A bedtime story for Comey lovers--Trump's wild Moscow nights
So, Demonratic Trump collusion story has melted like snowfall in Miami, taking 14 months to do so. No evidence is final determination of House Intel Committee as it wraps up months of wasted work, much of it wasted by two things: lying Jim Comey (and Brennan, Clapper, and a host of others) and by whining Mad Adam Schiff, appearing on 250 talk shows in 14 months--I wonder how much WE spent on his cab fare to the TV studios.
Let us set the scene for the bedtime story, just so you all get fatigued enough to start yawning. In the beginning, Obama spawned James Comey, an act of selfish parthenogenesis. Tenaciously the Comey Creature (not to be confused by the Klinton Creature) attached himself to the corpus of the FBI (Famously Botched Investigations) like a barnacle. Although Barnacle Jim was gifted with the ability to speak, he was not gifted with the ability to tell the truth. Indeed, the Barnacle has a built-in aversion to the Truth. Telling the truth makes the Barnacle "queasy".
Before Barnacle Jim attached himself to the FBI, he had attached himself to a Swan (aka RSM III) for whom the Barnacle felt great affection. Together the Swan and the Barnacle formed a union perhaps as strong as that between Lovely Lindsey and John McStain. The S & B duo had succeeded in sucking millions out of the HSBC Bank and Laundry. They covered for each other during the U1 quid pro quo. The Swan actually delivered radioactive yellowcake to V. V. Putin. This act had a profound effect on the Swan, changing his feathers from white to black, a color which remains to this day.
The Barnacle proved himself both prescient and amnestic. First he wrote an exculpatory apologia for Her Heinous before the investigation even started. Just so the witnesses could not reveal the secrets Her revealed, they were granted immunity AND were allowed to attend Her deposition.
So the Barnacle proved 100% correct in his prediction, mainly because he made up the rules. Problem is the Barnacle, being unfamiliar with veracity, has to write down everything he hears, at least when the speech emanates from Donald the Orange. So he dashes off memos on the way from meetings with 4-10-20. For some reason, unknown to mere mortals, some of these memos are marked "classified", although the proper classification should be Hearsay.
In the interest of self-preservation patriotism, the Barnacle leaked 4 of the 7 memos to friend Lawyer Richman so that Richman could then leak them to NYT. Four of the Seven memos were classified, therefore the Barnacle had to leak at least one classified memo to Richman, a federal felony. It is also averred that the Barnacle may have provided some of his memos to others. This is irrelevant though, because the damage was done.
Through a variety of maneuvers the Barnacle had the memos delivered to the Swan. Low (and I do mean low) and behold, the Swan trumpeted that this was Evidence. Evidence of what? Never you mind to what this evidence pertained, it is sufficient to initiate a search for...for...for something, anything.
Sadly for B & S, no collusion was discovered between Bears and the Orange man. But the probe must go on! We must find something. Aha! We found something: the Pee-pee Portfolio in which unbiased investigator, Christopher Steele, supplied by funds from unbiased funds transferred through unbiased law firm Perkins-Coie via unbiased, patriotic Killary. Where did this salacious, prurient, unsanitary act occur? Mosckva, tovarisch! And didn't Trump stay in Mosckva for the Miss Universe pageant? Da--er, yes.
Now, we come to the bedtime story
Trump lies about staying overnight in Moscow!
Late last January, at a private White House dinner attended only by Donald Trump and Jim Comey, the president steered the conversation to a sensitive topic: “the golden showers thing.” He wanted the then-FBI director to know, Comey later wrote in a memo, that not only did he not consort with hookers in a Moscow hotel room in 2013, it was an impossibility. Trump “had spoken to people who had been on… the trip with him and they had reminded him that he didn’t stay over night in Russia for that," Comey recalled.
Trump made the same claim a second time, telling Comey in a later Oval Office meeting "that he hadn’t stayed overnight in Russia during the Miss Universe trip,” as Comey wrote.
So Comey is telling the truth, departing from recent past history? Trump denied staying overnight in Moscow according to who? And so what?
If the purpose of this is to lay (pun intended) a basis for the Golden Showers story (libretto by C. Steele, edited by Fusion GPS, Shearer, and Blumenthal). Again, so what?
How long does it take for a person to pee on another person? Perhaps to these prostatically-challenged morons investigating MMT (minimal micturition time), it may take several to many hours to do so because none of them can their bladders in under an hours (one reason for which Mad Adam's eyes bulge). Clearly, Trump had to stay in Moscow overnight to receive the full benefit of his urinary baptism. Indeed.
Forget this for a moment. Who said that Trump said that Trump did not stay overnight in Moscow? Barnacle Jim. Barnacle Jim, the liar of lies, the prince of perjury, the Sultan of Salacious.
For an interesting outlook on this latest Trump-bashing fiasco, you may enjoy this 25 minute video.
Shall we dance?

Bashing Trump will get him re-elected
Continual personal attacks on the Orange One got him elected. I posted a warning on TOP many moons ago and the response from the mentally deranged, frothing at the mouth, bottom dwellers on TOP, was that it was the fastest way to make him go away. Wrong! I wrote - concentrate on the issues and his policies. His policies are ridiculous and just don't pass any objective analysts. But no, the Libtards at TOP and the brain demented Ds went after him personally, generated sympathy for him and unlimited coverage in the press (how could they not, it sells). So here we go again. The story behind the Steele memo as to how it happened, who paid for it and how it was used, is totally damning to the DNC the Klynton Monster and the FBI, and even the FISA court (should it even exist?). In the remote possibility that Trump did hire sex workers to piss on Obama's bed I find that incredibly amusing and not very damning of Trump, as long as he paid to clean the sheets.
The D's are still having wet dreams about impeaching the Orange Peach. Well forget it. The probability of removing him from office is zero, especially based on the claims to date. Republicans are still smarting over Nixon's impeachment and the failure to convict the Clenis. And you need them to convict, even if you regain seats in Congress. So why bother? I made the same comment during the Clenical impeachment and low and behold the Republicans lost in the court of public opinion. So Nancy, Chucky, Adam, Jim and all you Klyntonites in heat carry on with your clown acts while the Orange One looks Presidential. Gee all the leaders of the "free" world now love him, hug him, kiss him, praise him and bomb for him. Guess what he's the President, unqualified or not, and Her Heinousness is not.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
This is another thing
The D's are still having wet dreams about impeaching the Orange Peach.
The democrats already had the chance to impeach him and they said that they weren't interested and they have just been wasting our time and money on their bogus and asinine investigation. Last time I checked Mueller had spent over $10 million on his stupid investigation and what does he have to show for it? A few people have been charged for things that have nothing to do with Russia Gate!
People said long ago that Mueller would drag this out for as long as he could. This is what he is doing. I can think of other things that money could have gone to.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
^^^ This comment^^^
The Democrats are sooooooooo devoid of promoting good policies of their own that they must stoop to spending millions of tax payer dollars on a witch hunt. If there is something that bad that could make the Republicans vote to impeach Trump, it should have been discovered by now. All of this is just theater and yet the Democrats persist upon pursuing grounds for impeachment of Trump while still voting with the Republicans in supporting some of his worst policies.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
A window on the Deep State at work:
They work at the intersection of spending-government-revenues and making-more-wars.
The Dims have turned into the party of
crotch sniffers that used to be Repubbies back in the day when old Slick was out preying on women (and probably underage girls).
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
And that is due to
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Great comment
And don’t get me started on the alleged party of LGBT rights snickering like middle schoolers over photoshops of Trump and Putin as leatherdaddies or speculating on them having a “special” relationship.
But to get to the. If issue, Trump is tribalistic politics as it’s basest. People project on to him. To many, he is their American Dream, even though his story is all smoke and mirrors. Yeah, it’s absurd that anyone could relate to him, but they do. And Her “deplorable” comment only furthered the us vs. them.
The other piece of it is I think people are just over the personal scandals. I think people realize these things don’t put money in their pockets or give them healthcare. I think it also has become such a tit for tat because no one in Washington is free of something someone will be offended by.
Of course I think we all know why this is happening and why it’s not going to change.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I think Americans of all political stripes
...had their wiring completely blown during the Republican Primaries.
We know that Trump fried the brains of every newspaper pundit early on in the Primaries, during which they all repeatedly announced that Trump had blown up his entire campaign, this time..
During the horrifying Republican debates, all seventeen candidates tried to top Trump's craziness at some point. The only one who ever succeeded at that was Hillary Clinton. And, like Trump, she still has an equally crazy fan-base of voters who hang on her every word. Who would have thought that US democracy would cease to function in such a banal way?
A race to the bottom the be sure.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Bingo, Mr. W
This is all we've been hammered with. What he says, what he is doing and who he screwed! Day after day the wreckage list is filled with these types of diaries. Rarely someone will write about his policies, but Russia Gate has lowered the IQ of even long time members there.
People's feelings about Comey are schizophrenic. First they love him because he lied his ass off and said that Herheinous was not guilty of misusing her private email server and sending classified information on it. Then they hated him when he reopened his investigation into that because the NYC FBI team found some of the emails from Secretary of State Hillary on her trusted BFFs husband's computer. He wasn't the one who told us that he was reopening the investigation, he sent a letter to congress about it and someone there leaked it out. Comey for some reason took this on his big shoulders. Then they loved him again because Trump fired him and then he wrote a book that confirmed everything that they thought about Trump.
Comey and the other intelligence dweebs have never been our friend. Look at the things that Bush and Obama did with our civil liberties during their tenures. Did Comey ever say anything about what they were doing was wrong? Did he blow the whistle on torture or drones or anything else that went against the constitution or international law? Not that I can remember. Mueller? Oh lord, let's not go into his history of screwing us.
Both Comey and Mueller have been lying to us since Herheinous lost to Trump. They both know that Russia did not interfere with the election, hack into the DNC computers or mess with other country's elections or any of the other things that they have been accused of doing.
Sorry, I'm going off on a rant. But let's be honest. Comey is not a good guy, nor is Mueller or Brennan or Obama and especially not Hillary effing Clinton! Every one of them are criminals in one way or another and it's time for people to remember that. Just because Trump is an asshole in so many ways doesn't mean that others aren't too!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Snoopy and Wizard, absolutely correct
ommmm, trump, ommmm, trump
When my car emits such noises, I stop and change the tire....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The policies of Trump's that pass
... succeed in putting an excessive amount of the nation's treasure into the pockets of the Deep State. The rest can belt-tighten.
That's the uni-party goal of the Democrats, too.
No one that matters pays attention to domestic issues, except during elections, when they refuse to speak about foreign policy issues.
And into the pockets of the 1%
Like the tax changes.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I wonder if there is still a 'special place in hell'
for women who don't support other women? Does that include women who pee on men? Just wondering....

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
It's what feminists do.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
The Hillary "feminists" spend most of their time
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
And not just Millenials
My older sister left NOW decades ago as they shifted their focus from workplace equality to just man-hating.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Gloria Steinem made an absolute fool out of herself
That Clinton campaign outed an awful lot of hypocrites!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Famously Botched Investigations.
I love that! Since at least 1950.
Who or what is RSM III?
I also tried in my pedestrian way to explain the facts of life to the Kossacks. Mme. C., I said in about late 2015 I think it was, is either out to lunch or wrong on issues which people care about now, this decade. Such as GMOs and the TPP. She couldn't even manage to denounce the ivory trade, free brownie points for politicians if ever there were any. Those are not the issues for THIS campaign, I was told. No, the "issues" were I am a progressive that gets things done (just don't count the bodies), and not-Trump.
One of the most unintentially funny episodes at TOP came when Brooklyn Bad Boy took Bernie to task...for filling out his own tax forms. I guess BBB thinks it is unpresidential or unsenatorial to be looking through the closet muttering what shoebox did I put those in? It's all about style and pizzazz at TOP.
Mary Bennett
I always imagined BBB
To be a diminutive 100 lb. male with a colossal Napoleon complex.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
@Anja Geitz His profile pic looks
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I believe his avatar
Is a well known rap artist. I suspect he chose it because it went well with his "Brooklyn Bad Boy" moniker.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
RSM III = Robert Swan Müller the turd
Submerge all gators. Pro-Mueller riots being planned.
Get back to the deep part of the river. Aside from the smell of urine, democrats will riot. Perez ain't fricking around.
Pittsburgh police ordered to bring riot gear in case Trump fires Mueller
Traitors within the party. I can't keep track of the actors anymore and who did what to whom and who peed on whom.
Midwestern Democrats Want The National Party To Stop The Trump-Russia Talk
everything i've learned about evil amazon i learned at wsws.
everything i've learned about the mueller investigation i've learned from alligator ed's bedtime story. thank you for edjumicating me. wish you could drop this into marcy wheeler's blogsite at emptywheel.net (smile).
More info. Yea!
Thanks for the link to emptywheel.net. Didn't know about that site until now.
commenters often note that they are 'proud democrats'; detractors of marcy's call her a more polite version of luke harding (the guardian, once or twice seen at TRNN). 'attorney w/ a degree in sciecnce' (not a real doctor refuting the alleged evidence of what almost killed the skripals: do they exist?) bmaz is her pitbull protector. #whatAnAsshole.
I checked out empty wheel
you're correct,
save that once in a while, one or two other authors write on other subjects. jim white, perhaps, bmaz the hall monitor on...his favorite sports teams. but i don't think marcy thinks the investigation is all over, and as w/ many Ds, they're ready to protest *when* the great orange one fires herr mueller. too bad they didn't when the senate confirmed pompeo for SoS, eh?