The hidden intent of the Parkland FL school shooting: aka "I want you"

As many here are aware, there is considerable interest in the Parkland Florida school shooting. Two essays were submitted by me on the subject:

Parkland, Florida school shooting—coincidences and cowardice

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel: he gave them hailstones for rain

Speaking for myself, this shooting is a classic 21st century American false flag event. There have been other in previous centuries, such as "Remember the Maine", but I shall not dwell on the older episodes, of which there are many.

The Parkland School shooting (PSS) bore the typical markings of other mass shootings and even smaller violent events like Charlottesville Virginia. First a mass of people are relatively confined by the venue, such as World Trade Towers or Las Vegas concert ground. Secondly--and this is most important--there was a "drill" just before or DURING the event. Thirdly, the "authorities" were either severely incompetent or inactive-by-plan to mitigate the event(s).

Below are posted two incisive videos posted on YouTube shortly after the New and Improved St. Valentine's Day Massacre (PSS). The first video is by a blogger previously unknown to me: inTruthbyGrace lasting 32 minutes. The second is by my favorite rabble rouser (tied with Jimmy Dore) Debby Lusignan, the Sane Progressive. Her video is 70 minutes long (you can skip the first 5 minutes due to her technical difficulties broadcasting).


Sane Progressive

In my prior essays, I posited a few things:
1. This was a false flag and why
2. The object was to deprive ordinary Americans more of their dwindling civil rights
3. The civil right I thought was under attack was gun ownership.

My belief in that gun ownership was a target still holds. Witness the CNN Clown Hall with scripted questions for students and blatantly anti-gun audience members (not that I blame them). Yes I still think that was ONE reason--but after seeing the videos linked above, I believe we are seeing a modification of purpose, like an influenza virus mutating through time. (The Müller probe is another such virus whose contagion, though becoming more diffuse is lessening in virulence).

For background, we need think no further back in history to the Neocon Manifesto which called for "A New American Century". Included in its pages was an overt desire for a New Pearl Harbor. Strangely enough, about 2 two years after the book was published, the 9/11 Massacre occurred. I used to doubt the 9/11 truthers but now I firmly believe that this was the overt step one 1 (preceded and followed by covert ones) in a planned campaign to strip away our civil liberties--hence the Patriot Act, ostensibly to protect us with "external spying" plus enhancements to the FISA Courts already operating in the late 70s.

Well, the PTB couldn't take away our airplanes but they sure made it burdensome to fly. Also, other odds and ends tome life more difficult for us in the guise of making us safer.

I'm not going to present a strictly chronological timeline of further Neocon orchestrated atrocities. But off the top, we can think of the Sandy Hook school massacre. And how about the Boston Marathon debacle? Grace presents numerous coincidences of a bomb-preparedness occurring just before and at the same time as the Tchernaev Brothers bombing. This was followed by fully armed men forcibly entering homes of civilians without warrants to look for..look for what? Machine gun's in Granny's kitchen? Some have said that this was a practice attempt at martial law imposition to see what the public reaction would be. I scoffed. Now I don't.

The San Bernardino shoot-up? FBI was warned in advance. So what?

Las Vegas? The dust hasn't even settled. There are more theories than there were people in attendance. One common thread--not many people believe the official story. Was there another aim besides taking away guns? I don't know. I am sure that there is another aim, just like Boston's trial run (pardon the pun) at applying martial law.

Returning to PSS, Scott Broward's Coward Israel was grossly derelict and/or complicit in his failure to properly train, command, and control his officers, many of whom were/are incompetent cowards.
In my previous essay, the set up (leaving the highly suspicious shooter's drill preceding the actual attack alone for now) was that it was Scotty Boy's troopers held the door open and invited Nikolas Cruz to enter the school with a long gun.

The aforementioned Clown Hall replete with scripted answers, etc., focused on guns, guns, guns. But the Broward cops, so glad often to coerce unarmed people (usually of color), fired nary a shot. Big bad, scary guns. Let's disarm the police sayeth the Snowflakes.

But here is probably the more likely motivation for this false flag massacre: not to take guns away, but to take us away.

I did not see the after-shooting TV interview with Sheriff Israel in which he called for preventive detention of "dangerous individuals". This idea is not new. Jack Dorsey, chief twitter-head, had begun an algorithmically-driven (read AI intrusion) into tweets suggesting some antisocial traits and banning them from publication--and sometimes the authors as well.

Along comes Zuck the Crook Zuckerberg who one ups Jack with his own AI-driven assessment of YOUR mental health by "analyzing" your thoughts and societal risk by his baby Farcebook. Zuck's emissaries then call the local "wellness" authorities to do a home visit to see if you really are cuckoo.

But the worst part is Sheriff Israel's contention, and it's not his alone, that the police accosting a private citizen make a decision as to whether that citizen lacks sanity (i.e., intent to hurt self-or others) and immediately refer to mental health experts, something which they already possess authority to do; but also to bypass the health professional and directly transfer to a mental health hospital. And the added bonus of his suggestion is that the coppers be able to do this on a pre-emptive basis!

Here are the thought police in spades.

Well, I am certain that significant lecture time is spent in police academies teaching various psychiatric inventories and the niceties of DSM-5. So of course this makes perfect sense to which no one should object (unless you are a deranged serial killer in the making or, gasp, a Russiabot)

What constitutes sanity? Libraries are filled with books on that. Is it heritable? Is it black or white? Does it occur as part of continuum? Is it socially drive? Never mind. Officer Jonny B. Goode will tell you and the court all there's need to know.

A commentator to one of my previous essays criticized me for "dragging Hellery into this". Yeah, well, if this is part of a plot to establish an even more authoritarian state, I see even more reason to include the Mad Bomber in this.


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Alligator Ed's picture


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gulfgal98's picture

of another false flag. When a false flag attack occurs, it does not mean that people were not hurt or died. I have become convinced that Sandy Hook, Charlottesville, and Las Vegas were all definitely false flag events. Based upon what we are learning, there is a very good chance that no one died at Sandy Hook. We are not sure if Heather Heyer died at Charlottesville, but there are far too many holes in the narrative promoted by the government and the MSM to believe that it was something other than a false flag. People did die at Las Vegas, but the govt. version of what happened is not supported by eyewitness accounts and other data.

I recently saw a timeline of the Parkland shooting and it simply does not add up that one person, Nick Cruz could have shot and killed 17 people on three different floors of a high school while dressed in full bullet proof gear, removed said gear and stowed it away, and then exited with other students, all in seven minutes. This coupled with the fact that four sheriff's deputies apparently were ordered to stand down during the shooting makes this event appear to be something other than the work of one lone, mentally unstable kid.

I believe that we will be seeing more and more events such as this one. There has been a call for crisis actors in Texas (Houston?) for an early March event. Why would anyone have a need for advertising for crisis actors?

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture


and one girl said that she was walking with Cruz when the shots went off. IDK what to make of this, but how did the cop who arrested Cruz know where he was and that he was the shooter?

Didn't Heather's mom say that she had a heart attack? The Charlottesville police watched for an hour as the two groups beat each other up. Why?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg I've come to the conclusion police are afraid for their lives only if they have overwhelming force on their side. In Charlottesville in the face of a possible equalizing force they did nothing because they were absolutely terrified of being hurt.

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lotlizard's picture

I’m sure, by now have to agree.

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

Didn’t people learn anything from reading whodunits and/or watching all that TV? Would an Inspector Columbo simply overlooked all the discrepancies and “tells,“ big and small?

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snoopydawg's picture

Is that what you mean by "beware the drill."?

Funny how there was one on 9/11 with Air Force jets and that's why none of them were able to get to the planes that were flying hijacked for over an hour. People were told to not go to work that day. People sold their air line stocks before the event. Building 7 was reported to have fallen by the BBC before it did.

Banks, companies and people sold their stocks in the BP oil drill and Halliburton bought an company that could recover oil on the ocean a few months before the blowout.

There was a drill on the day of the London subway bombing. And before the Boston bombing. Funny time to hold one, don't ya think? Plus the father of the two brothers called the FBI and warned them. Of course the FBI spoke to them and ...

Gee, so did the underwear father. He told the FBI all about his son. The son who bought a one way ticket without any luggage which was supposed to be a red flag.

There was a .... before too many events and lots of warnings that it was going to happen. Then there's the "terrorists" patsies who the FBI setup to blow something up, but they are fake.

Yeah no wonder people question things that happen when a lot of people die.

Here's an interesting video about how the towers were destroyed. Start around 28:00, I think.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg I have studied, although not extensively proposed manner in which the Towers collapsed. The weakest evidence is for the one claimed by our government. Since 2001, I have personally learned to discount everything the government says until proven otherwise. This directed free energy concept is new to me. If it were true:
1. War for oil, hence most modern war, would end.
2. Why is Judy Wood still alive, when mere process servers are murdered for much more mundane reasons? The reasons she survives casts doubt on her theories--yes, this is a most unscientific, empirical, cynical belief on my part. TPTB have no problem killing masses of people from 9/11 (regardless of means) to Route 91 (Las Vegas).

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Wink's picture

on the method, but there's
@Alligator Ed
little doubt the towers turn
to powder on the way down. I doubt
that steel turning to powder was the result of heat or the pancake effect of upper floors tumbling on lower floors. If anything the pancake effect would slow down the descent, and there's no evidence of that. The towers dropped in 10, 11 seconds. Nothing slowed the descent. These buildings simply disintegrated before our very eyes. And before they hit the ground. Airplanes did not cause that.
False flag, inside job?
Yep would be my guess.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

gulfgal98's picture

For a while she was banned from Youtube just as a number of other truth tellers have been recently banned. I am glad to see she is back. She has a great way to getting down to the core of things.

I watched both videos and in the one by TruthbyGrace, she makes an excellent point that gets lost in the rhetoric and hysteria. While the PTB have the "left" and "right" fighting over guns, she focuses on the fact that they are not coming for our guns, but they are coming for you and me. No amount of guns can protect us against the firepower manned by the government.

The deep state and the PTB are terrified of we the people. We are waking up. This is exactly why they are now using more and more false flags to focus upon taking away more of our constitutional rights, especially the first amendment right of free speech. This is why the number of bannings from Twitter and Youtube have increased vastly in just the last two to three weeks. Shutting down the lines of communication and information sharing is a huge way to control people.

Those of us posting about it here are not conspiracy theorists shouting at the clouds. It is real and it is happening before our very eyes.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

The Aspie Corner's picture

@gulfgal98 Since they've hollowed out the US in every way possible, war and death is all the capitalists have left. Attaching labels like Deep State or 'The Jews' to it is just as bad as whining about 'Cultural Marxism' the way Hitler whined about 'Cultural Bolshevism' in his batshit writings. Nothing will change as long as the capitalists reign unchecked.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Alligator Ed's picture

@The Aspie Corner without our thoroughly capitalistic soil. Otherwise we would have armed guards and CCTV on every block. But if you're locked up, you can't shop, buy things you don't need, and deepen your own personal wage slavery.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@Alligator Ed Come on, really? We already have surveillance on every street corner. Always have, only now instead of ratting others out to the church you're watched by cameras and data miners every second of the day. The bourgeoisie have always had ways of keeping the proletariat in line including pig workers and churches. Technology created for and by capitalists just made it much easier. This Deep State nonsense? Just another distraction while we're all robbed blind.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Wink's picture

@The Aspie Corner

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

gulfgal98's picture

@The Aspie Corner I covered it extensively in my series on neoliberalism, the economic component of which is capitalism on steroids. I am beginning to think that it might be time to start republishing that series. Here is a link to the essay on the characteristics of neoliberalism.

While capitalism itself is an economic system dependent upon winners and losers, there were enough protections in times previously that prevented the wholesale looting of the populace that we are now seeing.

The deep state are those behind the system who are pulling the strings of our government. They are the powers that be who have the deep pockets to be able to buy off our elected officials and those within the government who are charged with protecting the public. But, at the decision making levels, the government no longer works for we the people.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture


It's a slippery slope to stifling people's opinions. People are trying to get Alex Jones banned from U tube because he forwards conspiracy theories. He is entitled to his opinion and people are entitled to make their own.

Jones being close to being banned is being cheered on ToP, but that's not surprising since they banned leftward thinking people.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

The Aspie Corner's picture

@snoopydawg As to who he's working for? Hard to tell. But he doesn't believe anything he's saying. He's a snake oil salesman much like Professor Oxycontin and Lonesome Rhodes Beck.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

the end game is expanded police force powers as I have, as expressed in a comment to one of Al Ed's posts. I referred to it militarized police force, but that is come see, come saw.
I can't view Sane Progressive's video.
Any help?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@on the cusp Maybe the Sane Progressive is one of them. Here is the URL:

Hope that helps.

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Daenerys's picture

Because taking away (any) guns seems to be the LAST thing any politicians want to do. Is the point then to take away all our guns leaving us with really no way to defend ourselves? Yikes. What is the end game?

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This shit is bananas.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Daenerys The emerging intent is to take US AWAY. Throw people into psychiatric facilities until they are sane--just like the Russians did in Stalin's time and beyond. Like Hotel California, you can check in but you can never check out--because the authorities will never declare you sane. That's what pre-emptive detention is all about.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@Alligator Ed
or override before they can get away with that. Many, many jurisdictions have severe restrictions on how long someone can be held in a mental facility against their will (72 hours to zero time at all).

Not that they can't just chuck people into "indefinite detention" in for-profit prisons - the Supreme Court says it's OK to do that to non-citizens of any and every type, so what's to stop them from okaying it for actual citizens?

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.


This article is an essential read which ought to be plastered over every wall and building in America.

For anyone with problematic devices:

Top Legal Expert: “President Obama … Says That He Can Kill [Any American Citizen Without Any Charge and] On His Own Discretion. He Can Jail You Indefinitely On His Own Discretion”
Posted on December 21, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog
Government Says It Can Assassinate or Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Any Due Process of Law

I’ve previously noted that Obama says that he can assassinate American citizens living on U.S. soil.

This admittedly sounds over-the-top. But one of the nation’s top constitutional and military law experts – Jonathan Turley – agrees.


Is the second most cited law professor in the country

Has worked as both the CBS and NBC legal analyst during national controversies

Ranks 38th in the top 100 most cited ‘public intellectuals’ in a recent study by a well-known judge

Is one of the top 10 lawyers handling military cases

Has served as a consultant on homeland security and constitutional issues

Is a frequent witness before the House and Senate on constitutional and statutory issues ...

... As I’ve previously noted, this is especially concerning when almost any American could be labeled a “terrorist” if the government doesn’t happen to like them:

It is dangerous in a climate where you can be labeled as or suspected of being a terrorist simply for questioning war, protesting anything, asking questions about pollution or about Wall Street shenanigans, supporting Ron Paul, being a libertarian, holding gold, or stocking up on more than 7 days of food. [And the FBI says that activists who investigate factory farms can be prosecuted as terrorists.] And see this.

And it is problematic in a period in which FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, Keith Olbermann and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials “were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power”, and even former Secretary of Homeland Security – Tom Ridge – admitst hat he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection.

And it is counter-productive in an age when the government – instead of doing the things which could actually make us safer – are doing things which increase the risk of terrorism.

And it is insane in a time of perpetual war. See this, this, this and this.

And when the “War on Terror” in the Middle East and North Africa which is being used to justify the attack on Americans was planned long before 9/11.

And when Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser told the Senate in 2007 that the war on terror is “a mythical historical narrative”. And 9/11 was entirely foreseeable, but wasn’t stopped. Indeed, no one in Washington even wants to hear how 9/11 happened, even though that is necessary to stop future terrorist attacks. And the military has bombed a bunch of oil-rich countries when it could have instead taken out Bin Laden years ago. ...

This warning was issued in 2011 when this was published and even informed people don't seem to be aware of it. We all need to be, without letting it stop us from speaking out and trying to create the chance of democracy in America.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Daenerys @Daenerys

Indeed, without the excuse of everyone potentially having a gun, what's the replacement 'feared for their lives' excuse for the routine police murder of citizens reaching for a driver's license upon being asked to produce one or being unable to hear an order to stop being shouted by police, when they're merely walking down the street, to be shot in the back, apparently in order to stop them from Walking While Black? Or for brutally attacking pacific protesters exercising their civil rights and perhaps even specifically protesting against police brutality?

Also, what happens to the publicized focus on 'protecting' only lucrative 'gun rights' in NRA-sponsored panics, while all other rights are stripped, in part under cover of this emphasis/distraction?

Not to mention the social engineering leading people into acceptance of the 'might-makes-right' propaganda suiting and further enabling the Psychopaths That Be, by destroying the concepts of society and democracy, along with faith in even the possibility of functional and democratic government and in public-protective law necessary for civilization, training people to believe that it must 'inevitably' be 'every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost', that they must protect themselves against what's portrayed as a fearsome world by loading up on personal weaponry, since the corrupted US police are often a hazard rather than a protection and this comes down from corrupted US government also posing a hazard, as indeed they both do.

Without those profitable gun sales and the diversionary tactic of encouraging people to effectively place all of their faith in their guns, more people might start thinking that public servants ought to be serving the public.

Edit to add two letters missing from the end of a word. And a sigh, lol.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Ellen North

Indeed, without the excuse of everyone potentially having a gun, what's the replacement 'feared for their lives' excuse for the routine police murder of citizens

I wonder what kind of B.S. response will be cooked up--perhaps, "he looked mean and angry".
Musn't hurt the coppers' fee fees. You know the old saying "if looks could kill".

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