Neo-McCarthyism: It's not just for America anymore

The Neo-McCarthyist witchhunt of the Democratic establishment against progressives and leftists that won't follow the neoliberal agenda, like Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, or any alternative news outlet, is not limited to the United States.
In the U.K. the neoliberals were shocked when the public refused to believe their lies and slanders of a true socialist. Now, with the real danger of both a socialist AND anti-imperialist becoming Prime Minister in Britain, the heavily biased news media has changed tactics.

Corbyn's meeting with a Communist spy: Labour leader met a Soviet agent from Czech security services during the Cold War and tipped him off about MI5 clampdown

Jeremy Corbyn knew I was a spy and was a Cold War source, says Czech 'diplomat'

Jeremy Corbyn should be 'open' over spy's claims, says Theresa May

If Jeremy Corbyn has nothing to hide, perhaps he can answer some questions

I especially like the last headline. It reeks of McCarthyism.
Personally I like the Czech intelligence touch because it reminds me of the Prague connection to Saddam's al-Qaeda links and WMD.

Personally I'm not worried.
Why? Because the right-wing literally called him a terrorist for two years, and the public didn't believe it.
And when I say right-wing, I don't mean loonies on the internet. I mean the sitting Prime Minister and fellow MPs.
If people can see through that slander, they can see through this one.

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Meteor Man's picture

The entire American Media is insane. It sure seemed odd that Mueller indicted 13 Russians.

Then the "Merchandising Farm" angle that Moon of Alabama broke and was covered at c99p here:

Now we discover that some of the Russians have not worked at the clickbait troll factory since 2014. Lee Camp has finally put the whole story in it's proper perspective.

The only piece of the story Lee Camp missed is what kind of dope Mueller and his staff have been smoking in vast quantities.

Or perhaps there is a contagious hallucinogenic that is infecting the entire establishment that compels them to believe, as I discovered from tonight's The Evening Blues, that what 13 Russians at a troll factory did was as bad as Pearl Harbor:

Contagious Hallucenogenic Hysteria?

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

snoopydawg's picture

@Meteor Man

Shirley this dweeb can't be serious. Apparently he is and I guess that what he is going to recommend is a military attack on Russia, just like Bush did after 9/11. After all can you imagine if FDR had let Japan skate after they attacked Pearl Harbor? Funny how his ideas kinda fall flat after the ex CIA guy told us that our country has interfered in other country's elections. But that's American hypocrisy.

Hillary Clinton, while promoting her book last October, described Russia’s alleged hacking of the DNC and John Podesta’s email inbox as a “cyber 9/11.”

We know what Hillary said her response would be to cyber attacks. "Nuke them."

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

mimi's picture

on anonymous personas that talk whatever they want to to click and getting clicked. So, it's time to leave it behind and don't use it and don't participate in it any longer.

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lotlizard's picture

thing from the very beginning.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the Deep State had the malware, mega-corp monopoly, social propaganda, and surveillance aspects all explored and gamed out from the start.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

The porkies are perfectly happy with our Boss Baby president, no matter how many crocodile tears displays they put on. I suspect they're perfectly fine with May or some other far-right psychopath over in Britain so long as the lords of the manor can remain fat and happy at the peasantry's expense.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

snoopydawg's picture

Bringing up something that happened 3 decades ago is pretty desperate. This reminds me of "Bernie honeymooned in Russia!"

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

minimal research

BBC interviewed the director of the Czech Security Service Archive who told the British broadcaster that “their files suggest Mr. Corbyn was seen as a possible ‘contact’ but no more than that.”

“Mr. Corbyn was not a secret collaborator working for the Czechoslovak intelligence service,” Svetlana Ptacnikova told the BBC. “The files we have on him are kept in a folder that starts with the identification number one.”

The archivist explained: “Secret collaborators were allocated folders that start with the number four. If he had been successfully recruited as an informer, then his person of interest file would have been closed, and a new one would have been opened, and that would have started with the number four.”

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snoopydawg's picture

Hot dog seller creates


What is it about Reid these supposed bots loved so much?

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Does Putin have a pee tape of Joy?

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OMG, she was one of the Russian hookers, wasn't she?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

“Stephen’s essential contribution was to bring philosophy back from the abstractions of reason and logic — the world of Plato and Descartes — to the human condition,” said Roy Pea, a professor of learning sciences and education and the director of the Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning at Stanford University. “He argued that if we want to understand questions of ethics, science and logic, we have to inquire into the everyday situations in which they arise.”

One of the background problems is that we have used a narrow reason and logic rather than deal with everyday situations.

Stephen's last name is Toulmin a UK philosopher trained in physics.

I got into his work on rhetoric in 1981 and only last year got into his excellent 1990 book Cosmopolis.

I am recommending that book and looked him up on the web and found his NYT 2009 obit from which the paragraph above came from.

Stephen Toulmin, a Philosopher and Educator, Dies at 87

I put this in for a change of pace from the breaking stupidity which is on the way to breaking what democracy we have left.

I got into the book Cosmopolis from Bruno Latour's saying good things about it and that it pushed back the start of The Enlightenment a hundred years.

While I have already hijacked this excellent post, I might as well put in some more about Toulmin. In this interview I found out that he was a student of Wittgenstein and a new perspective on the importance of Wittgenstein's work

A Conversation with Stephen Toulmin

Hackney: What is the central notion of that received notion of modernity?

Toulmin: The central thing, which was the one I found most attractive to attack, is the belief that rationality has to be understood in terms of formal argumentation, in terms of rather strict ideals of argument, which, in the ideal case, should become geometrical in the kind of way that Plato explains -- whether he advocates it or not is another matter -- in antiquity, and which Descartes makes explicit in his discourse.

Hackney: You use the term "the quest for certainty" or "the search for certainty."

Toulmin: Yes. I'm consciously associating myself with John Dewey, who also, in the late 1920s, picked on the quest for certainty as a perennial disease of modern thought, although he never sat down and thought enough from a historical point of view about why this quest for certainty had the kinds of attractions it had in the first half of the seventeenth century and provided the kind of mold or template on which modern science, modern politics, modern philosophy were shaped.

Fundamentalists are on a quest for certainty

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CB's picture

Exactly what I figured when they first came out....

Goofy Indictments Divert Attention from Criminal Abuses at the FBI and DOJ
Robert Mueller’s Friday night indictment-spree, is a flagrant and infuriating attempt to divert attention from the damning revelations in the Nunes memo (and the Graham-Grassley “criminal referral”) which prove that senior-level officials at the FBI and DOJ were engaged in an expansive conspiracy to subvert the presidential elections by spying on members of the Trump campaign.
Think about what’s Mueller is really up to: He’s not just moving the goalposts, he’s loading them onto a spaceship and putting them on another planet. Where’s the evidence that Russia hacked the DNC computers and stole their emails? Where’s the proof that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia? That’s what we want to know, not whether some goofy Russian troll was spreading false information on Facebook. That has nothing to do with the original charges. It’s just politically-motivated gibberish that proves Mueller has nothing to support his case. After a full year, the investigation has failed to produce anything but a big goose egg.
The whole thing is ridiculous and anyone with half a brain knows it’s ridiculous. The only reason this fiasco continues to drag on, is because the mandarins in the US National Security State run everything in America and they’ve decided that they can invent whatever reality suits their foreign policy agenda and the rest of us will simply accept it in silence or be denounced as “Putin apologists” or “Kremlin stooges”. Fortunately, facts and reason appear to be getting the upper hand which why the deep state powerbrokers are getting so desperate. They’re now genuinely concerned about what might “come out” and who might be exposed.
As I expected, Trump is going to save his own skin, but allow the “Bigger Lie” to persist. It looks to me that Trump may have cut a deal with his deep state antagonists to support their spurious claims of Russian meddling as long as they exonerate him on the charges of collusion. That means, he will NOT use his power as President to try to uncover the roots of Russia-gate fabrication. (that would probably expose the former Directors of the CIA and NSA and, perhaps, even the former president of the United States, who likely gave Brennan the greenlight to set the wheels in motion.) All of these suspects will go uninvestigated, unindicted, and unpunished just like the perpetrators of the Iraq War, just like the perpetrators of the Financial Meltdown, and just like the perpetrators of all the major crimes against the American people. As always, it is complete and total immunity for Parasite Class while the rest of us have to play by the rules. But you probably already knew that.

Trump will get off the hook while the rest of us languish in permanent ignorance of how the shadow government really works. You heard it first here.

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snoopydawg's picture

I'm sure that no one here is surprised by this since that's what this newspaper does any more.

The media and the Mueller indictment: A conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories

The announcement Friday by the US Department of Justice that a federal grand jury has returned criminal indictments against 13 Russian citizens and three Russian companies, charging illegal activities in the 2016 US presidential election, has become the occasion for a barrage of war propaganda in the American corporate media.


What cyberattack could be more significant than an effort to hijack the US presidential election? By the logic of the leading “newspaper of record,” the US government would be justified in responding militarily to an alleged Russian election operation.

The other thing that no one who is invested in Russia Gate is asking, where's the evidence that ties the Mueller indictments to Putin?

The 37-page document details an alleged operation of individuals in Russia to establish false identities on social media platforms and use them to influence political discussion in the US during the election. Conspicuously absent is any indication of direct Russian government involvement in the operation, which was funded by a Russian multimillionaire. Nor is there any claim that the Trump campaign collaborated with the activities of the Russian operatives, or that these activities had any impact on the course of the election.

What possible reason could people have for not voting for Herheinous?

The claim that this half-baked operation played any significant role in the outcome of the election is an absurdity. There were ample reasons for tens of millions of Americans, particularly working people, to be hostile to the campaign of Hillary Clinton, the favorite of Wall Street and the Pentagon. She ran a campaign of complacency and entitlement promising nothing to those suffering after eight years of supposed “economic recovery” under the Obama administration. That a section of working people, in desperation, cast their votes for Trump only testifies to the reactionary blind alley of the corporate-controlled two-party system.

To think that the most popular president in recent history is followed by one that most people despises is, in my opinion, a direct result of how people feel that the previous president let them down. I'm not the only one who has made this comment. I've read many articles that are of the same opinion.

Just like Flynn's guilty plea has nothing to do with the Russia interfered with the election
either. He's being charged for not registering as a foreign lobbyist, not colluding with Russia. Oops.

I encourage you to read the rest of the article.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Any policy initiatives that are even quasi-socialist will be deemed as 'doing Putin's bidding'.
I too think the people can see through it. Public opinion of US TV news networks has been miserably low for a long time, indicating that people can tell the difference between news and opinion shaping.

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Mike Taylor

Any policy initiatives that are even quasi-socialist will be deemed as 'doing Putin's bidding'.
I too think the people can see through it. Public opinion of US TV news networks has been miserably low for a long time, indicating that people can tell the difference between news and opinion shaping.

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Mike Taylor

Any policy initiatives that are even quasi-socialist will be deemed as 'doing Putin's bidding'.
I too think the people can see through it. Public opinion of US TV news networks has been miserably low for a long time, indicating that people can tell the difference between news and opinion shaping.

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Mike Taylor

I lost my internet connection during posting. Not really sure what happened.

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Mike Taylor

edg's picture

@Mike Taylor

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon