Asking for Help Blowing in the Wind [UPDATE]
[UPDATE] Heidi Heitcamp will vote No of K. For those on Twitter, please drop her a note thanking her as she is getting bombarded by red voters. You do not have to agree with her politics to say thank you for doing something that needed to be done when she is in a tight race to hold on to a blue seat.
I have resorted to Tweeting to deal with my dilemma. Not that I think it is near as effective as sending out a letter to each of the remaining senators who I wanted to reach, but I just could not face the wall that has been put in place to keep voters at bay (the required form needed to send an email).
Action is important right now. Please tweet to (or even call) Flake, Murkowski and Manchin today and tomorrow. Whether we like it or not, this is something they do tend to listen to and if they are only hearing from the right, then we lose yet another battle: That of standing up for what is correct.
Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions.
I do not think Senators can hear me from here at C99, so I just sent out emails to Sens Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Heidi Heitcamp. I had planned to send letters to several others including, but not limited to, Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski. However, I have kind of run into a wall. Most of the senators only have a form to fill out. This will not work as the letter is a bit longish and heavily formatted. The emails I did manage to get sent had to go to their schedulers, so I have no idea if the senators will actually receive them.
What I need:
I would like the community to suggest some ways (other than snail mail) that I can get this letter to these senators. Please note that I am not asking what I should do with this letter (to forestall some initial reactions of dark places to put it), but for help in contacting people.
Included in the letter is a piece by Benjamin Witte that I highly recommend everyone read. I also included a piece that I did in 2016 for c99. I am including the letter so that everyone will know I am not sending something inflammatory. The letter is written within a diplomatic frame.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Note: links are spelled out in case there a problem with emails not reading a hyperlink correctly.
I am writing to share with you an article regarding Brett Kavanaugh that you may not have had time to see.
The article is the most reasoned piece I have seen in recent weeks, and I am hoping that you will take the time to consider it. The article is by a conservative writer who may help clarify many aspects regarding your choice on Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
The article by Benjamin Wittes can be found at:
I would also like to draw your attention to the many organizations and individuals who have been withdrawing their support for Mr. Kavanaugh. These withdrawals for the most part are not based on the allegations by Dr. Ford and others, but on the extreme partisanship, untruths and lack of judicial demeanor shown by Mr. Kavanaugh.
There are plenty of conservative judges to pick from who have as good as or better records than Mr. Kavanaugh. Please do not allow someone who has shown this kind of disdain for our institutions to tarnish the reputation of the Supreme Court.
I would also like to share the following article from with you:
Republicans (or fill in the blank) are not the enemy.
We are...
• the enemy of change when we say it can’t be done.
• the enemy of truth when we disregard facts over the emotional argument.
• the enemy when we ignore our governments’ or our politicians’ shortcomings.
• the enemy when we do not celebrate the value of ALL people.
• the enemy of humanity when we do not recognize that labeling people does not make them the thing we ascribe to them. It only shows our disrespect for others who are not like us or do not believe as we do.
We are the enemy…
• when we don’t acknowledge that the “other” sends just as many of their children, if not more, to fight in wars not of their making as we do, and they die in equal, if not greater, numbers.
• when we don’t accept that the “other” is just as likely, if not more so, to assist another person in a time of need than we are.
• when we allow fear of “anyone who is not us” to affect our daily lives, to overwhelm our thoughts to the point of paralysis, or to dictate our personal and public policies.
• when we don’t fight to make sure that ALL people(s)—yes, this includes those we don’t agree with or are currently fighting--get enough to eat, have a safe place to sleep and get a decent education.
• when we don’t ensure fairness and justice for ALL—yes, even “Them.”
We are the enemy when…
• we ridicule or denigrate others for their beliefs, whether they are religious, political or something else. ("If we'd been born where they were born and taught what they were taught, we would believe what they believe."-- A sign inside a church in Northern Ireland, explaining the origin of intolerance and hate.)
• we think, believe or say “our side is better than your side” or any version thereof and do not acknowledge the positives and shortcomings of all sides.
• we judge others by our own limited standards (human beings by nature are limited).
• we continue to insist that it is the “other” who needs to change, not us, especially when the facts are contrary to what we espouse.
• we don’t recognize, understand and renounce our own hatreds.
We are the enemy when we…
• do not listen, really listen, with our minds open and unafraid.
• do not recognize parts of ourselves in the “other.”
• ascribe to others the parts of ourselves that we do not like.
• do not question, question, question.
• fail to understand that we are ALL part of a finite world.
We are the enemy when we do nothing.Integrity is in short supply lately. This letter is meant as a reminder that there are more important things than party loyalty: Things like a nation of people who have put their trust in you.

I cannot offer help but
I saw this news item today.
As I have posted here on several occasions, there are many red flags about Kavanaugh (outside the sexual assault claim) for which there is documented evidence. They include his numerous positions on the sovereignty of corporations versus real living human beings; his lack of sound financial management which goes to his judgment; and his lack of judicial temperament which was on display in the Senate committee hearings.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yes, that was one of the many articles (there a really large number of them) that I have seen and referred to in the letter I wrote. I was trying to keep the message relatively short so did not include links to those stories, in part also because I think senators have a staff that brings these things to their attention (or at least should).
K's record is suspect only to people of a liberal bent. Most of the senators that I am trying to reach are of a more moderate to conservative mind. Lol, as I said, I was trying to be diplomatic. I want them to read this stuff.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You want them to read it?
I know you discounted snail mail, but I believe you stand a better chance of actual, human eyes gazing upon your missive if you use it. I base this upon my own experience; of course others may have lesser success.
I realize that time is important. However, the USPS is actually fairly fast in delivering letters. Depending on your location, it may take only a day, or up to three or four before delivery.
Should you decide to use snail mail, I would advise that you hand write the letter (probably best) or use a genuine type-writer. Personally, I use a typewriter. They are now so novel that my letters get attention. In fact, when I send typewritten letters to my friends, they tell me that they can't seem to even throw them away.
I realize that few these days have access to a typewriter, but you could always print out a letter on a modern printer. A real typewriter seems to have a lot more impact, however. If your penmanship is not so good, just using a printer would be a good call.
I agree with snail mail
A registered letter? Don't know if that is better.
Also, there are some here who are talented twitter users (Steven D is one). It seems like I suck at twitter . . . don't put much time into it so I guess it shows. But . . . some messages go far with twitter.
Your letter is beautiful IMO. Non-judgemental and soulful.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Actually, my first thought was Twitter as these
people seem to pay attention (at least somewhat) to that platform. However, I do not really know how to use it very well either. I tried to look up how to send a private Tweet and got conflicting information. Also the length is somewhat prohibitive unless I break it down into little soundbites which I think would be much less effective.
Thank you!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The reason that I discounted snail mail is
because I do not go out often (generally two times a month) and getting to the post office is a real chore even though it is relatively close by. Putting it out for my postal carrier is not a particularly good way in my neighborhood to ensure mail is actually sent.
Lol, I do still have a typewriter albeit electronic, and my handwriting is so atrocious to the point that more than half the time I cannot read it. I use a computer mostly because I am very prone to typos and re-writes.
Thank you!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I'm sorry your options are limited.
It makes me appreciate your effort even more. All the best to you.
Action wins
Sounds as though some electronic means is called for in your case. In any event, doing it - no matter what delivery method is used - is better than not doing it at all! Kudos to you!
I will do it,
I am still working out how. I am really annoyed at politicians that make you jump through hoops to get messages to them. It seems to me like one more degree of separation.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Annoying at the least
If I didn't know better, I'd almost think they don't really want to hear from us...
Maybe we can send them a form that they must fill out to get our vote. Then tell them, my staff will get back to you.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Thank you WindDancer
This is a great letter that deserves to be read and considered by the senators. To try and ensure greater attention to your email I would suggest you consider starting with the following part because it is more personal and earnest:
“Republicans (or fill in the blank) are not the enemy.
We are...
• the enemy of change when we say it can’t be done.
• the enemy of truth when we disregard facts over the emotional argument.
• the enemy when we ignore our governments’ or our politicians’ shortcomings.
• the enemy when we do not celebrate the value of ALL people.
• the enemy of humanity when we do not recognize that labeling people does not make them the thing we ascribe to them. It only shows our disrespect for others who are not like us or do not believe as we do.
When I went to contact Joe Manchin I was able to copy your entire email and paste it into the ‘send message’ box in its entirety and original format, so it should work for you I would think.
Good luck
ps. every time I see your screen name I think of this artist ...
Ooooohhhhh, thanks so much for the video!
That is so wonderful! Now I have been distracted finding more about him. = ) Not sure why, but in my writings I use WindDancer and in my art work I use LmWolfSpirit, but it may have to do with some issues that I state below. I am glad that my name reminds you of such a wonderful sight.
Thank you for checking on that. I will give it a lot of thought as I really need to do this by tomorrow at the latest. I failed to reveal that due to my PTSD and anxiety issues that one of things holding me back from using forms is the amount of information they ask for (maybe I should have just said my paranoia and need for privacy). By tomorrow, because I feel this is urgent, I may very well bring myself to use the forms.
Thanks again. . . for everything.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Do what feels most comfortable to you.
Maybe it's good enough to have expressed yourself and shared it here.
Thank you, and I'm glad you enjoyed the Sand Dancer.
I am glad that others posted suggestions for I have none.
However, your musical selection made me itch to post a song by Dietrich that I encountered during a film course that I audited for enjoyment--and enjoy it, I did.
The film is Blue Angel (1930). The song is Falling in Love Again. The costume is nowhere near as sassy as an under thirty Dietrich.
Thank you for sharing the clip
It has been a long time since I have seen any of the movies. That was a favorite past time for me growing up . . .B&W films. I still enjoy them, but rarely watch anything long any more.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You're welcome. I believe that the folks who did
Cabaret had seen Blue Angel.
That would explain the flashback
to Cabaret while watching the clip = )
PS: The writer of Cabaret just died on 9/28.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The similarity is all I had to go on.. However, there were
things in the cabaret scenes of Cabaret that made me think, "Were they really that raw in the 1930s in Germany? And Blue Angel said, "Yes, HAW, dear, and then some."