The terror of peace breaking out
The world is aghast! President Trump actually wants to (gulp) TALK PEACE WITH PUTIN!
Fears are mounting that Donald Trump wants a 'peace deal' with Vladimir Putin that could fatally undermine NATO.Ministers are becoming increasingly alarmed that the US president could offer the Russian president deep concessions such as withdrawing forces from Europe.
Say it isn't so! Not having troops stationed in Europe is impossible. The United States is permanently obligated to garrison this foreign continent.
Everyone knows that. Everyone except for Trump The Traitor.
At the G-7 summit in Canada, Trump reportedly said the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was “too costly for the U.S” and compared it to the North American Free Trade Agreement that he has often targeted as a bad deal."It will be an interesting summit. NATO is as bad as NAFTA. It's much too costly for the U.S.," Trump said during the meeting with leaders, according to an official who read notes transcribed from the closed-door meeting to Axios.
What!?! Trump doesn't love an outdated, expansionist, hyper-aggressive military organization like NATO?
Where is my fainting couch?
But Trump is now seeking a quick summit with Putin, and there is a genuine worry in the chancelleries of Europe that it would result in the one leader getting the show, and the other getting the substance.
Human rights? Well, it’s rough in many places around the world.
And Russia, we should note, has nukes.
I had to read this part twice before I realized that the WashPost was using sarcasm. They didn't realize that they had unintentionally told the truth.
And that's the problem. The establishment has convinced themselves that they are much better and moral than they actually are.
If Trump follows the Singapore script, it would be obvious that NATO military exercises in Europe are “provocative” and should be ended. The U.S. taxpayers would save some cash.
Once again, they unintentionally told the truth while making an attempt at sarcasm.
This is like some slap-stick comedy skit without a punchline.
“It’s the most important military alliance in world history,” McConnell said. “It remains relevant today. Many Americans don’t know that the operation in Afghanistan is a NATO operation,” he noted
You mean that 17-year long human rights violation that only managed to create the biggest narco-state in world history? Let's not forget that other NATO project - creating open-air slave markets in Libya.
What was your point again? That NATO is useless?

This was the main thing I found encouraging about Trump.
And one of the main reasons for Madcow's Russia, Russia,.. rants. I'll need popcorn--this will be interesting.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
How can one find anything encouraging about Trump, who
Sorry, not really meaning this to you, just me crying out in the dark.
Found this but I don't believe the blue wave coming nonsense either.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I’m not going to try to pretend that Trump
doesn’t reel off one whopper after another, but I will point out that The Empty Suit did the same thing and got away with it.
Reagan was the beginning of the end for our little d ‘democracy’. Slick was the knife in the heart that finished it off. And Obama was the ringer who was installed to make damn sure that the rabble didn’t get any ideas about disturbing the racket that TPTB are running to milk every last dollar/euro/franc/lira/drachma the dirty plebs have to their names while ensuring that we have no more civil or legal rights to fight back with.
BRICS is on the rise. The NATO countries are losing their ability to call the shots by bullying, bluster, and blackmail. And that is something that the western oligarchs will fight with every last drip of plebian blood there is while they retreat to their bunkers, bomb shelters, and safe houses.
The Dims are as corrupt as the Pubs. They just used to be able to hide it better.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Have they really made you think
A meeting with Russia has anything to do with peace? JFC, when will this BS end? The psychos tailoring the message to our deepest hopes and fears have already figured this one out. Warmongers do not retain power by peaceful means, BTW.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
That's what the media is afraid of
Like most things Trump, peace may be achieved by undermining NATO, not because he wanted actual peace.
Sorry, man. I don't get it.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
If you hadn't noticed,
Trump talked about non-intervention when he was a candidate. He flipped on this after he became president.
I am encouraged that he talks about it - again, because at least the topic is at least being addressed rather than ignored.
Do you think the dems, other than non-dem Bernie, are interested in peace?
I fear it's just another Stalin/Hitler meeting...
With the middle east in the role of Poland.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
They don't need a meeting for that
Russia gets Syria and we bomb the sh*t out of everything else.
That seems to be the agreement.
Dump just wants to compare notes with Putin
Putin runs a Thugocracy of Oligarchs who have divvied up the spoils of Russia amongst a handful of themselves. Dump wants coaching for how to do that here.
Actually, Putin kicked
(but this doesn't mean he isn't protecting wealthy interests)
Actually Putin is the student on this one.
Nah, don't think we can say that.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Putin and Russian oligarchs
I keep seeing this meme that Putin is the oligarchs' BFF. This might shed a different light on how one thinks of him.
Understanding Russia, Un-Demonizing Putin
Oligarchs on Edge
Russia was asset stripped by this country during Yeltsin's presidency and one of the reasons why Putin is demonized is because he put a stop to it.
Just before Putin was reelected he was asked what his biggest accomplishment was. He said that he had lowered the poverty rate. What was his biggest disappointment? The poverty rate was still too high.
Russians have lots of things that our government refuses to give us. There is always two sides to a story.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thank you sd
There's now a book out - The Putin Interviews, 277 pages with extensive endnotes, ISBN 9781510733428 (2017).
Plus an electronic version.
The Stone-VVP videos are of major importance, either in video or print.
With great thanks for your reporting and analysis here.
A Legend in His Own Mind (such as it is)
It's hard to be particularly optimistic of Trump coming out ahead in a deal with Putin; in fact, the odds probably favor him getting robbed blind as long as Putin gives him a good photo op. Possibly there might be a good outcome might despite the usual efforts of the Orange bogon.
you know something is wrong
when you sound like the news media
Not worked
"Guilt by association" as a rebuttal tactic: really?
OK. Maybe by accident
the media could get this right.
I'll grant that.
You owe me
a new laptop. I just spittled.
Hell. You also owe me half a bottle of Heineken.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The MICC is deathly afraid of peace breaking out
as are their enablers the foreign policy establishment and the main stream media. Trump is remarkably ill-suited to be President, but his ignorance has the advantage that he is able to look at some things like Nato unburdened by the necrotic received knowledge of the foreign policy establishment and ask obvious but necessary questions.
You have said this so well. I hope the case for NATO is "necrotic," as you have implied, meaning, dying.
And your point that Trump is "ill-suited to be President," but therefore able to ask logical questions about NATO, is so true. The people "suited" to be President are the people who say yes to everything they're told to do by the Council on Foreign Relations, no matter how insane.
The American people are paralyzed with confusion over how we are unable to afford healthcare or education but somehow able to afford unaccountable trillions for war. It is this process that funds the Council and every horseshit bank bailed out by our military industrial socialism. And as odd as Trump is, as unusual as his syndrome or mental disorder may be, he still has the common sense to ask, why should the American people pay for NATO? A simple question.
Of course, the Council knows why we have to pay for it: no one else can pay for it, and America has the printing press that keeps creating dollars to pay for it, our pet, the Federal Reserve.
If you truly believe
He is obnoxious and mercurial, but he isn't 'crazy' by any means.
I don't agree with a lot of what he does, but I am so glad he is upsetting the apple cart here and there. It's about time that someone did so. The dems are so pathetic with their pearl clutching and all.
I sure agree with you
about his upsetting the apple cart, and I am one of many people saying he has ripped the mask off of our political system. And so I hope you are right about his mental state. But what makes me wonder about his possibly having a syndrome of some kind is that he appears to completely change his viewpoint, almost moment to moment, on highly important things, exemplified by his statement that we were getting out of Syria and then suddenly we were on the verge of nuclear war with Russia over Syria. Maybe the two things weren't mutually exclusive, i.e., maybe if we destroyed all life on earth, it could also be said we were out of Syria. But I think you know what I mean.
I take huge hopes in the fact that he continues to visualize negotiating with Putin, as if the world could live in peace. But people like me can only fear what may happen if a neocon psychopath is the last person to speak with him before the meeting.
I think he uses
He follows this pattern fairly consistently. I'm not too concerned about his bluster - it reminds me of sports teams or athletes who bluster with their opponents.
I was hoping they would not meet.
During the meeting we will see unhinged hysterics and people fainting over russiagate 24/7 on every media outlet criminalizing diplomacy. Going to be this for several days.
But i think major prediction some peace treaty in Syria that ousts Assad.
Russia Gate is back in the news
Damn thing won't die down.
Some questions in Trump-Russia dossier now finding answers
This I agree with. How anyone can say this and then turn around and say what comes after sure boggles my mind.
Of course no report on the Russian/Trump collusion can be complete without saying this:
Hillary didn't get the FBI and the other intelligence agencies to spy on Trump. Oh no. She did that to get opposition research on her opponent.
According to the article some Russian oligarchs not only helped Putin collude with Trump, but they also attacked the Democratic Party. I think ..
However ...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Russiangaters can say anything and be believed