An actual piece of good news
Submitted by gjohnsit on Tue, 05/15/2018 - 11:45pm
Here's some undeniable good news for a change.
Less than a week ago, Rewire ran a piece titled:
DCCC Intervenes in Primary Yet Again, This Time Against Nebraska’s Kara Eastman
The article goes on to describe how she decided to run for Medicare-For-All after watching her mother die of cancer, and how she couldn't afford the medicine to make her last days more comfortable.
Then it describes her primary opponent.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the arm of the party that works to elect members to the U.S. House of Representatives, has lined up behind her primary rival, Brad Ashford—a former Republican, state legislator, and U.S. congressperson—adding him to their high-profile “red to blue” campaign.
In other words, it's easy to really, really want Kara Eastman to win.
Well, guess what? She just won!
Her win would mark a significant victory for the single-payer push within the Democratic party: one of their prevailed over a well-known quasi-incumbent with Democratic voters and should still be able to contend in a competitive general election.
She still has to knock off the Republican, but at least the voters of Nebraska now have a choice.
Randy Bryce
This is indeed excellent news, gjohnsit!
Now, if we can get Randy "Ironstache" Bryce elected in WI-01, the "good guys" among the Dems just might start making some headway here!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Randy Bryce refuses to debate
Cathy Myers ( ), his dem primary opponent.
Bryce is supported by the D-Trip & "Red-To-Marginally-Less-Red" ( scroll down to WI-01 )
Sanders both endorsed and appeared for Bryce before the state chapter of Our Revolution (OWR - Our Wisconsin Revolution) weighed-in and before a single primary vote was cast by Wisconsin voters. OWR are fucking livid. Myers is not a CorpraDem - if she was, Sanders messing in the primary would have been understandable, but he still shoulda asked for permission from OWR.
Rumor around the state has it that Wisconsin Big Money Dems (WBMD) made a list of candidates they would back against Ryan. Bryce was third on the list; the first two said no thanks (this was before Ryan threw-in the towel - #1 & #2 must be kicking themselves about now). This question hangs: What did Bryce promise WBMD?
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
it pays to read c99
I'm now glad I never gave Bryce any money, especially after reading Cathy Myers' Issues page. And now I'm going to feel far fewer pangs of conscience when I unsubscribe from his emails, too!
It pays to read c99!
Inquiring minds nationwide, including both of ours, would love to know!
edit: Installed a real subject line.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Too bad about Bryce
Explains why his common-working-man approach is so professionally polished.
Just got off the phone with Cathy Myers...
Good morning, my friend.
Just got off the phone with Cathy and, low & behold, Bryce has agreed to a "Forum" on 2018 July 11 @ 6:30pm @ Kenosha UAW. He is still refusing an actual debate, but it appears that articles in a few national publications and MANY state & regional publications has borne some fruit.
(link to funny tweet - embed giving me an error)
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Or more likely
when the corruptocrats get wiped and the party disintegrates we'll have people in place to work with.
On to Biden since 1973
I guess my question
is, why aren't these DCCC fucks hanged for treason?
For supporting a Republicon against one of their own. Well, maybe not "one of their own," but certainly the same party. If any DCCC scum is running in your neck of the woods please call them out as such. Becuz if we don't who will?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
If I just could understand what happened in the past
Weren't the Democrats once the real right-wing racists and the Republicans the "good guys"?
Then something happened and everything became the other way around. The Democrats were the "good guys" and the Republicans became the right-wing racists.
Now it happens again, right?
The "Good Democrats" support the right-wing bad guys and the "Bad Republicans" can claim they are the "Good Republicans" ?
I have forgotten how and why all of that "wolf in sheep-clothing changing their clothes" happened once and I am wondering if, what happens today, is another "change of clothes" for the wolf in the dressing room.
Ok, I give up. Sorry, you all may know what I don't. I think all of it happened before my mother was born and the rest before I was born... now I risk to die without ever having understood how that could happen. Darn.
The two parties generally
break down to pro-
Labor or pro-Business. Or were, up to Bubba's admin.
Dems and Repubs have pretty much remained the same for the last 100 years, prolly since the Civil War. One difference being Southern Democrats which are pretty much the wolves in sheep clothing you talk about. And, weirdly, or not, the KKK from the early 1900s (or before) to the '60s was made up mostly of "Democrats," real or not. Then, prez LBJ signed a bunch of "Civil Rights" (pro-Negro in some eyes) legislation which rubbed southern KKK Democrats the wrong way. So they flipped to the Repub side of the aisle (where they always belonged anyway) and, as they say, the rest is history. And since a real Democrat hasn't won in the South since those '60s, Bubba decided (along with a few others) that the way to win back the South was to move the Dimocratic party to The Right. And we've all seen how well that has worked out. Instead of voting for fake Repubs (Dimocrats in sheeps clothing) southerners vote for real Repubs. Alas, Bubba's "cure" for the Dimocratic party's failures in The South has spread to all 50 states. So, here we are, 50-something years since LBJ freed The South trying to push back Bubba's "cure" before it kills the entire country. But all that said, the two parties still are, for the most part, pro-Labor and pro-Business. Except the Party of Bubba - NeoLibs - hate Labor, too. Go figure.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Her website has 3 pages of issues.
Mostly domestic but I guess that is a start.
I would vote for her but on the strength of vote for a good person, but I would like to see some understanding on her part that voters are fed up with overseas adventurism.
Mary Bennett
It's Nebraska
Foreign policy isn't going to be a top concern there.
I hate to predict
but if she is not a "favored" one, the d's will stick her on some low luster assignments, Veterans, Indian affairs... that neither party has any priority for. Come re-elction the DCCC still won't support her. Because they suck.
Mary Bennett
Absolutely true
It is good news.
Wins for the good guys are always too few.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
We’re a difficult bunch here in Lower Hooterville
The Nebraska primary was win by Bernie Sanders in 2016.
It’s ‘how we roll’.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa