I am indicted. Prosecution to follow.
Well, Mueller has found more stuff Who colluded with whom? None of this crap has anything to do with the "CHARTER". Deep State, in charge.
Indictment says, aside from these bad Russians there is no collusion with US personnel.
They said bad things on the inter webs and social media about the Creature to elect Trump?
So , 16 Ruskies swayed the vote of a population of 330 Million. Where are those pesky Ruskies? Are they here? Did you arrest them? Or are they in Macedonia? The result of your "indictment" will be what? Crap.
16 Russians have destroyed our republic/democracy.
Social Media. Trust it. It's the Internet.
They did not like Clinton Creature. I don't like the Clinton Creature. So, am indicted for speaking/writing badly of hers. (for all you philosophy fans, that's Socratic. I.E The Virgin Mary has ears. I have ears. Therefore I am the Virgin Mary. Just Sayin)
I do have a bridge I can sell you. Takers?
Come on. you know you want a bridge.
I want a bridge.
If I had a bridge, I'd be king of my neighborhood. I could place it over my rotten neighbors houses so they get no sunlight. I could drop water balloons off the bridge whenever they tried to have outdoor parties. It would be really, really cool. So how much is this bridge? I could probably swing $100 to $150.
Not even close, Sparky.
Plus, rubles are the currency of choice don't y'a know.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I want a pony
We can't end the wars or have universal health care or elect politicians that represent us because then Putin will win
Mueller should be ashamed of himself.
There is no evidence of a hack at the DNC. The only evidence we have is that the emails were copied to a thumb drive plugged into a computer inside the DNC at about 6PM.
There is no evidence of collusion. None whatsoever. The American people elected that imbecile all by themselves because the Democrats were running a candidate too loathsome to consider.
I notice that the Deep State at the Agencies and the State Department are doubling down of their manufactured foolishness because there's nowhere else for them to go.
We have a failed state, here, people. We're just going through the motions, now, trying to act normal.
@Pluto's Republic
Well, they had some help...
2 of the only 3 remaining examples (the 3rd being a duplicate of one) found on search (all emphasis in all following, mine):
Sounds more like a fait accompli than a public threat at that point, doesn't it?
Dunno if this is the same guy, same sort of thuggish language to 'his employees'...
Could this be why the Electoral College switched from the Mad Bomber to Trump - when these authoritarian, Party-controlling billionaires/multi-millionaires did? Gee, I wonder...
I'd suspect rather that the (oft-cheated) popular vote in (rigged) elections is evidently regarded as a "vestige".
But if Hillary actually got more votes - and by all accounts had the Electoral College votes captured even prior to the nomination actually beginning, if I recall correctly, with the corporate media counting these in with the public votes all the way along during the nomination,) despite however many millions of Americans turning into 'Russian propagandists' based on her record, attitude, corruption, behaviours, policies and... much too long a list to repeat here, why would the Electoral College she'd already predominately captured decide to vote against her - and how did Super-Putin The Magically Ubiquitous manage to influence the Electoral College against her? Was he responsible for the billionaires firing the Dems as well?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Popular vote =/= electoral vote
A mistake Her obviously made. Her piled them up high in states where they made no difference (e.g. New York, California, Illinois and other deep-Blue bastions) and then was shocked when Her had no margin for error in "iffy" states Her had taken for granted (Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania).
Her even lost one of Maine's two electoral districts, which is a relatively rare happening.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Mueller... as I recall,
weren't Kushner and Ivanka clients of his firm? This whole narrative stinks.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
C99% is a Russian op.
How many here were also promised a puppy from Putin if they exposed Her Heinousness?