Trump Renegotiates NEW U.S. Job-Friendly TRADE PACT.
Landmark New Trade Agreement Replaces NAFTA:
Many people throughout Washington & the Media said that this would be impossible.
Some (many of whom seem to only stand for 'illegal open border flooding' MS-13, hating 'white people', and "man shaming" at this point) even claimed that Donald Trump was just "lying" about trade and had no interest in replacing NAFTA -- despite Trump making a point of opposing NAFTA publicly and vowing to replace it (unlike any other mainstream candidate of either Political Party) at every single campaign speech and throughout his Presidency.
And it was President Obama who scoffed publicly that Trump would have to have "a magic wand" in order to alter trade terms with Mexico and Canada, and we should all just get used to losing U.S. Manufacturing jobs.
But after over one full year of working through painstaking (and sometimes bitter) negotiations back and forth first with Mexico separately, and then with Canada, President Trump has succeeded at ending the terrible Bush-Clinton-Globalist NAFTA agreement setup to exploit cheap labor and rob Americans of their own Industry and Job Base (a key component of the borderless North American Union / WTO globalized government Oligarchy vision) and he has renegotiated from scratch brand new bilateral trade terms separately with Mexico and then Canada that are more favorable to US businesses, American manufacturing security (specifically), and better protect American wages and jobs.
A few of the highlights from this new United States Mexico and Canada Agreement (USMCA) are described here, with more details in the Video below:
- New rules for auto manufacturing: A car or truck imported into the U.S. from Canada or Mexico will only qualify for zero tariffs if 75 percent of its components are manufactured in North America.
- USMCA supports the right of Mexican workers to organize and join unions. The new agreement should lead to more powerful unions and better protections for workers rights in Mexico. This helps U.S. workers by decreasing the incentives to move jobs south of the border to take advantage of weaker labor rights. U.S. workers will be able to compete on a more level playing field.
- At least 30 percent of the work manufacturing cars and trucks will have to be done by workers earning $16 an hour. That threshold moves up to 40 percent for cars by 2023. That could push wages up for Mexican workers in the longer term. It is also likely to act as a cap on the amount of work on cars that will be done in the lowest wage areas of Mexico.
- Canada agreed to open up its dairy market to U.S. farmers. U.S farmers will be able to export and compete without the older tariff imbalances that punished American farmers.
- Both Canada and Mexico initially sought to win exemptions from the Trump administration’s steel and aluminum tariffs in the new agreement. That didn’t happen. The new agreement allows for those to stay in place. This protects the once dead American steel and aluminum Industries which have seen a new resurgence during the Trump Economic reign.
- NAFTA had allowed companies and investors to sue the governments of Canada and Mexico if they believed a new policy–such as a higher environmental standard–threatened their investment. Multinational corporations had all the power and could easily evade laws. The new agreement largely does away with this.
[video: width:640 height:480]
USMCA Analysis
Excerpts from President Trump's Press Conference on USMCA:
"Since NAFTA's adoption, the United States racked up trade deficits totaling more than $2 trillion, and it's a much higher number than that. With Canada and Mexico it lost vast amounts of money and lost 4.1 million manufacturing jobs and lost 25 percent of our auto jobs -- even more than that.
I have long contended that NAFTA was perhaps the worst trade deal ever made. For 25 years as a civilian, as a businessman, I used to say, 'How could anybody have signed a deal like NAFTA?' And I watched New England and so many other places where I was -- as the factories were leaving, the jobs were leaving, people were being fired. And we can't have that.
Throughout the campaign I promised to renegotiate NAFTA and today we have kept that promise because we've been treated so unfairly by so many nations all over the world that we're changing that. Once approved by Congress, this new deal will be the most modern, up-to-date and balanced trade agreement in the history of our country, with the most advanced protections for workers ever developed.
And if you look at the current NAFTA deal -- the new deal is taking care of all of these problems, because NAFTA, foreign companies have been allowed to manufacture many of their parts overseas, ship them to Mexico and Canada for assembling, and send their foreign-made cars into the United States with no tax.
So, we let all our people go, we fire everybody, they make cars, they make products, they make everything in another country, they send them into the United States, no tax. And the cost is very little difference, sometimes it's more. for those people that like to talk about cost.
With this agreement, we are closing all of these terrible loopholes. They're closed. They're gone. They were a disaster.
For example, we are requiring a large portion of every car to be made by high-wage workers, which will greatly reduce foreign outsourcing, which was a tremendous problem, and means more auto parts and automobiles will be manufactured inside the United States. We will be manufacturing many more cars.
And our companies won't be leaving the United States, firing their workers and building their cars elsewhere. There's no longer that incentive. Before, under the NAFTA deal, they had that incentive. They have the opposite incentive now. We're not going to be losing our companies.
This deal will also impose new standards requiring at least 75 percent of every automobile to be made in North America in order to qualify for the privilege of free access to our markets. And I am not talking just about Mexico. I'm talking about everybody -- everybody. It's a privilege for China to do business with us. It's a privilege for the European Union, who has treated us very badly, but that's coming along, to do business with us. Japan, every country, it's a privilege for them to come in and attack the piggy bank.
In this, we will have a result of much more happening right here in the United States. It means, more than anything else, far more American jobs. And these are high-quality jobs.
There are also strong provisions to enforce what's called the rules of origin requirements. This will incentivize billions of dollars in new purchases of U.S.-made automobiles. Once approved, this will be a new dawn for the American auto industry and for the American autoworker.
As one primary aspect, it will transform North America back into a manufacturing powerhouse. If you remember the previous administration (Obama) said we're not going to have manufacturing jobs anymore, essentially. This landmark agreement will send cash and jobs pouring into the United States and into North American. Good for Canada, good for Mexico. Instead of jobs leaving for overseas, they will be returning back home."
---President Donald J. Trump, October 1, 2018
More Trade Renegotiations:
In addition to the rework of trade with Canada and Mexico, President Trump had previously also eliminated the Clinton-Obama North Korea trade deal which was also a disaster, and negotiated new Trade terms earlier this year with North Korea. And he has also changed the rules on the (Globalist, Authoritarian) European Union Elites and forced a re-balancing of trade terms with the imposition of new conditional tariffs.
He has also been renegotiating our economic relationship with Japan as well.
And finally next is the big one....China... Trump is also working on redoing our Economic relationship with China which when settled will reestablish our Country as the #1 Manufacturing powerhouse in the World once again.
[video: width:640 height:480]
China Comes Next!
Although you'd never know it by the CIA-Mockingbird corrupt Mainstream U.S. News Media (with non-stop 98% negative coverage), President Trump is winning; The American people are winning. The American Economy is winning; U.S. Manufacturing Jobs are coming back (600,000 new manufacturing jobs under Trump), and American workers have more job security now ... than at anytime over the past 20 years.
But I wouldn't call it a "magic wand". I would just call it an independent businessman, and non-politician looking at a failed and corrupt situation, and taking steps to correct it (as he said he would).
Competence not Ideology...

Full USMCA Press Conference
any "free trade" pact that does not allow for the
free migration of labor is not friendly to workers, however friendly it might be to "jobs".
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
hmm, i guess this was an off-the-cuff remark that
isn't really germane to a discussion of the pros and cons of this new agreement, so i apologize for that, but i'll leave it here cuz i posted it.
i don't know quite what to say about your peculiar trump boosterism. some of his economic policies might represent improvements, but others are fucking disastrous (e.g., the massive tax cuts for the preposterously wealthy), and other aspects of his domestic policy (e.g., effectively shuttering the EPA, ACC denial, concentration camps for children) are shocking, amoral, and/or catastrophic, while his foreign policy is becoming a nightmare -- and one in which he is quite clearly not keeping his promises.
and the one thing his UN speech made disturbingly clear is that his constant hyperbolic boasting isn't a shtick, it's authentic. That means it's a cognitive pathology that endangers everyone downstream of his decision-making -- which at this point is the entire human race.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
First, this is a non-partisan site so it is good to have different povs represented here.
2nd, you left out the sweetheart deal he gave to big pharma. Unlike Canada, we have no universal health care and don't negotiate the price of drugs. We have miracle cancer cures and good old standby lifesaving drugs that sick people can't afford.
3rd, good or bad, Trump showed trade deals being sacrosanct once passed as a big fat lie. Anytime he can put a finger in the eye of neoliberals in red or blue jerseys, Obama in particular, it makes me happy. OTH Trump, like Obama, came with big promises about ending war, cutting pharma, and other things. Instead, he grabbed pussy, cheated on his taxes, thumbed his nose at voters, and sold us out just like Obama did.
This is BS too. Minimum wage should be $20/hr. No one can be self-sufficient on a penny less no matter what city and state they live in. Everyone should have sick pay, vacation pay, health care, pensions, free college, and Social Security. What Trump and his ugly ass GOP government gave Americans instead was 1.7 trillion in tax cuts for the rich, the sell out of our environment and the peoples' assets, Christian terrorists praying for clean water while pissing in it, get the drift.
The problem with Trump supporters is that they are myopic. They get with one hand, lose with a semi truck pulling two trailers, and then crow and celebrate. I am dumping conservative relatives and so-called friends because they are amoral and stupid. I hold evangelical TrumpTrolls and Hillbamabots responsible for every dime and opportunity taken away from my kids and grandkids.
As far as I am concerned you are welcome here, but I won't guarantee I'll be nice. If you aren't a "stupid" Republican, maybe I can put up with you. If you are, civility can go fuck itself.
Sorry JtC.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Trump Derangement Syndrome
I'm neither an ideologue nor any Political Party devotee.
Genuine critics of NAFTA (and the other trade deals) and Global Government, whether they be 'left', 'right', or 'center' -- if they are intellectually honest -- should be happy with this progress (as well as Trump's termination of the corrupt TPP, and renegotiations with South Korea, Japan, the (Globalist) EU, and his efforts underway with China.
I'm not surprised that Trump-haters will always hate. But the Trump performance results speak for themselves:
Competence not Ideology...
If Bernie Sanders had achieved this, I would give him credit too.
American First policies are in fact good for ... guess who?
America, and American Citizens, and American Industries, and American Workers.
If you prefer the corrupt pre-Trump policies of: Globalism, and Global Government Oligarchy I just feel sorry for you. That would be rooting ultimately for your own enslavement.
I'm in Michigan. I get and have been an opponent of the type of trade deals going on for decades. I also have no problem with the concept of tariffs, not that I would trust Trump or any Democrat to do it fairly and in such a way to benefit the middle/working class.
Trump derangement, omg, have you people had a new idea since Reagan? The problem with your list is that it has nothing to do with Trump or the new NAFTA. It also has nothing to do with Obama. When the economy is bubbled up, it is booming no matter who is in office. When it is time to redistribute more wealth up, the bubble bursts and there goes the jobs, homes, and kids college educations. Are there more jobs today than existed when the bankers crashed the economy under Bush/Obama, yes and the total compensation paid to workers is still squat. Best economy in decades for who? Where are all of the pensions? How many people in a household have to work in order to afford a house?
Your pom poms are a bright bloody red.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Michigan voted for Trump!
Seems to be working...New Trade Economy in decades.
Actions ....not words folks.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
No "ifs" ... once you understand the changes
[video: width:480 height:320]
Won is a pretty strong term.
Non-Trump Michigan voters far outnumbered Trump voters in 2016. If the Dems had run anyone but Hillary, Trump would have lost. Bernie would have stomped him. You can say Michigan defaulted to Trump by 10,000 votes due to a lack of interest.
Current Michigan poll numbers:
Who voted for Trump in Michigan? Affluent, uneducated, religious radicals, and ideologues.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The only numbers that
And the only system that matters for counting presidential votes in the US is the electoral system, until it is changed.
So, all other relativity expressed about votes/non-votes really does not matter in our current system.
LMAO. tRump troll.
When workers from sea to shining sea start getting paid a Min. Wage of $15, tRump can crow about "his Economy™." Until then "his Economy™" doesn't amount to jack.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Oh come on.
Who had any new ideas? BO and Clinton with their 'no we can't'?
I am glad for anything at all that helps workers, and this may be small potatoes to you, but there was a time when workers weren't even part of any political equation. It was all identity issues.
Even harping on the taxes gets old. Trump doubled the standard deduction. Most working people should benefit from the change; I know it will exceed my regular deductions by several thousand dollars. The change means more disposable money in more pockets. My family liberals were complaining about not being able to deduct stuff; I asked them if the new standard deduction exceeded their prior deductions, and they responded yes. (not to mention the hassle of keeping the records) So what are they complaining about!!!???
Do you think Trumps skirmishes with Bezos helped with Bernie's efforts to get more pay for the workers? I do. This change was caused by mere criticism of Amazon. If Trump (and Bernie) keep shaming businesses for their crappy job practices, I would expect to see some more upcoming positive changes. Everything doesn't need to involve passing laws.
I don't like other stuff Trump is doing, but I will certainly give credit where credit is due.
The Cruelty is the Point
Trump and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear
ain't it the truth.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"Only the president and his
allies, his supporters, and their anointed are entitled to the rights and protections of the law, and if necessary, immunity from it. The rest of us are entitled only to cruelty, by their whim. This is how the powerful have ever kept the powerless divided and in their place, and enriched themselves in the process.
The president and his advisers have sought to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense; they have attempted to corrupt federal law-enforcement agencies to protect themselves and their cohorts, and they have exploited the nation’s darkest impulses in the pursuit of profit. But their ability to get away with this fraud is tied to cruelty.
Trump’s only true skill is the con, his only fundamental belief is that the United States is the birthright of straight, white, Christian men, and his only real, authentic pleasure is in cruelty.
It is that cruelty, and the delight it brings them, that binds his most ardent supporters to him, in shared scorn for those they hate and fear: immigrants, black voters, feminists, and treasonous white men who empathize with any of those who would steal their birthright."
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
And Nancy Pelosi / Maxine Waters taking over will be a disaster
[video: width:480 height:320]
Lou, you old fuck,
hang it up.
You obviously got no life if you're still on the teevee at 90 friggin' years old. Find one that doesn't involve a camera.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Appreciate your take on this, Free Society
And the links.
But Trump is not in control of this country. His own party is fighting him tooth and nail.
Getting this through Congress will be another long drawn out debate and sabotage job.
Bolton and the Neocons (make a good punk band name) will have Armageddon well on it's way by then.
Nothing happens in this country without the approval of Deep State and the Moneyed Interests (grunge name maybe?).
Thanks for your headsup though.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Good Points
Trump is fighting against the Establishment of both Political Parties, the un-elected "Deep-State" apparatus, and the Global Establishment (George Sorus, International Banksters, etc.).
I think it all comes down to the November Midterm elections.
If the voters go out and vote against the political Establishment like they did in 2016 and vote for MAGA-policy candidates, then Trump's American revitalization agenda will move forward (and he will also easily win re-election).
But if that does not happen, then we will be stuck with the horrible Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein crowd running things, and everything and all progress will just stall out with a giant Impeachment circus, and endless congressional investigations and gridlock. Nobody will win in that situation.
I hope people are smarter than that, and continue to ignore the Media and vote against the Political Establishment.
Yep this is certainly fighting the establishment
Oh wait more fight
Sanctions Violate Treaty With Iran, So Pompeo Just Ditched It
NIAC leader Trita Parsi says the Secretary of State "walking out of it signals that he wants to make sure that disputes with Iran are NOT resolved peacefully."
Yep very bad very bad deals
and why this guy, exactly why, he isn't special in any way
Seems as if both sides reside in the swamp
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Fake News?
Wake me up when Trump actually pre-emptively invades and overthrows a Sovereign Country like the Bush and Clinton dynasty, and Obama all did (and multiple times).
So far he has not.
That said....even if the Foreign Policy doesn't change much, but the Economic Policies and Record do change and are better -- that would still be overall better and an improvement over the last 30+ years.
Courtesy of divineorder
on how the real world works
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That's because he and his neocon regime are continuing
Drums of war
Yet, no war yet.
The drums of war were beaten in prior administrations, and there was war.
There is a big difference on War.
And Trump is also being considered for a Nobel Peace Prize for achieving a landmark Nuclear Deal with North Korea. Something people also said would be impossible.
And what exactly did Trump do to make any of that happen?
I've been following the whole process, and Trump hasn't done sh*t.
The wars have stopped? Exactly where might that have happened?
going on, yep dubya, empty started them but your
chosen one hasn't stopped a one.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Can you read?
Oh for gawd's sake
What do you think our military is doing right now in over 100 places? More troops were sent to Afghanistan under Trump. They're in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria Yemen and the pentagon only knows where else. Trump has relaxed the rules of engagement and more civilians are being killed.
Why in the blue hell do you think Trump pulled out of the Iran deal? Hint. Regime change or full out war is what's being planned.
Hope you aren't counting on social security or Medicare when you retire because the republicans are going to gut it and then Trump will sign it even though he promised that he would leave it alone. Then there's what's in store for people like me that rely on social programs to survive. So Yay Trump! He's looking out for our best interests. The hell he is.
BTW. This blog has been very critical of Obama's presidency as well as both Bush and Clinton's. Either you haven't been paying attention to what has been discussed or you are being disingenuous.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh for gawd's sake,
I don't even believe that Bernie (who I supported) could have stopped all the wars had he been elected. The military is just too entrenched - although I think Bernie could have made a dent.
Face up to some facts for a change. The Trump hysteria is ridiculous.
It is ridiculous
Because it hates on Trump for all of the wrong reasons.
It hates on Trump for a bizarre konspiracy theory involving Russia, instead of real reasons like:
massive corruption
gutting worker safety/overtime laws
gutting environmental protections
criminal negligence in Puerto Rico
deregulating Wall Street again
massive tax cuts for the rich; paid for by cutting medicaid and food stamps
continuing war crimes in Afghanistan and Syria
Do you honestly
Like I said, I will give credit where it is due.
Heh. We got a "choice" between Crap 1 and Crap 2
So no matter who was elected, all we would get is crapped on. Even if some of us chose to vote for Not-Crap.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Did you not say this?
Yet, no war yet.
Yes they were started before he got in office but Trump is ramping them up. This means that he owns them.
Maybe. But looking away from the damage that Trump is doing to just to this country alone is much more so. His environmental policies are going to see people dying from preventable diseases.
Yeah! People are getting more money in their pay checks. For now. The cuts sunset for people who aren't stinking rich and they come on the backs of those who are the most vulnerable. This too is going to cause people to die.
Care to wager on war with Iran during his presidency?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
But a lot more war money....
You make it sound as if bombs are the only thing that kill. Pollution, no health care, and no education kill too, only slower.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I believe I have
But I will defend ones that I think are good.
How is this post
ggersh. Did Vince kill himself or not?
Sure looks like evidence was tampered with and witnesses were told to lie. And 'Bart' seems to be in the middle of it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Definitely looks suspicious, always did, but finding proof
is quite another thing.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Not to mention
News flash
You can't vote against Goldman Sachs.
Trump is fighting for his own personal gain.
You must like his gold toilets.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I like a strong Economy and U.S. Manufacturing
Yup I do like that...
I agree
I agree, but if anyone understands the corruption behind the private "Fed Reserve" Central Bank Monopoly Cartel it wouldn't be the politicians -- it would be an independent businessman who was never directly funded by Wall Street.
Now Tackling the Bank Cartel is a very hard thing to do -- only Andrew Jackson ever did it -- whom President Trump admires -- a good sign (since it is not 'politically correct'). Trump has kept Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill (Globalists wanted to have him removed).
So let's see where Trump goes with that in his second Term. I predict that he will get bolder with his reforms as he grows into the Job. He started with the Economy (good job), and he still needs to get the southern Wall built to keep our Nations Sovereignty in tact, and there's a lot of swamp to be drained first. So stay tuned for the 2nd term on the Bank Cartel.
Do you really not see it?
Did you miss the part when Trump sold out to Wall Street?
Most people get it...despite all the phony noise
[video: width:480 height:320]
It's moderately interesting
to see what the Trump propaganda is putting out.
It looks even less slick and refined than Hillarybot propaganda.
It's also interesting to see that C99P is a target for the right-wing.
My suggestions to the right-wing is a) to be less dogmatic, b) personalize your propaganda, c) make your lies less transparent, and d) approach people on C99P as equals.
I've already covered this topic in a different essay.
I hate to post this,
They are all trump is bad all of the time. No positive information is ever provided, even though there does seem to be some positive impact from Trump's efforts.
You don't need propaganda to be anti-Trump
You sure need it to be pro-Trump.
Beware the bullshit factories.
You just proved his point
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
And notice it is the Trump-haters (ANTIFA, Maxine Waters, Kathy Griffen, etc.) who incite the violence in the streets, and want to chop heads off.
Next thing you know
people will be demanding to see Trump's passport, accuse him of being a secret muslim, or being in league with the Arkansas mafia while having political opponents killed.
Now that would be bonkers.
Or chop men's
I am anti-Trump
I don't deny being against Trump.
But it's a whole different thing to say that I'm posting propaganda.
Propaganda implies I'm lying, or at least misleading.
If you are saying that then you'll need evidence.
You also have to reconcile how I can be that, and still spend so much time bashing the Democratic establishment.
It's a logical contradiction.
As for Trump's "good things", should post them so we can debate them.
Anti-Trump propaganda?
OMG I surprised you didn't pull Trump Derangement Syndrome, participation trophies, snowflakes, and tax and spend out of your bag to use against people who prefer their Presidents with morals and an IQ over 60. .
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Want to see REAL propaganda?
Yes, this IS a cult
How many of these people
whataboutism doesn't work here
That movie is nutso.
But more importantly, it's opening in ONE THOUSAND THEATERS this week.
If you think that I'm bothered that someone in the Trump Administration getting yelled at in a restaurant, let me assure you than I'm not.
Almost every politician in Washington needs to be shamed right now, every time they leave their house.
What bothers me is that MILLIONS of Trump supporters think GAWD put Trump in the White House.
It should bother you too, because when you are talking about Gawd's will, a nation's laws become unimportant.
People were far more deranged with
When Clinton won, people immediately began talking about impeaching him.
I'm waiting for you to throw in the kitchen sink
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's all such a mixed bag of confetti . . . Repugs & Dems . .
There certainly is no clear way through the maze.
If any of the good sounding stuff is true - that's great. In my view, our president is playing it like a game show host. Door number 1, door number 2, door number 3 . . . which one? Just hope we get lucky.
I can't vote for any republicans in Texas though, even though some of the opposing candidates have their dirty laundry as well.
Glad the pres met with Vlad and Kim. Too bad Boltan is in the picture. Ish. And this supreme nominee is especially terrible.
Then there is the horrible nonsense in the MSM. There is just so much bad stuff on both sides.
A few good Bernie types still fighting the good fight at least.
Mostly nauseous stuff.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The clear way to cut through the maze is to look at policy .. not the theater.
The crooked 'Global Government' Political Establishment crowd all unanimously Hate Trump because the 'America First' policy agenda is upsetting their multi-decades long plan of Worldwide Economic control. Rigged Trade agreements like NAFTA and the (Obama-promoted) TPP, and Open Borders .. were components of their 'New World Order' totalitarianism.
They happen to also own the Mainstream Media -- which is why all the noise exists, and there is no escape from this noise (brainwashing).
Ignore the noise, and look at your paycheck, and look at the economic progress.
That will tell you what path to follow.
Looking at my paycheck . . .
Won't get me to vote red. The red TX legislature cost my family $9000 this year, by ruining teacher retirement. And in 2011 they cut 5 billion from education that erased jobs available to me.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
He doesn't even qualify as Orwellian,
in terms of Doublespeak meaning he says something that means the opposite. He's perhaps even more twisted.
Drumpf's like a stunted child with think-skin who seeks to flatter his audience into thinking he has a proclivity for magically "making things happen" that are good for them, when in fact his only objective, besides hiding the truth from them that he's totally sold out said peons of whom he secretly despises but courts for his own motives, but primarily so that they'll in turn stroke his pathetic, fragile ego.
He has no philosophy whatsoever. Except to further enrich himself and possibly his sycophants who have exhibited the lowest and worst form of proving repeatedly to be a loyal, lapdog, Yes Man.
My belief is that any and all policy decisions are seen through the lens of first, what can he personally get out of it, and second, how does it enrich the already rich "business" conniver con-men like himself? It's all about him above anything else.
I don't believe a fucking word he says about doing something for the benefit of working people at all. He's spent his whole life ripping off poor and marginalized people, and lives life rich while overextended in massive debt and lawsuits.
I despise everything about this odious clown who grew up probably less than 15 miles from where I type. He is the embodiment of all that is wrong with this country and its propaganda-generated, conditioning to suck poor saps into Worshiping the Rich, one of the biggest impediments to having the kind of world we here seek.
He's the kind of supreme douchebag who knows how loathed he is by so many that he must first surround himself by a coterie of ass-kissers and paid security. This schmuck wouldn't last a fucking hour out in the world, I mean in the streets, everyday work world situations. An arrogant braggart like him would have gotten his ass kicked daily, were it not for Daddy's money securing him the constant cover and protection to live out his worst, most depraved and vicious schemes of plunder and degradation upon those he perceives to be weaker and without recourse.
That was cathartic.
Nah, I really hate the asshole. But I don't spend time obsessing over him the way the Neoliberals do. Shame he's not taken down by the venal MSM who could be ripping him a thousand ways to Sunday for all the regulations he's torn away. But just as the scumbag Les Moonves let loose that he's good for their business, they need him as a cash cow. Pathetic epoch in our history. Plenty of fodder for a legitimate revolution - but only if and when people turn away from their tv's and the car crash that he represents.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
The boob tube is bad.
Like The song "The Revolution will Not Be Televised" says. I'm partial to the movie, Network:
Beware the bullshit factories.
When all you have is
The Trump presidency is a huge shit show
Trade deals that are done by bullying don't end up well in the long term. The few analyzing articles that I've seen said not much has changed except the name is now harder for protesters to use as a catchword. USMCA doesn't quite have the ring to it that NAFTA does and the Marine Corps is supposed to be a good thing unlike NAFTA. I guess we can call it Usmeca.
The house just passed another multi trillion dollar tax cut mainly for the 1% on top of the highway robbery of the last tax cut. Trump deficits will be huge for decades. Why the f**k is it ok to have a drunk abuser on the Supreme Court? How is that ok? Why the f**k is it ok to destroy net neutrality? How is that ok? Why is it ok to take traumatized kids from their traumatized parents and put in them in cages for months? Why is it ok to put election stealing expert Kris Kobach in charge of a commission to prevent voting fraud. Why is it ok for the President of the United States to have to settle for millions of dollars that he bilked from poor people with his Trump University scam. He's an amoral con-artist, and he's disgustingly using a segment of our population against the rest of us for his and other billionaire's benefit and to our cost.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I just marvel
Especially since we kill so many people overseas. Yet everyone is hyperventilating over a young man's drinking habits. Yet everyone is obsessed over immigrant separation even though that was standard practice in the past (and for criminals - after all, the illegals are criminals), and on and on.
How many lives have been lost due to our wars?
If we had had the same chorus/effort opposing wars that we have had over much less significant issues, we would probably be breaking the war machine by now.
When has an abusive drunk who likes Presidential power
Been nominated to the Supreme Court. I don't think Thomas or Alito are drunks. That nomination is really about all the legal action against Trump by the states, particularly New York, and the fact that a case is coming before the Supreme court that would allow the President to pardon people accused of a crime by one of the states. Kavanaugh would be the yes vote on that. Purely self-serving at the expense of democracy and a sign of guilt by Trump and the GOP Senators.
Beware the bullshit factories.
C99ers were decrying all those things in other administrations, too. Much of that happened on another site, because this one did not exist yet, but this site exists now because these posters were very vocal against other administrations and did not take hypocritical partisan stances. It's also why you can post here as you cannot over there.
Ok then what about my other questions?
We'll forget our morals as far as Kavanaugh is concerned for the sake of argument, but I will repeat my other questions just in case you might have an answer:
Why the f**k is it ok to destroy net neutrality? How is that ok? Why is it ok to take traumatized kids from their traumatized parents and put in them in cages for months? Why is it ok to put election stealing expert Kris Kobach in charge of a commission to prevent voting fraud? Why is it ok for the President of the United States to have to settle for millions of dollars that he bilked from poor people with his Trump University scam? I also have some other questions regarding climate change and treatment of science as well as incitement of hate if those questions aren't answerable, not to mention about shit like moving the US embassy in Israel to is that supposed to bring peace? Maybe it's best to separate foreign and domestic policy questions.
Beware the bullshit factories.
excellent. "After all ... they're criminals"
let's put that up over the entrance gates to our concentration camps. unlike "Arbeit Macht Frei", it has the advantage of not being a cynical and phony holding out of any hope for the inmates, nor suggestion of regard for their humanity.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Typical hyperbole.
It has been reported that conditions in their countries are 'intolerable.' I suppose the US, including all the nonprofits that help illegals, could send assistance.
Or we could stop destroying immigrants' countries
Reported? No it's been more than reported. It's been documented.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
seems to me that it's the assistance we're sending
that's causing the problems. the denial level is high. i viewed several youtube versions of Bruce Cockburn's If I had a Rocket Launcher before selecting one to include in a comment below. one reactionary dumbass youtuber, "refuting" a comment that said the song was a response to, among other things, US-sponsored terrorism, linked to the song's wikipedia entry and flatly stated, "It's not about US-sponsored terrorism," as if anything in the wikipedia entry supported such a claim.
as someone else in another thread remarked: who do you think paid for the helicopters?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
do you really want to play dumb regarding
the US role in creating the dystopic circumstances in Latin America? you sound like a kooky relative of mine who recently, regarding Brexit, remarked, "They're tired of having their country invaded," as if 99% of the "invaders" weren't in fact citizens of the empire whose colonies provide almost all of Britain's material prosperity for the last 180 years.
When there is not one single US marine with boots on the ground south of the Rio Grande, feel free to hand out lectures to the desperate about where they do and don't have business being. in the meantime, i will hereafter ignore any and all of your comments, given your dismissal as "hyperbole" my reference to what are unarguably concentration camps for children who have been taken from their parents. i literally have no further regard for anything you think about anything, because you have demonstrated that you live in a universe whose ethical and moral foundations are as alien to me as the far side of the moon.
Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Mexico: We are fully culpable for the hellholes those places are, all the way back to the Monroe Doctrine setting them apart as own private pillaging pool.
and we have not, incidentally, let up. plus ca fucking change, as it was, it is:
have another banana, cowboy.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
incidentally, as far as I can tell the US invented the
concentration camp, first for the Native Americans, and later for PoWs in the Civil War.
somewhat hilariously, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, christo-fascist darling of western Cold Warriors, claims in his novel 1918 that it was a Bolshevik innovation, demonstrating that you can put your ignorance on your sleeve and still win a Nobel.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
A few months ago
I had to wash my brain after reading the comments this poster made regarding the history of anti-semitism all across Europe. His grotesque disregard for humanity is matched only by his propensity to take deeply rooted humanitarian issues and reduce them to slogans. Perhaps it's a bandwidth problem. Either way, it's an exercise in futility.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
here's a new idea:
i'll kill ONE bird with TWO stones:
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
"They're criminals... "
So were booze drinkers once upon a time. But I wouldn't equate the damage caused by their "crime" the same as the damage an armed robber inflicts.
I think firing up the synapses in under-used areas of the brain is difficult for some people.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Hey. Thanks for being in this thread.
Yeah. From the National Fruit Co. to Ollie North. And then... I see this shit. Oh boy, ain't colonialism grand..I mean, the absolute grandest!
Make america ever greater for the corporations and the folks at the School of the Americas!? Yeah, let's torture some more, like we did last summer. Holy Fuck...
there are so many extraordinary recordings of this song
that i can not choose just one:
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
bing! n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
if only they had put the countries in order of
GDP, there'd be truth in advertising: USCAM.
Though given the historical role of the USMC in keeping the imperial boot firmly on the neck of the Latin American campesino, I suppose there's ironic truth in that as well.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Nobody has a good record on predicting “free trade deal” effects
Oh, back in 1992 Ross Perot tried to warn us about the “giant sucking sound” and the elite in the media and both parties laughed and scoffed.
Twenty years later, the jobs and factories were gone and we were laughing out of the other side of our mouths.
So will there be positive effects from any of what was renegotiated?
Lacking any trustworthy and reliable non-partisan prognosticators, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Ross Perot knew it was bad, and their were others too ..
It was not hard to figure out that it was bad. All the incentives had gone toward moving manufacturing away from the U.S. to low-wage Countries. The political class just did not care -- because they support "Globalism" and listen to just their paymasters.
But Ross Perot knew it was bad, and their were many others including the honest pols like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, etc.
Perot explained in simple clear terms why it would be bad in the 1992 debates. Donald Trump knew it would be bad too (and never at any time supported it).
With the new agreement, the tariffs, Worker Protections, and Trade Rules and incentives have been reworked from scratch. The original Essay & Video explained several of the new changes/benefits.
I personally haven't had a chance to analyze the new
agreement but many who have are saying the new agreement isn't really much different than the old agreement, NAFTA. Certainly, it favors the big corporations not the working class, as per Trump's "trickle down" approach to gangster capitalism.
Relative to your 600K manufacturing jobs, a figure that's actually over a year old relative to Trump propaganda, that's been debunked many times over. I'd suggest that evidence is required when posting figures like that in an essay.
To piggyback on the manufacturing jobs
I’d encourage anyone to take the time to read this article:(TLDR: Carrier pretty much did what they were going to anyway despite Trump spinning it like he personally saved the plant and his involvement was just about nil anyway.)
I’m in Indiana and when this was going down, it was all the local news could discuss. The outcome isn’t a shock at all. All smoke and mirrors.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
"... and the one thing his UN
speech made disturbingly clear is that his constant hyperbolic boasting isn't a shtick, it's authentic. That means it's a cognitive pathology... " – @UntimelyRippd
bing! exactly.
tRump is a sociopath if not a psychopath.
If it isn't about him it isn't. And, sadly, he's not alone. Most Repubs and too many Dims are of the same cloth. {sigh}
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Nobody does it better.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
What is it with you and bootlicking for capitalist pigs?
Do you get paid for it or do you get off on it?
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.