping friendly. If I ever build it I'll post the project.
Take care and keep encouraging those young folks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think this is backwards:
Loved the cartoon, forwarded it.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I've edited it. good catch - I read right over it a couple of times.
I like Mr Fish cartoons.
All the best.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Manchin said he might change his vote if it were the
the deciding vote. So did McCaskill and a couple of others. No principles--and they are not even embarrassed about that. These were public statements. It's all just a game to keep them in office.
The country is being run by and for the politicians and the billionaires. Americans who are neither über wealthy nor somehow even more powerful than your average US Representative, Senator or President can pound sand.
I do want a blue wave
Just so we can put the brakes on this overt fascist crap, but I want Manchin to be the one Democrat that loses.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Would a blue wave....
...make any real difference? I wonder. No I'll go farther...I doubt it.
None the less I'll vote in Nov. , but don't expect much here in Alabama. We elected Doug Jones who pretty much has voted the Republican standard across the board...except for his Kavanaugh vote. Go figure.
to bad it is a game instead of a government.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My sympathies
My daughter, who is much more of a Leftist than I, lives in Calhoun County, so I know of what you speak.
Surprisingly, I found people in Alabama generally to be good decent people reasonably friendly to strangers unlike Virginia. I lived in Northern Virginia for four years and if I never hear "damnyankee" again in my life it will be too soon. When the house was sold and we left for good, my father had me stop the car on the bridge over the Potomac so he could spit back into Virginia. He told me "I'd rather have done something else but your wife is present" OTOH, we are considering moving to Alabama to escape Illinois' winter (summers are just as bad but if I never shovel a spoonful of snow again that's too soon) and be near our daughter and the grandkids.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It ain't so bad on a personal level
As you said people here are nice...more likely to help than hinder. However, they've been blinded into supporting T-rump and the rethugs...mainly at church.
It's an inexpensive place to live and retire. My saying is:
Welcome to the third world state of Alabama,
Where waist are wide and minds are narrow.
And, don't forget to adjust your clock by 50 years.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
For a bottom line in discussions with leftist malcontents
like me, Democrats such as Democratic spokespersons on MSNBC used to say, "The left has nowhere else to go." How many years did we hear that, even though that was not true. Then, they went to "lesser of two evils," also not true. IMO, Democrats may the greater of two evils. they are the greater of two evils. And how much of a tell is it when your very own loyalists admit you're even a little evil?
Republicans are just being Republicans, as advertised. Democrats, however, are also being Republicans, not as advertised, and are therefore banging on wedge issues like they're going out of style. As a result, they've pushed Republican politicians further to the right, especially on wedge issues; the country is more divided than ever (a feature, not a bug for politicians); and we are seeing resurgence of Confederate flags, neo-Nazis and the Klan.
Then Democratic spokespersons such as those on MSNBC said, "Supreme Court." However, to replace Scalia, Obama considered nominating a Republican (I don't know if this was a falsehood told to pave the way for Obama's actual nominee). Instead of nominating a Republican, however, Obama nominated a pro-choice, law and order Republican, who registered as a Democrat--and then Obama didn't even fight very hard for Garland during the 243 (give or take) days that McConnell thumbed his nose at Obama's duty and power to nominate. That, of course, gave us not only Gorsuch, but Kavanaugh during Trump's very first term. Not to mention appointing a center right Justice like Kagan. (Jury's still out on Sotomayor, but I am hopeful about her, even though she had been a corporate lawyer for some period of years. And please pray that Justice Ginsburg remains on the Court.) Thanks, Obama!
At this point, Democrats are saying, "Well, at least we're the slower evil. However, that is also untrue. Look happened under the Obama administration.
Let's start with Obama himself.
During an economic meltdown caused by Wall Street, as enabled by two laws for which the Clinton White house had lobbied:
Chose the head of
the New YorkWall Street Fed as Secretary of the Treasury of the United States'Re-hired the Clinton economic team, From Larry Summer to Goolsbee and Sperling;
Gave Bush the thumbs up on Tarp II;
Settled with and gave broad releases to naughty banks, but
Gave no practical help to homeowners in a crisis;
And look what a Democratic Congress under a Democratic President did:
Passed Dodd Frank, without repealing Gramm, Leach Bliley to restore Glass Steagall
Did not restore the other law that enabled the economic crisis, namely the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000. When Democratic Senators did not enable Clinton to get that bill, that bill was bundled into a bill that Democrats couldn't refuse: A bill to prevent economic shut down that, IIRC, also addressed violence toward women.
Blessed a health insurer bail out bill with an individual mandate and an impotent public option, despite having campaigned in on the opposite.
What did not happen during the Obama administration? Well, among many other things, Obama never put on the comfortable shoes (so he could join a picket line without getting corns) and joined a picket line, as he intimated he would while campaigning in 2008.
Oh, and don't even get me started on Obama's AG, Eric Holder, with whom the buck almost stopped when it came to settling with rich "folks."
And contrary to the Looney Tunes Cartoons tag line, th th th th that's not all, folks! However, a complete analysis would take far more than a message board post.
(Thanks, Obama!)
And then there was what Obama. promised WAPO he'd do, but couldn't; namely, "reform entitlements." Mind you, this was not a campaign promise made to help voters decide if they wanted to vote for him or Hillary in the primary or, in the general, for McCain or for the Presidential nominees of the Green, Libertarian or Constitution parties. Oh, no. He dropped this bomb on useless eaters only a couple of weeks before his inauguration.
That would be his first nomination, when, with maybe billions watching via satellite to see the inauguration of America's first African American President, Obama had the invocation given by homophobe fundamentalist Rick Warren, in whose church Obama had campaigned on, among other things, opposition to equal marriage (1) because of God's being "in the mix."
Not that Obama didn't try to "reform entitlements." It's just that no one wanted the stench if that, not a Democratic Congress, not the Cat Food Commission nor the Grand Bargain Commission--not even Obama himself--which is why he wanted cover from Commissions or Congress.
The clever Obama administration, however, anticipated that Democratic members of the Grand Bargain Commission might wuss out on their Democratic President. So, Obama economic team member, Gene Sperling invented the Sequester as a default and then claimed to media that the Sequester it was not the idea of anyone in the Obama administration! Rather, the bad Republicans had thunk it up! S
Next, Obama put OASDI and Medicare "on the table" for Boehner and Cantor, but they wouldn't agree to anything Obama asked, even that. And, unlike Democrat 2.0 LBJ, Democrat 4.0, aka, New Democrat, Obama had no clue how to get bills he supposedly through Congress--allegedly even when he was working with sixty--count 'em, folks!--60 in the Democratic Caucus! (Please be very sure that Pelosi and Reid did not overrule Obama. They gave him cover for Obamination Care, while Democratic spokespersons and establishment media pretended that Lieberman, who was not going to run again anyway, had singlehandedly frustrated Obama's good intentions.)
Put Bush 43 to shame on serial drone murders (tripled them, IIRC) and Middle Eastern wars, but without closing GITMO or doing away with extraordinary rendition or torture in US-run black holes, like Bagram.
Anyway...As a result of the above and other settlements and other things, wealth moved from the poor and middle class workers to the very, very rich faster than any other time in human history. (Thanks Democratic Congress and Obama!)
And contrary to the Looney Tunes Cartoons tag line, th th th th that's not all, folks! However, a complete analysis would take far more than a message board post.
What about the above is not bloodless, cruel, soul-numbing, terrorist-generating fascism?
And this post illustrates that a slogan like "slower evil" is quick and simple, but refuting it convincingly (as I hope I have, despite not being as complete as I could be)takes so much more time and energy.
what a sell out...
DINO - dim in name only. So is Doug Jones, my senator. Then there's all the CIA dims we are supposed to support? Pro-war one and all.
There a reason I suggested politics will not cure our ills.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sell out? Harumph! I beg to differ.
"Sell out" implies having a set of principles that one abandons for money and/or power. I don't think Obama ever had them, at least not after he left law school.I am not saying he had principles before that: I just don't know where his head was before law school graduation.) But that is another discussion for another day: I spent far too much time on my post upthread. Just FYI, when I post "And don't even get me started on....," I ain't just whistling the Battle Hymn of the Republic. (Screw Dixiecrats and a bunch of other Southern Democrats, too!)
I didn't watch the hearings in any form. Is that REALLY what Kavanaugh sounds like, even as the root of an obviously-exaggerated caricature???
If his seating doesn't FINALLY lead to at least one of the judges being murdered at the hands of another, I'd give at least as good odds that he just wanders away on his own after a few years out of sheer ADHD.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
i thought he was over the top
till I saw the real hearings. He was pretty close to the reality. Kinda blew my mind. Well we're stuck with him till death do us part...oh boy!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
With any "luck," he'll retire voluntarily.
I was "lucky" enough to watch Kavanaugh's part of the confirmation hearings before seeing Damon's attempt at parody. They needed an actor as gifted as Damon for that parody--and it still didn't come off as funny. To those of us who had seen the hearing, it was more imitation than parody. To those who had not seen the hearing, Damon must have seemed too ham-fisted to be humorous.
And, no, I'm not feeling "lucky" about his voluntary retirement. Republicans will make him stay on the bench, no matter what, especially if a Democratic President is in office. And that would be "luck" as in....
As Lookout indicated, it was hard to go too far with
parodying Kavanaugh. In seconds, the man went from what was supposed to pass as righteous, but angry, indignation* to weeping over his Christ-like ten year-old (not offense to the kid, who no doubt was trying to be like Christ--and succeeded) and his dead father's calendar
*Think Clarence Thomas looking angry as he bullshit about "a high tech lynching of an uppity black man."
If the dead could communicate, ask any victim of lynching, usually done to kill younger men, if being asked about workplace harassment of a black woman during hearings about a nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States is any kind of a lynching. But, did any members of a Democratic majority Judiciary Committee, headed by former Senator Biden call Thomas on that? No, not one member (or the chair) did.
hola amigo...
Thanks for all the news. Late coming to the party but here now, as be ipcc just announced that we have 12 years to get our proverbial shit together. Right. Must meet 1.5 above pre-industrial or all holy hell will break out. China seems on board. That's a start at least.
Watched the Beckwith video a couple of times, both parts. Gotta love that guy. He is so down to earth. Not good news though.
Be well my friend...
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Que pasa?
Despite the dire predictions...they continue to underestimate. It is difficult (impossible?) to model a multi-variant world. The other modeling difficulty involves the synergy of arctic ice melting and loss of permafrost and methane generation...all intertwined, all promoting one another.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”