Trump is not an idiot

Heresy! Gator--go back to the swamp. Well, communitarians, I have been exploring the swamp much of my life, and I can tell you is that you got your assessment mostly incorrect. Yes, Herr Drumpf's domestic policies are ruinous, callous, and environmentally destructive. Yes, his scheme for national privatization will fill the coffers of the 1%. This makes him a nogoodnik, not an idiot.

While I too have called him a variety of derogatory names, I have never underestimated his political genius. Back in the day when I was still associated with TOP, before the Ides of March purge, I wrote an article in early 2016 in which I predicted that the final presidential contest would be between Trump and Bernie. Back then I had no idea of the DNC perfidy. Were it not for that, my surmise would have been correct. I did not pick a winner between Bernie and Trump as in Jan. 2016 Bernie only about 5% name recognition.

But here is the essential point, which I have made in comments before: despite what you think about his domestic policies, Trump is a political genius. Think about it, as unemotionally as you can. He started last out of 18 other competitors, but was given a huge boost by HRC's corrupt team, instructing the Mostly Shit Media to plug Trump at every opportunity. One of her first colossal campaign mistakes. That helped Drumpf push through many of his opponents. Trump's brilliant branding helped off others from the debate stage like Lyin' Ted, Little Marco, and Low energy Jeb. Those simple ploys did those three in rather nicely. He hit the nail on the head! Perfect. Boom, they're gone.

Not having Bernie to worry about, the one Dem who had a real chance to beat him, he then took aim at "crooked Hillary" and how correct he was (and still is on that score).

Despite an almost universal media blackout from the MSM, with some exception from Faux Spews, he pressed his case to the American electorate through massive well-attended campaign rallies, studiously ignored by the MSM. Just like Bernie, Trump had 30,000 plus people at his rallies versus perhaps several hundred at Medusa's rallies.

Furthermore, he perfected an end-run against the MSM by massive Twitterizing. People who criticized him for doing this, mainly Demonrats and ignoramuses, failed to grasp the effectiveness of his tweets on the public. How many million followers did he have on the Blue Bird Telegraph? More than Medusa, that's for sure.

The Repugnant's Never Trumpers, led by John Songbird McCain could not slow the Trump train at all. Election day comes and with it HER never gets to enter the Forbidden Palace anymore. So the Donald finds himself with little Washington-type political experience surrounded not only by openly hostile Deep State operatives and Obama holdovers, but also presumably loyal Repugnants who were NeverTrumpers from the get go--like Rancid Penis, former GOP party head.

Plants from Obama's surplus supporters, not so overtly identified as such were appointed to the new administration, yet sooner or later given the heave ho. Donnie was a quick learner. When his WH became bogged down by inefficient and / or disloyal members, moving John Kelly from DHS to Chief of Staff was a great move. There is concern that Kelly is overly restrictive of who or what gets access to the President, but that's always been the case from the time of Edwin House in Woodrow "I Hate Blacks" Wilson's WH.

Dealing with the overtly Corrupt FBI and somewhat less overtly corrupt DOJ has required some time to overcome. Moving too fast would cause a coalescence of Dims and NeverTrumpers to expel him (impeachment primarily). However, with help of sympathetic Representatives (Nunes, Gody, Chaffets, etc.) he has been able to gradually outmaneuver opponents and in many cases eliminate them.

Trump has been significantly aided by Demonratic arrogance and stupidity who think he is merely a bumbling idiot--not realizing they are the fools he is slowly eliminating. This Russia-Russia-Russia gambit has been a loser from the start. Psychologically it is pure projection by Dims of what they themselves have done in regards with Russia dealing. Yet the theme has not only stagnated, the new "Republican memo" has completely destroyed, even before conspiracy degraded into "collusion" due to lack of proof. And now, the collusion part, dangling in the wind, to quote a Nixonian era phrase, has been supplanted by "obstruction of justice".

Trump's executive order including primarily confiscation of property for any person charged with child trafficking or other forms of pedophilia is genius. Some consider that this measure is no different than police seizure of material (money, property, guns, etc.) from people accused but not yet convicted of crimes. This it may be. But it ironically turns one of Hussein's Russophjobic projects, the International Magnitsky Act, on its head. Now the Hussein apparatchiks are under attack from the T men, representing a department Barry overlooked in his politization campaign.

Bannon, the now-exiled Trump enthusiast and neoNazi, likely prepared the ground for this move. But the underlying thesis is rock solid: take away the money and political fruit dies. Look at what happened to Antifa and BLM after Soros funding dried up. So much for principle--I just wanna get paid.

Sun Tzu

Maybe Trump is not the most literate or well-read of our presidents but he certainly knows where to look for advice. Not just the relatively modern Machievelli, but the venerable Sun Tzu, arguably the greatest genius on war.

Think of the doctrines which Trump has successfully utilized so far:

1. Disguise your goals--well done so far

2. When weak, appear strong--as he did in the first months of his term.

3. When strong, appear weak--which is now the current phase. What do you think all those sealed indictments mean? He WILL spring them when the time is most propitious, and the time may be within this month.

4. When cunning, appear foolish. This has been easy--even in this community, where his genius is underappreaciated. Do not conflate genius with approval for his benighted political agenda.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

And apparently 40% of the Merican people are dumb as a bag of hammers.
The perfect asshole to end the "American Experiment". Good luck to all.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

CB's picture

@Citizen Of Earth
the "American Experience".

He won the election because his intuitions allowed him to realize that American democracy is nothing but a three ring circus that puts on a show every 4 years. The Trumpeter is THE consummate huckster. It is the story of his entire life. All he had to do was follow his gut instincts when he entered the center ring. All her Heinous could manage were second rate dog and pony shows in the side rings.

The US democratic circus

Annual party convention season in the United States combines comedy, farce, and melodrama in one rip-roaring package of unadulterated entertainment that is to democracy what the Emperor Nero was to fire prevention.

The American people, and the world, are currently being treated to an annual parade of charisma-challenged, very rich and predominately white mummies, appearing on vast stages bedecked in Stars & Stripes and other symbols of US exceptionalism, reading prepared speeches from an autocue in front of audiences of placard-waving, holler-whooping people bused in from every town in the country.
Is there anybody anywhere who still believes that democracy and America are words that belong together in the same sentence? Rather than a government of the people, by the people, for the people, the truth of American democracy is, in the words of US economist Joseph Stiglitz, a government of the 1 percent, by the 1 percent, for the 1 percent.

Both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, rather than glowing examples of democracy in action, instead afford the 99 percent a ringside seat at the struggle between rival political representatives of the super rich for the privilege of being the one who will screw them over for the next four years. It is a contest to see which group of rich patrons, campaign donors, and corporate sponsors will gain most from whoever is in the White House next. A US presidential election is less about governing the country and more about dividing up the succulent, juicy pie of corporate welfare between those who already have too much yet still want more. For it is greed not democracy that drives politics in the land of the free, greed for money, power, prestige, status and fame.

But, yet, when it comes to foreign policy, at least Trump is not promising to wage war without end on the world and is less than enthusiastic about NATO. This alone marks him out as a refreshing departure from the norm.

Clinton, meanwhile, is a woman for whom foreign policy and cruise missiles are two sides of the same coin. She comes to the race as the progressive candidate, though only by dint of a grotesque mangling of the English language, could anyone willing the destruction of entire countries, gloating over the murder of an African leader, and threatening to unleash war on anyone that dares stand in America’s way be described as progressive.
This democratic circus of the RNC and DNC takes place as the presidency of Barack Obama winds down to its ignominious end. It is a two-term presidency that can he measured by the answer to one simple question. How many mothers are childless and children orphans as a result of the decisions his administration made over the last nine years? The question answers itself, as it does when applied to every US president and administration since the end of the Second World War, condemning each and every one with crimes against humanity committed on a mammoth scale.

It is why the gulf between the Hollywood circus that is the Republican and Democrat National Conventions – with their nauseating celebration of US exceptionalism – and the reality for the millions who have suffered and will continue to suffer regardless of who enters the White House this year exposes US democracy as a sham. It is the best that money can buy.

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snoopydawg's picture


Clinton, meanwhile, is a woman for whom foreign policy and cruise missiles are two sides of the same coin. She comes to the race as the progressive candidate, though only by dint of a grotesque mangling of the English language, could anyone willing the destruction of entire countries, gloating over the murder of an African leader, and threatening to unleash war on anyone that dares stand in America’s way be described as progressive.

The fact that people gave her a pass when she cackled with glee over Gaddafi's death should have immediately disqualified her from running for any office. And did Mitchell call her on this or look absolutely appalled and disgusted when she saw Her's reaction? Nope, she just kept her painted on smile in place.

Her supporters refused to see that she is a blood thirsty warmonger who could care less for the women and children in the countries she unleashed fire and hell on. Progressives? Hell no, blind sheep.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


The Trumpeter is THE consummate huckster. It is the story of his entire life. All he had to do was follow his gut instincts when he entered the center ring.

And fund appropriate publicity, which he was easily able to do.

The only greater huckster in human history is J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. (Provided, of course, that Trump and Dobbs aren't one and the same. I've never seen them together -- have you?)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

CB's picture

No way would that world class huckster stoop that low. He played the media like a cheap fiddle. In fact, he was so good at it he even got them playing dueling banjos to each other. It became a veritable 24 hour hootenanny.

Free media value total: Trump = $4.96 billion vs. Clinton = $3.24 billion

I hesitate to use the term “free media”, because Donald Trump earned his media coverage. He earned it from his bombastic and insulting statements, he earned it from pulling in massive crowds to his rallies, and he earned it from winning primary after primary. Whether by design or accident, he bypassed paid advertising to bask in the attention and validation of a 24-hour news cycle.

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snoopydawg's picture


Yes he played the media like a fiddle, but another reason he got so much attention was because of Hillary's Pied Piper plot. She told them to give him more attention than the other republican candidates and they gave him $2 billion worth.

Hillary did so many things that derailed her campaign. Calling his supporters deplorables was a very stupid move and I'm betting that if she hadn't used her private email server and been under FBI investigation during the campaign she might have squeaked out the win. Oh and not spend the last weeks of campaigning in California at rich people's fundraisers. She didn't need more money just before the election. She needed votes.

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CB's picture


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snoopydawg's picture


She rigged the primary, derided Bernie's health care plans and told her supporters that it will never, ever happen, asked if breaking up the banks would fix sexism, if raising the minimum wage would end racism and said that she would create a no fly zone over Syria . Her recent history of getting as much money for her foundation during her tenure as SOS and giving her speeches to Wall Street just before she "decided" to run for president were two other mistakes and there other things she did that I'm probably forgetting. When she cackled about Gaddafi's death on tv her career should have been over. Seriously, who does that? She showed everyone that she's a sociopath.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


Oh and not spend the last weeks of campaigning in California at rich people's fundraisers. She didn't need more money just before the election. She needed votes.

But not from us Deplorables! /s

I can just imagine living in a country run the Hillary Clinton way. (It's not pleasant!)

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Currently on this planet she, along with Soros and several others, can never have too much money, too much power, too much adulation. The world is not enough. But by squeezing so hard to get everything, she lost--and her losses will continue when Trump slaps her with the Magnitsky Act and Global Magnitsky Act. Never piss off a powerful narcissist.

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GreyWolf's picture

@CB Wink


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Lookout's picture

is aimed at giving him control of the apparatus...from my view.

no matter what people called he's played the media like the true con man he is. No, he's not a dumb ass...he's a self centered oligarch.

As to his reading material...
"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order , which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brenner wrote.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

of Hitler's "My New Order". If anything, he most likely would have fallen asleep after reading two paragraphs. This is not to say that the Trumpeter is stupid. His 'smarts' are of a different nature. He could never be another Hitler.

If you are interested in what the book has to offer:

BTW, Hitler held the US, it's government, it's industry and it's people in high esteem. Maybe that's why so many American bankers and industrialists were willing to help and finance Hitler's rise to power.

On America:

That the American Union was able to achieve such a threatening height is not based on the fact that million people form a State there, but on the fact that square kilometres of the most fertile and the richest soil is inhabited by million people of the highest race value.

On Russia:

Presentday Russia encompasses million people on million square kilometres. These people are also comprised in a State structure whose value, taken traditionally, would have to be even higher than that of the American Union. Despite this, however, it would never occur to anybody to fear a Russian hegemony over the world for this reason. No such inner value is attached to the number of the Russian people, so that this number could become a danger for the freedom of the world. At least never in the sense of an economic and power political rule of the other parts of the globe, but at best in the sense of an inundation of disease bacilli which at the moment have their focus in Russia.

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Amanda Matthews's picture


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

CB's picture

@Amanda Matthews
How many of the following traits does he exhibit?

Traits and signs

Four dimensions of narcissism as a personality variable have been delineated: leadership/authority, superiority/arrogance, self-absorption/self-admiration, and exploitativeness/entitlement.[6]

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Amanda Matthews's picture


What is a Psychopath l?

Trump had always had a battalion of lawyers to clean up his messes and get him out of trouble. He’s made many many mistakes in his business career and he’s probably nowhere near as wealthy as he says he is. If we could see the taxes, we’d know for certain. His reputation among the only people that matter to him (and that look at him like something they scraped off the bottom of their collective shoe) is what’s driving him. He absolutely HAS to be acknowledged as one of the ‘elite. A high-society nabob. That there is only one generation between himself and the originator of the family fortune, who got his start as a Canadian whorehouse ‘proprietor’’. has alway been a social ‘handicap. He’s tried for decades to break into the Winner’s Circle, He’s got to prove he’s as good or BETTER than everybody else. Hence ridiculous and brain dead shit like a military parade. His tremendous ego and the fact that he has no shame and will stoop to any depth to get what he wants will probably get him this too. That is how he’s gotten by so far. He’ll throw a tantrum and his minions and handlers will take care of the dirty work and the details. SUCH IS THE POWER OF GREAT WEALTH.

Trump has traits of narcissism, but his sbsolute lack of guilt suggests to me he’s worse, As he navigates through life he instinctively understands he neefs people smarter and just as amoral and ethicality bankrupt as he is to handle all details from running interference for him to figuring out how to solve his problems and get him out of all his legal entanglements When he tries he does stupid shit like call up a journalist and says his name is John Millet and he goes soaring off into Bizarro World with his nonsense. Listen to it. It’s the same thing he does now when he gets up on the podium. (And within minutes there's half a dozen press releases clarifying what President Loose Canon just said or did, which pisses him off to no end.)

The Trump Files: Listen to Donald Brag About His Affairs—While Pretending to Be Someone Else
This may be his best fake-spokesman moment ever.

Trump ran against someone who did everything wrong. Someone who thought that if the spotlight was constantly on the classless, venal buffoon then that was to her favor, All he did was lie his ass off, but they were the right lies. And he talkef to people, not at or down to them. He’s a con-man who hires handlers and flunkies that are as vicious and ethically bankrupt as he is. But someone else does the thinking until Trump’s ego gets bruised and then he just gets rid of that person and finds someone else.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

CB's picture

@Amanda Matthews
He presents fewer of the traits identified with a psychopath but almost all of those of a narcissist.

Hotchkiss identified what she called the seven deadly sins of narcissism:[9]

Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.

Magical thinking: Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to "dump" shame onto others.

Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may "reinflate" their sense of self-importance by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person or their achievements.

Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.

Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other person is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.

Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other.

I haven't see him considering visiting death and destruction on others and laughing about it afterwards. He is also capable of long term planning for gratification. I also believe if he was a true psychopath he would have been more successful in business. I think one of the main reasons he won't show his tax returns is because he is not as wealthy as he purports to be. He carries a lot of debt and he doesn't own many of the properties that bear his name. Like a true egocentric narcissist, he has leased his name due to it's high recognition.

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Amanda Matthews's picture


Under the Trump administration, US airstrikes are killing more civilians


According to research from the nonprofit monitoring group Airwars, the first seven months of the Trump administration have already resulted in more civilian deaths than under the entirety of the Obama administration. Airwars reports that under Obama’s leadership, the fight against IS led to approximately 2,300 to 3,400 civilian deaths. Through the first seven months of the Trump administration, they estimate that coalition air strikes have killed between 2,800 and 4,500 civilians.

Researchers also point to another stunning trend – the “frequent killing of entire families in likely coalition airstrikes.” In May, for example, such actions led to the deaths of at least 57 women and 52 children in Iraq and Syria.

The vast increase in civilian deaths is not limited to the anti-IS campaign. In Afghanistan, the U.N. reports a 67 percent increase in civilian deaths from U.S. airstrikes in the first six months of 2017 compared to the first half of 2016.

He simply doesn’t give a damn.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

CB's picture

@Amanda Matthews

I don't believe the military trusts or respects Trump and have taken control. They are capable of manipulating managing Trump into making the "right decisions". Their problem is Trump shooting off his twitter finger at 3AM before they can tell advise him what he should be saying. They have probably also replaced the contents of the Football with a real football - just in case.

BTW, history has shown that even Obama did not have full control as was seen with the schizophrenic decisions made in Syria.

Mattis delegates down and manages up in tricky Trump relationship

New documents shed light on the quiet influence on the commander in chief of Trump's general-turned-defense secretary.
Greater access to the Oval Office

That access to Trump is viewed as unusual in the recent annals of secretaries of defense.

While previous presidents met regularly with their Pentagon chief, the sessions were typically less frequent and included the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a “full cast of characters” from the White House, the senior administration official relayed.

But during his first six months on the job, Mattis interacted with Trump more than 30 times in small group settings — with just the president or just a few aides in the room, according to a copy of his full calendar from January through June that the government released to the transparency watchdog group AltGov 2.
Delegating down

While managing up with Trump, inside the Pentagon, Mattis is managing down. He is credited with delegating more authority to lower levels for quicker decision-making.

That is most prominently on display in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and terrorist groups in Somalia and Yemen.

Battlefield commanders have been allowed to move small numbers of special operations troops and other forces closer to the front lines without first getting signoff from the White House, as they had to under the Obama administration. And in Iraq and Syria, colonels nearer to the fight can now sign off on airstrikes that previously had to be approved by generals.

“There has not been a single request for delegation made by Secretary Mattis that has not been approved by the president,” the senior administration official said of such efforts.

When it comes to running the Pentagon bureaucracy, Mattis has similarly sought to decentralize decisions, several current and former Pentagon officials said.

'Mad Dog' Mattis is very aggressive.

"Take us on and it will be your worst day and your longest day."
"I need to make the military more lethal. Some people think I’m supposed to be an equal opportunity employer."

Will this be the new look of American Special Forces?

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Amanda Matthews's picture


are doing what they want. And I’m sure he doesn’t give a damn. He wants what he wants and that is to be the most powerful man in the world, even if it’s just in his own mind. Like all his big talk about nuclear weapons. He practically yanked his penis off on that threat. Waving it in the world’s collective face. “Look at me. I’m putting nuclear weapons on the table!”

That and and miling his position for everything he can are all he really cares about.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

snoopydawg's picture

@Amanda Matthews

From dropping bombs on them to killing them through sanctions. The Iraqi sanctions did much more than killing $500,000 kids, they killed many women because drugs for cancers were blocked as well as other pharmaceuticals.

This talks about the sanctions on NK and how it's known that they affect civilians more than the bloated Kim.

Sanctions Against the Most Vulnerable

The North Korean economy has been built over the last 65 years to withstand the U.S. economic blockade in place since the Korean War. But the new round of sanctions, including those imposed by the UN Security Council, target major sectors of the North Korean economy that have nothing to do with nuclear weapons or missiles, or even luxury goods for the Kim regime.

According to political economist and University of Sussex Professor Kevin Gray, measures contained in the UN resolution that passed last September belie its claims that they’re “not intended to have adverse humanitarian consequences for the civilian population.” Instead of succeeding in forcing North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, these U.S.-led sanctions have been hitting North Korean civilians, especially the most vulnerable.

A report by the Nautilus Institute from the same month spelled out what the sanctions could mean for civilians and the North Korean environment more broadly:

“The immediate primary impacts of responses to oil and oil products cut-offs will be on welfare; people will be forced to walk or not move at all, and to push buses instead of riding in them. There will be less light in households due to less kerosene, and less on-site power generation. There will be more deforestation to produce biomass and charcoal used in gasifiers to run trucks, leading to more erosion, floods, less food crops, and more famine. There will be less diesel fuel to pump water to irrigate rice paddies, to process crops into foodstuffs, to transport food and other household necessities, and to transport agricultural products to markets before they spoil.”

Why other countries go along with our killing sanctions is something else I'll never understand. Civilians have no control over their governments and their leaders don't care about them. This is murder.

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@Amanda Matthews

... Researchers also point to another stunning trend – the “frequent killing of entire families in likely coalition airstrikes.” In May, for example, such actions led to the deaths of at least 57 women and 52 children in Iraq and Syria. ...

He horrified everyone by saying that the families of terrorists should be murdered, too, think it may have been back before the election... I was reminded instantly of that when I read your post...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

@CB @CB Collective Narcissism

Collective narcissism (or group narcissism) is a type of narcissism where an individual has an inflated self-love of his or her own ingroup, where an "ingroup" is a group in which an individual is personally involved.[49] While the classic definition of narcissism focuses on the individual, collective narcissism asserts that one can have a similar excessively high opinion of a group, and that a group can function as a narcissistic entity.[49] Collective narcissism is related to ethnocentrism; however, ethnocentrism primarily focuses on self-centeredness at an ethnic or cultural level, while collective narcissism is extended to any type of ingroup beyond just cultures and ethnicities.[49][50]

The Establishment Democrats perfectly epitomize this description.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Amanda Matthews

But someone else does the thinking until Trump’s ego gets bruised and then he just gets rid of that person and finds someone else.
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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Alligator Ed

A very good explanation of why Trump got rid of Bannon

But someone else does the thinking until Trump’s ego gets bruised and then he just gets rid of that person and finds someone else.

At which point it's just "go back, Jack, and do it again".

Wheel turnin' round and round.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@Amanda Matthews

Nice analysis!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Amanda Matthews's picture

@Ellen North

they have no conscience. They’ll use or find common cause with anyone from the Mafia to scum like Steve Bannon or Corey Lewandowsky (or however you spell it). Of course that’s a trait he has in common with The Clinton Creature. David Brock, Robby Mook, or that grifter Sidney Blumenthal, shouldn’t be allowed around ‘polite’ society (whatever that may mean) either.

But I don’t think Trump would have gotten anywhere close to the Oval Office without all the free publicity TCC and her media minions gave him, as so many others have pointed out. What strikes me as funny about that is I wonder if the other Repubbie candidates understood what was going on and were ‘bothered’ by the tactic of pushing Trump into the the number one position in the Nightly News? All that opportunity for Trump to say anything he wanted and havig it all show up in news broadcasts ,and Good Morning America, or all the whining by the Tweety’s and Scarborough’s. That took coverage away from their campaigns. She contributed to their defeat almost as much as Trump did (IMO) in the primaries.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

Gawd, yeah, billions in TV face-time, he was running against The Mad Bomber TPP-pushing Fracking Queen, he took the trouble to lie in telling the people what they wanted to hear - but also a number of the multi-millionaires/billionaires got pissy and publicly dumped the Dems officially because they failed to stop the words 'billionaire and millionaires' being mentioned and their actions criticized by Berniecrat Dems, which I personally suspect had something to do with the Electoral College, which she'd had in the bag before the nominations even started, going for Trump instead.

2 of the only 3 remaining examples (the 3rd being a duplicate of one) found on search (all emphasis in all following, mine):

Billionaire Threatens Democratic Party

Discussion in 'Politics and News' started by bshole, Nov 13, 2017.

This is about as stone cold as you can get. This wealthy fucker has the balls to say that if the Democratic Party mentions the wealthy in a negative way again he will cut off all funding. My response, go *** yourself. People like you are a virus, You are the worst humans in America and you have hollowed us out with your filthy politician buying money. Why do you get to talk personally with our leaders you piece of shit?

“I’ve talked to [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer, I’ve talked to [Senator Ron] Wyden, I’ve talked to [House Minority Leader Nancy] Pelosi, and I said, ‘If you use the term billionaires again, I’m done,’”
“We all want to do well. And we should be the party of doing well. We should be a party of business and leadership.”
“It is very, very disturbing when I hear the ‘millionaire’ and ‘billionaire’ word and I’ve told them to stop it, knock it off, I’ve made it very clear, I’ll cut your money off and others will do the same. We’ve had enough.”
“It’s fractured, it’s broken. We need a new brand,” ...

Sounds more like a fait accompli than a public threat at that point, doesn't it?

Dunno if this is the same guy, same sort of thuggish language to 'his employees'...

RoseAnn DeMoro‏Verified account @RoseAnnDeMoro

Millionaire threatens to cut off Democrats for going "too far left." Progressives say 'GOODBYE!'

MSNBC host: “People say they can’t stand the rich but everyone wants to be rich.”

Cloobeck: "I told Pelosi and Schumer, if you attack the rich I'll cut you off!"

8 Nov 2017

Trump’s Electoral College Victory Ranks 46th in 58 Elections


President Donald J. Trump has claimed he won the electoral vote in a “landslide,” but he ranks below most presidents in the electoral vote and popular vote margins. ...

The Electoral College Meets Monday. Here’s What to Expect.


... These meetings of the Electoral College, convened in every state and the District of Columbia just shy of six weeks after Election Day, have long been little more than a formality.

But the victory of President-elect Donald J. Trump, who lost the popular vote but is projected to win the most electoral votes, has thrust the Electoral College into the spotlight once more. The conclusion of American intelligence agencies that Russia tried to intervene in the election to harm Hillary Clinton’s campaign has only intensified the focus in recent days.

President Obama on Friday described the Electoral College — originally a compromise between those who wanted Congress to choose the president and those who favored a popular vote — as a “ vestige.” ...

I'd suspect rather that the (oft-cheated) popular vote in (rigged) elections is evidently regarded as a "vestige".

But if Hillary actually got more votes despite however many millions of Americans turning into 'Russian propagandists' based on her record, attitude, corruption, behaviours, policies and... much too long a list to repeat here, why would the Electoral College she'd already predominately captured decide to vote against her - and how did Super-Putin The Magically Ubiquitous manage to influence the Electoral College against her? Was he responsible for the billionaires firing the Dems as well?

But Hillary naturally daren't blame the Electoral College and those adored Big Funders actually responsible for her losing Her Turn, so it became virtually everyone else's fault, as well as RUSSIA's!!! although it's now really far more Russia's than the voters or DNCs and everyone else's, who seemingly aren't even being mentioned anymore, although probably still on the Clinton's 'enemy' list.

That's kinda my theory at this point, at any rate.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Meteor Man's picture

Did Schumer and Pelosi sell out The Dreamers and agree to a massive increase in military spending because Trump is a genius?

Did Trump get his tax cuts based on his astute political acumen or because he is Grover Norquist's idiot with five fingers?

Did Trump personally select the administrative henchmen who are deconstructing the HHS, EPA, Dept. of Education, etc. or were they fed to him by Republican operatives from ALEC, The Heritage Foundation and other well established conservative institutions?

Does Trump handpick judicial appointments or get them from The Federalist Society?

Is Trump manipulating Fox News or is he being manipulated?

All I am saying is that there are a lot of motivated players in the background who deserve equal credit.

[Edit. I overlooked one] Does Trump write his own speeches?

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

snoopydawg's picture

@Meteor Man

they're dumber than rocks. This has been the oligarchs' wet dream since, well forever. The corporations hate any regulations that get in the way of their business. As people are well aware, the Kochs are libertarians and they hate everything to do with the government, especially the money that goes towards social programs and social security.

What I'm seeing from Trump getting to play president is all the cover of a legitimate government being blown off. We're seeing how congress is at the beck and call of their donors, the military is just the muscle for corporations and that people are very disposable. They will take our money through taxes and give it to whatever the Hell they want, except to fully fund the programs we want. We know that the military budget could be cut by more than half and there would still be enough to keep the country safe. It needs more for its foreign adventures.

The government does not work for us and any chance we have to overthrow it is getting slimmer by the day. We won't just have to deal with the police, but private contractors as well if we ever rise up. We're going to have to get creative.

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Meteor Man's picture

Exactly what I'm talking about, Hat Tip to Naked Capitalism links:

Donald Trump’s Thinking on Nukes Is Insane and Ignorant Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone. Lambert: “Again, Obama builds the car, the Trump drives it.”

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

hecate's picture

has filed suit in federal court, seeking a permanent injunction debarring use of the phrase "Trump is dumb as dirt," maintaining this is libel and defamation per se.

Exhibit #458685616664(a)(2): his channeling of Dr. Seuss this morning in the twitlers:

some are true
and some are false
some are old
and some are new
there is no recovery
for someone falsely accused

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

@hecate @hecate
Yeah I guess his ex-wife with the black eye walked into a wall.
Trump supporters are the dumbest fucks eva. Hahaha.

Edit: So You Made Me Look At Trumps Twitter Feed

He has been twittering all day. Literally a tweet an hour. How is that Fat Orange Ass running a country and twittering all day.
I'm speechless.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

@Citizen Of Earth
Wife beater Rob Porter and his new GF, Hope Hicks. If you see her wearing sunglasses you'll know why.
And Gen Kelly, I wonder how many troops died in pointless wars to get this rotten ass into the White House?

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Citizen Of Earth "Oh Lordy, please help me find more ways to kill the innocent without nuclear weapons."

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@Citizen Of Earth

I believe he delegates; the fossil fuel/mining industry decides who to attack next/more, the military Generals do the actual war stuff, the corporations tear up the people's protections, the billionaires design the tax plans/budgets, private contractors do the spying-on-the-citzens stuff, the drones do the drone stuff, 'ya know, same old, same old, only more so now than ever.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

gulfgal98's picture

our personal feelings about Trump and his policies from what I believe that Alligator Ed is saying here. There is very little I could say in a positive way about Trump the person or about his policies which seem to be hell bent on making the rich even richer.

But I will give him this. One of the big reasons Trump won is the complete and utter failure of the Democrats to understand the degree of anger there was among the people. While Hillary hid behind close doors in fancy mansions fund raising (even just two weeks before the election) and avoided the little people like the plague, Trump was out among the people. He also spoke in the vernacular of the common man, not in wonk speak that Clinton did. Trump is definitely not an intellectual. But I have to agree with Alligator Ed that he has very smartly used the system to his advantage.

Trump is definitely a narcissist who could likely prove to be a sociopath, but Clinton is a known sociopath who cackled at the death of Qaddafi and the destruction of the most advanced nation in the region that once had the highest standard of living and education. The result is now open slave auctions in the streets of Libya and a nation in tatters.

In addition, instead of listening to the people, the Democrats insist upon continuing the Russia witch hunt which is why right now I am having a hard time defending a political party that led to the creation of a Donald Trump and has shown it would prefer the election of a Republican to that of a real progressive. It boggles my mind that the Democratic party would rather die and let people in the country die than to actually change.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Amanda Matthews's picture


It boggles my mind that the Democratic party would rather die and let people in the country die than to actually change.

Getting rid of those in charge is the change we need. And yes, they would rather see us dead than lose their power and their comfy, privileged lives.

The phrase “we’re all in this together” has become obsolete. As far as they’re concerned its strictly ‘every man, woman, and child for themselves’.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

snoopydawg's picture


It boggles my mind that the Democratic party would rather die and let people in the country die than to actually change.

I agree wholeheartedly with you on this. As others have stated, Hillary was the worst person to run after Obama's presidency. People saw what happened to them in his 8 years and heard Hillary saying that she was going to continue doing the same things that he did.

It's very obvious that the democrats are the same as the republicans. CB posted that the elections are between two sides of the elites and basically it really doesn't matter which side wins.

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GreyWolf's picture

@gulfgal98 "But I have to agree with Alligator Ed that [Trump] has very smartly used the system to his advantage."

Yeap, just talk like the rednecks about wetbacks while he steals the rednecks' money ... easy peezy, this ain't rocket science.

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@gulfgal98 for citing personal feelings.

I think Trump is much like Clinton. The opposing side just seems to go bat-shit crazy over them for really no reason.

Trump is Trump. People think that WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) with Trump, and they are correct (in all his contradictory glory).

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The 1% is thriving as ever, his working class voters love him (without realizing he is destroying them) and other than crass, untoward tweets, he is doing what the last 8 presidents did. They all hurt us. They all took our labor, our education, our property, our health from us. They all sent some of us to war. They all persecuted us for our dissent, and they all sent us to prison.
He didn't manage to kill off ACA, but that wasn't his fault.
He hasn't done anything for us.
And he won't, because presidents since Nixon just don't.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp his working class voters.

His tax policy means more $$ in their pockets, regardless of the fact that the wealthier are getting wealthier. His job creation stuff has been a mixed bag, but at least he talks about it, unlike the stupid dems.

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GreyWolf's picture

Great article - yeah, everything is spot on.

This article is actually like a metaphor to me -- meaning - - half the shit in the world, in society, is bullshit - capitalism, the judicial system, heck, even constitutionalism - and it is all so obvious, yet everybody is 'looking elsewhere,' (meaning - paying attention to something insignificant).

Trump is a ballsy buffoon and a rich conman ... but everybody is 'looking elsewhere.'
Capitalism is a rich man's con upon the starving serfs ... but everybody is looking elsewhere.
etc, etc, such as:

'More jobs, more jobs'? The more jobs created, then the more that the exploited value goes to the wealthy, so 'more jobs' obviously would increase the problem ... 'better jobs' would at least be a logical chant, and I don't know what would be chanted to achieve 'self-directed worker-owned enterprises', (As Prof. Wolff would say Wink but nobody is looking that way anyway ... if they ain't chanting 'more jobs,' they are probably chanting 'more votes,' which is just as silly as 'more jobs,' regardless of what kind of jobs, or votes, they are.

So, with even Bernie chanting 'more jobs', that seems to be the prevailing delusion these days. Which will obviously accelerate the growth of wealth at the top, and the relative desperation at the bottom. So America will get more jobs, and the wealth disparity will increase, and the workers will take on more debt to try to stay afloat, which will accelerate the wealth disparity, so the people will call for 'more jobs,' which they will get ...

And the comments here are awesome too ... I'm gonna have to comment somewhere there too.

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and if he could make it through the duration, and he was and did.
That doesn’t mean I like him, his policies or what he stands for, it
it just means I don’t see him as having dementia or as being an idiot.
An asshole yes, which makes him all that much more dangerous.

inspector Clouseau, Maxwell Smart no, an evil version of what appears
to be a bumbling Colombo, Monk, yes perhaps. An idiot savante?

As one person put he knows how to appeal to his base by throwing them raw meat
while all the while squeezing them dry.
That takes some sort of con level genius on his part to do that as did turning the election debates into
the Gerry Springer show.

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