The Weekly Watch
Tolerance, Purity, and Hypocrisy
We're all hypocrites...and bigots. I'm intolerant of intolerance, and bigoted against bigots. It's easy to find fault in part to make our own faults more palatable. You can't expect purity from imperfect creatures. Our biology drives us toward greed in a cycle of hunger and acquisition and reward (so be careful what you hunger for). Purity is a rare condition on our planet. The Earth is all mixed up...air a mixture of gases, oceans a solution of salts and life, rocks a matrix of minerals. There are small rare pure mineral deposits, but most materials must be refined toward purity...and even Ivory soap is only 99.9% pure. The world isn't black or white, but various shades of gray. There are no perfect politicians, movements, policies, nor nations. However there are politicians, movements, policies, and nations working in the right direction. So what is the best encourage the forward momentum or cast aspersions about the inevitable imperfections?

The reaction to Alexandria's election have run the spectrum. I've found the response from "progressives" so interesting.
Some are gushing with optimism... (video or text)
Activist Anoa Changa discusses the struggle of progressives against neoliberal Democrats in the midterm primary elections, from Maryland to Colorado; the striking teachers running for office in Oklahoma; and the spread of voter ID laws that target voters of color and the poor.
Thom Hartmann hosts Richard Wolff this week. They discuss the election and current conditions...including the failure of the dims. (12 min)
Others express Jamarl suggests, doubts born from well deserved cynicism.
He begins with the disappearing Peace Economy on Alexia's website. (6.5 min)
...and then speaks more generally about the electoral win. (20 min)
Jimmy thinks Alexandria's win might sheepdog people into the dim camp. Ron has a more celebratory view. (20 min)
On Fox News, Ben Shapiro blasted new Democratic challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But what’s really behind his message? David Doel explains. (18 min)
Lobbyists and business interests aren't happy about the election. Perhaps we should be
Lee Camp explains why this was a win no matter how you look at it (2 min)
I find it best to go to the source. Here's Alexandria in an interview last week with Jeremy Scahill. Audio or text
I've been keeping up with Alexandria for awhile. She impressed me after Jimmy introduced her a year ago. I like the optimism of these young folks like the activist Anoa Changa in one of the first clips. How about this young woman swearing in as a Georgia County commissioner on Malcolm X autobiography?
Is the tide turning?

I'm encouraged to hear some of our representative standing up to our immoral wars...
Rep. Ro Khanna (D-California) discusses his efforts to stop U.S. support for the Saudi-led attack on Yemen. (video or text)
Things look interesting today in Mexico as leftist AMLO is posed to become president
(several pieces in video or text)
AMLO's election will not make Mexico perfect, but it might make things better. That's the theme I'm after in this week's edition. You must play your chosen role. My biology drives me to put my shoulder to the wheels rolling the right direction...regardless of who owns the wagon.
There is always a balance between optimism and realism. We all must find our place in the spectrum. Paul Torrence's concept of positive future images is a tool I learned as a young person. You can't create a positive future without envisioning one. To paraphrase Trevelyan... “Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. They may be ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.”
Our bias colors our vision...positive and negative. My years working for education reform led to many encounters with the Eagle Forum...a religious rights group fearful of a secular education. They taught me when you look for evil, that is all you will see...blinded by preconception.

Many of you wouldn't listen to Dr Barber at the Poor People's campaign in DC last weekend because he quoted scripture. Now let me make it clear, I'm not religious. I rarely feel spiritual...occasionally in a cathedral of trees in an old growth forest or other special places where connecting with nature feels spiritual. The DC rally began with this Apache prayer. I wonder if those turned off to scripture find it offensive? (If so you can listen to the intro and fast forward to the 10 min mark to hear his explanation) (14 min)
So it is okay for a first nations prayer, but it isn't for a christian prayer? And before I get blasted, I fully understand the historical tragedy of Christianity...and it's horrors...and it's hypocrisy. I sympathize with the Muslims...and their view of Christianity. (4 min)
There were quotes from the Quran, and Bhagavad Gita. Are those offensive to you as well? So anyone of any faith is offensive?
Religion gets people riled up faster than politics. We all need to look in the mirror and check out our prejudice. Why is it you find Christianity so offensive? Because your see it as closed minded, dogmatic, and not open to other ideas? Be careful you aren't what to profess to dislike. Is it everything in the Bible..or just parts. For like all major religions you can find what you want from an eye for an eye to turn the other check.
Rather than judging the campaign from the religious views of its leaders perhaps you should listen to the foot soldiers. I'm proud to be a part of this campaign fighting militarism, poverty, racism, and environmental degradation. (7.5 Min)
Those that missed last weekend's's a review (without scripture, text or video)
Truthdig has partnered with the campaign and has a series of pieces promoting the movement...
The Campaign is just starting. It is a multiyear approach to address the four evils...and it is a moral revival.
Lee Camp explains the real mythology of America in the 1st 15 min of his show...
Hypocrisy is the US MO

Refugee crisis a result of our dirty little wars to dominate Central and South America
The reporting on refugees is sadly lack historical perspective. The media forgets all too easily Obama’s and the Democrat’s own horrific immigration policies, says Roberto Lovato (no text yet just an excellent 12 min video)
At least people are protesting...
The Middle East
Creating a peace deal without the Palestinians? Phyllis Bennis warns no Israel peace deal is possible when “there is no Palestinian voice” involved.
More from Phyllis explaining the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency, could run out of money for aid programs within weeks, after President Trump drastically cut US funding.
There is a Swedish flotilla headed for Gaza... in the US the corporate coup is well advanced.

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs unanimously passed a measure on Thursday that would give the Trump administration power to decide how to punish U.S. companies that engage in or promote boycotts of Israel — including through criminal penalties.
White collar criminologist Bill Black explains a major Supreme Court ruling, Ohio vs American Express, was completely ignored by most media outlets, even though it will have potentially devastating repercussions for consumers (13 min sorry no text yet).
The decision to suppress public sector unions has been covered by most outlets... was the court upholding the Muslim immigration ban
Sadly this week we learn the Trump court will get trumpier. Here's Mark Fiore's 1 min cartoon on the subject

Environmental Insanity...
We promote fossil fuels as climate chaos slaps us in the face...
It is difficult, perhaps impossible to be positive about climate. Michael Mann explains the science in understanding climate change is improving, and it's telling us we have even less time to do something about it!
To wrap it up on a more positive note, let's celebrate the career of an investigative journalist. Sy Hersh has been making the rounds promoting his book. Here's a nice interview in Audio or text with this great reporter...

We must come out of our own biology, true to our nature, true to ourselves. What I'm trying to emphasize in this essay is that we have a choice to support forward momentum or sit on the side and criticize the problems any movement or politician has. That's not to say we shouldn't criticize the problems...we must, but as we work toward a better future. What are you doing to improve our trajectory?
I look forward to your comments, criticisms, and ideas.

Happy July...
I hope your June and summer's start has been good. The garden is prolific this year after all our rain. Connecting with nature is a release in this time of difficulty. Be well.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Happy July
month's of record rain and cool temp's we now
have the , heat wave of 18 yep no global warming.
TPTB are winning, while trumpolin wails on about immigration
yes a horrible situation, the rest of our rights and country
world is being destroyed by the oligarchs, one has to think/believe
that something's gotta give sooner rather than later.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The corporate oligarchy is obvious
How to deal with it, less so. The political situation has become so corrupted that the idea we can vote our way out of this mess seems doubtful at this point. I fear the CIA (et al) is really running the show anyway...beyond the public political sphere. We might have a revolution on our hands. Dr. Barber is calling for one. I think a work stoppage is in the works.
Consider the Awans... (15 min summary from George Webb)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That Webb video screams nothing but
and to further it on to how screwed
we are.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
what a dreadful web we weave...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
White-righters would rather blame the 'great replacement'
re this:
Why do I say white-righters? Because those assholes are usually the ones squealing like a pig stuck under a gate about how "The Jews" are replacing them with what they consider to be undesirables rather than acknowledging that western/capitalist foreign policy created the current migrant crisis to start with. And now? They're whining that "The Left" wants Civil War just because Maxine Waters told people to hound Trump officials at whatever businesses they patronize.
I posted this in another thread, but it bears repeating:
There are other ways to fight these assholes, giving them a platform, as we have done for the last 70 years, is not one of them.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I find debating fascists impossible...
Can't argue with someone who doesn't use nor accept facts. Sometimes you just have to accept limitations and put your energies into those efforts that move the needle.
The faux resistance is designed to distract, but attracts the most interest. The Anti-Trumpism movement refuses to look at the decades long history of immigration horrors perpetrated by the US. Nor the coups supported and promoted by the dims.
The fellow interviewed in the clip below Roberto Lovato was from San Salvador and has a deep understanding of the issue.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's possible to show fascists their lack of empathy
I was listening to an interview of a mother, I think from El Salvador who has had her young son taken from her at the border. Most boys where she is from are basically kidnapped by violent gangs. She herself could easily have been killed in El Salvador. It was a desparate decision to try the very dangerous journey to the US. When she got here her son was taken and held, probably in a cage, with this insane cruelty to good, desperate people. When fascists are confronted with their own irrational cruelty, they walk away.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I would like to think that's true
But it seems to take empathy to understand others suffering. Without empathy how do they get there? If the only focus is "more for me" it permits or at least implies "less for you..because you are less than me".
However as I began the essay there is no totally bad nor totally good. We reach out to all people as we gulf gals peace vigil.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think a lot of them have been conditioned to be out of touch
With their empathy. I think it's possible to a create a catharsis by showing someone how unaware they've been of their own pointless meanness.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Maxine Waters
I just love it when progressives or liberals decry whatever harassment they endure, yet they think opposing people should be harassed.
talk about hypocrisy
Ms Waters epitomizes it...corruptocrat par excellent
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wow. I did
MW is one reason the dem party is such garbage. Is there anyone from the California delegation that isn't deeply corrupted?
Sy Hersh is a hero.
My gripe against religious people is that they have a tendency to take their scripture, all of it, literally and to heart. They permit it to supersede science and common sense. People without common sense should be allowed to own scissors or vote.
Thanks for the Weekly Outlook, Outlook. It is a hit on c99's Facebook page. Speaking of abominations, FB and Zuckerberg top the list. They've managed to surpass Gates and Google in my book. Have a good day.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Marx suggests religion is the opiate of the masses
I think today it is sports. As I said i'm not religious, but I see sincerity in some peoples beliefs. The Dali Lama for example who describes his religion as kindness. MLK and Dr Barber are I think sincere as well. Which scripture is an important question rather than the idea that any scripture is bad. Being open minded is always a good idea from my view.
Thanks for stopping in with your kind comments.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Scripture is fine, in church
Scripture is fine and necessary in churches, at religious functions, and for personal use in religious or spiritual explorations. So is prayer and meditation. None of those are offensive to me, unless it’s the hateful homophobic scripture or the forced birth scripture or the ... well, I could go on for awhile here. But the point was never that religion or scripture is necessarily and always offensive. As far as I saw, the word offensive was never used by anyone except you.
What some of us have expressed discomfort with, or disagreement with, is using religion and scripture as the basis of a political movement to elect certain politicians and enact public policy based on their religious views.
It’s about separation of church and state. (An idea you seem to have little tolerance for.)
And before you say again that rev barber is not about electing democrats, no need, because I read up on him a lot more since our previous discussion. I had asked what his goals are. That means, desired outcomes. Since the press release you provided didn’t answer that, I spent two days researching this movement and rev Barber. Which, by the way, I did because I was curious and wanted to know (kind of the definition of open minded), and because you and a few others here kept posting about him and telling people to check him out. I have been perfectly happy for the past years to pay it no mind. Just like any other religious thing, I just don’t care about them — unless they are rolling back reproductive rights or marriage equality by sticking their nose into the government.
Anyway, you asked people to listen to him. I tried to do so, but as I said, for personal reasons I can’t listen to preachers reading the Christian Bible, and I didn’t really want to expose more about why. Because it’s painful, and personal.
Someone I loved a lot is dead now, by suicide, because of southern preachers bashing him with scripture, and his ultra-religious family and community used the Bible and scripture to justify extreme cruelty and they destroyed his mind and made him terrified of his own life. “Offensive” is not the word for how it makes me feel... that is me, and no it doesn’t mean all scripture is offensive.
But scripture and religion, fine for what they are except when hurting others, still do not belong in politics. That’s an opinion. One which I hope there can be tolerance for.
Oh, back to the goals of the PPC and Rev Barber. Yes, it is a political movement. I really did not know anything about it until you prompted me to research it, and I had decided not to say anything more on what I found, because it wouldn’t be popular. But. Since you brought it up.
First I found he was a speaker at the 2016 Dem convention, where he said:
Hum... ok, so this is the moral leader we need to follow? Sorry, but no. Not for me.
PPC was formed about 6 months after Trump was elected. It’s goal as it turns out, is voter registration and mobilization. There are numerous articles that show this, the next phase after the 40 day’s of protests, is focused on GOTV for the mid terms. Here’s one, from yesterday.
Poor People’s Campaign rally ends with vows to keep organizing and protesting
So in closing: the PPC talks about some very important issues. They are rallying and mobilizing the electoral resistance to Trump and the republicans. And getting people talking about poverty and the needs of the people that are most ignored. The last part, I agree with.
The rest, not so much. That’s again my personal views, which is I disagree with the goal of focusing on electoral politics as the solution, and I disagree in principle with using any scripture or religion as the basis of government policy or laws.
With the current erosion of reproductive rights and personal freedoms already under assault by religious people who want to force their version of morality on us all via the government, I would think anyone could see why that’s problematic.
So we can agree to disagree about the PCC, that’s fine, but I wanted to more fully explain my position on it. I reject the charges of being closed minded. I just have a different opinion on it. Let the tolerance flow.
That is an excellent well reasoned thoughtful comment
Thank you for doing some homework and thinking about it. And sadly I agree voting isn't going to be a solution. I'm an educator and I look forward to the next round of the campaign ... teach ins.
I appreciate your thoughts.
BTW I've been a decades long member of Americans for the Separation of Church and State. I was sorry to see Barry Lynn retire.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think the black church has been historically different
The black church has been pivotal to civil rights since slavery.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I would like to add
For those who take exception to people from religious backgrounds working in organizing social movements, we also must remember that some of our other icons that many of us look up to came from a background in religion, most notably Dr. Martin Luther King, Dr. Cornel West, and Chris Hedges. I was in the audience, 15 feet away, when Dr. West proclaimed himself to be Jesus lover in his speech to Occupy Tallahassee. He also said he could not help it, that was just who he was. In addition, Dr. West said that he did not want to run the empire, he wanted to bring it down. Guess which one of those two things I chose to use as my first sig line? Read below.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I can understand rejecting religion...
sometimes the dogma chases the Karma.
However, it is my temperament not to reject people nor their ideas based on any label religious, political, or social. As we've discussed, sometimes you have to read material most of which you disagree with in order to learn what is going on. Judicial watch for example.
Thanks for reading and sharing your view.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Scripture isn't the problem. Stupid is the problem.
Scripture can be dangerous for stupid people.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
ain't that the truth!
stupidity imparted through religious, political, and economic propaganda.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Nicely done, Lookout.
Thanks for all the work you poured into this. Like so many, I am weary and cynical, but it's nice to have reason for hope.
We need to celebrate the successes however small
We are rockin' in a weary land...
Marching and singing in Montgomery last month made me feel better. What I'm trying to say in this piece is we must be pro-active not just moanin' and bitchin' as is often the tendency.
BTW, your essay from last year on diet inspired me. I thought I needed to lose 20 or so pounds...I'm now 50 pounds lighter and feeling better than I have in years. Never doubt the power of the small things we do. Learning to fast has been a empowering tool on many levels. Thanks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks again
I have been thinking about the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win a lot. I didn't follow the race closely, just like most of the US didn't. It's unfortunate a win isn't just a win anymore. The establishment dems are either fawning or armslenghing her, she's the future, the blue wave, the sign we've been waiting for, or a blip on the party bosses radar. Handlers crawl out of the woodwork. Donors want in on the ground floor. The republicans have more bandwidth to chew up making the same old crap new again. Cynics see the downside, optimists see unicorns. All this at machine gun speed. It's like the movie "The Blob", it just kind of engulfs her.
I found the variety of response fascinating on C99 too. Those quick to jump on the negative pole...she'll sell out and has it's a great victory. I liked Jarmarl's comment - "we'll be watching"
That's the idea. I'm giving her a chance till she proves otherwise and I'm sorry for those so cynical they can't.
Thanks for reading!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I've been calling myself a Hypocrite for almost a year now.
Of course, I am highly cynical, and believe that any movement that depends upon wishful thinking and channeling the magic power of "the People" will be doomed to failure, since every single person has fault points that are pressed upon by TPTB.
Essentially, just like TV, we all face the machine alone, even though we watch the same show.
So in answer to the question what I am doing to move forward is that I'm disengaging from the machine as much as I can and trying to live as a free human. The metaphor I prefer is trying to learn to swim in a tidal wave. Yes, it's going to be hard as hell, but the wave ends. Trying to change the course is nearly impossible. (And if you can name me ONE empire that fulfilled its dreams of a continuous, unstoppable thousand years of world domination... I will be skeptical. I grant that the Byzantines came close, and that was only after they started getting other suckers to fight their wars FOR them.)
Moving forward I intend to continue to build community, prepare for the worst, and do what I can to help others. I am not so delusional as to believe that perfect self-sufficiency is possible, but rather am delusional enough to believe that many of the things that we believe we MUST have to function are ancillary at best.
As far as the Christians go... I know I posted this yesterday, but it sums up my feelings on the matter pretty well.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Even successful movements are incomplete
We may have stopped the vietnam conflict...but we started so many others. People point to the success of the bus boycott, but the people of montgomery still suffer from oppression...and on and on.
Thanks for the song. We are all swimming...swimming to the other side...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Another sign that the far-right controls everything and know it
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Jeffers was the one that didn't let flood victims... his church. So christian....
you can't argue with believers. There was a study a few years ago on religious knowledge. Atheists were the most informed about religion.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That makes 2 "Christian" preachers dissing flood victims
Joel Osteen did the same in Houston until bad press and cell phone video proved the church's Twitter statement that the church was inaccessible to be a lie.
Even before Harvey, I'd get a little sad driving by that building where I'd seen Def Leppard, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osborne, among others perform. Now it's turned into a prosperity machine for Joel and his beard. Yes, I meant that. I'm waiting for the male lovers to spill the beans.
Apparently, neither "Christian" could be bothered by icky people in need, especially if they they weren't there to tithe. Similar to so many "right to life" and "Christians" with regard to "illegals" who are actually refugees. Makes me angry!
I may have mixed up those two
unchristian Christians. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If people don't
I like Dr Barbers comment...
It's not about changing red to blue, it's about changing wrong to right.
I wish the people's party the best of luck... here's an email from Nick...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
They're mirror images of each other.]
[video:Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
You're going to keep running with that are ya.
The purity thing, the "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". The first time I heard that bullshit relative to voting for democratic party politicians was of course at Daily Kos. Not saying this is Daily Kos or you are, but that's the fact. Irked me to no end then and does now. Combining hypocrisy into the argument makes it ridiculous imo.
The problem is, I'm not a democrat just as much a I'm not a republican. So I'm not going to vote for any of fake representatives from either of those two parties. That's really where the criticism comes from for me and many others, which I think is what many on here are missing, somehow.
Hey I'm with you
I ain't dim nor rethug. I've repeatedly said I fear politics plays no role at all, that the CIA et al is really running the show. What I'm complaining about is the attitude that I'm to pure to listen if someone quotes scripture...I'm too pure to read a piece from the intercept. It's not perfect so I'm not helping. And friend you typify what I'm driving at.
I respect you and your views and I've learned much from you, but the chip on your shoulder become burdensome at times. So I'll ask again "What are you doing to move us forward?"
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I've been trying to spread the word that this political system
I don't think you're with me Lookout, but that's ok. It's a non-partisan blog, you can shill for dem party politicians and I can rail against them. Although at this point, the radicals on here are getting pushed out by the dem party partisans. As the election gets closder, I'm trying to spend less time here so don't worry, you'll have the echo chamber you seem to want.
Btw, that's another one I've heard many times: "So I'll ask again "What are you doing to move us forward?", with the obvious inference that if I'm not voting for democratic party politicians I must not be doing anything productive.
look friend
Did you read this essay?...or any of my essays? Where have you ever seen me suggest you or anyone should vote dim? I'm for being open minded. I'm for listening to a variety of opinions and trying to garner the best ideas. It seems to me you read this weeks title and jumped to a conclusion that is not there.
You are entitled to your preconceptions...for that is what they seem to be. You assume for example the PPC is an effort to sheepdog people to the dims...but if you don't listen...How do you know? I'll say again I think we are past voting our way out of this mess. But label me as you wish if that make you feel superior.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well not all, I didn't open up any links, yet.
But I'm not sure what your point is about Ocasio-Cortez if it's not to state that people should support and vote for her, and that criticizing her is "purity". That's your choice, I'm just pointing it out.
As for the PPC, uh, I've researched for the last ten years and have come to many conclusions and opinions. I certainly didn't form my opinion on the PPC, which is shared by many, by not listening and learning.
I'm suggesting we give her a chance before shooting her down
But I presented a variety of views from overly positive to critical to be fair. As I said up-thread "we have to watch".
Our basic disagreement from my view (of course your are entitled to yours) is that I support people working on issues I want to accomplish. People like Ron Paul for his anti-war stance (I disagree with his domestic policies). People like Bernie who work for some good policies...and at least he introduced a measure to vote on the war in Yemen. So I see it issue by issue not person by person.
And let me say again I appreciate your anti-duopoly stance. However had I lived in NY I would have voted for her. If I lived in Seattle I would vote for Kshama. None the less I have little faith voting will accomplish the radical change we need...especially because of our rapid climate chaos.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ron Paul
I too like his anti-war stance, and his view that tariffs are actually taxes on us, because we'll be paying the higher prices. I do not like how he's a hardcore free market capitalist. I've asked him on Facebook how much I'd have to pay to pull out of my driveway, or how much extra I'd have to pay for a plane ticket if I wanted air traffic control to oversee my flight, or call 911, or for police/fire assistance if tax-funded services were all privatized, but he never responded. Neither did any of his followers. At least they didn't call me a libtard pinko commie Marxist socialist blah blah blah, I guess.
yeah the domestic policy sucks
...but I support his anti-war policy. That's the purity I'm trying to address...not party loyalty despite the accusations. We're in a mess. We have to find allies where we can on the issues we care about. We have to look for people who do support the important issues on the inside and outside of the political game. We have no time for purity. The world is simply too dirty.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning all ...
Here's a discussion of the civility issue, RT, 25 min. CrossTalk rules are in effect.
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Thanks Azazello
Will they hear us if we speak with civility? I'll look forward to the clip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Finally watching some of the WW vids.
I had to finish watching Russia's upset victory over Spain in the World Cup first.
I thought Lee Camp's segment on the Eight Great Myths was outstanding. I'll try to pass it along. Jimmy Dore has been a bit petty of late. Basically, he's pissed at Bernie because he won't come on his show. He really went off on Bernie during last Saturday's Solid Chat. There was no Solid Chat yesterday. Sometimes they do one on Sunday instead, watch YouTube if you're around today at 2:00 pacific.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
That was a good monologue...
Lee is getting better and better. His interviews with the people at the PPC was really good also. Made me proud to be a participant.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Civility goes a long way
For example, most of the people who would stop to talk to us were self proclaimed "conservatives." Although I became involved in the Peace vigil because I believe all these wars are immoral, I knew I could not sell the reason that wars were bad based upon my subjective beliefs.
Instead, first we would try to listen to those who stopped by to get a sense of why they did and if they were angry, why they were angry. My personal approach in finding common ground was to give them some statistics about the costs of these wars. Fiscal costs was a common ground perspective that opened the door. While we may not have completely converted people, we got a lot of them thinking and wanting to do some more research on their own.
We could have never done this without acting in a civil manner.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That's a good comment!
I appreciate your civility.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Purity trolls are what make leftist movements the US fail - every time. It's so easy to criticize person X for not being (insert issue here) enough. It's far more difficult to say, I wish person X was more (Insert issue here) but I support her regardless because she has a firm grasp of righteous goals worth achieving.
I used to be anti anything religious. But the reality is, there are a large number of self described christians/muslims/Jews that do great work. Now, a persons religion falls into that basket of personal traits I don't give a shit about.
That's fair, but as long as the centrists keep us on our knees
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
excellent...that's my point
Thanks for reading.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Outstanding essay!
Lot's a really good meat in today's Weekly Watch.
Recently, I have been thinking about the fact so many of us fall into the trap of binary thinking. It comes out of habit because rarely do we see a real choice in anything that actually affects outcomes in our lives. This is particularly true in politics in which the majority of politicians are beholding to the very same donors with only slight and meaningless variations allowed. Binary choices are being forced upon us by the mainstream media and politicians. And often those choices do not reflect what critical thinkers see as realistic solutions to the issues we see in our world and our country today.
We are at a critical cross roads in which life itself is on the verge of extinction and yet what we get from the Democratic party is "we are not Trump." Where is the policy beef in this shit sandwich? This is the same damn party who has given more budgetary funding and more power to the very President that they say we must resist.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I regret some folks see this essay as pro-dim...perhaps because it isn't anti-Alexandria? I like her and would have voted for her, but that hardly makes me a dim supporter. You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself. Here's a blast from the past...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Meanwhile the unsolved problems get worse
Some problems, like global warming, are being actively made worse. There must be an Aesop's fable or something similar about people bickering with each other while the world goes to hell.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Harnessing the bern
Tolerance is a great opening, Outlook. What we are finding, relative to electoral politics, there is developing a newer, younger wave inspired by the (original) Bernie meme of getting involved at the local and state levels. There is potential here to flush some of the old deadwood out and bring in fresh ideas, constructive alternatives and new approaches. The feelings seem to focus on the need to DO something. We are trying to use the system to open up cracks in the crust, let some light in and give people hope. It's this energetic force for change that can move the established failures to the fringes of significance.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
So glad you are sensing the change
I do too. I fear it won't be fast enough to ward off the warming. The 2 degree goal is already locked in even if we leave the rest in the ground. That's an assured 6ft sea level rise in the next few decades.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Big pushback from older people against the young
Not all older people, but quite a few hardline friends and family of mine, mostly on the right to far right, are flipping out about the young uns having opinions of their own. A couple of them, one 50 and the other at least 70 are outright angry about it. Think Linda Blair and pea soup. I really started noticing it after the Florida school shooting when the kids took to the streets. I told one he sounded like an old fart screaming, "GET OFF MY LAWN!" Whether either of them accepts it or not, some of those kids WILL take the reigns, and soon. Those two are also party loyalists but also worship Trump. One actually compiled, and posted to Facebook,a long list of all the wonderful things His Hairballness has accomplished. He also said no one under 25 should be discussing adult issues unless they're enlisted in the military. Ugh.
At least the kids are fed up with the mess their elders (we) have made of things, and some are putting actions behind their voices. They feel the Bern. As a middle-aged woman, I say good on them! And no, not all of them eat tide pods or snort condoms. (That's what the old farts keep bringing up.)
Hasn't that laways been true?
I remember how crazy my parents generation considered the "hippies". We have a group of young farmers on the mountain. They aren't political for the most part, but are trying to live in harmony. Any way, I find them hopeful. Like it or not they are our only hope.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Music, hair, clothes? Yes
But I was encouraged to vote, to think, to read about referendums/laws/candidates, at least by my dad. Even my mom didn't insist I vote like her -- I just knew not to tell her how I voted. I don't recall it to this degree, but I missed being a hippy by about 10 or more years, I guess. None of my elders (family, neighbors, etc.) ever told me I was too stupid to exercise my rights or to just mind my kid business until I was 25.
The Florida shooting is when I noticed the gnashing of teeth beginning. And to say those poor kids should just stut up and get back to class when they were directly affected by gun violence was just hideous to me. The blood hadn't even been cleaned up, and the dead not yet buried.
Maybe social media caused people to let their assholeness shine. I don't know. Was I just lucky? Is it that these people have done such poor jobs raising their kids that they know their own kids are morons, so all others are too?
Like you, I'm hopeful. I know my adult kids are sharp, caring, good people. Their friends are too. So yes, I'm hopeful and secure in the thought that they will do a better job, because I can't see how they could do a worse one than we have.
the decline began decades ago
accelerating in the 80's. We were lucky to be born when thinking was in vogue. Perhaps it is again. Corbyn's success in the UK is another hopeful sign. I hope the oligarchs don't shoot AMLO when he wins today in Mexico.
Glad to "see" you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mexican election
Ohhh, I hope he stays alive too! We have a history of not letting that happen in Latin America, unfortunately. And we'll take out the environmentalists & water protectors too. #RememberBerta
Nice to be back, and to "see" you too.