The Real Racists Want War

So, I was doing some thinking about accusations that have been flying thick and fast about anti-Hillary folks. And it seems to me that some academics and political opinion makers are in such a privileged position that they don't really see what the ACTUAL racists are up to. With their obsession of seeing the racism in everything, they manage to avoid seeing what the real Nazis are up to. So with that in mind, I stuffed tissues in my nose, took some Dramamine and plumbed the depths of what I could find online for what REAL open slime are saying.

I don't like to mention the names of White Nationalist Websites for Two reasons.

One: It gives them POWER. As we learned from Gold Plated Toilet Man, talking about them gives them attention. There are fools who will look at attention as legitimizing. So therefore, If want to see evidence, simply type in the words "White Nationalist Website" into google and you will find all the information you need.
Two: They THRIVE on attention. White Nationalists are obsessed with "Trolling" the opposition to their statements. If anything bringing up what they are doing just makes them happy that somebody is paying attention to them. They will say things that are the most blatant antisemitism, as well of a near cornucopia of hate speech, simply for the reaction that somebody will give online. To these people, the more people you can offend, the more stupid you prove your audience.

But, after a long hot shower, and relaxing with some great music, here's what I have gleaned from these groups in general.

1. Trump EMBOLDENS them. The beating of protestors, the fiery anti-immigrant rhetoric, and the protectionist policies all feed directly into White Nationalists desires. They want to see more, and actively plan to try to bring MORE violence to bear on their political opponents. Even now there are numerous groups claiming that they will "Protect" Trump from outsider interference. These are the exact types of groups that grew into the SA in Germany, and many of their founders actively dream of this kind of behavior.

2. They are under the impression that they are under attack. Constant referencing to obscure shows and multicultural entertainment make White Supremicists/Nationalists believe that they are being systematically erased. While this is incredibly not true, their echo chamber constantly makes bizarre subcultures and sexual fetishes to be the norm in our society, resulting in a martyr complex ripped right from the depths of Christian Fundamentalism. They are obsessed with the idea that other religions and skin colors will be imposed on their families, in a move stolen directly from Mein Kampf.

3. They actively promote and spread through the internet memes and "Jokes" which are calculated to reinforce their mentality. I will direct you to only ONE, because you've probably seen it or one of its derivatives around the Internet. "Le Happy Merchant." I bring this up because not only is it CONSTANTLY used "For the Lulz" but people seem to not care about the origins of it when called out. It has become so much a part of other subcultures, (#Gamergate, Online Atheists) that they don't seem to care that they are spouting and reinforcing extremely racist things.

And that final point is what drives me the most insane. When it isn't a code word, and is in fact a BLATANT and obvious reference, the MSM ignores it, in favor of finding racism in folk metal. Apparently the fish in a barrel are not worth shooting, and instead we will shoot at imaginary fish in a swimming pool. Lost in the idea of "Shaming" folks into proper behavior is the acknowledgement that there's REAL fucking evil out there, which needs to be addressed and confronted.

So, I apologize for bringing up the slime that floats within the great and mighty river of truth that is freedom of speech. However, once in a while, it is important and necessary to point out the bad in order to show how good the vast majority of people are.

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Gerrit's picture

connection with Weimar clearly. That helps folks to see the thing for what it is: a fascist eruption into the body politic. One that must be confronted and overcome to win a victory for democracy and social justice. Withut becoming that which we must oppose. Thanks, mate

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detroitmechworks's picture

And perhaps that's why the MSM ignores them. But at the same time, it almost feels like a dereliction of duty to IGNORE it.

To balance the scale, here's some pleasant music I like.


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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

and you are right...this is exactly what they want...war.

And in their reality, the Civil War has never ~really~ been over... for them it is kind like the uneasy 63 year truce between North and South Korea. The first chance they get they will start something... The militia take over in Oregon this last year is a prime example of who they are, and what they will try to do.

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detroitmechworks's picture

They had. Of course, every time they pull this kind of shit, they NEVER forget the reaction to it. Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc... are what they consider their "martyrs".

It's disturbing in a way that I usually associate with true terrorist groups.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.