I don't want to rub it in to you
but I am having too many "sads" recently, therefore I feel I should not feel bad or hesitate to point you to this essay.
Blowing the Biggest Political Story of the Last 50 Years - Posted on Mar 12, 2016 - By Neal Gabler / Moyers & Company
But here is what no one in the GOP establishment wants you to know, and no one in the media wants to admit: Donald Trump isn’t the destruction of the Republican Party; he is the fulfillment of everything the party has been saying and doing for decades. He is just saying it louder and more plainly than his predecessors and intra-party rivals.
On the PBS NewsHour last week he (Brooks) said with great earnestness, “For almost a century-and-a-half, the Republican Party has stood for a certain free market version of America – an America that’s about openness, that’s about markets and opportunity, and a definition of what this country is.”
The media have been acting as if the Trump debacle were the biggest political story to come down the pike in some time. But the real story .. is the decades-long transformation of Republicanism from a business-centered, small town, white Protestant set of beliefs into quite possibly America’s primary institutional force of bigotry, intellectual dishonesty, ignorance, warmongering, intractability and cruelty against the vulnerable and powerless.
I don’t think the media would deny their indifference. They would say they don’t take sides. They’re neutral. They just report. Partisanship is for Fox News and MSNBC.Of course, this is utter nonsense. Accurate reporting means taking sides when one side is spouting falsehoods. I am still waiting for the media to correct the GOP pronouncements that Obamacare has cost us jobs and sent health care costs skyrocketing – both of which are screamingly false. I am not holding my breath.
But if you really want to know why the media skipped the story about Republican extremism all these years, you have to look to the force of extremism itself and the way it reconfigures the political spectrum, basically disorienting us. In Europe, fringe parties on the right and left get savaged by the press all the time. . If we had them here, no doubt the same thing would happen, press objectivity notwithstanding. The difference between Europe and America is that our right-wing extremists happen to control one of our two major parties and theirs don’t. To take on extremism would reveal not only the Republicans’ deficiencies, both of its elected officials and its rank and file, but the deficiencies of the entire American political system. That takes a courage very, very few people (OK, nobody) in the MSM have.
I feel a little awkward to point you to Bill Moyers Co's essay here. It shouldn't be me to do that. But I think it's something that has to sink it. The essay brought clarity to my mind. And I needed that. To encourage me, believing there are many very decent people out there who speak truth to power. Thanks, Mr. Neal Gabler.
and this from another essay over at truthdig
is as relevant as the above.
Thomas Frank: All Those Donald Trump Supporters? They’re Not Just Racist - Posted on Mar 12, 2016
Full article under this link
I would believe that is very true.
political correctness is what I am told
That is what I hear from the handful of Republican "friends" I currently "enjoy". Trump "tells it like it is". No filter.
These people do not know history.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
No offense
but why do you enjoy or put up with these 'friends. Man I just can't understand why anyone of good spirit even bothers listening to friends like this. I'm not a huge fan of fake weird PC but why in the hell even give these friends opinion's the time of day. Who gives a rats ass about PC if it means not being able to tell these pig ignorant bigoted war loving people to go fuck themselves. Why tolerate or 'enjoy' this telling of hate and pig ignorance. You'll never convince these people why even bother? Don't worry instead blow them off and work with and for people with a brain and a soul. Why even bother with these creeps?
Why are you sad to point this out? I would guess that everyone on this site agrees with the articles to some extent and can amplify on the subject. Why shouldn't you tell the truth? I seem to remember you saying somewhere that you were not an American. So what? I'm first generation and, thus, not so far ahead of you. We are all human and right and wrong know no political or geographic boundaries. Thank you for posting this item from a very reputable source. It also may mean that a good economy could erase some of the hostility. That's good news: it may be easier to fix an economy than a damaged psyche. All we need is Bernie and the rest of us to get the political system repaired and moving. We are trying.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I did not understand the sadness as well
If it has to do with not not being an American, I can tell you that's no problem for me.
I wish a bunch of non-Americans would invade our message boards everywhere and give first hand commentary about how American policy may effect them negatively. If Hillary Clinton promotes fracking in Bulgaria and then their water supply becomes polluted as a result, we should know about it. If Germans get free tuition at university, please come and tell us how god-awful our indenturing students into debt bondage is. If you pay higher taxes but have a superior safety net as a result, please come over and tell us how great it is to experience high wages, expansive vacation time, a national health where you know if you get ill you won't go bankrupt too. Let us know how fabulous it is that our paying for being the policeman of the world frees you up to have all this great stuff.
Start a series here called Americans Are Uniformed About and pick a topic everyday. I promise you I would be sure to read it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
on being sad and mad ...
I just tried to express that I am more depressed than usual, more or less for personal experiences which play into the current state of political affairs. I am also mad. Also for same personal experiences.
My exprerience is that as a German expat it is not that easy to be critical of the US. So, I try to see, if Americans feel the same way as I do and then am glad if I find those at least in print or online on blogs.
As for writing about Germany's affairs, I have lost direct connections and would write as bad or well as many Americans could do about Germany (or see with what Lotlizard comes up with). I am sorry, that looks like a cop-out and perhaps it is. As I said, too depressed and too mad and too much convinced that writing is not my thing.
I just wished sometimes I could get back the non-digital times of the seventies and eighties. I am happy to be allowed to rant and sigh and whine in comments. It's a nice digital home here, so I stay and talk a little bit.
evening mimi...
it's so good of moyers and gabler to point out the obvious to the media chattering classes, who will no doubt remain clueless.
[Typo/Syntax Corrected] Good post, Mimi. There is some
validity to Gabler's words. (Brooks is just flat-out disgusting.)
For decades, after the Dem Party threw these same folks under the bus, the Republican Party appeased them with social/wedge issues, instead of addressing their economic distress as a result of NAFTA, etc.
For the most part, this explosion of frustration lies at the feet of the Republican Establishment. Mr Trump mostly gave voice to their (his Base's) anger and frustration. Sadly, I expect there to be a 'Trump-like' candidate from now on--you can't put the genie back in the bottle, as they say.
So, let's see if there will be any policy issues brought forth by either neoliberal policy to address the issues of working class folks in the Rust Best, Appalachia, etc. (I wouldn't hold my breath!)
If the Establishment/One Percent is frightened enough, MAYBE they'll finally find some answers.
As for the media, they bear a major responsibility for this entire fiasco, IMO!
(All of this may turn out to help Bernie. We'll see.)
Have a good one!
(Music City) Mollie
"The standard of living of the average American has to decline," he said. I don't think you can escape that."--Paul A Volcker, during Congressional testimony, October 1978
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Anecdotal evidence suggests surprising crossover
Reportedly, some non-batshit non-racist Republicans are starting to think maybe they'll vote for the Cranky Old Deli Man rather than the Gold-Plated Hairball. That could make things very, very interesting come November - if that's the choice they get.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Spot on mimi, thank you.
Thanks for sharing your links, mimi
Your links were valuable articles for me. AND you introduced me to TruthDig, which I will be following now.
Two more TruthDig links --
Thomas Franks points out that Trump's real point of connection has to do with deindustrialization and economic fears among blue-collar workers, from AFL-CIO study --
Not a Primary article, but a realatively new issue that I hope will rise to become important to the public, for both environmental and public health reasons--