"This was the perfect storm of negligence."

A Parkland Student Who Was Shot Five Times Is The First Victim To Sue Over The Massacre

Anthony Borges was shot three times in the leg and twice in the torso while barricading the door of his classroom where 20 other students were hiding when gunman Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine's Day, killing 17 people, the complaint states.

The teenager spent more than a month in the hospital, has undergone nine surgeries, was placed into a clinically induced coma, and still has an extensive road to rehabilitation ahead of him, his attorney, Alex Arreaza, told BuzzFeed News.

The complaint filed in Broward Circuit Court lists seven defendants, including Cruz, and the family who housed him after his mother died, his mother's estate, and several mental health centers that treated him before the massacre. All parties except the gunman are accused of acting negligently and failing to stop the 19-year-old from taking his AR-15, walking into his former high school, and killing 17 people.

Nicknamed the "Iron Man," Anthony will be using a wheelchair for the foreseeable future and will need intensive, constant care as he heals.

You go Iron Man.

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Strife Delivery's picture

The complaint filed in Broward Circuit Court lists seven defendants, including Cruz, and the family who housed him after his mother died, his mother's estate, and several mental health centers that treated him before the massacre. All parties except the gunman are accused of acting negligently and failing to stop the 19-year-old from taking his AR-15, walking into his former high school, and killing 17 people.

I haven't followed much on the Parkland shooter. I don't really know his case so if someone does correct me after what I say, OK. (Quickly skimmed through some articles reading up on him).

My ignorance aside, this is absolutely terrible.

"Acting negligently and failing to stop" and how was this to occur?

This sounds like hindsight bias to me.

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EdMass's picture

@Strife Delivery

The kid who was shot?

All those agencies that failed from the school, to the Broward Cnty Sheriff , to the FBI?

Which one are you talking about?

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

Strife Delivery's picture


"Acting negligently and failing to stop"

I say hindsight bias because it's the closest thing I can think of though it isn't entirely accurate.

It's not particularly upon the kid who was shot. It's the perception of the situation. The shooter shot up the school. From that, we work backwards to blame someone because we have the fact the shooting occurred.

However, let's try going forward instead. Before this shooting happened, we had this individual who has behavioral issues who has made some disturbing statements. Alright, we now have to figure out the probability of his actions, including the possibility of harm to someone else. I mean, this isn't Minority Report.

The schools or government agencies (sheriff and FBI) aren't being sued. It's the families and the mental health centers. Reading up on the instances for the sheriff and FBI, that is a stronger case for something wrong than going after the families/mental health centers. From what I've read, he hadn't been evaluated in over a year before the shooting with regards to psychological concerns.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Strife Delivery Some of the parties named in the suit probably do not belong in the suit. For instance, mental health facilities rarely "cure" anybody of psychosis or personality disorders. Custodial care and medication are all that they realistically be expected to do. An involuntary commitment is not the determination to be made by any mental health facility even though they may recommend such a move. Such commitment requires a judicial finding.

"Preserve and protect" has been made a mockery by Clintonite Scott "I'm Terrific" Israel and the FBI station chief who apparently was too busy hunting for Russians sneaking around Broward County. The station chief is every bit as derelict in pursuit of his sworn duties as is Rod Rosenstein.

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sue the County, et al. I have mixed feelings about suing that family though. On the one hand I just don't see how they might have truly known what he was, but I've not read that much about them either. On the other hand, if more parents or families get sued for leaving weapons accessible then maybe that stops some of it. That family who took him in has got to be suffering enough that they did not see it, I'm not sure draining them of any financial resources makes much sense. They really should sue the chickenshit officers who didn't even bother to enter the building, armed as they were. Maybe they will.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

EdMass's picture


At what home were all his guns and ammo that he brought into the house? It weren't their weapons.

What? "We had no idea". "How were we to know, that this troubled teenager was stockpiling weapons in our house" "We didn't actually talk to him that much."


You have/had kids, right?

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

@EdMass I always try to put myself in the place of someone and I can't help but think of a busy parent with other kids, with jobs, with whatever goes on in their lives and wonder, if it were me, could I have missed that? Not the gun, but the intent of that kid? I do get that I give too much quarter there. I cannot imagine what their lives are like now, how many friends they've lost, how they're treated, etc.

But, they should have made him get rid of that gun. And like I said, if more people either get sued or go to jail for negligence there, well maybe some gun owners think a bit harder about that.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

EdMass's picture


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

QMS's picture

@lizzyh7 the family can not pay for all of those lives lost. Who allows automatic weapons to be sold to civilians? The state. Sue them. It is a crime, after all. Make them be responsible for their own inability to govern properly.

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EdMass's picture


I am not saying the foster parents should be sued. I am saying their ignorance is questionable and convenient.

And just to be argumentative, an AR-15 is not an "automatic weapon". It's a friggin 22 that looks scary (the same weapon in a traditional configuration is just fine) and yes "semi-automatic" weapons are the norm from handguns (what most murders and shootings are used for) on up. IT is not a weapon of war, no military would use one. One pull on the trigger one shot. No-one has been able to purchase an "automatic" weapon for decades...

This is why we can't do anything about this. If one cannot describe accurately what one wishes to regulate, it won't be regulated.


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

QMS's picture

@EdMass one pull triggers are easily modified, with commercially available parts. In case you did not know this? Guns have a tendency to empower psychotics to modify their perceived defenses to ultimate killing capacity. Me thinks that is what needs to be addressed. Do we really need to parse the loose lawlessness of the gun lobby? Sheesh. The point is, our protectors have been bought and sold this absolutely stupid concept that the 2nd amendment means we have to shoot everyone that scares us? Focus on the results, bullets and guns aside. People kill for reasons. Our protectors encourage this.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

travelerxxx's picture


... And just to be argumentative, an AR-15 is not an "automatic weapon". It's a friggin 22 that looks scary ...

Ummm... Not really. It's not a little "squirrel rifle 22" at all. The cartridge is a .223 Remington (5.56 NATO), which is considered a high power rifle cartridge.

No-one has been able to purchase an "automatic" weapon for decades...

Sorry, but that's just not true. I can go out tomorrow and buy one. You give the Feds $200 and they do a background check on you. D-U-N, done. I work with several men who own them, some having purchased them fairly recently. By the way, none of those I know who own them shoot them very often, as they cost a fortune to "feed." They can blow through $100 of ammo in a couple of seconds.

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@QMS Whatever the family or even the mother's estate might have will not cover all the lawsuits. The state should pay. The county as well. And the FBI.

I don't have kids nor do I own a gun. My dad had 15 guns, many collector's items and he really wanted me or my sister to take them. She has kids, no way. I am not ready to own one yet as I do agree with my dad that if it's for protection, it must be kept loaded. Not ready to go there yet. My dad had my sister and I extremely well trained on even touching his loaded Colt under the bed. I don't remember any traumatic way he did it, but we just never did mess with his guns. But those were different days too.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Strife Delivery's picture

@EdMass How many guns did this kid own? From what I've read (which I'm slowly trying to learn more regarding the topic on hand), he bought an AR-15 for the shooting and had several mags with him. So, perhaps due to my ignorance again on the topic, but having one AR and several mags doesn't sound like stockpiling to me (I'm trying to find how many guns he owned but not the best of luck).

Also, this guy (I shouldn't say kid)was in JROTC and the air rifle club. Is it really surprising that he might have guns?

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QMS's picture

@Strife Delivery It's legal ya' know. Whether or not the kids have enough sense to understand the consequences of putting real bullets into other people is not to up to debate. How many 5 year olds have shot the babysitter because mom and dad didn't think enough to lock up their loaded guns? No real consequence.

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Strife Delivery's picture

@QMS Instances like those are pure negligence. If you have children, don't leave your loaded gun in your glove box or center console. A gun only works with bullets in it.

I grew up around guns since my family hunts. I used to hunt when I was younger, but I don't anymore. I was taught some basic tenets about guns:

Always believe that a gun is loaded.
Never point a gun at a person.
Only point at things you are going to shoot.

Pretty simple things to stand by.

Several instances like you just mentioned, people bring up gun laws and the debate ensues. But, in those cases, that's just pure negligence on the part of the owner.

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QMS's picture

@Strife Delivery gun safety class was a required course. So was drivers education. The schools did it because that was all we had. Today? Join the NRA for free and learn nothing. You want to drive? Just call 1-800 for your nearest paid service. Things have changed. Legal issues tend to be whatever the lobby wants, s'all I'm sayin'.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


gun locker and stole the guns. I don't think that the family should be sued, but I do think that the FBI and the sheriffs department could be held liable. The sheriffs went to his house numerous times and people called the FBI and told them that he had threatened to shoot up the school. Plus he wrote on YouTube that he wanted to do it and even wrote his actual name . The FBI said that they couldn't find him. They could have if they had connected the YouTube post with the other complaints.

I was reading Paul Craig Roberts last night and followed the links to two other websites. They are saying that it was a false flag and that no one was killed because there were no obituaries for the kids who were killed. I try to keep an open mind about things, but I really don't know what to make of this. But I do know that we have been lied to over and over about many things so why not this? And why would they do this? To take people's guns away? To put more surveillance equipment in schools? To get kids used to being watched and restricted? There is always an alternative motive for false flag events.

Does Anyone Know if There Is an Explanation for the Absence of Obituaries for the Alleged Parkland School Shooting Victims?

OPERATION HOGGWASH: No Death Records for the 17 Parkland Victims

It's this site that believes that it was a false flag. David Hogg apparently didn't go to Parkland because he graduated from Rodondo Shores HS in 2015.

Parkland shooting was a false flag

Follow the links to other articles on the site.

We know that the march for life was paid for by Oprah, the Clooneys and the DP to name a few. Soros is also rumored to have kicked in some funds.

I would like to know if Cruz was on anti depressants like some of the other mass shooters. One kid from Columbine was, the Colorado movie shooter was, as well as a few of the others. Anti depressants are not to be given to people in their teens because of how their brains react to them. Plus they cause suicidal ideation in many, but especially kids.

This is my two cents on this subject.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg about lack of obituaries. But I will say the one title I saw right after it on the Fetzer link about Las Vegas - a friend of a very close friend was at that concert and while she was not shot, she saw people around her dead and had the blood of others on her at her hotel lobby. Funny thing though, at least I thought, there were some kind of crisis responders already in the lobby of her hotel to greet her when she found her way back on foot. They told her to get to her room and get down on the floor.... I always thought that was odd, to have that many of responders like that, ready in all those hotel lobbies at a moments notice? Whatever happened there my friend's friend lives with the PTSD today. And she's a proud member of the NRA still and a gun owner. For now...

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture


didn't it? This was all we heard about for a few days and then it was off to the next crisis. Having people already in the lobby to direct people seems a little weird. And was it the same hotel where the shootings came from? If so, I would think that the whole place would have been a crime scene and locked off for people to access it. Telling people to go to their rooms and lay on the floor? This would mean that people might still be in danger. Nope, this does not compute.

Then there's the deaths of 4 people after the event. This too is being made into a ct. Did they know something that they were going to talk about to the media?

Then there's that taxi driver who said he saw mussle flashes coming from the 10th floor and not higher up where it was supposed to have come from.

Did you follow the other links to different pages with more weird events from the day? Oh well. This is what comes from a government that is known to lie to its citizens. Do so and let me know what you think.

Look at the video of Robert Parker on U tube. It's the first one that comes up when you search for it. He's laughing with people and then you can see him slip into character and start crying. This doesn't help make it seem real.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg so not the same hotel, and if I remember right it took her about 20 minutes or so to find her way back there on foot. There were 3 of them at the concert, they got separated and didn't find each other right away either. That had to be horrifying. One of them was going to go back to work but she and her shrink decided she's not ready yet. None of them will ever be the same after that. I would not be shocked at all that this was a false flag but it feels different saying that when someone you know was there, you know? I would not say that to any of those 3 but I do think that whole thing was very suspicious and yes, look how quickly that "went away."

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Didn't the astronauts bring back moon rocks or was it green cheese?

Talk about autopsies, why don't we review Scalia's autopsy? Oooops. He was incinerated along with the pillow on his head.

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Hawkfish's picture


Has an obit on one of the teachers. Obits are not run for everyone (someone has to write them) and there may be other rules for minors.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg