
Open Thread 07-01-22 - Worldeaters

Please stop hating on each other. There's enough hate and division in the world already.

Tolerance is the key, short of that we are doomed. Soon our hatred will divide us to the point where we all stand alone at a time when we need to stand together.

Or am I just shouting into the existential void?

The Weekly Watch

Tolerance, Purity, and Hypocrisy

We're all hypocrites...and bigots. I'm intolerant of intolerance, and bigoted against bigots. It's easy to find fault in part to make our own faults more palatable. You can't expect purity from imperfect creatures. Our biology drives us toward greed in a cycle of hunger and acquisition and reward (so be careful what you hunger for). Purity is a rare condition on our planet. The Earth is all mixed up...air a mixture of gases, oceans a solution of salts and life, rocks a matrix of minerals. There are small rare pure mineral deposits, but most materials must be refined toward purity...and even Ivory soap is only 99.9% pure. The world isn't black or white, but various shades of gray. There are no perfect politicians, movements, policies, nor nations. However there are politicians, movements, policies, and nations working in the right direction. So what is the best encourage the forward momentum or cast aspersions about the inevitable imperfections?

yin yang earth.jpg