Updates on the Silencing and Isolation of Julian Assange

While I’m no particular fan of rape-jokey Slavoj Žižek, this is well-written and well-argued; his take is fascinating and quite reasonable.  I dunno if Assange and WikiLeaks would agree that they’re a ‘spying organization’, but nonetheless…allow me to borrow a good swath of it.

Assange works for the people – now we need to save him,  Slavoj Žižek via RT April 20, 2018

“Julian Assange has been silenced again, and the timing is most suspicious. With the Cambridge Analytica story dominating the news, it seems some powerful people have reasons to keep the brave WikiLeaks boss quiet right now.

Ecuador is a small country, and one can only imagine the brutal behind-the-scenes pressure exerted on it by Western powers to increase the isolation of Julian Assange from the public space. Now, his internet access has been cut off and many of his visitors are refused access, thus rendering a slow social death to a person who’s spent almost six years confined to an apartment at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

This happened before, for a short period around the time of the US elections, but back then it was a reaction to WikiLeaks publishing documents which could have affected the outcome of the Trump/Clinton race, while there is no such excuse now. Because, currently, Assange’s “meddling” in international relations consists only of publishing on the web his opinions about the Catalonia crisis and the Skripal poisoning scandal. So why such brutal action now, and why did it cause so little uproar in the public opinion?  

Manipulating Motives

They say Assange is paranoid? How could anyone who lives permanently in a flat which is bugged from above and below, a victim of constant surveillance organized by secret services, not be? As for him being a megalomaniac? When the (now ex-) head of the CIA says your arrest is his priority, does this not imply that you are a “big” threat to some, at least? And the trope where Assange behaves like the head of a spy organization? But WikiLeaks IS a spy organization, although one that serves the people, keeping them informed on what goes on behind the scenes.

Yet, they say Assange is a refugee from justice, hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy to escape judgment. But what kind of justice is this which threatens to have him arrested when the case has already been dropped?

So let’s move to the big question: why now? I think one name explains it all: Cambridge Analytica – a name which stands for all Assange is about, for what he fights against; the disclosure of the link between the great private corporations and government agencies.

Remember what a big topic and obsession the Russian meddling in the US elections was – now we know it was not Russian hackers (with Assange) who nudged the people towards Trump, but instead the West’s own data-processing agencies which joined forces with political forces. This doesn’t mean that Russia and its allies are innocent: they probably did try to influence the outcome in the same way that the US does in other countries (only in this case, it is labeled “democracy promotion“). But it means the big bad wolf who distorts our democracy is not in the Kremlin, but walking around the West itself – and this is what Assange was claiming all along.

Covert Rule

But where, exactly, is this big bad wolf? To grasp the whole scope of this control and manipulation, one should move beyond the link between private corporations and political parties (as is the case with Cambridge Analytica), to the interpenetration of data processing companies like Google or Facebook and state security agencies.

We shouldn’t be shocked at China but at ourselves who accept the same regulation while believing that we retain our full freedom and that media just helps us to realize our goals (while in China people are fully aware that they are regulated). The overall image emerging from it, combined with what we also know about the link between the latest developments in biogenetics (wiring the human brain, etc.), provides an adequate and terrifying image of new forms of social control which make the good old 20th century “totalitarianism” seem a rather primitive and clumsy machine of domination.

The biggest achievement of the new cognitive-military complex is that direct and obvious oppression is no longer necessary: individuals are much better controlled and “nudged” in the desired direction when they continue to experience themselves as free and autonomous agents of their own lives. And this is another key lesson of WikiLeaks: our lack of freedom is most dangerous when it is experienced as the very manifestation of our freedom. Because what can be more free than the incessant flow of communications which allows every individual to popularize their opinions and forms virtual communities at the user’s own volition? This is why it is absolutely imperative to keep the digital network out of the control of private capital and state power, i.e., to render it totally accessible to public debate. Assange was right in his strangely ignored key book on Google (When Google Met WikiLeaks, 2014) in his understanding of how our lives are regulated today, and how this regulation is experienced as our freedom. Meaning, we have to focus on the shadowy relation between private corporations which control our commons and secret state agencies.”

As I’d remembered it, Assange had Tweeted that he either was going to testify, or hoped to testify…about Cambridge Analytical.  I scoured his Twitter account, but couldn’t find the Tweet.  Admittedly, at the time, I hadn’t much of a clue as to what the ‘organization’ was or did, so I hadn’t zeroed in on his message.  But I did grab these related ones:

One of the WikiLeaks-related teams had also reTweeted this, which Inspector Clouseau might have considered ‘a Clue’:

On the other hand, also via RT: ‘John Pilger warns of war with Russia as West wages ‘propaganda’ battle (VIDEO)’, April 3
“Campaigning journalist John Pilger has warned that the current propaganda war being waged by the West against Russia and China could escalate into a “real” war if it continues.

The Australian journalist and filmmaker issued the warning during an interview with RT on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange having his internet access cut off by the Ecuadorian embassy, where he resides. The WikiLeaks editor has been unable to access the internet or receive visitors since criticizing Germany’s arrest of Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont.

“This is about a war on freedom of speech. This man is being denied the most basic right – freedom of speech,” Pilger told RT. “It’s part of a wider war against known enemies, Russia is one of them and China is another, but at the moment [it’s] on the propaganda stage,” he added.”

But shucks, let’s stir in emptywheel’s April 1 ‘‘Did Ecuador Gag Julian Assange for Interference in Spain AND the US? [and far more interestingly prohibiting visitors, she notes]

“And while the gag closely followed Assange’s tweet, it also followed the detention and questioning of Trump advisor Ted Malloch when he arrived in Logan airport Tuesday. Among the questions the FBI asked Malloch, they asked about his contacts with Roger Stone and Wikileaks.

“The questions got more detailed about my involvement in the Trump campaign (which was informal and unpaid); whom I communicated with; whom I knew and how well — they had a long list of names,” Malloch said. “They seemed to then focus more attention on Roger Stone (whom I have met a grand total of three times and with groups of people); Jerome Corsi, a journalist who edited a memoir I had written some years ago; and about WikiLeaks, which I knew nothing.”

He said was asked specifically if he had visited the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been holed up for nearly six years. He had not, he said.

The FBI let Malloch go, but not before seizing his phone and subpoenaing him to appear before Mueller’s grand jury on April 13.

That’s why I’m so interested that Ecuador has prohibited Assange visitors. The one time, in the past, they cut off his Internet access seemed to be a response to his release of emails designed to influence US politics, not Spanish politics. And his well-known use of mules to carry data to him would necessitate cutting off human visitors as well if Ecuador wanted to prevent his participation in foreign affairs.

In any case, if Mueller’s team ever provides solid evidence of more malign Assange involvement in the election, this is the kind of response I’d expect Ecuador to take.”

In the end, quite a number of the 101 comments were from those who questioned her imaginings, and brutal retorts from her burly gatekeeper bmaz.  But boy, do EW and bmaz loathe Assange, not particularly WikiLeaks.  In general, their commentariat is very proud of their big D ‘Democratic’ brand.

This questioning may be the reason that WikiLeaks had Tweeted this yesterday:

‘Roger Stone: WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and Me; The Anatomy of a Fake News Avalanche’, artvoice.com, April 3, 2018

May I say that I’m agnostic in ignorance as to Stone’s claims, and I haven’t a clue if there’s any real evidence that they’d met, but this list of #FakeNews publications I’ve seen in action:

“The fake news media is in overdrive. The constant torrent of disinformation and manipulative ‘reporting’ from fake news outlets like the Daily Beast, Salon, Slate, and Talking Points Memo is as predictable as it is hysterical.” Later he points readers to more ‘DMs leaked to the Atlantic’, and Stone reminds readers that Assange’s wifi had been cut off during that time.  I won’t bring Craig Murray’s knowledge into the discussion as I don’t recall any of the timelines of the leaks.

You can donate to WikiLeaks here through the Wau Holland Foundation.  Here is the ‘End Julian Assange’s isolation’ petition to Lenin Moreno that now has over 42,000 signatures.  This is the ‘shop WikiLeaks’ page, including ‘1984 was not an instruction manual’ merchandise.

For Julian: please remember Karine Polwart’s hymn to the Occupy movement: ‘The wee wren as the King of Birds’!  Perhaps the Australian fairy wren?

Crossposted from: café babylon

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EdMass's picture

So, Sweden drops charges after years. England won't dismiss jumping bail even though JA was ready to pay the fine.$$.

They want to extradite me to the US he says?

Why yes, yes they do.

BTW can still get Internet on his cell phone....

Jeepers, technology and shit...

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

wendy davis's picture


the embassy employees are pissed since their cell phones don't work, apparently. and when sweden dropped the charges, they finally admitted they were trumped up on orders from either clinton or obomba, depending on who'd telling the story. all the two women ever wanted was to compel assange to get an aids test.

but reading at so many websites, including daily beast, buzzfeed, the atlantic, even twice: the intercept, and emptywheel, assange is still a pedophile, rapist, little worm who won't leave the embassy and 'face the music'. although upon further reflection, it would be possible that secretary of state mike pompeo, who's acknowledged that his inner prime directive was to metaphorically see assange's head in a noose...could have given lenin moreno a whisper or two. but i still reckon that's doubtful, myownself.

yeah, bail-jumping (after the fact) is a 2-dollar crime in the scheme of things. guesses on cambridge analytica as the chief reason, EdMass? yanno, i forgot to look at former ambassador craig murray's site today; i'll do that now.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis tolled. The U.K. will happily arrest Assange if he leaves the Ecuadorian embassy on behalf of the glorious people's republic of the U.S. Anything to make "the cousins" happy.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

timed out? past its sell-by date? ah, it's all such a cruel and unusual method of torture. not (then) bradley manning, but simple revenge from the big bright green imperial machine.

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snoopydawg's picture


had a huge conflict of interest. Don't recall all of the details, but it has something to do with who she is married to. The conflict was so glaring that she should have recused herself. This is what justice is like in this neoliberal world.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


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wendy davis's picture


keep the faith! keep heart darlin'! you will prevail! we will prevail!

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wendy davis's picture

over the porton down admission/skripal poisoning.

but from the twittersphere, and lord luv a duck ('aka russian intelligence'):

@Corbynator2 4h4 hours ago: "Sources close to Sergei Skripal say he was investigating 'Cambridge Analytica' before his poisoning."

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis SCL has more in common with MI6 than even with the CIA. A symbiotic relationship exists, of course fed by pounds and dollars. The Zuck is also in trouble for not only sloppy oversight of CA but for the clumsy way in which he directly had FB data mine for Obomber.

Hussein sucks FB for votes.

At this point, I might make a crude analogy about sucking, but being as you, wendy, are such an elegant writer, I will not sully the prose with swamp talk.

Great essay. Thanks.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

but good grief. when i'd asked you about obama not being on the list, it was cuz i had some of assange's carol davidsen tweets. what on earth did i do w/ them?

but yes, the CA developed personal profiles were by way of predictive pscho-social spying. and now it's a CA #fakeBrexit vote, jeezum crow. oh, fuck me, gator, i swear like a drunken sailor, so please unload yer guns!

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wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

mr. wd did the bingling 4 me.

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travelerxxx's picture

@wendy davis

I bumped into this about SCL. Thought you might be interested about a corporation who deals in "behavioral change programs" ... a la Goebbels.

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wendy davis's picture


and edward bernays keep laughin' from his grave. i keep noting that when people talk of 'THE deep state', there are arguably any number of different versions, whether competing or coordinated. but the SCL version is the meeting of Lords, Tories, the 'defense' industry weapons makers, and those who advise how to defend against 'russian aggression', say in ukraine.

thanks for the link, i'll keep it for further use. now some of that assange had tweeted, and a couple not in the bellacaledinia exposé, but once again, i tried to find assange's tweet about appearing before parliament to discuss CA, and dagnabbit: i found it! first it was via RT having reported the same, but w/ the tweets inside.

why i wasn't able to find in on his account is an x-file to me. and i'd been about to ask who it is in your cool avatar, when i'd finally pinged: buster keaton!

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travelerxxx's picture

@wendy davis

The image seems appropriate for these days, eh?

Thank-you for the reply.

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wendy davis's picture


esp. w/ the deer in the headlights look, lol. but remember this from liam o'hare at the bellacaledonia site?

"The NATO website said the “revolutionary” training would “help Ukrainians better defend themselves against the Russian threat”.

zo... i couldn't find anything on whether or not germany's decision to extradite puigdemont to spain on the hashtag, so...i clicked into the guardian and found none other than luke ptui harding's: 'Former Trump aide approved 'black ops' to help Ukraine president'; Exclusive: Paul Manafort authorised secret media operation that sought to discredit key opponent of then Ukrainian president

now the same hilarity is afoot, because the putsch was US and compromised NGOs (omidyar, usaid spooks, etc) sponsored. anyhoo, it's pretty incoherent and all over the map, but he 'exposes' info about banderist yulia tymoshenko of the blond braids halo:

"Mueller also accuses Manafort of hiring retired European politicians to lobby on behalf of Yanukovych, and paying them more than €2m (£1.74m, $2.45m) via offshore accounts.

The documents reveal another surreptitious operation to influence international opinion. In 2010 Yanukovych defeated his rival Yulia Tymoshenko in presidential elections. The following summer Ukrainian prosecutors arrested Tymoshenko and put her on trial. This provoked severe criticism from the Obama administration and the EU, which accused Yanukovych of locking up Tymoshenko for political reasons."

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Alligator Ed That bullshit. At the time, I couldn't believe so many people didn't see it was bullshit.

It's getting scary to talk to people who get their news from TV.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Alligator Ed I wonder what they came up with for my profile when I was in OFA.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Alligator Ed's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal My bet is that you weren't in OFA in 2012.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Alligator Ed I left early. Before Obama had disappointed me.

They were organizing rapid response media teams to 'defend the President.' I said, "Defend him about what?" They said, airily, "Oh, anything! Whatever comes up."

That set off a warning bell inside me. I don't do unconditional loyalty or unspecified defense.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

burned out brain and eyes, so i'll see you in the mornin'. tonight's lullaby:


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wendy davis's picture

for this diary, thus had spaced out of my olde crone memory, was this from bill van auken at wsws.org i hadn't read at the time, dagnabbit.

"The silencing of Assange came just one day after the Ecuadorian government welcomed a delegation from the US Southern Command, the Pentagon’s arm in Latin America and the Caribbean, headed by Southcom’s deputy military commander, Gen. Joseph DiSalvo, and its chief political officer, Ambassador Liliana Ayalde. Southcom issued a statement declaring that the discussions were held to strengthen “security cooperation” and “exchange ideas and reiterate US commitment to the longstanding partnership.”

Was the timing a coincidence? Or did the Pentagon’s representatives deliver a blunt directive to their Ecuadorian counterparts to silence Julian Assange? The obvious question that follows is what other demands have been made. Do they include handing over Assange to Washington?

Since his election last May, Moreno—Correa’s hand-picked successor—has carried out a sharp turn to the right, implementing tax cuts for big business, cuts in social spending and an attempt to reduce Ecuador’s dependence on loans and investment from China in favor of closer relations with US imperialism, which is seeking to reassert its hegemony in the region and counter Beijing’s growing influence.

(he then spends some time mocking the bougie nature of the 'pinkish' nations in the south that have gone hard right since..., etc.) then:

"Correa had himself ordered the severing of Assange’s Internet connection in 2016 under US government pressure over WikiLeaks’ publication of leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee, and two years earlier he had transferred more than half of Ecuador’s gold reserves to Goldman Sachs to secure the confidence of capitalist financial markets."

pentagon, the EU, nato, who knows, but it's indeed another...kleeew.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis One can mock the capitulation of the "Pink Tide" governments when one has been similarly threatened by similar powers, and refused to comply.

I think it's fairly clear that the CIA was not amused by the left turn in Latin America, and did not at all respond the way they would if all those governments were essentially stalking horses--stalking Trojan horses perhaps!--that always already were going to collapse on purpose into right-wing colonial bullshit.

It's pretty clear to me that Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil are being intimidated and manipulated into good little right-wing adherents of U.S. business and banking interests.

His critique of them seems to be based on the fact that they remained capitalists. That was a mistake, obviously, but does not mean their move to the left was made in bad faith.

I couldn't believe Ecuador protected Assange in the first place. That's an act of defiance, and they are a comparatively small country with a comparatively small economy and military. The fact that that act of defiance lasted two whole years before they started trying to placate the massive powers to the north that they'd angered is amazing. The fact that it took till 2016 for them to act directly against Assange is more amazing.

Aside from that, this author is one hell of a truthteller. I should visit WSWS more often.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

but the trostskyites there are purists of the 4th internationalist sort, esp. compared to the journalists at jacobin who are of the DSA sort for the most part. but wsws has journalists on the ground in so many venues ad report in so many languages that i find impressive. at the finish, van auken had noted that the workers of the word need to object to assanges imprisonment (or something like that), which has made me laugh about the reporting at soooo many alternative news sites that: (harumph, basso profundo) 'these X no of intellectuals have signed a letter to lenin moreneo', tra la la. who the fuck cares what 'intellectuals' say, even if one laughs a bit about pamela anderson (???) and brian eno...being on the list?

but as to ecuador joining the hegemon: dunno that they're as under the gun as they might imagine from the pressures.

well done, though, can't stop the signal.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis Thanks for your nuanced response, wendy. One thing I love about caucus is that people here don't automatically view everything like a pro wrestling match (villain vs hero), but engage with, well, I hesitate to use the word "intersection" anymore, after what Hillary supporters did to it, but, shall we say, the interaction of people's personal, ideological, and structural positions and how that makes them what they are and leads to the actions they take. That requires far more work.

To put it better and more briefly: thank you for not automatically assuming I was against the author and saying he was bad, and then responding angrily that he was good and I was bad. The way people do almost everywhere online.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

but as to the pink tide bougies, i should have added that ecuador, imo, quite unlike VZ, was not laid under heavy international sanctions after being called 'a threat to amerikan security' by first obama, then herr hair, and given then that absolutely every msm site rankly lied about not only conditions there, but that the maduro govt. was to blame for the many deaths that were actually down to the opposition forces major figures, and likely spooks covered under the USAID rubric.

and of course, chavismo could not be allowed to stand, even as maduro made rookie mistakes along the way. but leopoldo lopez and friends, supported by the hegemon's msm stenographers, were given all the glory imaginable. even now, with Rexxon gone and more oil fields to covet, there have been calls for the military to depose maduro, and for the neighboring nations...to help from the borders.

dictator! fake elections! invalid national assembly! boycott the illegal elections! and rubbish like that, and now that maduro has issued some oil-backed crypto-currency to raise some money for trying to better people's lives and fund diversifications from an oil-based economy....that's been declared illegal, as well. i'm a bit agnostic on that one, but one person i follow to make sense of it all is mark weisbrot of CEPR, and michael hudson weighs in once in a while himself.

but oh, my, how many sides there are to realpolitik narratives; makes one's had swim, doesn't it? and from where i sit, the Prop side of PropOrNot...are the publications to be most skeptical about. from the mueller investigation/s to the poisoning of the skripals and 'russian' novochok (whatever) nerve agents, the Truth may be out there, but the Props ain't got it, imo. when folks (democrats) like marcy wheeler quote buzzfeed and the daily beast, i'm trying to learn not to cringe in shock, lol.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis Venezuela has definitely been made the goat. No question.

To quote Marilyn Monroe, from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes: "Piggy was being the python...and I was the goat."

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

as alt-news authors kinda game 'the next war', some posit VZ, for a variety of reasons, including no formal military allies, and her neighbors surrounding her...want to eat her for lunch...from the borders, of course. plus: rampant #fakeNews.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis I like CEPR too, by the way.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis It's horrible to lose people like Marcy. But after the 2016 campaign season, I've pretty much ceased to be surprised. At least Matt Taibbi pulled his head out of his ass (mostly).

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal glad ya like CEPR, but remember: all of emptywheel's contributors are big D democrats. and as to the commentariat: thou shalt not resist! dinnae know about taibbi; good if it's so. for time he'd gone to the dark side after...getting so enchanted by christia freeland (spelling?) on bill moyers. she's now the the canuckistan trade rep, iirc,
and completely batting for the 1% elites.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis Brian Eno?

That makes me sad. I hate it when artists I like make themselves over into mouthpieces for the shitheads who run the place.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

who'd jointly signed a letter to lenin moreno objecting to assange's isolation and silencing was all. i couldn't pull his music out of a line-up if i had to, and the sole tune i checked out a day or two ago sounded like a beatles or moody blues knock-off. i'll try to listen to more, okay? dunno if those two are intellectuals or not, but i really don't think they should carry more cred than your signature, or mine.

as for VZ news, i like abby martin's show on TRNN for her brave on-the-street reporting, and i get the venezuelananalysis newsletter, with almost too many stories to click into.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis Oh, I see. So Eno hasn't joined the dark side. That's good to know.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@wendy davis

The cats-cradle of propaganda intended to strangle an unwitting world continues to unravel as TPTB attempt to sweep back the sea with a manure fork - and to use it to beat under any swimming against their poisonous 'red' tide*.

... Or did the Pentagon’s representatives deliver a blunt directive to their Ecuadorian counterparts to silence Julian Assange? The obvious question that follows is what other demands have been made. Do they include handing over Assange to Washington? ...

That's one of my (many) concerns with this isolation tactic; that, once not merely out of the public eye but with communications cut off, this potentially might be with the intent of having him quietly 'suicided' or subjected to 'extraordinary rendition' kidnapping by some of these sadistic freaks, especially with a torturer proposed to head 'a more vicious CIA'... or that the Embassy might, for example, be blown up to dispose of all witnesses, (the jamming ensuring nobody there having a functional cell phone to potentially call/text alerts out or to livestream/record anything done,) to have this blamed on terrorists other than those responsible, and used as another False Flag promoted against Russia or another targeted country. (And if anyone doubts that these sorts of things might potentially be considered/planned, you're far more trusting than I. It seems that thinking the worst of TPTB never quite covers the unimaginable depths they sink to.)

These are not remotely sane groups going after Assange and there is nothing I'd put past them. And there needs to be some means of establishing that Julian's still present, alive and being supplied with essentials without unduly hazarding himself by stepping out on a balcony or anything. Is there any uncorrupted human rights agency who could establish regular visits, I wonder? Certainly, no plausible excuse could be made for keeping them out

Julian has health issues, too, and I expect that this is aimed at - at the least - hurrying along physical deterioration recently being said to place him at risk of death from lack of medical attention - unless this concern has been created/exaggerated to make us less suspicious of anything happening to him?

It appeared to have been a shoulder injury and teeth which needed tending? up until now and I don't recall hearing about an imminent risk of death until he was isolated, although I may have missed that; certainly there were concerns about his health being affected by his previous conditions, at best grossly worsened now. But I have no faith in anything said just now regarding those targeted by, and vulnerable to, TPTB, with their propaganda in full swing and blatant lawlessness rampant among those infiltrating so many intended-to-be-'democracies'...

(Too appropriate a comparison not to make, since both are neurotoxic and, everywhere they appear, widely destructive to health and life in general.)

What Causes a Red Tide?
By Marc Lallanilla, Live Science Contributor | March 11, 2013 05:28pm ET

... The algae linked to red tides contain a toxin that affects the nervous and digestive systems of animals. Red tides are usually accompanied by a massive die-off of fish, as well as the birds and other animals that feed on fish.

Even larger animals that feed on fish, shellfish and other marine life can be killed if they consume enough of the toxin. A red tide in Florida this month has been blamed for a significant die-off of manatees, while another red tide in 2012 may have caused a large number of squid deaths in California.

Humans are also vulnerable to the toxic effects of a red tide. Wave action can release the algae's toxins into the air, causing respiratory problems among people near the shoreline, particularly those with asthma, emphysema or other respiratory illnesses.

Because the toxins can accumulate in shellfish, red tides often cause outbreaks of parasitic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). Both illnesses affect the nervous systems; ASP can cause dizziness and disorientation, and in extreme cases, PSP can cause respiratory paralysis, resulting in death by asphyxiation.

Red tides occur worldwide, and some reports indicate their occurrence is on the rise, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The phenomenon now takes place almost every summer along Florida's Gulf Coast, for example, and global warming may be contributing to the increase. ...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

wendy davis's picture

@Ellen North

and i agree that most who want to see him dead or in gitmo would plumb the depths of hades to make it happen and cover it up. and yes, w/ lenin moreno's rapprochement with southern command, thus nato, i'd reckon, the worst may yet occur. three things: a commenter at the café brought this from bloomberg: 'Ecuador Wants Less Julian Assange and More Foreign Investors'; In a bid to revamp its economy, Ecuador unplugs WikiLeaks' founder.

puigdemont has been let out on $10000 bail, extradition on corruption to be decided later. but the coverage is confused from the german papers, to telesur, to the guardian. a café author in berlin gave the news from germany, and he was baffled by the translation.

anyhoo, wikiLeaks tweeted this this morning, and i'm eager to read. ooof, that's a different sort of red tide than socialist governments, ay yi yi. what must it be like to be christine assange and their chirren?

oh, and i was wrong, either here or over yonder. this is from the guardian in jan. of this year: ‘Julian Assange's health in 'dangerous' condition, say doctors’; Two clinicians who examined Assange renew calls for him to be given safe passage to hospital

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@wendy davis

Numerous conspiracy theories propose either passive or active collusion in hospital with Psychocratic Authority in eliminating certain "undesirables".

And even with good intentions, hospitals can really fuck you up.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

wendy davis's picture


for him to trust anyone he doesn't know would be nigh on to impossible at this point. i remember he'd reported that some would-be intruder had scaled up to his balcony, so he'd phoned the cops. how many are stationed permanently outside his corner of the embassy? iirc, he said it took over an hour for them to respond.

i agree; i've been fucked up by doctors AND hospitals, and will choose to leave this house in a body bag rather than ever seek medical 'help' again. blessedly, mr. wd understands and has promised to honor my wishes (smile).

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@wendy davis


The Pretty Reckless - Messed Up World (F'd Up World)

Well, the title fits, at any rate...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@TheOtherMaven I have to admit, the story about Seth Rich and the hospital creeped me the fuck out. Hope it's not true.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver


Would you know of any uncorrupted human rights agency who could establish regular visits to Assange, I wonder? Certainly, no plausible excuse could be made for keeping them out, and it would enable some agency to establish Julian's presence there, keep tabs on his treatment/diet and at least let him know what an enormous degree of support he has out here. Hard to trust anyone in any org these days, though, with so many being subverted...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@wendy davis

I must have missed/blocked/forgotten about the lung. And while of course his emotional and mental health will be affected as well, I also worry about that being used as an excuse to 'disappear him, too... any excuse will do...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

wendy davis's picture

i spent mot of the day in gaza, and got so tunnel-visioned i'd forgotten to check back for more comments. as it's now time for evening chores, then shutting the lid on my laptop, i'll simply give this as a goodnight-lullaby-boogie. i sure need it by now! dare ya to sit still! love to all of you,


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