Thoughts on c99 organizational priorities
I have no idea who’s in charge here – and I like it that way. I know JtC and dkmich are big kahunas and that’s all I know. Anyway, we exchanged some ideas of priorities this morning. Here’s a primer, if it would be useful, for us to discuss these matters. Consider it a soccer ball and we’ll punt it around until it takes on the shape we like. A lifetime ago, I was a brash young management consultant, specializing in strategic planning. I was full of beans and even fuller of sh*t, but I’m younger now. I’ve forgotten all the details, but I still think in those ways. So here goes, in descending order of importance, I suppose.
1. Mission: causus99percent (c99*) promotes the progressive movement in North America.
2. C99 provides a forum for progressives to discuss their highest priorities, such as promotion of:
• climate change: activism, green issues, sustainability, self-sufficiency, etc.
• activism for democracy, democratic institutions and practices
• progressive politics: politicians, support systems, foreign affairs, and military
• democratic socialism over oligarchic capitalism
• private enterprise within a democratic socialist framework: e.g. postal banking, co-operatives over corporations, entrepreneurship education, etc.
• local activism and activist organizations, such as BLM, DFA,, etc.
• nonviolent resistance to domination, modeled on MLK, Gandhi , and others
• youth, minority, and female socio-cultural-political engagement
• the work of other progressive blogs and organizations
3. The internal organization of C99 has the following priorities:
• Code of civility
• Site management
• Who’s in charge of what, if anyone
• Contact names for whatever, e.g. JtC for code questions and so on
• Funding matters
• Discipline
• And whatnot else
4. A list of regular articles* as of March 2016 are (with times and days):
• Daily Open Thread
• Evening Blues
• Hellraisers Journal
• Whatever else
Note: once we figure out our priorities, we gotta look for folks who will contribute regular articles on those themes. We need an environmental/green/climate section, as an example.
5. Once we have these things in place, we could call on folks for individual written contributions. Here’s an example of ideas I’m pondering.
For myself, I am interested in nonviolent resistance to domination. I am particularly occupied by the historical lessons, philosophy, and spirituality of NVR. If you folks want, I will contribute essays on such topics.
I'm also interested in protest music and will contribute essays with Jayrae on Saturdays.
I'm interested in mental health issues, particularly PTSD and the psychology of the oppressed. I could contribute on such topics over time
6. A way to create a growing library on the site of resources on c99 priorities
I dunno.
7. Whatever all I forgot!
Have at it!
* or whatever ☺
* anything but “diary” please!
I hope this is helpful. Ignore it if it isn't, eh.
Peace be with us, if we work for it with peaceful hearts,

Nice work, thanks for doing it.
I appreciate your taking the trouble to compile a list of topics. This will be a good beginning for discussion.
I'm still at the top of your diary, because I had to jump down here and say something about your first heading. IMO, it's too early to write a Mission Statement, even if it's just there as a suggestion. My reason(s)? There are around 1000 members here now, with about 800 of them brand new. The discussion I saw today (good discussion, in only 1 thread) involved only about 20-30 people (that I saw). Even if more have voiced opinions in other diaries (which I expect is the case), have those opinions been collected and discussed?
A lot of new members aren't even fully engaged here yet (that I have seen); many are still disoriented and distressed from their recent transition (or dual membership). Many are fully engaged in Primary work and literally cannot afford the kind of thought, discussion, and time investment the process will take.
I think we need time to bring up ideas and discuss them in order to move toward a 'sense of the (new) group. I'd like to first hear more from the c99 'originals' -- the around 215 people who were here before March 4 -- and especially from the founders, to learn about their original intentions and how they developed their 'ways and means', and what *they'd* like to see this community develop into.
And note I said 'what they'd like to see what the *community*, not the site, develop into. Fromwhat I know of the founders and their earliest discussions, they were much more concerned about what kind a *community* they would form, with 'the site' being conceived more as a vessel for the community (as I recall and I may be mistaken. Which is why I think we need their input as the basis of any discussion of future planning. They are, after all the 'original settlers'.)
So imo, I would much prefer to see 'Mission Statement (to be determined)' at the top of any list, to allow the 'originals' and the 'immigrants' -- and the issues themselves -- plenty of time to think and discuss.
My 2 cents. (for those who remember: Don't you miss the cent-mark key?)
Brand new here.
I totally agree with your post, especially this part:
Sure thing. I found the member list thing. I got here on
4 March and I'm #239. So I miss your founders cut-off. No worries, I'll keep contributing and you folks can figure out what we're about when it's the right time. Cheers,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
::chuckle:: If we're gonna play the ID# game, I'm 1829
(And I must say I like the style of women's dresses that year. Kinda Jane Austen, if ya didn't know.)
I'm just expressing my opinion that the 'original settlers' -- who kept a small group of former Kossacks communicating until they built this Island -- had a year or so (precise number, anyone?) to develop their consensus of what they intended this community, and this site, to be. Although I'm sure they welcome us newcomers, and want us to become participants in the community and the site, in my opinion they deserve the respect I think they've earned by starting this site, and we owe them the respect of listening to them talk about their original intentions and especially what values and practices they'd like to see continue into the site's future.
Then we can build the future together.
Sigh. I'm not playing a game. You mentioned it and I looked
for it on the site. I told you I was satisfied with your points. I put something together and said to use it or not if it's not useful. If it's not, it doesn't matter. Life goes too fast.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thanks cronewit
Actually caucus99persent is the offspring?, final result more then a year. It morphed into this from a group of people who needed a lifeboat that we could use to build a site that was about something more then partisan politics ala dkos. Issues and policy and community we're discussed without self or internal censorship or partisanship. We started out posting on g-mail and and after several moves and attempts Johnny the Conqueroo created this user friendly site. I can't speak of the other original life-boaters but I found it the most liberating place to communicate and generally.
We are democratic but not necessarily Democratic some are some are not. We have always been able to speak freely and openly rants are welcome. Some of us were in the 'What's Happening' DFH group on dkos some were former Docudrama participants and members. The tie that seems to bind is a mutual interest in building a safe community where issues, global news, policy and every other topic under the sun or even in the universe can be freely written about and discussed. How liberating not to be tied to partisanship and all that bs. jazz. How wonderful not anchored to dkos or any freaking establishment Democratic political online organizing Democratic blog.
Jeeze I should have written a diary as this comment is too many words
Speaking for myself I want a real political revolution one that's not sanctioned by the totally sold out corrupt Democratic party regardless of the fake powerless so called progressive end of the Democratic Party. I do not hate any pol it's stupid to love or hate any of them they are pols, they want power I feel sorry for people who feel their only option is to work within this so called pragmatic reality. Here I don't have to be hypocritical and praise the fakers who claim we're as progressive as can be in this inevitable non-reality. Gimmie a break the whole damn US government local stae and national is complicit and the crux of the problem.
I can't take another offshoot of dkos or some blog that bases reality on the insane story line and cultural wars between re and blue. That doesn't mean I want to hide my head in the sand in denial as I'm a firm believer in human connectivity via universal principles and people across the great divides by designed to keep us from forming coalitions or using our power as humans.
Enough is enough and I do not trust after more then 16 years of being a political activist in and out of the Democratic party any one that tells me to render up and ratify the some faker progressive pol with no guts to take this horror show on is not going to get my eye balls anymore.. This is not democracy it's extortion by fear of the more overt evil of your vote.
I got no interest in Mission Statements or loyalty oaths of sides taken in a such a bogus kabuki show. I'm interested in hearing what people think feel and how possibility we can as humans globally can stop this bs. My little rant about my feelings of what this site means to me. Here I can read gjohnsit's great news domestic and global, Pluto's astute takes on what happening globally and here, Joe's excellent news round ups, hecates wonderful deep writing, the peoples history about how we got here by Jaye Ray, Robyn's coverage of Transgender, GBLT issues.
Lets have more of the same it's a small world after all and my aim is to expand people's consciousness and join a global wave of 'power to the people' and figure out how to pry this blood sucking vampire off humanity and the planets face, including the fucking Democratic party. I'm not a hater of people or individuals even pols and but that doesn't mean that any of these psycho's and their marks/followers deserve my support. I'm may feel compassion for them but we need to get them out of power and off the face of humanity and the planet.
So that's my rant. I don't want no stinking mission statement.That locks in our goals. Hey change is good but it's fluid and god know I sure liked those Firebaggers. Although the comment threads where impossible to navigate. Here we go off into the wild blue yonder where all things are possible if you don't limit yourself to thinking that there is no other reality. Politics are not static neither is history. Why not expand your vision beyond the captured sad scary 'inevitable' bs. reality we're living under.
Organizing the site's content seems a minor thing. If people don't want to use the OT or EB to write posts that are not about anything other then here's what so and so said or vote Bernie or whatever the establishment's duopoly offers up. Perhaps the people here who want to focus on partisan Dem. politics could make an OT or daily place like BNT here that focuses on partisan politics or taking over the party or whatever. Surely we do not have to have a community that is nothing more then the so called liberal end of dkos. I should talk I'm a terrible diary writer but I'm learning which is another great part of this community is about. My opinion so take it for what it is worth. I also enjoy a good rant regardless of it's PC correctness.
Your list's #2 looks to me like and expanded list
of the things you mentioned in gjohnsit's thread earlier today. It troubled me then that you items were all already-in-use Latinate phrases that are by now hollowed out, like buzzwords. (My mention of 'Latinate' is from (iirc) Orwell and from Robert Graves. In essence, they warn writers to eschew worn-out Latinate phrases and find good, plain anglo-saxon words to re-phrase them with, if the concepts behind the words are to stay alive. Another way to say the same thing would be, 'If you want to keep it real, you have to use real people's words.')
It's easy (already!) to see that you and I have differing styles and approaches. Maybe it would be good to point our how our styles differ. For example, and item in your #2 list is:
Where I would begin at a different point, as in:
So you see, you & I differ in our approaches. The next guy might come along and say, 'I disagree with you both. I think we need to approach it this way' then the next guy may say, 'I think each of you is right in ways and wrong in ways. But I'm beginning to see a synthesis that could develop into . . ..'
In gjohnsit's diary today, while you were making lists I was collecting bits of other people's expression (in ordinary, everday language) of what they wanted, like:
To be frank, your lists above seem to me and examples of 'premature closure'. To answer the Big Questions of 'What do we want this community to become', 'What do we want this site to become', and 'What kind of values to we want ths 'Progressive' site to represent, and what kind of 'Progressive' policies do we want our government to adopt?' will take a good bit of time, and will requires that we build an environment where people feel free to express their thoughts and feelings, free of rancor or the expectation of rancor. And yes, I think that building that will take more attention to 'housekeeping' rules (your list #3) than the 'originals' needed in the past.
That's as much as I have to say now. Look forward to further discussion with you.
Thanks for this. Cronewit told me we should wait for the
founders, whoever they are, to come forward and say what they want. That's fine with me as you see in my response to her. So I encourage you to continue your thoughts and offer them to the founders, when you find them. Thanks again. Best wishes.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
To correct the record
Our admins here are JtC and joeshikspak. They have the ability to work on the site. There are several others of us who are considered mods. Most of the mods were organizing members, but not all organizing members are mods.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, gulfgal98!
And please, tell us more!
I think in the short term we need to spread the word that was
censored on DK. IOW, spread the reason why Hillary is not the right person to lead this country and why Bernie is. Using FB and Twitter would be a start. Does this site have a twitter account? I know nothing about twitter but sharing diaries to FB is a start.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
If you want to zoom into pro-Bernie action,
I suggest you check out the reddit 'Kossacks for Sanders' which was formed after the Ides of March Edict by long-time Kossacks mahakali overdrive.
Very fast-paced, lots of connections to related Bernie-action sites.
Good luck!
I was banned from there.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Banned from the KfS Reddit?
Self-banned here
After Rule #4 posted, I left. I thought censorship had been left behind, but apparently not.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I'm comfortable with lack of organization
I am used to blogging on a small local group blog that has practically no rules at all. Pretty much the opposite of DKos. I happily write stuff that few people ever read, just to have my say and retain my sanity. It beats yelling at the TV.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Hello Everyone
I am one of the founders and a moderator for this site. We are glad you are all here. We just never expected you to all come at once. We are enjoying your company, and we are working to identify and respond to your needs.
This was a small blog with minimal structure and organization. We have a daily open thread each morning that lasts all day. It is followed by another daily open thread in the late afternoon called the Evening blues. It takes us through the night. This rhythm is punctuated by a misc essay or two as the mood or need grabs one of us, which isn't often. Having two open threads a day to chit chat in, share links, pictures, videos and breaking news, or bitch about a comment on dailykos or god awful weather, more than met our needs. Desert if you will is the regularly published and substantive essays by JayRaye, Robyn, and GJohnsit. Unlike the open threads full of jibber jabber, their essays are substantive.
I love lists and bullets. Please email your ideas and suggestions to me. I will work with you and our team to help you feel more at home. There are so many short comments being posted as essays, that I don't think I can do this in an essay. We'd quickly scroll away and get lost.
I did this on my phone typing with my left thumb. Hope it makes sense. If nobody sees this, I may republish it in the morning.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks dkmich
I totally agree with your short sweet summation of what's what here a caucus99persent. You are concise and get right to the nitty gritty. I'm republishing my over wordy meta comment too. Please people post your political or anti -kos, Democratic loving jibber jabber or what ever whatever on the morning OT or an the EB. Open threads are where we can all vent or express our frustration with whateverpower's that be's has brought you here folks. This is not an extension or an adhock spin off of dkos or an alternative Democratic partisan blog.
It looks great
Thanks for the introduction. Having been pretty busy lately, this is my first time to drop in.
Great job, let me know what I can do to help.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
Welcome Betty
you've always been one of my favorite posters at dkos and I am glad you are here. Hope you stick around and participate in this community were building.
Welcome, Betty Pinson!
(I used your last name to keep my subject line different from at least one other in this thread!)
Biggest thing: stick around and play!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Glad to see you, Betty Pinson!
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I am grateful to the founders
and happy to find a site where I don't even have to swear fealty to D. That's the Democratic Party. Complete sellouts to money to obtain power.
Totally liberating for me, the Sanders campaign is a political beginning of a movement but there must be a more basic foundation at a social consciousness level and with climate change happening I think that needs to happen now.
This site feels right for me. I will read and learn and not drag in old history.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Like America's Four Fathers, eh?
Me, two. Although I must apologize for my pun-nishment in advance.
Question: How will civility be monitored? I spent 9 years on a site that devolved into something I cd no longer read due to all the snide nasty comments that pervaded almost every diary that did not agree with management's pov.
We have moderators that spend a lot of time on this site.
Since most of us come from dailykos, we have a good model of what it won't be. No community moderations, flags, public beratings. Gentle comments in the thread from moderators will be first. After that, we cut off your head.
Obviously, I'm kidding. Next would be a private email asking for support and cooperation to keep our site non-toxic.
As I said, we didn't expect everyone at once. We are working on providing more structure to help people understand, navigate and make comfortable this site.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
you left out music, surrealism, life, art, zen, arachnids,
tomfoolery, regular foolery and any of Bob Dylan's Dreams.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
'Gentle comments in the thread'
Oh. So the mildly disapproving comments in stl's thread were first-round moderation. I appreciate being told that.
I was glad to learn today that the moderation system is being re-thought.
When I read something that (as I call It) ' riles my Scots blood, I feel obligated to confront it immediately, in strong terms. I don't see any way I can stop doing that without ceasing to be myself. I do try to 'temper the wind for the shorn lamb', but if I get any sense of uncontrolled or intentional malice, it's Flame On! (The war cry of a comic-book superhero of my youth.)
Just so you know, I don't perceive hints. Really, hints just go past me -- I may have developed this as a protective device in childhood. I perceive hints as comments the speaker is saying, expressing him/herself, but I do not perceive them as applying to me.
I mention these details about myself to be 'on the record' about it.if Mods feel I need a Gentle Hint, I ask you to unwrap the cotten-wool and start with 'I think you are being too . . .'. Changes are I will perceive that as a statement for further discussion, but at least I've forewarned you.
I'm not overly enthusiastic about a mission statement or
about too much organization. This site, other than necessary rudiments to function, has grown somewhat like topsy and is a casually anarchic place lacking great themes, rigid structures, constraints and definitions. As such it is an organic whole, adaptable, growing and evolving and accepting. It is ready for and capable of anything and everything.
Some generations back, the Port Huron Statement was well thought out, detailed, arguably brilliant, progressive as the day after tomorrow, highly democratic and somehow left us where we are today. Meanwhile, life goes on ...
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --