05/17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Mon, 05/17/2021 - 5:00amBoomtime, Discord 64, 3187 YOLD (discordian)
And let us not forget mlc (the Mayan Long Count)
~~ Stop Hate
~~ Stop Hate
How ‘Antifa’ Mirrors the ‘Alt-Right’
I can only say that I have a lot of respect of Chris Hedges as a writer and intellectual. Honest to the bones, imo.
Nixon said, "I am not a crook."
W said, "Sadaam Hussein has a massive stockpile of biological weapons." and "We do not know whether or not [Iraq] has a nuclear weapon."
I'll even throw in "I didn't have sex with that woman" by Bill Clinton.
The extreme right have been promoting hatred for a long time now the SPLC has been monitoring these groups for a long time now. There is always an undercurrent of violence on display especially amongst the so called gun hugging "militias".
A day after she introduced and then withdrew an amendment to the military budget intended to deny transgender Americans from serving in the military, Rep Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) was on the radio with Tony Perkins of the hate group Family Research Council
Trans servicemembers, she warned, are a “threat” to the country — a threat rivaling our biggest international foes.
It was the early-morning hours of Saturday. The place was Bushwick Brooklyn...specifically the gay bar that is Happyfun Hideaway.
65-year-old Mondell V. Olson read a newspaper article about a local transgender boy's gender journey. The article offended him.
So, what to do? Mondell called up Nevada High School and left a voice mail. Twice. He left the message that he would kill, brand and otherwise mutilate the body of the transgender freshman.
It is Transgender Awareness Week, It started Monday. It will culminate on the 20th with Transgender Day of Remembrance.
I have to admit that I have never had political message bumper stickers on my car...or any other message that might inflame someone to deface my vehicle.
WITNESS Media Lab has issued a report called Capturing Hate, analyzing videos displaying anti-transgender violence and the people who view them for "entertainment."