three dire tweets for Julian Assange’s safety and freedom


Oh the carrots, oh the sticks, oh...the lies in that letter, and it doesn't seem the sort one can copy/paste.

Now the first two seem directly related to this June 25 Tweet pinned to the top of their account:

From, June 25: ‘How Comey intervened to kill WikiLeaks' immunity deal’, some excerpts:

“One of the more devastating intelligence leaks in American history — the unmasking of the CIA’s arsenal of cyber warfare weapons last year — has an untold prelude worthy of a spy novel.
Some of the characters are household names, thanks to the Russia scandal: James Comey, fired FBI director. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr. Julian Assange, grand master of WikiLeaks. And American attorney Adam Waldman, who has a Forrest Gump-like penchant for showing up in major cases of intrigue.
Each played a role in the early days of the Trump administration to try to get Assange to agree to “risk mitigation” — essentially, limiting some classified CIA information he might release in the future.
The effort resulted in the drafting of a limited immunity deal that might have temporarily freed the WikiLeaks founder from a London embassy where he has been exiled for years, according to interviews and a trove of internal DOJ documents turned over to Senate investigators. Read the draft immunity deal proffer that the Justice Department was considering for Assange here.
But an unexpected intervention by Comey — relayed through Warner — soured the negotiations, multiple sources tell me. Assange eventually unleashed a series of leaks that U.S. officials say damaged their cyber warfare capabilities for a long time to come.”
“Assange made clear through the lawyer that he would never compromise his sources, or stop publishing information, but was willing to consider concessions like redactions.”
“Laufman played to Assange’s belief that he was a publisher, the documents show; he put an offer on the table from the intelligence community to help Assange assess how some hostile foreign powers might be infiltrating or harming WikiLeaks staff.” wtf?
and OMG! because: Russia.

This just in:

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GreyWolf's picture

6-27-18 RM letter copy 01.jpg

6-27-18 RM letter copy 02.jpg

(To read: Right click; open file in new window; zoom in, or just zoom in right here ;->)
Original PDF

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wendy davis's picture


the right click dinnae work for me, but clicking the link did. did mine not work? i built this from the ground up w/ those 'embed tweet' monstrous lines of code, and got purdy confused.

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GreyWolf's picture

@wendy davis It was a crappy pdf and I had to save as a copy to save as a jpg.

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wendy davis's picture


if so, you can always blink out the jpegs. (smile) (i loathe emoticons)

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wendy davis's picture

and good on him:
“The letter declares that the Democratic senators are “extremely concerned” that Ecuador still provides asylum to Assange. It states they are “alarmed” that the read-out of Pence’s visit to Ecuador did not mention the WikiLeaks editor.

The letter declares: “[I]t is imperative that you raise US concerns with President Moreno about Ecuador’s continued support for Mr. Assange at a time when WikiLeaks continues its efforts to undermine democratic processes globally.”

By “democratic processes,” the Democratic senators mean the ability of US imperialism to wage illegal wars of aggression, to use the most criminal and predatory means to shore up the fortunes of a tiny layer of billionaire oligarchs, to intrigue and manipulate the political affairs of other countries, and to treat the American and international working class as nothing more than fodder for exploitation.

The Democrats repeat the slanderous accusation that has been levelled against Assange to pave the way for his extradition to the United States and trial on charges of espionage: that WikiLeaks was a partner in purported Russian intelligence “interference” in the 2016 US presidential election.

“The letter of the Democratic senators relies exclusively on a report issued by the US intelligence agencies to vilify Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. A declassified version of the report was published on January 6, 2017.”

“The claims of Pompeo and the DNC have only one motive. They are intended to establish a political atmosphere in which Julian Assange can be forced from the embassy in London and detained on allegations of being essentially a foreign spy or a form of a non-state “unlawful enemy combatant”—the charge laid against alleged members of the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation. Such charges are designed to block any defence based on constitutional and legal rights and protections of freedom of speech.”

there’s a lot more, of course.

but i'd add that they'd said that pence could build on the new relationship with lenin moreno, whereas (with rafael correa) it was very strained, and that moreno had signed two 'agreements' with the Empire...and really one was a military one, under some other guise.

i did dig up his australian attorney's Twit account, jennifer robinson, but she doesn't seem to know about this new assault yet.

damn them to hell.

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GreyWolf's picture

@wendy davis

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wendy davis's picture


and ?. never mind (smile).

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travelerxxx's picture

@wendy davis

“The claims of Pompeo and the DNC have only one motive. They are intended to establish a political atmosphere in which Julian Assange can be forced from the embassy in London and detained on allegations of being essentially a foreign spy or a form of a non-state “unlawful enemy combatant”—the charge laid against alleged members of the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation. Such charges are designed to block any defence based on constitutional and legal rights and protections of freedom of speech.”

This is exactly what they intend to do. Once the bastards get their murderous hands on Julian Assange, you can bet the farm that he will be immediately ushered to Guantanamo or some other third world Black Site CIA torture center. I seriously doubt he would be brought to the United States mainland. Once that happens, it will be a decade before anyone lays eyes on the man. I question whether he would even live to be seen again.

Did I mention that the CIA are murderous bastards?

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wendy davis's picture


i've long imagined the same. the egregious lies and smears against him took, and over the past year, 18 mos., i'd have to check, they've been from the intercept, the daily beast, the guardian (that profited from the wikileaks's publications, no less). i've tried to keep up w/ them all at the café, and it's an altogether horrid compilation.

who will know when the combined forces *do* escort him out the door? i tried to find the one spy-cam photo in which he's sitting w/ a couple of his lawyers (besides robinsn) so i could check if they know anything, but it's a quixotic effort at best, idiocy at worst. checked w/ pilger: nuttin'; craig murry: nuttin' (on assange, plenty else).

on afternoon edit: this i craig murray's 'plenty else':
'Prosecute Blair govt officials at ICC after torture report – ex-diplomat Craig Murray (VIDEO)', via RT today

in a word: whooosh.

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QMS's picture

is espionage? The war machine got their collective peepee exposed so they want to shoot the messenger. Lawlessness, high crimes and murder is what the government is responsible for.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

wendy davis's picture


the truth is subversive to the amerikan empire, in this case: the D team. and to the CIA, which is NED, USAID and other corrupted NGOs afoot. atlantic council and facebook, lol? even though HRW and amnesty int'l even sometimes get it right.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis That poster could have been devised by someone with the innate humanity (/s) of Killary Klinton. She, who agreed with Madeline "There's A Special Place in Hell" Albright, about the correctness of the IraQ and Afghan murderous intrusions by the Empire until HER ran for president--"Oops. I made a mistake". She'd clean up the Afghan war after the next opium harvest and enforce "peace" on IraQ after draining its oil supplies. HER would then bomb the crap out of Iran until they, too, turned over their oil. I mean, after all, what's another 500,000 more dead kids? After you've seen one dead kid, you've seen them all (to paraphrase Saint Ronnie's observation about trees).

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

dunno what year was that movie marquee poster, but there are magazine covers, too. ten years ago?

remember, though, da womyns an' da chirren! was one in a long list of reasons to #stayinAfghanistan. musta worked; a new general was just put in charge to poppies and strategic minerals grabs. shit, even bill moyers was into it w/ his crap 'guests'. 'we're building schools for the gurls!; oh those evil taliban!'

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but I wonder if Putin will hand over Snowden at his meeting with Trump and make this a 2fer.

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QMS's picture

@Snode in exchange. Trading wives, cadillacs, diamonds and spies. Just warming up for the good shit: countries, nukes, drugs and world domination. When does China get to play?

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare


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QMS's picture

@Snode Thanks man. Appreciaten. Encouregment helps.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

wendy davis's picture


putin in general, and yes, he's an oligarch, but y'all are making my forehead furrow, i'll admit. but to equate him to Herr Drumpf is seven bridges (from crimea to rooosia, lol) too far, imo.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis Try this:


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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed
i'd only ever heard rita coolidge's cover, and i'd thought she'd written in. nope, steve young, country rocker.

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QMS's picture

@wendy davis doesn't work on thinking people, fur as icantel.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

wendy davis's picture


addressed by not only lavrov and putin, but your pal ed snowden, too, and in the guardian, no less! he really is a tool w/ the shittiest politics, imo. kept em just 4 U'all.

"Asked about WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, with whom he is often compared, Snowden said: “I’m a reformist, he’s a revolutionary. I don’t want to burn the system down, if I believe it can still be saved.”

Although Assange helped organise Snowden’s escape from Hong Kong, the two hold many different views, including how much classified information should be published, with Snowden favouring a more selective approach."

yeah, he'd always said that he'd "just wanted to start a conversation. if amerikans wanted to vote on being spied on, that's their decision' (or quite close to that). he and GG always had their publications vetted w/ the military and security state. but oh my: there are NEW snowden revelations at the intercept on AT&T Tor spying! jeebus. mightta told folks earlier...ed.

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wendy davis's picture


even pose the Q. has putin given some indication to you that he might do so after all these years? snowden poses no risk to either russia or the western hegemon, and has become rather irrelevant by now a far as i can tell.

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@wendy davis what you said, he's not much use to anyone, and it would be a nice gold star for Trump. Handing him over as a sign of friendship. The US loves its show trials, and punishment.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

IMO, Putin gave him asylum just to poke a stick in Obama's eye. Putin is no Altruist. If Putin can get any concessions from Donnie Douchebag, why wouldn't he turn him over.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

@Citizen Of Earth In this Punch and Judy show grand, meaningless gestures are everything.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Citizen Of Earth Putin enjoys Snowden because, as somebody said, the existence of a Snowden fleeing America and seeking asylum from Russia is just too delicious for Putin to forego.

The problem with him giving up Snowden for concessions is that who would believe the United States about anything at this point? The Russians are now using a word for us that means "someone who cannot keep a promise."

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Creosote.'s picture

Is it known whether Assange has a 'dead man switch' to release major info in the event he comes to harm?

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wendy davis's picture


offer safe passage to hospital. yeah, on my last assange in dire jeopoardy we'd been discussing that issue. once he was held incommunicado however many months ago, wikiLeaks issued a ban pf code some thought *was* the deadman's switch. turned out it wasn't, but the only way i can imagine one is that the default is that he's not alive communicating somehow, and the switch is tripped. i did poke about a bit, but on that issue, my bingling failed me.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

Assange is the thing that brings me closest to prayer, these days. Every time I hear an update, I want to pray for him.

I imagine they would have seized him before now if they weren't afraid of more than Ecuador's sovereign territorial rights, embodied in their embassy. I simply don't believe that the U.S. is that respectful of the rights of a nation they clearly view as a wayward client state that wandered off the reservation. And anyway, the CIA is clearly cleaning house down in South America, as recent events in Brazil and Venezuela have shown. So I doubt the need to respect Ecuador's rights motivates them much. They didn't respect Bolivia's rights much when they grounded Bolivia's version of Air Force One, essentially seizing the person of their president and preventing him from returning home.

Clearly Assange et al would have set up some very ugly series of revelations or some other kind of monkey wrench that would happen if he were taken. That's just basic good sense, of the kind Assange has a lot of

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

(correa chose the wrong sell-out neoliberal usian puppet VP), and yes to the CIA busy toppling governments in brazil, argentina and installing US puppet gummints. dunno if the new term limit laws in ecuador were totally in aid of rafael correan ever being allowed to run for prez again, mainly because as usual...i’ve forgotten by now.

as in: moreno has seen the advantages of partnering w/ the US, quite unlike correa who’d made some srsly provocative moves against the US and iirc, CIA front groups, .

the sole bright light in the south is that at the moment, leftist mexican prez candidate Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (amlo) is leading by far in the polls, and if he lives and wins on july 1, it might shake the entire leftist math in the south. and according to oliver vargas, the WH is srsly worried. so as we pray (even apatheistically) for julian, we might consider the same for amlo. especially as that's all that's left to us.

nice to see you, cousin.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis Nice to see you too. Smile

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

lenin moreno are, especially if you add in the fact that colombia was recently made...a nato partner. given that colombia has ports on both the pacific and atlantic sides, it's a brand new shiny western hegemonic alliance: north/south/atlantic/pacific treaty organization. has a nice ring about it, no?

so their ships will be ready and willing to topple VZ by force if the cia soft-coups don't quite work in the end. but i've been reading on pence's twit machine, and he's also been visiting w/ us puppet neoliberal temer, and he's met sooo many people who'd fled maduro's dictatorship in VZ. "the bible tells us that where the spirit of the Lord, is...there is freedom.'

'Honored to be in Ecuador. Thank you to our gracious hosts President @Lenin Moreno & First Lady Rocío González de Moreno. Freedom has been the foundation of the friendship between our nations for nearly 200 years. Today, we are renewing our bond.' 9save for when that pinko was prez...) but srsly, i don't recall the colonization, neo-colonization of ecuador.

and a message to take heed of: "I have a message for the people of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador… You are our neighbors. We want you and your nations to prosper and thrive... If you want to come to the United States, come legally, or don’t come at all."

zo...stay tuned for the july 1 presidential in mexico; could be a game-changer or...more assassinations.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

of the malevolence of corporate Democrats, this does the trick.

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wendy davis's picture

@Roy Blakeley

don't qualify as 'corporate dems', but at the moment no name are springing to my mind. but CO senator michael bennet has always been such , as w/ gov, john (swear to gawd) hickenlooper.

on morning edit: could the citizenry devise a test similar to the ones used in salem, massachusetts? we'd drop senate dems overboard from this Ship of Fools...the ones who float are the corporate corporate ones, those who drown...ooopsie, weren't?

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arendt's picture

I had some respect for Markey, for his work on science; and generally had not seen anything that put me off him - UNTIL THIS.

Geez, Ed, Julian Assange is a threat to us? No. You are. You typically compromised, phony liberal.

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wendy davis's picture


i looked at his wiki page, esp. 'Environment and energy'. dunno what to say, arendt.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@wendy davis

Apparently it doesn't take very long to corrupt anyone elected to the Senate (even Bernie is a little ragged round the edges).

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

wendy davis's picture


but someone had recently linked to russia-insider's '12 Ways Bernie Sanders Is a Pro-Establishment, pro-Israel, Warmonger - He's Part of the Problem, Not the Solution'

would he sink or float? (grin)

thanks for weighing in, amiga.

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@arendt I see Richard Durbin ( from my home state of Il. ) has signed on. Not that I had any respect for him or anything buy still disappointing. I did notice he signed his name Dick Durbin, Emphasis on Dick as far as I'm concerned.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@pro left

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wendy davis's picture

@pro left

only thing i really remember about him was during the time ost-2008 meltdown, and the I white house shot down any sort of meaningful banking reform, he's said "yeah, the banks really DO run this country". and we ended up with the craptastic dodd-frank. but now it's being killed piece-meal as well.

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wendy davis's picture

the last song john trudell of AIM (and occupying alcatraz and wounded knee and more) recorded w/ the pines and his long-time brother quiltman... before his ‘ride came for him' in dec. 2015. rest in power, john, protect assange and obrador an other worthies if you're able.


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wendy davis's picture

from telesur english:

ha! ‘Maduro Dubs US VP Mike Pence a 'Viper' Touring Latin America’, 28 June 2018, telesur english

““Every time the poisonous viper Mike Pence opens his mouth, I feel stronger. We have defeated you and we are going to defeat (you) wherever you are,” Maduro said during a televised speech.

Pence's first stop was Brazil where he spoke with Senate-imposed President Michel Temer. During a joint press conference, Pence said, “The U.S. asks Brazil to adopt firm attitudes towards Nicolas Maduro’s regime, which destroyed democracy and has built a brutal dictatorship that has made Venezuela a poor country.

Brazil, a member of the so-called Lima Group, is a key U.S. ally in the region. "Brazil has led efforts to expel Venezuela from Mercosur, joined the U.S. to suspend Venezuela from the Organization of American States. Now, the time has come to act more firmly," Pence added.
In response to his comments, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza tweeted, “What an irony and hypocrisy that @VP Pence, whose racist government separates families and cages innocent children, intends to interfere in the affairs of our region. Venezuela and Brazil reject the presence of such violator of Latin American immigrants' human rights.”

yeah, well, quelle surprise: ‘Colombia's Duque Commits to Pressure Venezuela With Mike Pence’, 23 June 2018 (by telephone)

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wendy davis's picture


no new ground plowed really, but good on her. as i'd told travelerxxx when he'd brought this to one of my assange in danger posts recently, while i'm not a particular fan of hers, i sure do admire her steadfast dedication to her fellow countryman, but that i could have kissed her for this one, it's that brilliant!

Why Bringing Assange Home Would Be The Best Possible Thing For Australia’, june 8

i never say 'this is a must-read', but on this one i'll take an exception. it's breath-taking in its honesty, imagery, and reasoning.

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@wendy davis @wendy davis

you said the same thing earlier.

what is it about her that bothers you?

I may have missed something.


OT. AS to AOC- the antiwar plank is still MIA. You'd think that would have been fixed by now.
Also I was struck by how reluctant she was to endorse Nixon against Cuomo.(CNN) She made it a debt she just had to pay,rather than Nixon is the much better candidate.
In fact this seemed her tack on all questions which could put her at odds with Dem leadership.

At this point I am leaning "disappointed." However,I don't get any pleasure from laughing at those who hoped for more.(not that you do.) I went through it all with Sanders.

If she is a faker, she should be exposed and criticized. We must try to be realistic.
Bernie gets no free pass from me,fwiw.(check my comments) AOC gets same-same.

posted last week-

What does Bernie say about Assange?

protests all round the world this week.
you'd think Sanders could spare a few words.

did I miss that press release?

edit. checked again. the "peace economy" plank is back up. that is something.

A Peace Economy

Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the United States has entangled itself in war and occupation throughout the Middle East and North Africa. As of 2018, we are currently involved in military action in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia. Hundreds of thousands of civilians in these countries have been killed either as collateral damage from American strikes or from the instability caused by U.S. interventions. Millions more have fled their broken countries, contributing to the global refugee crisis.

This continued action damages America’s legitimacy as a force for good, creates new generations of potential terrorists, and erodes American prosperity. In times when we’re told that there’s not enough money, Republicans and corporate Democrats seem to find the cash to fund a $1.1 trillion fighter jet program or a $1.7 trillion-dollar nuclear weapon “modernization” program. The costs are extreme: the Pentagon’s budget for 2018 is $700 billion dollars: to continue fighting an endless War on Terror and refighting the Cold War with a new arms race that nobody can win.

According to the Constitution, the right to declare war belongs to the legislative body, and yet many of these global acts of aggression have never once been voted on by Congress. In some cases, we've even acted unilaterally, without the backing of the United Nations.

America should not be in the business of destabilizing countries. While we may see ourselves as liberators, the world increasingly views us as occupiers and aggressors. Alexandria believes that we must end the "forever war" by bringing our troops home, and ending the air strikes that perpetuate the cycle of terrorism throughout the world.

By bringing our troops home, we can begin to heal the wounds we're opening by continuing military engagement. We can begin to repair our image. We can reunite military families, separated by repeated deployments. We can become stronger by building stronger diplomatic and economic ties, and by saving our armed forces only for when they're truly needed.

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wendy davis's picture


i looked at gjohnsit's Newest thread about AOC, and dinnae want to drop that news in there. last night all of it was missing, and as they're saying in the twittersphere, 'she added to it, fleshed it out', and she seems to have. but oddly, i couldn't get any of her ocasio2018 pages to boot from the links i'd put in a word doc. so brilliant of you to just paste in the words. not quite as long as Gun Control iirc, but still...(smile)

along the way to finding her campaign site again, i did see lots of headlines like 'clarified this', 'amended that', 'interviewed on msdnc, cenk', etc. so yeah, she's made quite the splash.

my chiches w/ johnstone are hard to put into words. it sure ain't her trash mouth, i own one, myself. perhaps because for so long she spent soooo much ink saying 'they're attacking me! put money in my tip jar!' her schtick about joining (making common cause with? i've forgotten) w/ the 'alt right' (is that about milo Y and friends?) made me ask 'to do what, exactly?' that's all i can come w/ for now, and that seems inadequate, but it'll have to do for now. but as far as assange: totally steadfast.

but yes, not endorsing nixon, not that i know what her platform is, seemed lame, if not cowardly, as in: not returning the favor. as far as elected media stars, have they ever not been major disappointments?

but you're correct, i don't see any change coming from reform Democrats, i just wanted to point out the inherent dangers of 'cult of personality' blindness, and the usual consequences. but lol, still: 'i'd support the Red Queen'...arrrggh.

and ooof, hard hit on obrador at wsws this mornin'. and it don't look good: 'his aids are walking back renationalizing the oil', meetings with the biggest baddest banskters,
'free market', and tra la la. and vargas at counterpunch had cause me to hope for a return to the pink tide in south america. see how easily i can get schmoozed into hope and change myownself?

but if AOC wins the general, we'll see what happens after a year or two of her voting record. but yanno, a they say around here: 'if x or y gets us one step closer to where we want to go...' (i do not subscribe to this point of view; i see instead 'dems as status quo gatekeepers'.)

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@wendy davis

you bring a lot to the table.


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wendy davis's picture


but may i tease: "it's big table"?

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@wendy davis

you have made valuable contributions here in a short time.

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wendy davis's picture


meant on this comment or what. and my tease was a tweak on 'the D party is a big tent'.

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@wendy davis

you left out the "a".

but yeah, it went right over my head. good one.

"I only said I was the Greatest. I never said I was the Smartest."- Muhammad Ali

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wendy davis's picture


i just added this to your thread, but in this interview w/ chuck the toad, he actually factually said those words. kinda walkin' it back already. and yeah, i know, she's not quite ready for prime time w/ the toad, but the tankies have had a bit o' fun at her expense other issues.

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