I'm like you! In fact, I'm one of you! No, really. I am.


Conventional wisdom says that you are likelier to get people to do as you wish if you first get them to see you as being one of them, aka, get them to identify with you. Politicians sometimes mess up this technique, such as by wearing camo to hunt, which is more out of place (and dangerous) than wearing a three-piece suit to do farm work.

The Hillary 2016 primary campaign used the strategy abundantly in attempts to herd left-veering strays. Almost as soon as Senator Sanders announced he was running for POTUS, Hillaryward Herders, from message board posters and twits (sic) to professional political journalists and commentators, declared themselves to be supporting Bernie Sanders. Some amateurs even claimed to be working for his campaign. None of the Hillaryward Herders who pretended to support Bernie had a single positive word about Bernie or his supporters, though. Rather, they would post things like, "I support Bernie, but I give Hillary credit for detailing her proposals." Or, "I support Bernie, but I can't take another second of Democrats bashing Hillary 24/7."

Over time, one Hillaryward Herder or another would announce that, because of some specific thing Bernie or his supporters had just done, the Hillaryward herder was "now" supporting Hillary (#bernielostme). Soon, however, the lone flaw they cited proliferated into incessant, often vicious, criticisms of Bernie and "Bernie Bros." Some Hillaryward Herders never posted or twitted (sic) anything after the California primary--at least not under the same screen name. Others (or their screen names) vanished forever around Tuesday, November 8, 2016. I recount the above because herders are at it again.

As you probably know, some supporters of Sanders who wish to move the country leftward are trying to do so from within the Democratic Party ("DemRemainers"). Others, however, have vowed never to vote for another Democratic politician, no matter what. (DemExiters). Rovian herders have been doing their work within each of these groups.

When infiltrating DemRemainers, herders use the word "progressive" when describing almost any Democratic candidate. Even if progressive Democrats get elected, establishment Democrats have little to lose. At best (for establishment Democrats), establishment Democrats will rapidly Borg self-styled Berniecrats, Our Revolution Democrats, Justice Democrats and other supposedly "progressive" Democrats who cropped up after Sanders ran. Meanwhile, Democratic and Republican Capitol Hill veterans will be able to outmaneuver the new crop of "progressive" Democrats and kabuki outvote them. Maybe the newbies will even get more "pragmatic" and "realistic" on their own, after being thwarted repeatedly. And, maybe some self-styled progressives aren't really all that leftist, anyway.

At worst, the new batch of "progressives," if elected, will increase the size of the Democratic Caucus, helping Democrats become the majority Party. Simply becoming the majority Party again will mean, among other things, Democratic Committee chairs, Democratic Committee majorities, a Democratic Majority Leader controlling the floor and the like--things that, in Congress, are 95% of the game. Oh, and more donations. Those things certainly warrant attempts by establishment Democrats to herd DemRemainers. That leaves DemExiters.

How to herd DemExiters: Pretend to be on their side and/or one of them. Remind DemExiters, perhaps subtlely, that "minor" Parties don't win many elections and are therefore relatively powerless, especially in a Presidential election. Throw in just the teeniest smidge of how horrific another Trump term or Republican majority Congress would be. Advise that dissidents will have much more clout if only they all joined with each other to choose a single candidate from one of the "major" Parties to endorse. At this juncture, at least, say nothing about which "major" Party. After all, how likely is it that left-leaning strays would agree to endorse Trump--or any Republican? Another tactic might be to ask DemExiters to vote for Democrats if no leftist candidate is running for a given office. Given that Dembots believe that Hillary would have become President had it not been for Green votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, herding DemExiters too, seems worth the effort.

One problem with this "strategy," is that the Working Families Party has engaged in a form of this since 1998; and, even with union backing, has not moved Democrats left. Turns out, politicians don't care why you vote for them or endorse them, as long as you vote for them or endorse them. Another problem with this strategy is that it is suspiciously like "lesser of two evils," or LOTE voting. Members of the left have engaged in LOTE voting for generations, while conservatives of both parties became more and more powerful.

Our two largest political parties now consist of a Party of "moderate Republicans of the 1980s who, for whatever reason, are officially registered as Democrats" and a Party of even less desirable Republicans who are officially registered as Republicans. And both these varieties of Republicans just keep moving further right at an accelerating pace. That is not the lesser of two evils; it's 99% Hell.

Speaking of the primaries: Did you wonder why neoliberal Dembots expected to win you over to their side by abusing you? Well, as Freud (and Occam?) may or may not have said, "Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar." Maybe, just maybe, Dembots were abusing you because they wanted you out of "their" Democratic Party.

Freed of the "looney, far, far, fringe left" (never enough pejorative modifiers!), the Democratic Party would be better able to pick up two two indie and/or moderate Republican voters for every one of you embarrassing leftist lot it sheds (or so they claimed). And, the Party would not have to worry about disgruntled Democrats grumbling inside the "tent," thereby infecting Democratic loyalists. No Labels heaven! Besides, if Democratic stealth herders can get even DemExiters to endorse and vote for Democratic candidates, isn't the New Democrat Party really better off without leftists?

In any event, leftists now need to watch out (1) for their obvious enemies; i.e., the establishment; (2) for infiltrators of DemRemainers who allegedly want to elect more "progressive" Democrats to take the Democratic Party left; and (3) for ostensible "allies" of DemExiters with bright ideas about how DemExiters, including members of newer parties, can be powerful. Bottom line: Stay alert!

[video:https://youtu.be/tDQw21ntR64 width:250 height:250]
Sheep being herded "mesmerizingly," probably by border collies
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Amanda Matthews's picture

And now they want us back. And who better to herd everyone that believes their lies back into the veal pen than Sanders?

EDIT: typos (2)
EDIT EDIT: another one

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

One reason is that I still haven't fully settled the issue within myself.

Another reason is that I am speaking to DemRemainers as well as to DemExiters; and many DemRemainers are following Sanders's lead and have joined Our Revolution.

Overall, I think recognizing herding is a bigger issue with midterms approaching than whether you are for or against Sanders.

Thank you for saying that I captured the behavior of herders. I appreciate that. The reason I may have been able to do that is that I have already been running into them.

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Amanda Matthews's picture


RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! crap in support of the Dims and the DNC is a betrayal that cannot be condoned.

What the hell happened to his ‘better way’?

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

edg's picture

I was wholeheartedly supporting Bernie Sanders, but thanks to this essay, I have now been awakened to the fact that Hillary "What, me lie?" Clinton must be our 2020 nominee.

And Bernie's feet smell.

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essay is about what I've been seeing on the internet, written to warn leftists who may not have noticed the infiltration attempts. I doubt Bernie is using an alias to post on the net. I even used "herders" intentionally, to avoid "sheepdogging," which I've seen used with reference to Bernie precisely because I did not want readers to think I was referring to Bernie.

Please see also my reply to the first post on this thread after the essay. Thank you.

I don't understand what prompted your response. I've written nothing pro-Hillary in this essay or anywhere on this board or on any board. Among many other things, I did a seven-part series here on Hillary's hypocrisy before Election Day and this very essay speaks about "Hillaryward Herders" lying to Bernie's supporters during the primary. https://caucus99percent.com/content/hillary-thy-name-ispart-seven

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Amanda Matthews's picture


and ignore the main ‘herder’. Especially if he’s conspicuous and loud.

It’s not your fault. It is what ir is.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

had nothing to do with Bernie. To the contrary, as my reply to Edg stated, I went out of my way not to evoke Bernie.

Edg's reply was disappointing, to put it mildly. You are obviously very angry with Bernie, but I ask that you please not use this thread for that purpose.

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Amanda Matthews's picture



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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

thanatokephaloides's picture


I don't understand what prompted your response. I've written nothing pro-Hillary in this essay or anywhere on this board or on any board.

Est le snarque, mon ami! (It's snark, my friend!)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@thanatokephaloides @thanatokephaloides

explanation before I saw yours. Poe's law prevailed initially. Tt was obviously snark. But, I thought it was sarcastic about me and my essay. .

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edg's picture

@HenryAWallace @HenryAWallace

No offense intended. I was playing off of your 2nd through 4th paragraphs, which were all about Bernie and some about Hillary. Did you forget what you wrote in this essay? Do you fail to see the parallel of my snarky comment to what you wrote about Berners-become-Hillbots? For that I am truly sorry.

FWIW, it's odd that nearly half of the paragraphs in this essay that's not about Bernie or Hillary are about Bernie or Hillary or both.

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Amanda Matthews's picture


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa


I did not forget what I wrote, but without "/sarcasm" or "j/k" at the end of the post, there was no way for me to tell if your sarcasm was directed at me.

As I explained to Pluto's Republic, I went back to the posing during the primary simply because I thought most posters here would be familiar with that scenario. Without referencing the use of posing as our colleague in hopes of herding us to during the primary, I thought it might seem as though I were imagining current posing. So, while references to the primary may seem to be about the respective supporters of Bernie and Hillary, the entire essay is actually about posing as a compatriot in order to herd.

I hope that makes sense.

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edg's picture


I got the gist of your essay. It was my mistake for thinking that snide indicators like "Hillary 'What, me lie?' Clinton" and "Bernie's feet smell" would be enough without a snark tag.

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QMS's picture

Give the man a break for chrissakes.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


because, as I've posted several times on this thread, my essay is not about him.

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QMS's picture

@HenryAWallace I meant you.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


(Just for the record, though, Henry A. Wallace was a man. I've never indicated my gender.)

Dedicated to you and me:


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QMS's picture

@HenryAWallace there exists no reason for that type of harshness here (from above). Understand some are frustrated with the process, the enemy is not within. If attacks are what soothes ones anger, please direct it else where. Thanks.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Amanda Matthews's picture


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

QMS's picture

@Amanda Matthews was mostly a pagan chant to ward off evil. Fighting many faces of the devil just now.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


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Pluto's Republic's picture

Your description of the strategies in play were very interesting. I can see some of it unfolding. Your narrative of what actually happened and the techniques used in 2016 were very helpful.

Over time, one Hillaryward Herder or another would announce that, because of some specific thing Bernie or his supporters had just done, the Hillaryward herder was "now" supporting Hillary (#bernielostme).

Much of this I did not witness, but it's vivid to me because I was very close to the aftermath and consequences. The manipulation and betrayal was really something. Also, I hadn't drawn a line between the Dem -exiters and the -remainders, which was an interesting way to analyze it. I considered them an unsettled mass because the pot of the disenfranchised still seems to be boiling. I have my eye on the rural Trump-voting Democrats, who appear to be back in play.

Does that give us four groups? The Left who voted third party, the Left who voted for Hillary, the Left (worker class) who voted for Trump, and the Left who stayed home?

Freed of the "looney, far, far, fringe left" (never enough pejorative modifiers!), the Democratic Party would be better able to pick up two two indie and/or moderate Republican voters for every one of you embarrassing leftist lot it sheds (or so they claimed).

I guess that's true for rational moderates. But the AM Radio Republicans absolutely believe that Hillary is far, far, far Left. This must have given the Trump voting Dems pause, especially since their hopes have not been addressed by the Trump administration. They're hanging in there for now, but at some point they are going to face the fact that they are throwaway people in the eyes of both Parties. Then what?

There are Leftist candidates running, supported by the groups you mention, and their message will be very well received if they are heard. But they are not getting money from the DNC, Ive heard. And the press will accordingly ignore them. But I sense a contrarian tide among voters. They seem moody.

In any event, leftists now need to watch out ... for ostensible "allies" of DemExiters with bright ideas about how DemExiters, including members of newer parties, can be powerful. Bottom line: Stay alert!

This one went over my head. But an engaging essay, nonetheless.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Pluto's Republic's picture


Because it is so true. So true.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic trying to create strength in support. Not very good at it, yet...devloping

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


Your reply meant a lot to me, even though it ultimately turned out edg was kidding.

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QMS's picture

@HenryAWallace this is a difficult site for me sometimes. Precision in expressing ideas presumes an intimate knowledge of the audience. Loosely sharing political concepts is a sure way to get taken in some trap. It is a bit of a shame there is not more acceptance in the posters as to the depth of thought required to make meaningful statements on an individual level. The enemy is not within. We are trying to conceive a better way forward. Methinks it should have support.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


if you've been infiltrated by herders pretending their politics are just like yours (or close enough for government work).

However, we know each other here well enough, I think, to know whose politics we share. (And the author of a seven part essay on Hillary's hypocrisy before election day is probably not herding anyone to any establishment democrat.)

Then again, several people with whom I'd posted for years voted for Trump and at least one of them has gone totally far right--religion, no argument against his new friends' bigoted remarks, etc. Invasion of the body snatchers on steroids.

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Republic. I'll try to do it justice.

I can see some of it unfolding.

I'm happy you picked up on it. I think many posters are being fooled, though, which is what prompted the essay.

Much of this I did not witness

If you wish to view it in hindsight, click on "Bernie Bros" in the essay. You will get to an article where the author claims to have changed from Bernie to Hillary because she observed sexism from "Bernie Bros" on facebook.

Bernie had millions of supporters. Which political writer (or lay person, for that matter) knows no better than to change a vote, especially a vote ffor a unique candidate like Bernie, because of something some of his supporters did? And on facebook, no less. For all that writer knows, the allegedly sexist supporters on facebook were actually Hillary supporters trying to make Bernie's supporters look bad. Also, #bernielostme was an actual hash tag on twitter.

That's all water over the dam and under the bridge at this point, except that the posing form of herding is back in another incarnation. Maybe it's not the exact same group of poseurs, but the posing is back. So, I thought reminding people of this particular form of deception during the primary might make my warning about the current crop of herders seem less paranoid.

Also, I hadn't drawn a line between the Dem -exiters and the -remainders,

You probably did, maybe without realizing it. On reddit's Way of the Bern, they speak of DemEnter, but, for many, it's more DemRemain. It's Democrats who believe that the most likely way to be effective is to try to change the Democratic Party from within, rather tha to join or form a newer party. And, we must admit, after Lincoln, parties other than the nation's two largest parties have indeed not won many elections and zero Presidencies.

Perot did okay, but not a single electoral vote. Thurmond and Wallace (the other Wallace) got electoral votes from Southern states running on segregation, but Republicans get most of the bigot vote now. I'm hoping this will change for the Green Party.

I have my eye on the rural Trump-voting Democrats, who appear to be back in play.

Some of them, too, may have been posing all along, Republicans posing as Democrats. However, there are posters I'd bet the deed to my home were leftist Democrats whose vote for Trump was the first Republican vote they'd cast in their lives. Whether Democrats have lost all of them to the right or not, I may never know. If they stay with the right, I don't think the right will consider them throwaways. Prodigal Son syndrome.

Some Democratic herders may be trying to infiltrate Trumpers of all kinds. However, I'd be less likely to notice that since I don't usually "hang" with exclusively Republican groups. And yes, there are at least four groups. However, I don't know how someone infiltrates the "I'll never again vote for anybody," crowd.

There are Leftist candidates running, supported by the groups you mention, and their message will be very well received if they are heard.

Since Obama, I've become more of a wait and see person. I don't know which politician is a leftist based on how they campaign. Sanders's run stunned a lot of politicians who may have thought it was a good thing to get it on, especially if you wanted to challenge an incumbent who seemed determined to keep his or her seat until the Grim Reaper came. (Imagine how frustrated a Democrat in Massachusetts who wanted to be a US Senator must have been during the long Kennedy-Kerry period.) I'm going to see what they do if they get elected. Not what they say, but what they do.

This one went over my head.

My essay mentioned herders approaching DemExiters, including Greens, with the bright idea that they can become more powerful if they band together and endorse the candidate of one of the the "major" parties. If anyone takes that advice, I'm betting they would not endorse a Republican but a Democrat. So, I'm guessing people approaching DemExiters with that idea are not fellow DemExiters, but establishment Democrats.

Thank you again.

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SnappleBC's picture

Bernie lost me utterly with #Russiagate unless and until he produces externally verifiable evidence. That's the same standard I hold any conspiracy theorist to... show me the evidence and I'm with you.

The Democrats lost me utterly in the 2016 election. What a horror show. The never-ending joy of Clinton, DWS & Friends just keeps confirming I want nothing to do with any of them. Oh yeah, and the Democrats are all for continuous war.

I always keep my options open so it's certainly possible I would support and vote for a Democratic candidate. But it'd have to be a very convincing sell. I've been burned quite a few times. I'm much more interested in devoting energy to a 3rd party.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard


I encourage two things:

One is using "newer party" instead of either "third party" or "minor party." I'll explain:

The US has many political parties, include four that are considered "national" parties (all of which have an international affiliate. Those are the two oldest parties whose names we know all too well, the Green Party and the Libertarian Party. So, "third party" is a misnomer that makes it seem as though the only two parties that exist (or matter) are the two oldest parties. I don't think that is a good message for us to keep sending "subliminally." "Minor" party, while technically accurate now, is at least semi-pejorative and a self-fulfilling prophesy. "Newer" is accurate and, I think, upbeat.

I would also encourage voting Green, at least least unless and until a newer party more to your liking comes along. This year, more Greens than usual are running, mostly for very local offices, like school board member, alderman, etc. http://www.gp.org/elections I don't think the list at the website is complete. Probably the best thing is to click on Contact and ask about Green candidates in your city and state.

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SnappleBC's picture


I agree. I like that a lot.

Insofar as voting Green, at least as a placeholder, let me change my forum avatar back to what it was before Halloween.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard


Apart from Sanders in the Democratic primary, I cast my last Democratic vote in 2008 for Obama. I wish I had woken up sooner.

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SnappleBC's picture


Obama (along with #occupy and the GFC) were what opened my eyes. Sanders got my vote and my support other ways but that's an aberration and now that I see him on #Russiagate that won't happen again either (at least not unless he produces some evidence to support his warmongering).

In the end I truly am "independent". I honestly don't care what party someone belongs to including the Democratic party. I look for pro-99% candidates. If I find one I can vote for I do. If not, I leave that line blank on the ballot. So Democrats can get my vote, all they need to do is convince me that they are 99% candidates which would mean they're willing to talk about Gilens & Page and how that is systemic -- including the Democratic party. I somehow doubt many Democrats willing to denounce the Democratic party will get on the ballot though.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard


Thanks you ever so much! Very important points, again, as always! People have been brainwashed into believing that there really are only two electoral choices (which is regrettably true, as other parties are roadblocked) and that they must vote for one of the Two-Party Trap.

PR/propaganda groups/the Neos routinely use the manipulation/misuse of language to control public perception and we have to stop letting them do this by going with it ourselves.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

One kind of off topic comment though. I almost stopped reading at the first because of this:

Politicians sometimes mess up this technique, such as by wearing camo to hunt, which is more out of place (and dangerous) than wearing a three-piece suit to do farm work.

Now maybe things have changed. I haven't hunted in over 30 years, except with a camera. But back then, camo was commonly worn by bowhunters (deer, turkey) and by bird hunters (Goose, duck, quail etc.) The pic in your intro looks like goose hunters to me, so camo would be appropriate.

Your idea stands of course, politicians often maddingly pose as "one of you". And Brock et al. are a bunch of poseurs.

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rural areas in jeans or overalls that obviously have never been worn before. But, then, I came across a reference to Green Acres and could not resist. So, I had to drop the overalls, no pun intended, and come up with something else.

I made the mistake of relying upon Cheney's comment about Kerry hunting in camo, which was "He obviously doesn't hunt much." Or words to that effect. I knew that hunters often wear something red to let their other hunters in the area know not to shoot them. So, I assumed Cheney was on target, so to speak.

Less than two years after Cheney said that, though, he filled his hunting companion's face with shot, which I also remembered while writing this essay. So, why did I ever take Cheney's word about anything, even hunting? Thanks for giving me the correct info.

And I was so proud of finding those pics, too! Oh, well, always go with your first instinct?

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though I don't visit other sites much. It's been pretty much go with the flow or leave. Any opposition is branded a enabling the enemies of the party democrats, that contrary arguments splits unity and (insert blame for whatever is wrong with the world) is a vote for republicans. Not arguing with your well written essay, they just seem to have evolved beyond persuasion as a method of gaining voters. Will keep vigilant. Thanks.

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"invaded" by those openly to the left of Hillary. However, this essay is about sites or groups where the majority want the country to go left of establishment Democrats' being invaded by establishment Dembots pretending to be further left than they actually are

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@HenryAWallace well, I never was the sharpest pencil in the box.

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