Interesting Tweet From Anonymous Scandinavia
Does this mean that the Wikileaks' deadman's switch is real and being readied to be released?
With reference to:
and concerning #SafePassage for Mr. @JulianAssange with #NoExpulsion, we have deemed it necessary to post this video, originally uploaded on YouTube on 5th April.Link to original video and transcript follows shortly
— Anonymous Scandinavia #ReconnectAssange #ActNow(@AnonScan) July 21, 2018
Are the numbers the code to the deadman's switch or a code for anyone who has access to it and telling them to get ready to release it? I guess that we will find out if Orr when Assange comes out of the embassy.
Glenn Greenwald's article talks about what could happen if Assange is arrested by the U.K. police and how long it would take for him to be extradited from the U.K. to the US. He says that it could take years, but Julian would remain in prison during that time.
The central oddity of Assange’s case – that he has been effectively imprisoned for eight years despite never having been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crime – is virtually certain to be prolonged once Ecuador hands him over to the U.K. Even under the best-case scenario, it appears highly likely that Assange will continue to be imprisoned by British authorities.
The only known criminal proceeding Assange currently faces is a pending 2012 arrest warrant for “failure to surrender” – basically a minor bail violation charge that arose when he obtained asylum from Ecuador rather than complying with bail conditions by returning to court for a hearing on his attempt to resist extradition to Sweden.
That charge carries a prison term of three months and a fine, though it is possible that the time Assange has already spent in prison in the UK could be counted against that sentence. In 2010, Assange was imprisoned in Wandsworth Prison, kept in isolation, for 10 days until he was released on bail; he was then under house arrest for 550 days at the home of a supporter.

Truth tellers NOT allowed!
What a web we weave....
I'm so sorry for Julian.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great quotes
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
This problem with Assange
and what governments do to him or do with him has the possibility of changing the damn world.
This is the moment in history where we, the people, know the truth, or we are told by the PTB what we need to know.
This is it.
He is in danger, even in prison. The guards will turn a blind eye, doctors will arrive late.
This is the beginning of the end.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Otc, As long as most of those who know the truth
I know...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Lots of ideas out there.
There's no place to really talk about it and organize it. I recently tried contacting Occupy Portland, which seems to still be active on facebook, but no bites there.
Heh, I asked them if anyone was interested in a real revolution. Talk about desperate eh.
Refusing to accept the official story on 9/11 (and other dubious
government accounts of events since 11/22/1963), and saying so openly, might be a start.
“Resisting” a system while continuing to cling to its key narratives is no resistance at all.
People say Trump is a traitor who is ignoring a Russian attack — how much more, then, is everyone a traitor who dismisses examination of the real attack on 9/11?
How about LBJ as a traitor for covering up the real attack on the USS Liberty in 1967?
Make 9/11 the litmus test
A lot of people think they're resistors but in the end they're just hypocrites.
E.g. Dems are against Rudy Giuliani now cuz he’s pals with Trump
A few of us already saw what Rudy Giuliani was, and what appointees of his like Bernard Kerik were, back when 9/11 was fresh and Dems in New York and media across the country were hailing Giuliani as “America’s mayor.”
Events like 9/11 or the 2008 financial crisis are what power in the U.S. runs on. Being able to stage-manage and choreograph such events is what the system is really good at, what the system is designed for, what the system is all about.
Just my two
centskopecks, of course.@Big Al Russiagate is my
But 9/11 is a really good litmus test too. People get really squirrely and uncomfortable when I start talking about it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
One self-contradictory thing about Russiagate as Trump scandal:
While Russia was supposedly doing all this, who, then, was clearly being derelict in guarding the door and minding the store?
Why, none other than Trump accusers and Obama appointees Brennan, Clapper, and Comey.
Where was the U.S. Cyber Command under Obama’s appointee, Mike Rogers (who succeeded Keith Alexander, the NSA chief who wanted his command center to look like the captain’s bridge in Star Trek and actually had an architect design one at taxpayer expense)?
Obama and his “intelligence community” — if not complicit, at least asleep at the switch while “Russia, Russia, Russia” was supposedly going on?
Many people who mock others for questioning 9/11
nowadays can be found exhorting those same others to join them in some kind of movement, some kind of “revolution.”
It would seem to me that if they’re not ready to question 9/11, they’re probably still quite a ways off from being ready for revolution.
You might as well question Pearl Harbor, then.
Some folks also say the attack on Pearl Harbor was a ruse to get the US to enter World War 2 to rescue key Nazi assets before Germany was bombed to oblivion (meanwhile, Stalin kicked Japan's ass via the invasion of Manchuria).
Why not just save a step and say that every war the US has ever started was based on lies and be done with it? After all, that's how America, even capitalism, have always worked.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
@The Aspie Corner Because
That's my world, and my values. Other people's values may vary. I am unlikely to give up these values any time soon.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Hell the blue prints for 9/11 have been known for decades
Sociopaths created the plan for 9/11 with Operation Northwoods.
The article shows how little lives matter to people who love to send others to their deaths while they sit home and watch as their wallets get fatter.
Russia Gate's end game will have the same effect. Men and women from NATO countries would be sent into Russia to overthrow Vlad so that our country can get back to raping Russian assets that Putin's election put a stop to. Anyone doubt that Wikileaks would release information that will show that the concept of Putin's interference with the election to make Trump president was just a pretext for regime change in Russia. But then would people even believe it? It was plain that the reasons for the Iraq, Libyan, Syrian and all the other wars were based on lies, but people refused to believe it. Besides, the media has been telling us that Julian was a rapist and that he was working with Vlad to stop Hillary from being president.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think that this is the only thing that is going to work for us to stop them from sh*tting on us. There has to be enough people willing to do that though or the PTB will just throw our asses into their concentration camps. Think that they are only for immigrants? Nope. They are just starting with them.
And you are absolutely right about his arrest and being charged under the espionage act will change the world. Journalists will not take the risk of publishing stories about anything that the PTB don't want people to know about. In my other essay about this it stated that Obama's decision not to arrest him was because it would go against the first amendment and that was why Biden accused Assange of being "a Russian terrorist." That is one of the ever expanding reasons for Russia Gate. If he is a terrorist then no interference with the first amendment.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Two journalists have a plan
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
@on the cusp Like Barrett Brown, he's
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
i did follow the #conditionred hashtag
and it's a loaded account right now. but i did find this video w/ a dude doing a bit of translation of the anon scandinavia alert...except that he whizzed right by the alpahanumeric code. the private security team, etc. is confusing, but so is te implication that he's already out of the embassy.
BUT*: he did say that randy credico's been retweeting it, and yep, he has, but he'd also reTweeteed this, whatever it means. (it wouldn't embed)
the #conditionred account also had suzie dawson's livestream meeting to make further plans (non-violent, etc.) which tweet i'd brought to your yesterday coverage.
this may be what they'd decided. james cogan again:
"Protests are being organised in London and internationally in response to credible sources claiming that the Ecuadorian government is on the verge of reneging on the political asylum it granted to WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange and handing him to British police.
The protest in London will be taking place at 10am, Monday, July 23, at the Ecuadorian embassy. Protests in other cities have been called at US embassies and consulates, to take place the day after Assange was evicted. Rallies are organised so far in Melbourne, Australia; Wellington, New Zealand; Paris; and Los Angeles. Click here for details."
oh, and randy credico had highlighted some of the upcoming protests. all of them seem to be based in time *after* it's known he'd been evicted; who will know, and why not now? (not to look a gift horse in the mouth rather uncharitably...)
@wendy davis I think we'll all know;
Aside from simple revenge, this is being done to discourage imitators.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
They'll find something else to charge him with.
Fret not. That they can indict a foreign intelligence service for hacking across borders proves they haven't lost their imagination for finding new ways to screw their perceived enemies.
my apologies for being overly-represented on this thread,
but i wanted to add a couple other things. i thought i'd remember that IF the code is an activated dead-man's switch enabling a massive document dump (andoh, it would be massive), then it would be at pastebin, yes? but clicking in there brought be nowhere, as one must even need a code or password to see where documents are. of course, that code might be another case of 'pre-insuance', as in 2016...
so, i went back to a couple things i'd chronicled at the café to check where was that he and trevor timm had their 'communications' over wikiLeaks having been unceremoniously pushed out the same 'freedom of the press foundation' that he, john perry barlow, and later other good folks and attorneys. 'Julian Assange Responds to the Freedom of the Press Foundation Cutting WL Loose'
and yes, it was at pastebin, with extra alphanumerics. FPF prez trevor timm's response it there, as well. it's a hard read for people who are uncomfortable w/their heroes being shown w/ clay feet, but as i remember it, he'd said that none of the board members had objected to their move.
but someone on your last thread had asked why their aren't other organizations like wikileaks (or close to that), and yes, there is at least one: Secure Drop, which creation was purported to be one of the reasons cited for FPF (anonymizing contributions, etc.)
“Much had changed since the foundation was formed. Today it has a $1.5 million annual budget and a staff of 15. Taking donations for WikiLeaks and other groups has become only a tiny part of the foundation’s work. In 2013, for example, the foundation took over development of SecureDrop, an open-source tool designed to make it safer for whistleblowers to submit information to reporters. Under the foundation’s stewardship, SecureDrop today is running in dozens of newsrooms, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, Bloomberg, ProPublica, The New Yorker, and The Intercept..”
I appreciate your input, Wendy
I have been following some of the tweets you have posted and found one that showed that furniture is being removed from the embassy so keep posting. I'll see if I can find it again
There are some good tweets in this common dreams article on Assange.
I remember when Jesselyn Radack used to post a lot of great diaries on ToP and the way she was treated was horrible and they ran her off, but par for the course for those that told the truth there. Bunch of wankers!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
yes, i'd linked to it above,
here it is.
#CodeRed “Furniture is being removed from embassy of #Ecuador in #London amid #Assange asylum withdrawal”
i'll try again embed it.
ah, i removed some of the emojis or whatever they are. success.
please know that i'll offend most of you when i say 'fuck glenn greenwald'. he and snowden have played good whistleblower v. bad whistleblow (wikileaks, ssange) for a long, long time. folks at the café had reluctantly twigged when i'd played the video at the aukland town hall, both of them and kim and done it again, but hadn't seen julian's expression in the jumbo screen at their backs. and please, if any of you can stand it, ask for the most recent iteration of the same, and i'll bring it.
it's always bowled me over that julian and wikileaks show such solidarity w/ them, but that's the way he rolls, and good on him, i guess.
@wendy davis I thought SecureDrop, or
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
indeed it was based on aaron swartz's open source code;
what a fine memory you have. now i dunno the timing of it, but the wiki says "It was originally designed and developed by Aaron Swartz and Kevin Poulsen under the name DeadDrop. James Dolan also co-created the software", and of course swartz apparently committed suicide in jan. 2013.
assange had said in that pastebin communication:
“Through a Daily Beast article by "Kevin Poulsen", who interviewed
former FPF board member Xeni Jardin, I learned that the board's
weakening resolve is due to a Micah Lee initiative asking his fellow
board members to "cut ties" with WikiLeaks.
Poulsen is a key actor in the imprisonment of Chelsea Manning, and
a confidant of Adrian Lamo. Poulsen and Lee have both been developers
of SecureDrop. Poulsen manipulated the alleged Manning-Assange chat
logs in an attempt to frame WikiLeaks ...” asshole lamo's dead now of course, overdose of meth, reportedly.
now that the FPF has taken it over, and it serves:
“SecureDrop today is running in dozens of newsrooms, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, Bloomberg, ProPublica, The New Yorker, and The Intercept..”
gee, feel the PropOrNot burn of it? yeah, something's wrong at first look media, all right. how many fearless investigative journalists have they corralled by now? 83? we might wonder if the plan is to control the news, by now. and pierre's $250,000 doesn't seem to have lasted long; the place begs for CONtributions, lol.
now i can't say, but did reality winner submit her nsa document to the intercept via secure drop? they inadvertently burned her, and she's serving six years in prison under a plea deal, iirc. but the intercept gave her money for her defense, how kind of them.
@wendy davis Well, unlike many
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@wendy davis I remember everything
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@wendy davis Do we know for sure
If she is, maybe she is just the stupidest person in the world. Anybody who would risk their freedom to leak that press release is an idiot.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
later i began considering more, for instance, not just the
ho-hum media secure drop serves, but some of this ungodly interview at comon dreams and the non-interruptus:
in answer to naomi klein:
“GG: It’s interesting, this burn it down model. I remember one of the first distinctions that Edward Snowden drew when we met in Hong Kong — not to keep drawing this Assange-Snowden distinction, but it’s one that is actually quite fundamental that I think a lot people have overlooked.
He made a fascinating point when I asked him: You have this incredibly sweeping trove of unimaginably sensitive information, which if published on the internet would instantly destroy huge numbers of U.S. surveillance programs, including ones you strongly dislike. Why didn’t you just do that? Why didn’t you just upload it to the internet? Why did you need to work with us, to have journalists as the middleman and mediators to process this information and take the decision-making out of your hands about what the public will and won’t see?
And he said: Think about how incredibly sociopathic, how narcissistic it would be for me, Edward Snowden, to decide that I have the right, singlehandedly, to destroy all of these programs simply because I don’t like them.
He said he doesn’t want to destroy anything, that his goal instead is to take the information that gives human beings around the world the ability to know what it is their governments are doing, what is being done to the internet, so that those people, democratically and collectively, can make that choice about should these programs continue? In what form? Do we need safeguards? Do we need pushback? Do we need citizen movement? All of that. He felt very uncomfortable with the idea that his role could ever be anything other than facilitator of information that allows others to make that choice.
'yep, he'd famously said that he'd just wanted to start a conversation. let people vote on whether they wanted to be spied on]
I think Julian quite clearly views himself and his activism in a much more, I guess you could call it aggressive, and even solitary way. That he is content and does believe he has the prerogative to burn things down — and sometimes institutions that are real acts of evil — and when they burn down, that you can argue it is actually an event of good in the world.”
why do you think none of the FPF board didn’t object to Wikileaks being ‘cut loose’ from funneled anonymous contributions as wikileaks had just published the dnc and podesta emails, and was in the midst of publishing the CIA files?
@wendy davis I think Greenwald,
My real take on Greenwald is that he's always been equal parts principle and self-interest. IOW, he was in favor of the principles Snowden took risks for, and he was willing to take risks for them too, but he was also happy to make money off speeches and books, and happy to get visibility for himself--and if the big boys really put the clamp down on him and threatened to destroy his life, he would almost certainly cave. I'm not offended by that kind of person. I'm pretty close to being that kind of person (absent the desire to be on TV and give talks). But it becomes important to ascertain, as much as we can, the moment when capitulation happens and the person in question becomes compromised.
As I've said elsewhere, I don't believe the whole Snowden thing is a big psy-op; the shitfit the Deep State was throwing in European airspace seemed pretty authentic to me. But neither of them were revolutionaries. Julian is basically a revolutionary, in that he simply won't lie.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
i looked many times back at this thread in hopes that you
may have responded, yet here you are this morning. while i honor you intelligence and senses often, i'd like to respond to/challenge at least some of your beliefs and contentions.
thing is, my tit is in a time-wringer now in several directions (and yes, i have, and yes it hurts like holy hell, but there the metaphor.stops. a new emergency diary, one i'm working on for Gawd, so to speak, stuff galore in RL, etc. unless you can suggest otherwise, keep looking back for new comments...sometime?
@wendy davis Sure, no problem.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
the conventional wisdom on ed snowden
is that ‘he risked his life to bring the NSA documents to light!’ but he claims that he didn’t have the right to burn it all down by dumping the files on the internet? hooey, i say; would it have done so? so...he and GG carefully ‘curated’ the files, as though in a museum, and snowden claimed he’d read every one of them, more hooey. and what percentage did they actually publish?
in 2017 b at MOA did a bit of an exposé himself, seriously worth reading, imo, although there are others.
“Snowden had copies of some 20,000 to 58,000 NSA files. Only 1,182 have been published. Bezos and Omidyar obviously helped the NSA to keep more than 95% of the Snowden archive away from the public. The Snowden papers were practically privatized into trusted hands of Silicon Valley billionaires with ties to the various secret services and the Obama administration.
It would have been reasonable if the cooperation between those billionaires and the intelligence agencies had stopped after the NSA leaks were secured. But it seems that strong cooperation of the Bezos and Omidyar outlets with the CIA and others continue.
The Intercept burned a intelligence leaker, Realty Winner, who had trusted its journalists to keep her protected. It smeared the President of Syria as neo-nazi based on an (intentional?) mistranslation of one of his speeches. It additionally hired a Syrian supporter of the CIA's "regime change by Jihadis" in Syria. Despite its pretense of "fearless, adversarial journalism" it hardly deviates from U.S. policies.”
later, after referencing the cia’s ‘operation mockingbird’, this:
"The method of control has likely changed. The handling of the Snowden affair lets one assume that the CIA induces billionaires to buy up media and to implement the CIA's favored policies through them. We do not know what the billionaires get for their service. The CIA surely has many ways to let them gain information on their competition or to influence business regulations in foreign countries. One hand will wash the other.”
and the joint extolled the virtues of the white helmets psyops, his assange hard at least three times...and lied. but yeah, imo, they bat for the Empire, and it sucks, they suck. what do they NOT publish is the larger question? “oh, no ‘pierre’ lets us alone!”; jeremy scahill whom i used to admire did the worst at answering, close to: ‘oh, sure, i have to run every story by ‘pierre’... have they published anything on ukraine? pierre has a hella lot of interests there...
but i guess i see snowden’s nsa files revelations as a limited hangout although i was loth to see it earlier, and i say that after writing up many for the reader’s diaries at firedoglake; i’d put up the docs, then the tech nerds would explain them. ack, i just checked my oeuvre there, and it's 56 pages worth. but trust me on it. but i also began realizing that keeping the eyes on the NSA bulk collection prize was a deflection, as dhs, cia, fbi, dea, and other state security fascist orgs were keeping track, then increasingly bezo’s cloud services and social networking sites were and increasingly are as well.
but you may remember when the vaunted 'drip, drip' of the revelations...stopped? ‘Glenn Greenwald: ‘…it’s just kind of time for me to do other things’, café babylon, july 15, 2014
but i reckon my bottom line is anyone who is a champion for GG and snowden have to engage in some serious willful blindness (or acute ignorance) if they’re also dogged champions of julian assange at the same time. caitoz just put up two tweets in that regard a couple days ago that made my chuckle w/ the irony of it all.
oh, lordie, i just recalled that putin-hating masha gessen is in the Inrecept's stable too. the place is soooo like democracy now! these days.
but what did greenwald actually risk? yeah, his boyfriend’s plane was forced to land and searched (ostensibly for snowden), but greenwald freely travels anywhere he wants. and he was just in russia and saw snowden, took a few selfies...i’m not even sure i’m buying the reason he claimed to have gone there, myself.
but seriously: given what both snowden and GG have done to smear julian assange as a ‘burn it down loose cannon doxer’, would he be in the position he is in now? perhaps, but they sure helped to frame him.
on reality winner, i can’t say, but the intercept said they’d published the do to ’warn the public’, ah, the quote i'd grabbed must be on a different word doc. but they Chose to publish it, for whatever reasons...and burned her. psyop? beats me. anyway, i realize i’m rather radical about all this, but GG (“citizens united was correctly decided”) seriously burns my cookies.
and wsws is reporting that 10 good and doughty folks showed up at the london moreno protest outside the 'disability summit'.
anyhoo, gotta scoot; Gawd’s work is calling my name, smile. best to you,
@wendy davis A lot to respond
“Snowden had copies of some 20,000 to 58,000 NSA files. Only 1,182 have been published. Bezos and Omidyar obviously helped the NSA to keep more than 95% of the Snowden archive away from the public.
As you may recall, Omidyar was not even in the picture when the revelations were made. The Intercept did not exist. Omidyar was probably the damage control brought in to make sure things didn't get out of hand, and The Intercept was his tool to do so.
But it's worth remembering that Snowden did not put his files in the hands of Pierre Omidyar or Jeff Bezos; Snowden put his files in the hands of Greenwald and Poitras. Poitras, IMO, is trustworthy; Greenwald less so, in that he's more susceptible to various kinds of pressure and was probably willing to cut a deal, as below:
but you may remember when the vaunted 'drip, drip' of the revelations...stopped? ‘Glenn Greenwald: ‘…it’s just kind of time for me to do other things’, café babylon, july 15, 2014
Yeah, five months after The Intercept was founded.
but what did greenwald actually risk? yeah, his boyfriend’s plane was forced to land and searched (ostensibly for snowden), but greenwald freely travels anywhere he wants. and he was just in russia and saw snowden, took a few selfies...i’m not even sure i’m buying the reason he claimed to have gone there, myself.
*Now* he can do whatever he wants, sure. He's been re-absorbed. Managed, or, at least, mostly managed. He does still say some things the establishment doesn't appreciate, such as coming out against PropOrNot, and coming out against Russiagate itself on various occasions. But he's managed. We probably won't hear more about the Snowden files.
I'll say straight up that I don't think what happened with his partner was the turning point where he got compromised. HOWEVER, I would never take what happened there lightly. I think it was clearly a warning, and a serious one. His partner was detained for hours and all his digital devices seized. Sorry, I still think that stuff was for real, and I think it was a warning to Greenwald. Look at their faces:
Click on the video
Another piece of this that hasn't been discussed much is the velvet coup that happened in Brazil. Yeah, I know that many socialists, including at the WSWS, had nothing but contempt for pretty much all the lefty efforts in South America, with the possible exception of Bolivia, but Greenwald and his partner could have counted on some level of protection from the Brazilian government (his partner said as much). Now, they've got garbage. Brazil back then was in a coalition of governments that did not always do what the U.S. wanted. Now, well, we've got Bolivia and an embattled Venezuela. Ecuador and Brazil are managed. We're moving back into more of an 80s political framework. That's not good for Greenwald.
Now, of course I think he was digested a couple years before that, but that political shift would have sealed the deal, probably forever.
What was it that made him cave? No idea. But it's safe to say it happened in 2014.
I'll respond to more later; gotta get ready for a veternarian visit I'm not looking forward to. I'm going to have to start facing, soon, that my eighteen-year-old kitty is near the end of her life. I'm hoping she'll live till next spring or early summer, but it's possible it'll be sooner. Cross your fingers for the best result possible.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@wendy davis I'll just drop
The Intercept burned a intelligence leaker, Realty Winner, who had trusted its journalists to keep her protected. It smeared the President of Syria as neo-nazi based on an (intentional?) mistranslation of one of his speeches. It additionally hired a Syrian supporter of the CIA's "regime change by Jihadis" in Syria. Despite its pretense of "fearless, adversarial journalism" it hardly deviates from U.S. policies.”
I have a very hard time believing in Reality Winner as anything but a psy-op. Her leak was ridiculous. Nobody with a shred of intelligence would have leaked a file of the NSA telling itself, mostly sans evidence, that yes, Russia hijacked the election. The leak was little different than what was in the media already. I would be inclined to believe that the "burn" of that "leaker" was intended as a deterrent to would-be leakers, sort of a side dish to the main course of that psy-op, which was "See, Russiagate is true, because Reality Winner leaked it and then got put in jail! It *must* be true!"
As for the politics of the Intercept, yes, of course. Early on, a lot of people left the Intercept, aren't I remembering that right? Probably they joined and then saw it for what it really was.
Apparently Nazis are only OK when they're Ukrainian.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
i'll apologize again, snoopydawg or being a thread-killer, and
going ballistic over greenwald, snowden, the intercept, and naomi klein's constant attacks on julian as 'the bad whistleblower' and is now doing all this virtue-signalizing rubbish. but at least GG often tweets: 'no matter what you think about wikileaks', yada, yada. julian is anti-imperialist, anti-war, and does not check with the security state and military before naming names, such as country x. if the subtweets don't show up, iirc, if you click it to make it stand alone, you'll see his belief system in action.
best to you, snoopydawg; you are a steadfast defender of assange.
re. Radack and VIPS
I found it amazing that she and Drake led the dissent in VIPS against the report that Binney and company authored - a view that Drake has since said he was wrong and now agrees with Binney.
I also found this interesting from Kevin Gosztola (who in my opinion, has consistently done the best whistleblower reporting of any journalist in America - esp re. Manning and Realitywinner) - but the guy featured in this article, was WikiLeaks/Assange's US PR rep - and also repped Manning etc and was apparently pivotal in promoting/defending the Snowden disclosures - it just makes me wonder what the hell is going on....
That is a confusing article
I read that and then followed a link in it to another one, but I think that they do agree with what VIPS did find out about whether it was a leak or a hack, it was just that that there were a few questions about the dates of the downloads such as whether they were done before the date that CrowdStrike stated the event happened. And that it's possible that the DNC computers information was downloaded earlier. Or something. But the gist I got from it is that they don't believe that the intelligence agencies had provided any evidence that they were hacked nor proven that it was Russia that did the deed, but they do agree that there was no Russian hack. But then this is definitely confusing to me so "what the Hell is going on is good question.,
As to the first one that you posted that Kevin wrote it took me to an article about Radack facing a lawsuit that alleges she filed and promoted false allegations of rape and sexual assault against Trevor Fitzgibbon. Is this the one you meant or another one he wrote? The last one is about a Confederate flag tumult.
I'm just as confused as you are. Thanks for your thoughts.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg the thing that was
this. I think Vos has done good work here documenting the smears and takedown of WL and their core staff/support infrastructure - esp in the US with Appelbaum and the guy Radack accused. By looking at the Shadowproof piece on the lawsuit, it seems as though something clearly doesn't add up. This is from Vos that I found most interesting.
the thing that was weird on the Radack accusations of FitzGibbon was stumbling upon"Disobedient Media spoke with a member of the intelligence community who wished to remain anonymous, who stated that the allegations against Fitzgibbon appeared to be contrived as opposed to organic. They further stated that the efforts were likely “highly organized and well funded.” The anonymous intelligence source emphasized that the rapidity with which staff from Fitzgibbon’s PR firm found work at six different entities, was in their words: “very uncharacteristic of ‘natural’ events of this kind.”
The anonymous source further explained to Disobedient Media that there is a very clear difference between organic events in response to a scandal, versus an organized event. They placed the destruction of Fitzgibbon’s character firmly in the latter category.
Trevor FitzGibbon represented Wikileaks, Assange, Chelsea Manning, and other whistleblowers.
Another indication of the contrived nature of allegations against Fitzgibbon can be seen in the fact that a jaw-dropping 72 national organizations pledged to never work with him again, within days of the U.S. Attorney’s Office refusal to press charges. At least one of Fitzgibbon’s former staff also found employment with David Brock’s controversial group Media Matters."
Blacklisted by 72 national organizations 48 hrs after being cleared by the AUSA? That doesn't just happen without some powerful forces behind it.
Hence, my question: WTF is going on....
@bradleyleigh Sounds like Jessalyn
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@bradleyleigh Thanks so much for
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal Elizabeth Vos, Adam
@bradleyleigh I trust Drake more than
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
given that kevin was dying to be hired by
'the intercept'
ingthenews...i was glad to learn that he'd kinda screwed up by representing himself as on staff, rather than...'hoping to pitch them a story' or something more truthful, and they'd pounced on him.he's much better off where he is after accepting jane hamsher's keys from firedoglake, imo.
Not overly represented ~ invaluable
from anon scandinavia:
for some reason the media isn't showing up.