Nancy Pelosi is emblematic of Democratic leadership ossification
Having been absent from c99 for a while, not for lack of interest but because of life ("Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans"--J. Lennon). I have been a faithful lurker here to read many excellent essays and insightful commentary posted here. I have been aroused from my torpor by some interesting, though not necessarily political news.
Every day--not week, but daily--new developments in the political circus arise to bemuse, madden, and frighten us in any combination. Striking close to home is a YouTube video of a few months ago about one of my favorite targets, Nancy Pelosi, coupled with news about an unexpected victory of Ocasio-Cortez beating down Joe No-show Crowley for NY's 14th congressional district, plus other tidbits too interesting to pass unnoticed.
Without referencing my numerous Hillary-Killary neurological deficits essays (coupled with complete lack of empathy for anyone not name Hillary R {fill in the rest} Clinton), I return to wonderful straw woman N. Pelosi, septuagenarian multi-millionaire Demonratic House minority leader. She's the party leader Repugnants most love to hate (an interesting dichotomy there). Both parties, for the main, are hateful, subservient stooges for mega-donors. But Nancy exudes a certain "charm" such as a pimple oozing pus. Stop! A.E., you've gone too far. Can't you be polite ever?!
Please tell me, in the name of reciprocity, why anyone should give this tottering troubadour (NP) of elitist rights and perquisites? Or for that matter, the majority of Congress Critters? We know what the quid is, but we get none of the pro quo. That's reserved for the Kleptocrats That Be (KTB).
So while I focus on the Demonrats, the party of hate and violence openly stated (as opposed to the Repugnants' covertly shared hate and violence), this is a target-rich environment. For those who have other favored targets, let's hear about them in the commentaries please. As Bugs Bunny used to say "I'm all ears" (ughh).
Ossification means turning to stone. Ossification occurs in the brain and other anatomical organs when deprived of blood supply or supplied with a surfeit of bad metabolites. This is a normal consequence of aging. However, ossification is lethal not only in people but also political ideologies. NP's "we don't need to change" is apropos because of this ossification. The current Dem party is led by septuagenarians who have ossified. Think about Maxine "impeach Trump" Waters, Uncle Joe "young kids make me hot" Biden, even Bernie Sheepdog Sanders and more.
Inciting reference for this essay: Nancy Pelosi slurs words has mini seizures during live speech . Although I disagree with the "seizure" documentation in the essay title, the video does reveal certain definite signs of neurological (not just ideological) disorder. For one, is the large number of brief speech arrests, typical of a nominal dysphasia (word-finding difficulties) and a prominent facial asymmetry (see at 1:43 in video) indicative of left hemisphere subcortical dysfunction.
For those of you who can stomach a large Pelosi Portrait, please note the following two features of her face:
1: decrease in the right nasolabial fold
2: drooping of the right side of the mouth
These are significant, especially when combined with her word-finding difficulty. After accounting for eye-movements as indicators of sub-conscious (often subcortical) mental processes, facial expression remains the most eloquent indicator of internal mental activity. Clearly this is something that shows neurological problems in the left hemisphere.
Note: The AAMA (American Alligator Medical Association) advises not to diagnose people without in depth examination, preferably followed by ingestion of the observed material for more precise understanding.
One of the characteristics of brain ossification is lack of mental flexibility, primarily a prefrontal lobe function. NP is emblematic of this. But so are the DNC and other Blue Party malefactors. They cannot think of a platform other than "We're not Trump" despite 500+ days worth of real ammunition to be used against him and other political troglodytes. This platform served Joe NoShow Crowley little advantage (i.e., none) when he lost to newbie Ocasio-Cortez, who campaigned on a very Sanders-like D.S.A. platform. (Too bad Bernie had to agree to an orchiectomy at the DNC 2016 convention).
For those wanting a New Yorker's sense of this Demonratic disaster, see Lionel Nation's analysis of this race and its consequences (14:53)
For 2020, the Demonratic "bench" of possible up-and-comers (a description particularly fitting to the Camel) seems kind of weak. Well, not to mince words, they have a puny bench. Septuagenarian Liz "Never too late" Warren, comes faux Demonrat Gillibrand, Corey Booker, and a few truly uninspiring but not prominent people, all having the same charisma as Tim Kaine.
Trump owns the Repugnants and will be the candidate in 2020. Barring economic collapse, he will win in 2020. Although himself a septuagenarian, 4-10-20 does not conform to an ossification manifested by the Dims. Although most of his policies are indeed deplorable, he has shown himself adept at out-maneuvering the surveillance state, Lame Stream Media, Clinton criminals, Obama's apostasy.
Speaking of Hussein, here is the real BHO talking to the elites in the E.U. in 2014. Too bad he'd already been re-elected.
In summary, the following song epitomizes the current Demonratic establishment, presciently written 50 years ago in anticipation into the apoptosis (programmed political cell death) of the Dims:

Nancy P,Tim Kane, Joe Biden
Jeanne Shaheen, Chuck Schumer, the whole things tottering around with it's diaper around its ankles. I'm tired of being embarrassed.
Here's a nice little summary as to why,
for strong-minded people of progressive principles, Bernie Sanders' presidential ship has sailed:
Little new ground here, but it is laid out so succinctly and directly that one has to either engage in all kinds of mental gymnastics to overcome it (kind of like the Obama apologists' use of the meme "11 dimensional chess" to minimize the countless numbers of obvious Obama betrayals), or just completely ignore it (picture a child with his hands stubbornly covering his ears yelling out "I can't hear you, I can't hear you!," over and over again), or just outright consciously LIE to one's self or to others.
As people have said on numerous occasions, "denial is not just a river in Egypt" . . . .
“Some kind of ‘Russia’ link? Not even going to read it.”
That’s exactly how the denial works in many folks.
Well, they'd be correct . . . .
. . . . so long as they realize that I too a Russian agent, and that I'm am getting paid immense riches by Putin to post his propaganda here.
Words taken from the mouth of Donna Brazile
attack of the purity police!
military, finance, big business, oligarchs, have pulled off a coup here in the USA
politics is important
in fact, politics must be part of dealing with the biggest problem ever, namely Gaia, The New Climate Regime
irony of the most important value is freedom and at the same time hate politicians and governments which are integral to freedom
we have gone so far from our principles that we might never recover. If the repubs sweep the table in 2018 and 2010, our experiment in republican government and democracy could well be finished
Bernie is one of the very, very few who can do what is needed
he is part of the government, but outside the establishment
Thanks for setting me straight.
You have now, by way of your astute and cogent analysis, re-converted me to the cause of Sanders (or "Bernie Christ," as I've come to calling him lately.)
I see now that Bernie will save us.
And he’s pushing the BS RUSSIA! MADE
ME LOSE Clinton line of crap.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
attack of the purity police!
military, finance, big business, oligarchs, have pulled off a coup here in the USA
politics is important
in fact, politics must be part of dealing with the biggest problem ever, namely Gaia, The New Climate Regime
irony of the most important value is freedom and at the same time hate politicians and governments which are integral to freedom
we have gone so far from our principles that we might never recover. If the repubs sweep the table in 2018 and 2010, our experiment in republican government and democracy could well be finished
Bernie is one of the very, very few who can do what is needed
he is part of the government, but outside the establishment
That link is very unnerving. Why?
Because when you read it you’re faced with actual, verifiable FACTS.But they’ll be called lies by people too lazy to check those enumerated factoids simply because it’s an evil RUSSIAN! site.
(NOTE: it pays to verify. Sudan doesn’t belong on this list. See below.)
I believe that you should ALWAYS read what the ‘opposition’ or the ‘enemy’ says because if there’s any dirt to be found, they’re the ones who will find it. All you have to do is some basic research to find out if it’s truth or fact regardless of whether it’s friend or (often imagined) ‘foe’who is making the claim. And with the internet there’s absolutely NO excuse for not doing just that.
Something I’ve never understood is why so many people think that actually doing research ends the minute you get out of school. ‘Trust but verify’ is one big line of BS. In realiry it is ‘Verify THEN trust.
WHOOPS! I’m following my own preaching and i found an untruth in that re: Sudan. See post second post down.
EDIT: see last paragraph.
EDIT EDIT: corrected statement
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Going thru some of those claims to see
if I can vetify them. I was sort of doubtful on the Haiti claim, but it’s true. It’s in regard to the removal of Aristide.
I hate hate hate wading through this crap. You can’t just read a damn bill. Oh hell no. You have to sort through all the freaking Amendments as well.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Sudan was a Bill Clinton fuck up. No
authorization was asked: Clinton justified his action under the 1973 War Powers Act during the U.S. Involvement in Bosnia-Herzegovina
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
At a certain point...
There is no value in experience.
For example, I sure as hell wouldn't send a guy who spent 50 years learning ONLY the intricacies of Dungeons and Dragons to actually go out and plan a military campaign. Unless he'd actually done something with his life, and had activities outside of that limited scope, he's going to lead us to disaster.
He has no idea of what the capabilities of our troops actually are, what they are capable of, what the enemy is capable of, or even how to keep the troops fed.
He spent his time oohing and ahhing over statistics, strategies and tactics, and minimizing and maximizing stats for maximum efficiency. Not once did he have any actual interaction with the real stuff, learning about it instead second hand, from sources that had an obvious agenda.
Politicians are political Game players. That's ALL they do. As a result they can't realize that their game has NO relation whatsoever to reality. All their little numbers, score marks and tallies can't buy a baked potato if it's all that stands between somebody and starvation.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I wonder how much taxpayer money
Nancy finances her plastic surgery with?
Dog, I can't stand her.
Hey hey Pelosi looks MARVELOUS.
Pelosi lost me forever in 2006...
...with 5 words:
"Impeachment is off the table."
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
She said that, by the way, AFTER
the illegal NSA spying apparatus had been revealed to her by the Bush Administration . . . . and AFTER she had decided to keep her mouth shut about it. (Just what one would expect from the leader of the supposed "opposition party," huh?)
In fact, the public didn't first find out about the NSA activities until the NYTimes' James Risen first revealed them in late 2005. Certainly, it wasn't Nancy who was doing her patriotic duty to inform the American public of mass scale violations of their constitutional liberties. Instead, it took people like Risen, Binney, and Snowden to pull the curtain back for all to see.
The reason impeachment was "off of the table," was likely that, behind the scenes, she and/or too many members of her own party had endorsed and/or been complicit in the very crimes of the Bush Administration for which impeachment should have been sought.
Hey, where's the rest of that empty suit speech?
Would be interested in reading the whole thang.
Anyway, here's Greenwald interview mentioning Pelosi
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I saw this:
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Just standard "This means Nothing"
Not only does she completely ignore the question, she Instead tries to banter, changing the story to "Look, I'm a Progressive Female TOO! We need more female progressives like ME! Vote for me!"
There's no struggle that a Rich White Woman can't make hers.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
You're just jealous, she deserves a Vineyard
Nancy Pelosi’s Net Worth in 2018: Napa Valley Vineyard Made Her the Fourth Richest Californian in Congress!\
Well there's that fabulously rich thing, (it's her husband not her, move along) which really really helps the desperately poor-oppressed in SF (unless you're in the right neighborhood and bought your house/apartment in the 1970s) and then for some reason she raises more money than almost anyone else.
It is a puzzlement.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Or a rich black woman
Oprah, Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett (Well, she claims she's AA although she has lighter skin than I do and 23andme says I'm 0.1% African)
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
The pigs are going full right-wing at this point.
I hope Ocasio-Cortez is prepared for them. Otherwise, she's gonna be lynched by the single party masquerading as two.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Maybe it's time to shout
SO WHAT! WHO CARES! WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME! there's enough of us to have that in common. If we don't like the answer throw fruit, throw bottles, throw rocks until they say something we want to hear.
And why not shout?
*seriouser could become a Pelosi-ism in view of her nominal dysphasia.
Then 2x good
Does anyone know
if Pelosi has had her primary yet? Wasn't someone running against her?
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Pelosi won CA-12 primary with 68.5%
Shahid Buttar - (Party Preference: DEM) 8.5%
Stephen Jaffe (Party Preference: DEM) 5.9%
Ryan A. Khojasteh (Party Preference: DEM) 4.6%
* Nancy Pelosi (Party Preference: DEM) 68.5%
Lisa Remmer (Party Preference: REP) 9.1%
Barry Hermanson (Party Preference: GRN) 2.0%
Michael Goldstein (Party Preference: NPP) 1.4%
* Incumbent
DEM = Democratic Party
REP = Republican Party
AI = American Independent Party
GRN = Green Party
LIB = Libertarian Party
P&F = Peace and Freedom Party
NPP = No Party Preferred
Looks to me like DSA SF did not endorse Jaffe, because of course? I don't know why, I thought he was the Berniecrat. ~shrug~
Because he's male?
Old White Male, three strikes and you're out in the Democratic Party. That's because they have no real platform, only divisive demographics.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
You are not noticing the septuagenarians in Blue
How about RICH presenile black female Democrats, like Mad Maxine Waters, who unfortunately crushed all opponents in her district's primary and she doesn't even live there (too many poor black women do live there).
The Rich are always different
Over at Booman Tribune they are still lambasting "deplorables" and specifically blue collar Midwesterners for HER defeat. In between the front page RUSSIA! essays. Booman actually thinks there's a chance that Mcconnell will go along with a Democratic bill of impeachment.
OK, I'm not a pundit, but IMHO, if McConnell did that he would be "down in some lonesome valley, hanging from a White Oak tree".
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Oops. The ObamaEmpty Suit speech was given elsewhere? transcript
was linked in this guy's blog. Have no idea who he is but looks like he writes like a wingnut. At any rate he has the link to the full speech.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thank you for the research
You are too kind to denominate Hussein as merely an empty suit, but I do agree with the appellation "POS".
Got empty suit from snoopydawg.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
The clip that Al Ed played was a Q clip
I watch most of Praying Medic's videos, for my Q fixation:
prayingmedic scares me. I am not religious, I am not a conservative, I am not straight, I am not anything like him at all... but I can't stop watching. In fact I was kinda disturbed when his channel got disrupted by googs copyright trolls (or whoever it was) but he is back now.
Q is supposed to be the right hand man of President Donald J. Trump.
This is where he posts his insider stuff, gettin' everyone pumped for the mid-terms, and the prison terms:
Some of that Q stuff is pretty damn funny. Like something out
of a cheezy spy novel. Here’s a whole page of it...
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Now do DiFI ;-)
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Lionel is a little too RW for my taste.
Now don't get me wrong. We're going to have imperfect allies. He wants to destroy both parties too.
But too often I find you go for folks who may temporarily have an epiphany, but who are overwhelmingly RW in their essence. In other words when it comes down it they'll run right back to their warped indoctrination and away from where we're coming from.
Like Rand or Ron Paul or any other comfortable, older, white Libertarian, he's right maybe 15% of the time. But basically I don't feel like he's the kind of guy who's going to be gelling at a place like C99. His diatribes are littered with telltale signs i.e. Soros, tryanny, The Constitution, Constitutional Republic, etc.
I'd prefer if we'd be a little more discerning with guys like this. I sure as hell don't think he really understands someone like Ocasio. He's never going to get it, in particular doesn't even have a clue to what socialism is. He only likes her/this insofar as it it challenges the "Deep State," as he titles his video.
And the folks he attracts. Compare the comments there, with that of the Jimmy Dore Show, Tim Black, The Rational National, or any other website like Truthdig, Common Dreams, RSN, etc - and it's completely revelatory.
Here's a sampling:
The knuckle-draggers to which he appeals says something. Most or half of them are probably not reachable.
Otherwise, good to see you. And like you I pop in to read multiple times a day. But I'm balancing a 9 month old on my lap just to get this off my chest.
I'll also say the Ocasio victory was pretty staggeringly amazing, and has big ramifications. Can't elaborate as much as I'd like now (but started to put something together yesterday).
May go to a local DSA celebration of Ocasio volunteers in Elmhurst, Queens tonight just because I'd love to be around and inspired by these local ragtag motherfuckers who just pummeled the Democratic Party.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Mark, nice comment about Lionel
It is true that Lionel has RW tendencies as you correctly explain. Is the commentary to his videos or any other videographer indicative of underlying viewpoints? Yes, to a great extent this is true. But one must make use of others whose opinions often diverge from ours. Make allies when suitable--to not do so will freeze the purists into impotent, powerless poseurs of ideology over practicality. Temporary alliances with anti-war Libertarians, for instance, is useful. When it comes to union-busting, I firmly disagree with the so-called "right to work" Libertarian philosophy.
I do consult RW sites to see what they are saying, often informative, sometimes misleading. We, here at c99 have an unusual mix of intelligent commentary, some of it rough-edged indeed. If we had a YouTube site, which I am NOT proposing, it would be interesting to read what the commentary from a larger audience might reveal.
Thanks for having the gumption to include Lionel Nation
I don’t think he has any more rough edges than any of us posters here on C99. And he has a heck of lot more experience actually working in the political and media milieus he comments on.
I’ve never seen anyone pushing
‘Chem trails’ here.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
No? I’ve seen the topic come up several times now.
Didn’t particularly resonate, nor did it provoke calls for a topic ban as does, for example, Pizzagate or MRA (men’s rights activism).
That’s more or less true of the occasions when c99ers cast doubt on the official 9/11 story too.
In a big non-partisan tent, it’ll always be the case that what some see as key will be dismissed by others as trash and mere corn-syrupy theory.
It's funny how no one on here writes about
republican party leadership/establishment.
That's an oxymoron
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Well, BA, we do write about Trump
Why Pelosi and Schumer?
The answer to that is easy...MONEY! Pelosi has the reputation of being a prodigious fund raiser. And Schumer is Mr. Wall Street.
No one in the Democratic party establishment cares about anything other than fund raising. And this is exactly why the Democratic party is incapable of being reformed. They are too corrupt to be reformed.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
You have lost all credibility in my eyes
You have offended my intelligence by publishing that video of Obama completely out of context. Did you think noone would look for the complete speech? Shame on you!
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Yes, the video was taken out of context
You are within your rights to dislike anyone or any idea not meeting your world view. I do not object. But please re-read the transcript and tell me if you support 80% of what he said as being factual.