If you think nothing is missing, please go back and repeat first grade. That was kinda mean of me because I only learned to read after I crawled out of the swamp. But, really, think real, real hard--what is missing?
I shall give you a BIG hint.
Yes, I believe you've got it (ain't I subtle)
First there was Q and then there were Anon. Anon is a collective of anonymous commentators responding to Q, often providing information, supplying theories, or just asking questions.
What or who is Q? 29 minutes. This is a very informative overview of the Q phenomenon. A summary of this, quite incomplete, is headed by a conclusion, then a description.
Q = a modern political Nostradamus.
The Q phenomenon began in late October or early November, 2017 on 4chan. Posts were submitted daily, usually 2 or 3. Shortly after Q made his/her/their appearance, they were joined by the Anons with questions and comments. After some months, the 4chan connection became contaminated by a false Q, so the submissions by Q were switched over to a more secure 8chan board. Until about a week ago, the 8chan board was modified.
Q posts can be found on Reddit. At first, the publishing was under the auspices of TCBS, The Calm Before The Storm. The Storm refers to Trump's progressive plan (not in a political sense but in an operational sense) to uproot the Deep State/Hillary-Hussein Cabal/Globalist/Pedophile organizations encumbering and corrupting our country from large to small segments. If one doubts the existence of such a cabal, you will find it discussed in a lengthy but very informative video by the late Ted Gunderson, former Special Agent in Charge of the L.A. FBI division: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEblaMm9dZI 1:13:01)
The information was then shifted to a Reddit simply called "the Storm", the name change being significant. Calm Before The Storm signified the preparatory phases of Trump's attack on the Deep State etc.; The Storm signifies the offensive currently underway--one which is having visible results, at least to those of us who are watching this coup/countercoup evolve.
Here is posted a running list of Q and Anon postings. This was current at the time I copied the URL.
Q analysis requires decoding. A military or other intelligence background would help in that task. The best decoder of Q I have found is Dr. Jerome Corsi, who has the intelligence background. Learn more about Dr. Corsi and some recent Q posts here. (45 min)
Here is some more analysis of individual Q posts by Dr. Corsi: here. (24 min)
Although there are lots of Q interpreters on the internet, with widely varying skills, I think it might be useful to listen to Lionel of Lionel Nation explain the overall meaning of QAnon (20 min) as opposed to specific posts.
IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN! Anonymous (ID: fKw0X5UQ) 11/04/17(Sat)08:42:19 No.147902628
1) This started either before Trump announced his run for President, or soon thereafter. Someone who knew what happened told him.
2) SOMEONE in the IC, likely military intel, sat Trump down & laid out the entire #UraniumOne bribery scheme.
3) How all across the breadth of the Obama Administration people in high offices took massive bribes to facilitate sell of uranium to Russia
4) It involved so many people, it compromised so many agencies, the people who did it counted on it never being exposed or prosecuted.
5) The lengths to which they corrupted our government offices to enrich themselves by selling out our country virtually ENSURED they'd walk.
6) People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government.
7) So patriots in our gov't had their hands tied. There was nothing they could do to stop the sale.
8) Even after SOME of the dirty facts behind #UraniumOne became known in 2015, it was easily buried, ignored, passed by.
9) Somebody took a chance on Trump. They sat him down, walked him through what happened.
...2) And Trump and his advisors came up with a plan.
A brilliant plan. An intelligence operation based on DECEPTION.
13) It started during the primaries when Trump began taking every opportunity he could to brag about what GOOD FRIENDS he'd be with Putin.
14) Trump literally could not seem to SHUT UP about how awesomely AWESOME his relationship with Putin was gonna be.
15) It became a running joke, a campaign feature, engendering much hand wringing & concern among Never Trumpers, including me at the time.
16) WHY does Trump keep going out of his way to incessantly BRAG about the sweet, sweet deals he & Putin are gonna do together?
17) But go back and look. During the primaries, during the general election campaign, what happened EVERY TIME Trump did this Putin act?
18) He literally trolled all the people who took dirty Russian $ to compromise our nat'l security into ATTACKING HIM FOR IT.
19) And all HE was doing was TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING HE HADN'T DONE YET and would NEVER really do.
There a total of 64 items in the list.
How is Q connected to Trump? He is a white house insider who knows things before any one in the public or not in inner circle knows things.
1. He often quotes from tweets within minutes after Trump sends them--and sometimes even before they are sent.
2. He publishes photos of where Trump has been, the same day Trump has been there.
What is the purpose of all this? I believe there are several purposes. Some of thew posts are instructions to operatives reading them, that can only be deciphered by those having a key. Another is to announce imminent events, most of which have come true. There are some messages defying description for those not possessing the key, so we mere mortals won't know if the post is/was correct or not. There are some posts to terrorize intended targets. Finally there are some posts which are playful.
So, to you deep staters, Clintonites, pedophiles, etc., heed this warning, please:
Anything that comes out of 4chan or 8chan....
....is suspect at best. Those assholes get off on trolling just about anyone and everyone.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
johnstone agrees with you.
She's one of my favorites.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I want to believe it is true
I want to believe that all that deep state shit will get blown up.
Republicans are fuckers on a different scale. Because of them we had medical expenses that cost $500 this week when last year would have been $80. They are assholes. But publicly so.
The deep state creepy secret bullshit is so much more horrible.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
You are a brave reptile, Alligator Ed!
Be prepared to be attacked for being a conspiracy theorist or a Trump lover or worse.
As one of those who has been following what are called Q drops, I am very grateful for your synopsis of what is a very complex series of posts by "Q." I personally believe that "Q" is more than one person, with the lead person being someone with a military intelligence background.
Those of us who have followed the "Q" posts since October 29, have come to the realization that "Q" is not just a LARP, but has real knowledge and background because often his posts portend events that happen later. While they may not make a great deal of sense in real time, they are often confirmed by events happening in later, sometimes days and sometimes weeks later.
I strongly recommend Jordan Sather's video on Who is "Q" which you linked above. I believe he presents a very good overview of how we should view "Q" and his posts.
For those who diss what is happening simply because the posts were on 4chan or 8chan, please ignore where they are being posted and learn from what has been predicted so far. The accuracy of the predictions has been startling and sometimes mind boggling. And some have been unnerving, particularly "Q's" posts regarding Edward Snowden.
If nothing more, the "Q" posts are helping us to open our minds to the depth of the evil that infests our government. It is not about Democrat or Republican, but it is the Deep State control over nearly everything that is happening in the world. "Q" often refers to JFK who tried to dismantle the CIA and was assassinated as a result. Without the dismantling of the Deep State, we can never move forward as a society.
Thank you for this essay, Alligator Ed.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Then perhaps we should dismantle CAPITALISM first.
Hell, we can barely even question capitalism here. Let's face facts: The capitalists have been doing this kind of shit for centuries, and Drumpf is just another capitalist looking after his own ass while the world burns. He never intended to do anything other than make himself and his porky buddies richer at the expense of the planet. His supporters are too stupid to figure it out and his 'detractors' are pretending to hate everything he does while sucking his dick behind closed doors.
Instead of this reactionary bullshit with the 'Deep State', why is it we can't question capitalism itself?
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
" ... why is it we can't question capitalism itself?"
I see no difference between the DS and the capitalist elite
Here is a very relevant aricle posted today at Consortium News:
The 1% has successfully hijacked the entire government. They own the corporate media. They have effectively privatized the military. We, the little people, are dead men walking when it comes to self-government.
As I said in my reply to Alligator Ed, this Q stuff is too vague to be anything more than a distraction. But, contra you, I think getting people to understand that capitalism has bought out the government via the Deep State is necessary. People already despise the spooks and their drug running, crooked banking, and coups. One must first connect capital-C capitalism with the inevitable hijacking of democracy by a Deep State. If you attack Capitalism direcly, you can be branded a Marxist and dismissed. If you attack the DS, you will at least get an audience, because just about everyone believes there is some bad shit going on behind the scenes of our so-called democracy.
The essay does NOT pertain to the intelligence field as a whole
Quotes from one of your cited articles are pertinent to the overall situation:
The intelligence operatives did not undermine the Fourth Estate, dictates by the owners/shareholders of the country did. IC sources merely supply the MSM with desired talking points and disinformation the outlets' owners desire them to espouse. IC is a tool, a means to an end. IC does not determine the end. The goals are determined for them but the 1%.
Yes, alternative media is being stifled or "controversialized", with which term I am not familiar. It is being done, in part, but not in whole, by disinformation promulgated by the elites and then fed to the IC/reporters for their regurgitation via approved channels.
The point at issue is Q and his Anons. As I wrote in the essay, Q is a modern day political Nostradamus. Many of the Q predictions have come to be within days or weeks after publication.
"Consider the Source"--yes, to some extent. More important is to "consider the facts". Isn't that why Russiagate has collapsed--there are NO facts.
Although your opinions about the IC as a whole are pertinent to the wider picture, they miss the point of this essay.
Case in point regarding the media
Look at how Rachel changed her reporting after the meeting at the WH. I first became aware of her when she worked on Air America. Look at how much she has changed since then. She knows full well that Russia did nothing to the election, but there she is every week night spewing the government's propaganda.
In the weekly watch this morning he posted a link to Caitlin's article on Syria. There was a video of a woman anchor questioning a congress member and when he didn't follow her script she shook her head, raised her eyes and looked in utter shock that he disagreed with the narrative she was spreading. Robert Parry was dead on.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I was responding to Aspie Corner on the need to keep the DS
in focus. You said:
I have not overgeneralized. I was simply responding to AC, not to you. He wanted to completely ignore the DS. I pointed out how the DS and capitalism are effectively the same.
Could you please give me a concrete example of an explicit, time-stamped statement from Q and the later verification of that statement? As I said in one of my responses, one meaning of being Nostradamus-like is being "Delphic", as in the famous Greek oracle noted for ambiguous pronouncements that could be interpreted whichever way events went later.
You don't have to convince me that Russiagate is bullshit. I agree there are zero facts to support any of the increasingly ludicrous allegations. The nonsense is crumbling while Adam Schiff looks ever more deranged and glassy-eyed.
At this point I know nothing about Q, and have not got time to wade through masses of CT material trying to figure out who is telling the truth, or exactly what truth is being told. As I said, you have a right to your opinion, but I have a right to say I have no opinion about Q.
However, I do have an opinion about Trump, which I expressed in my response to YOU.
That doesn't seem to square with what you posted about what a genius Trump is.
IMHO, TPTB have turned a sow's ear (Trump) into a silk purse (the complete discrediting of the Democratic Party and the DOJ/FBI's investigative impartiality). The situation is so bizarre - mostly due to the too-obtuse-to-be-real, Washington Generals-like incompetence of Trump's opponents. If the Dems had attacked Trump for anything real (tax giveaways, war mongering), they would have some progressive support. That they continue to behave stupidly tells me that they are simply part of the IC-scripted performance art that has replaced our democracy.
So, I certainly find the Deep State to be a credible fact, and not a CT. However, I do not think Trump is a genius just because some anon guy on 4chan says so. I think he is a clueless pawn in the hands of the "cowboys" (of Carol Quiqley's analysis), who seem to have the "yankees" balls in a vice. The Dems pathetic attacks are simply the last gasp of the "yankees" to rerun the election. If Q is not merely some elaborate prank, Q is merely putting the motivations and actions of the cowboys into Trump's mouth so that the illusion of democracy and the all-powerful president is maintained.
The cowboys are happy to let Trump pretend to be president. The cowboys are happy to let the yankees make complete fools of themselves, while the ccowboys feed juicy tidbits and scripts to people like Nunes. When the dust settles, the cowboy wing of the GOP will be completely in charge of the country, and no one will trust the Democrats, the FBI or independent prosecutors ever again. Big, big win for the cowboys.
That's my opinion. You are entitled to yours.
Here's another reference about the DS and Wall St.
by Peter Dale Scott, who has been documenting the Deep State since the days of the Kennedy assassinations.
Since when have we not been allowed to question capitalism?
The Deep State acts as the guardians and enforcers for the capitalist oligarchs. And yes Trump is an oligarch. I have never posted here that I support Trump personally or his policies. But if we are to have a chance of getting rid the evils of the economic system, we must dismantle those who guard it and enforce it worldwide. Do I believe Trump is trying to dismantle capitalism? No, but I do believe that he is trying to de-fang the Deep State, probably for his own purposes.
We the people have zero say in all of this. But if we have knowledge, then we have something in our arsenal against the Deep State and the oligarchs. Then we use our own critical thinking skills to discern what we may from it.
On a personal note, there has been only one subject that I have been hesitant to write about here at C99 because of the way my three previous essays on the subject were received. And that subject is the one that Alligator Ed has presented here.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We can't question capitalism here?
Weird. I thought that's what we have been doing. I've seen quite a few people saying that it's the root of all the evil in not only this country but it's everywhere.
The other thing is conspiracy theories. I don't believe that 19 men flew planes into the towers and two of them brought down 3 buildings, two that were built to withstand exactly that scenario. This is treated as a CT when it should be questioned.
I also think that the Deep State is much more than just capitalists protecting their profits. They are the ones who go around the world killing people, overthrowing governments and all kinds of nasty stuff. Your view might vary though.
Please remember that this site was created so that people can feel free to voice their opinions without being attacked because of it. We're all entitled to our opinions here, not just be an echo chamber.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thank you, gulfgal, for your comment
"Trump is not an idiot" essay, many of the commentators missed the point. In response to that essay, you correctly understood the message, but most comments were directed against Trump's character flaws, which are legion but were not pertinent to the issue of his strategic and tactical political genius.
Perhaps I don't communicate as clearly as I should because in response to this essay as well as theIn this essay, once again, many of the commentators, as is their prerogative, wandered off the narrow path I thought I was building. Yes, capitalism develops into an evil entity. Yes, the IC is an instrument of the DS. Yes. Yes. Yes. But I am writing about one single Intelligence operation, as you correctly perceive. I am not writing about the IC in toto.
I will probably venture into this swamp at some point...
...because I can't resist the entertainment value of good CT.
However, if I do so, I will do it with extreme trepidation. When you say:
...my shields go up instantly. The man is a crackpot (biogenic oil, Hitler escaped to Argentina), a noted righwing propagandist (trashed John Kerry's Viet Nam service), and a generally horrible creature (e.g., he's a birther).
As for the claim of intelligence background, it is not mentioned in the Wikipedia article that documents his extensive CT behavior. Could you please point me at a cite about his "intelligence background". Did it occur during the undocumented (below) nine years?
The fact that Q is acknowledged to be Nostradamus-like (i.e., vague predictions that can be re-interpreted after the event predicted), and the fact that one needs a "decoder" makes me feel that the whole thing is one long prank. Being on 4chan doesn't help.
Having said all that, I think you do c99p a valuable service by wading into this particular cesspool. Its just too stinky for me at this time. Plus, I just don't buy the premise that Trump is a political player.
My personal opinion is that Trump is a chump, a distraction, an eventual scapegoat. He may have made a deal with "true patriots", but he doesn't have the brains, the talent, or the troops to keep his silent partners honest. Trump is there to be the "warm body who can hold a pen" that Grover Norquist wanted. Trump is there to further destroy the govenment so the corporations can privatize everything. He is alsol there to take the fall when all our imperialist ventures and economic looting come crashing down. He is there to be the tearaway jersey for the far right to say "it wasn't us".
Just my opinion. I support your right to your opinion.
Dubya and Raygun served the same purpose.
And in a way, all presidents since Nixon have served said purpose no matter which faction of the Capitalist Party USA they happen to belong to. Guys like Ron Paul were the ones tearing away the jerseys and saying "it wasn't us" even though he went along with it the entire time while putting on a false honest front. I also think it's safe to say Sanders did the same given that he's obfuscating from the election fraud with the Russophobia narrative currently being plugged by the Porky Dem wing of the Capitalist Party.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I certainly agree about Raygun and DimSon
The point is that more and more people are waking up to the tearaway scenario. Both the left (Bill Clinton, Obama) and the right (DimSon, Trump) have charged the cape and been left goring thin air. They are beginning to recognize that all of politics is a farce that distracts from the last forty years of looting by the 1%.
I say to keep exposing the fact that all the rancid hacks and "malignant zealots" (Pankaj Mishra's excellent description) are funded by and work for the 1%. Keep banging away about not just the Deep State, but who owns the Deep State (Wall St). The 1% is deeply entrenched. They control just about every technical means of surveillance and propaganda. Disorganized individuals like us cannot successfully attack them head on. We can only find a parade that is attacking them (e.g., the anti-DS crowd) and get in front of it. The fact that Millenials are negative about capitalism is something to take comfort from. It is only by the slow work of changing the public perception that social change occurs. Right now, it is mostly the 1% tghat is working slowly, and quite successfully, and turning America into a high-tech Pottersville.
Recc’d for this great statement.
How apropos!
You made me read and listen to the first link
"Who and what is Q" and you said Q ="a modern political Nostradamus". But then you didn't say what else the guy in the video said of Q. He said "we are all Q".
So, I learned I am a Q. And you are a Q and all of us are Q. Great. Wow, we are all a Nostradamus now?
Big deal, heh? I started to listen to your second link, but gave up after a minute or so. I don't do dirt listening.
I am not a Q, I am a A, because I have all the Answers to all those frigging Questions.
Dr. Alligator. I have the answer to all that crap.
I hope it happens soon.
Oh, because I am a Q I am telling you, it will happen SOON. /s
Thank you, mimi Q for your comment.
ok, cheered me up - I go back to my kitchen where I belong
and dance a little to that song ...
Whether this is true or not, this part is
The lengths to which they corrupted our government offices to enrich themselves by selling out our country virtually ENSURED they'd walk.
As to the charges that some people in the government were involved in the uranium one deal, I can believe it. Hillary did this in plain view of everyone with her foundation and people yawned at it. Has any other SOS used her foundation as a favor factory and intervened for as many people that she did? I never heard of this being done before, nor did anyone's spouse have as much contact with the same people as Bill did.
Many corporations, banks and individuals were in deep doodoo with the government and especially the state department and they asked Hillary to help them from having to pay big fines. She did, they didn't. Plus we know that someone in the uranium deal donated millions to her foundation and that Bill also got paid to give another speech. $$$$$$$ sure follows wherever they go doesn't it? So why would we believe that they were the only ones who made money from it?
We also know that Hillary did hire someone to fund an investigation on her political opponent. This needs much more attention on it and hopefully it's happening. The foundation is being looked into from what I've heard.
Thanks for writing this, alligator. I have an open enough mind not to dismiss this.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
An explanation of sorts 2/11/18
Oooops! double post
Unless, of course, this is a
Unless, of course, this is a sort of troll of those who, if not convinced into believing that Tump's's cleaning out the previous Mob Organization for reasons not necessarily involving merely moving his own/Mercer's/other billionaires in, in this phase of The Battle of the Billionaires, would not otherwise support Trump...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.