Midnight Special - Anti-Imperialism Edition
"For behind all imperialism is ultimately the imperialist individual, just as behind all Peace is ultimately the peaceful individual."
Irving Babbitt
(Fuck you John Bolton)
Trump has signed the $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill. Now we won't have the bullshit threat of a government shutdown every three fucking weeks. For awhile. There are all sorts of summaries and analysis out there if you want to get into it. Almost all of it ignores the elephant in the room, defense spending, i.e., U.S. imperialism and the quest to rule the world. It's mentioned of course but the fact that defense spending is well over half of the discretionary budget (and that doesn't include intelligence/spying, the Veterans Administration and die Homeland Security budgets, i.e., the total military/security/intelligence/police/prison industrial complex) and any questions as to why that is, are completely ignored by all but the radical voices on the internet.
"Hey you're asking some pretty logical questions. Radical, man."
In looking at the defense budget I noticed something interesting. The budget category for military personnel for 2017 was $138 billion dollars. That's out of the total $590 billion defense budget not including the overseas operations (direct war and regime change) budget.
The other broad categories of the defense budget are operations and maintenance (245 billion), procurement (104 billion), Research, development, testing and evaluation (68 billion) and Other (35 billion).
The U.S. has about 2.2 million active duty, reserve and paramilitary personnel (1.3 active 865 K reserve, 7k paramilitary). Compare that to Russia which has about 1 million active, 2.5 million reserve and 700K paramilitary (4.2 million total); and China which has 2.2 million active, 510K reserve, and 660K paramilitary (3.4 million total).
Now compare the 2016 defense budgets for those three countries:
*United States - 611 billion (2.2 million military)
*China - 215 billion (3.4 million military)
*Russia - 69 billion (4.2 million military)
Some Big Al observations:
-Russia has twice as many total military personnel as the U.S. but the U.S. budget for military personnel alone is twice of Russia's total defense budget.
-China has one third more military personnel but only a third more total defense budget than the U.S. military personnel budget alone.
-China has a military budget of 215 billion (2016). Think about that. China isn't operating 1000 military bases worldwide with special forces military personnel conducting operations in over 150 countries for the purpose of ruling the world like the United States of Greedy Bastards. But they ain't no spring chickens are they?
-So what's up with that?
-Imperialism isn't restricted to the current top dog. Any anti-imperialism or antiwar movement has to go global.
-And what's up with the military personnel totals vs. budget outlays? Ya, we always knew the Red Armies could come up with many millions of slaves to fight against the western imperialists. But now, China and Russia are capitalist countries whose citizens expect more than communist wages. Their brainwashed citizens are serving their country in legitimate professional and middle class military occupations, just like their capitalist western competitors in the neverending human game of greed and power. How can China and Russia maintain much larger military personnel forces with such smaller budgets?
-It's a human problem. It's not just the U.S., all humans play the same fucking games. Seen how many billionaires China and Russia have? Already? Or India with all the poverty in that country of over a billion? There's a global military industrial complex now and it's out of control.
-Things to worry about: pain in tooth, might have to go to the dentist; brakes on the car; leak in the bathroom; nuclear war.
-We have to stop this madness. We have to save ourselves. We CAN save ourselves. Power to the People. Let the midnight special, shine an ever lovin' light on you.
Ya, Keep on Trucking, baby.

Big Al,
again, if it weren't for your anger bonded to a vivid sense of humor during these recent days, I don't know where I'd be. But as to the subject of your essay, I find it useful to think about the INSPECTOR GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Report of summer 2016, wherein $6.5 Trillion was unaccounted for by the Pentagon for the fiscal year 2015, over 10 times the military budget for that year.
Here we will find the answer to your question, not, as you may think, that the American taxpayer is squandering trillions on perks for profiteers, exactly, but that we are arming our enemies. Because that's how it's done.
Winston Churchill wrote eloquently about the fact that WWII was not only the most violent war in human history but also the most preventable. He blamed it principally on U.S. loans to Germany for rearmament.
So I think it's likely we are arming ISIS and Saudi Arabia and Israel and China and Sudan. All of it. And in the spirit of keeping our senses of humor, I can just see the Bush family and their colleagues laughing hysterically at our failure to respond, our standing here gobsmacked.
I take it back! This is just the Army, not the Pentagon, not the entire Defense budget.
Good points Linda.
Speaking of, I was reading earlier and the author suggested the arms being sold to Saudi Arabia are partly or largely being stockpiled for the use by the U.S. and proxies in a major war with Iran/Russia/China.
The world is a powderkeg.
are much more expensive.
We have a volunteer (mercenary) force. Very few who enlist do it for country.
They do it to survive.
China and Russia both have military machines that are based on country pride and defensive over offensive standing.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Why do you refer to it as the "defense budget?"
For that matter, why does any progressive or anti-war person refer to it as the "defense budget," when there's very little truly "defensive" about it.
Why not just call it what it is: "The Military Budget." Or "The War Budget." Or even better, "The World Domination Budget?"
When you insist upon using the establishment's "defense" terminology, you unconsciously promote their implicit meme--that the military is really there to protect us; that all that Pentagon spending somehow serves a "defensive" purpose.
From now on, any anti-imperialist should stop using terms such as "defense budget."
Don't need the lecture, man.
There's a time and a place.
But I gotta appreciate the enthusiasm!
The Dept of Defense used to be called
as a rebranding. I personally believe the name Dept. of War is far more appropriate in that the US is the most war mongering nation on earth.
The Dept of Defense used to be called the Dept of War until after WWII, when they renamed the Dept of War as the Dept DefenseDo I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good point!
They keep using identifying terms in an Orwellian fashion to affect our perceptions/confuse understanding, etc., and we'd be better off not adopting them and allowing them to continue to warp our system of communication into just another one of their confusion tactics.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Keep on trucking ? - I want a Mercedes for that -
a little stinky pick-up truck is not doing the trick anymore.
Just saying Good Morning from Germany.
Morning mimi,
Nice piece, Big Al.
Thank you.
Thanks OPOL.
The military racketeers are literally, "unaccountable."
From Jacobin, Dark Money At The Pentagon:
There isn't even a word for this insanity. Perverse or obscene don't quite come close to explaining how a country justifies such a thing. Policeman of the world, my ass. Just take a look at our own law enforcement, justice and penal system. Barbaric doesn't quite explain there either.
No one would disagree, if they were informed dispassionately by a responsible media. But there isn't any. So reflexive American Exceptionalism blinds the masses to any nascent criticism that could reverse this beyond insanity.
Omigod, it's an RT link. Oooh, scary. At least that's what YouTube (also captured by the scorned Clinton Cabal's loss creating the Russian Red Herring Mania/Most Embarrassing Epoch in U.S. History) wants you to think. Underneath all Rt videos now is the pronouncement, that they are "funded in whole, or in part, the Russian Government." Pathetic bastards.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
lol, it's just like voting;
they get to 'adjust' the numbers on both to suit their purposes. As long as it's only the public getting screwed over, though, it's just fine...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
War is a business, big business...
GE and Boeing send us their heartfelt thanks. If we ever need military personnel, we'll just send Trump.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bet that doesn't include food stamps
that US military grunts and their families need on the pay they get.
But how else are the military contractors going to make their pile - and I gather that mercenaries are on the increase; wasn't someone here posting concerns about Trump turning Afghanistan? over to whatever the heck Blackwater's being called now...
Just woke up, caffeine level low on top of breathing difficulties caused by leaving my (relatively, lol) chemical-free room, had to look 'em up, and am beginning to wonder if Blackwater armies are going to wind up fighting each other in a monopoly all over the globe, just as CIA-funded and Pentagon-funded terrorists wound up fighting each other in the noble pursuit of spreading - whatever the code form of the word 'democracy' means in NeoLib/Con to the Psychopaths That Be - in other people's countries.
Yeah, I know this undoubtedly is old news - from 2011 - to you guys, but, man... this is an absolute gotta, gotta, gotta read in full at source, even if just for a refresher in view of what's going on.
(And the perps of the Bush Admin who started this more active phase of the corporate/military global takeover are, of course, still active in the US government, Darth Cheney 'mentoring' the Trump Admin through their assigned functions in advancing/completing The Plan.)
Oh, wait - this has to be controlled by the (2011) State Department - so that's all right then!
Lol, wonder if they have already trained troops to fight CIA/Pentagon-backed terrorists?
Wait, if it's Mr. Prince's company still after he sold it, what does Opposite Day Virtual Reality do to the principles of property?
The article goes on to quote Mr Prince as saying that he won't hire Muslims because they can't be counted on to kill Muslims.
Sorta like American and other PTB need mercenaries because their own militaries can't be counted on to kill their fellow-citizens at home?
Although at Standing Rock, even the all-important optics were defied in using civil forces to appallingly brutalize people forming Prayer Circles and standing on their own (illegally swiped) land in protest over having their water and land forcibly and directly poisoned for life-destroying polluting industry profiteering and their health and future destroyed with that of the land... but the people stood firm in literally fighting for life on the planet and so they unleashed the privately-run mercenaries with the hounds of hell which was somehow better when done by private companies, that being perhaps the most terrifying aspect of the whole unrolling fascist horror:
Not just 'in this country' - and if they hadn't been getting away with this elsewhere, the blatant expression of fascism exerted against the American people wouldn't now be settling in to roost at home, where the US terrorists-in-chief are based.
From 2014:
This - from 2004 - lays it out nicely in a short article that needs to be read in full at source. Apparently at that point, they had concerns about sneaking underneath the Geneva Conventions... nowadays, of course, those sort of human and sane agreements are considered by those within the interconnected web of The Psychopaths That Be the world over to be safely viewed in the same distorted light as they do such as the US Constitution and human/humane morality.
Nowadays... blatant and brutal banditry by tech-enabled warlords..
Could this be what's really being investigated regarding 'Trump/Russia 'collusion? From below:
Damn, have been hoping that Putin really is maneuvering around these guys as an independent...
(These guys are doing amazing work and need donations, btw - wish to FSM I had money!)
This, from 2013, doesn't sound good in multiple areas as I begin to read it; dare I continue to hope that Putin isn't in with The Plan? Looks like we the world's people have to figure out some way of saving ourselves after all and quit dreaming that someone with more power will throw a wrench in the corporate/military machine to help make it easier...
Oh, maybe this isn't as bad as it seems, as the aim is to to build up a previously asset-stripped country and population once-grossly impoverished due to a US-imposed utterly corrupt crony capitalism.
But even with the enormous debt created by that now greatly reduced by Putin's management, the universal health-care system, like everything else to do with the public under the US puppet-government, has been starved and unfortunately, the private health industry is growing there...
But if criminal investors are scared off by there being legal consequences, that is a good thing, in my opinion.
one more point from above:
I guess you do what you have to do in a corrupted world structure where those weakened are torn unto profitable pieces by those wanting 'it all' and are left with no alternative - if you care about the lives, health and happiness of your long-suffering people.
And are surrounded by slavering NATO forces you must defend your country and people against...
I keep coming back to this because so much else does.
A number of illegitimate governments/agencies/secretively manipulative leeches need to be brought down and trials held in international court to deal with the perpetrators involved with whatever exactly The Plan overall is, beyond the evident one of a global fascist takeover for micromanagement of a few psychopathic 'owners' apparently eager to kill off all (unpatented) planetary life - assuming that any non-corrupt courts can be found to do this - before the peoples of our various countries can hope to salvage what remains of our life-support system under actual democracy and begin fresh.
Hitler was also thought to be unstoppable. Of course, much of that ultimate win was due to Russia's strong defense in preventing the previous attempt of US industrialists to have a proxy Nazi army take over Russia in the process of imposing a fascist dictatorship on the world, and I personally feel that this may be part of the reason that those carrying on the current process toward that end have such a fanatical hatred of the country that defeated them the last time...
And again, this'll end up on a dead thread, lol.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.